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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 695 KB, 606x850, Look at those rats shit must be tight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5380588 No.5380588 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread reached the bump limit: >>5369256
/jp/'s very own music stream is still alive!

Upload/request music using your browser: http://skully.hopto.org:4095
Listen to the stream using your music player: http://skully.hopto.org:8000

Clearly being Touhou-related is a thing of the past. Just don't dump lots of shit that everyone hates.

You can't upload files that contain japanese characters in the filename. Pyonta-kun is aware of the problem and is working on a solution.
Stream may play NSFW music (ero drama, noodle slurping etc.)
Feedback/suggestions are appreciated.
Webinterface is crap. Pyonta-kun will fix it when he feels like it.
Main server holds 12 users. Anon hosted a relay server which also holds 12 users. You should be redirected to it automatically if the main is full.(if not: http://yamaxanadu.tarball.us:8000/ )

>> No.5380606

Needs more boston.

>> No.5380607 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 666x638, 2578260332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys like OPERATORS? How about OPERATORS OPERATING OPERATIONALLY? Well, good news, because there's a site that's dedicated to OPERATORS like you --OPERATORchan!

Join us for 18 boards of AWESOME weapons discussion. OPERATORchan is an imageboard totally focused around weapons, militaries and similar topics. Talk about gear, Airsoft, weapons; even survival, food & hunting in an OPERATOR-friendly environment. Visit us today! You have nothing to lose, and a great board to gain!


irc.rizon.net #/k/

See you there!

>> No.5380625

oh hey my shitty mix is coming up.

Preparing for mass stream exodus.

>> No.5380790

>Number Girl

>> No.5380817

That was totally ok although it seemed like 4:1 original:touhou

>> No.5380815 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 500x454, 1063776851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys like OPERATORS? How about OPERATORS OPERATING OPERATIONALLY? Well, good news, because there's a site that's dedicated to OPERATORS like you --OPERATORchan!

Join us for 18 boards of AWESOME weapons discussion. OPERATORchan is an imageboard totally focused around weapons, militaries and similar topics. Talk about gear, Airsoft, weapons; even survival, food & hunting in an OPERATOR-friendly environment. Visit us today! You have nothing to lose, and a great board to gain!


irc.rizon.net #/k/

See you there!

>> No.5380826

I liked it.

>> No.5381106


All of the songs in there were from the big touhou torrent (almost all alstroemeria records, too)... oh well.

We need some kero kero in this bitch, I tell you ho what.

>> No.5381108 [DELETED] 
File: 1.77 MB, 1775x1196, 7898600343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys like OPERATORS? How about OPERATORS OPERATING OPERATIONALLY? Well, good news, because there's a site that's dedicated to OPERATORS like you --OPERATORchan!

Join us for 18 boards of AWESOME weapons discussion. OPERATORchan is an imageboard totally focused around weapons, militaries and similar topics. Talk about gear, Airsoft, weapons; even survival, food & hunting in an OPERATOR-friendly environment. Visit us today! You have nothing to lose, and a great board to gain!


irc.rizon.net #/k/

See you there!

>> No.5381151

>Vlad Tepes x 10
should I be worried about this?

>> No.5381179



>> No.5381252

It's all metal, so no shit.

>> No.5381253 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 449x308, 8845755738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys like OPERATORS? How about OPERATORS OPERATING OPERATIONALLY? Well, good news, because there's a site that's dedicated to OPERATORS like you --OPERATORchan!

Join us for 18 boards of AWESOME weapons discussion. OPERATORchan is an imageboard totally focused around weapons, militaries and similar topics. Talk about gear, Airsoft, weapons; even survival, food & hunting in an OPERATOR-friendly environment. Visit us today! You have nothing to lose, and a great board to gain!


irc.rizon.net #/k/

See you there!

>> No.5381258

Can I hijack this stream and just play ska?

>> No.5381304

>almost all alstroemeria

Aha, that would be why I couldn't recognize the song most of the time.

>> No.5381315

This is fucking kvlt

>> No.5381320


>> No.5381327

Are you serious? WTF is this shit? Turned it off after 30 seconds, just like last time I bothered to try this.

Bro I think you're being subtly trolled, people are just uploading shit to your server to mess with you.

>> No.5381339

Uh I don't think the trolling is so subtle

But it's not pure distilled trolling, the uploaders likely enjoy what they're uploading and some other listeners do too.

>> No.5381343

God, I need to get around to figuring out how to stream things.

I know someone besides be listens to post-ironic beardcore

>> No.5381367

Well then if everyone knows it's happening, stop making these threads! They're an abomination against God.

>> No.5381365 [DELETED] 
File: 169 KB, 500x454, 7332349283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys like OPERATORS? How about OPERATORS OPERATING OPERATIONALLY? Well, good news, because there's a site that's dedicated to OPERATORS like you --OPERATORchan!

Join us for 18 boards of AWESOME weapons discussion. OPERATORchan is an imageboard totally focused around weapons, militaries and similar topics. Talk about gear, Airsoft, weapons; even survival, food & hunting in an OPERATOR-friendly environment. Visit us today! You have nothing to lose, and a great board to gain!


irc.rizon.net #/k/

See you there!

>> No.5381374 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 350x275, 4046008912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys like OPERATORS? How about OPERATORS OPERATING OPERATIONALLY? Well, good news, because there's a site that's dedicated to OPERATORS like you --OPERATORchan!

Join us for 18 boards of AWESOME weapons discussion. OPERATORchan is an imageboard totally focused around weapons, militaries and similar topics. Talk about gear, Airsoft, weapons; even survival, food & hunting in an OPERATOR-friendly environment. Visit us today! You have nothing to lose, and a great board to gain!


irc.rizon.net #/k/

See you there!

>> No.5381455

Hope you guys like Eva themed grind.

>> No.5381461

threads rule sorry

>> No.5381556

Honestly, Vlad is better than that incredibly generic Miku song.

>> No.5381578 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 1144x816, 8808337061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys like OPERATORS? How about OPERATORS OPERATING OPERATIONALLY? Well, good news, because there's a site that's dedicated to OPERATORS like you --OPERATORchan!

Join us for 18 boards of AWESOME weapons discussion. OPERATORchan is an imageboard totally focused around weapons, militaries and similar topics. Talk about gear, Airsoft, weapons; even survival, food & hunting in an OPERATOR-friendly environment. Visit us today! You have nothing to lose, and a great board to gain!


irc.rizon.net #/k/

See you there!

>> No.5381616

We don't have many Miku songs on there.

Also metal still sucks ass and the shittiness of the music is only beaten out by the base.

>> No.5381677
File: 19 KB, 277x400, mutiilation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LLN strong!!!!

>> No.5382314
File: 111 KB, 600x746, 1272213624843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coming soon; BORIS

>> No.5382377


I am a far seer, ya' know.

>> No.5382392

I will have uploaded Boris' entire discography including collaborations by the time OP gets bored with doing this.

>> No.5382399


And by OP I meant Pyonta.

>> No.5382407

Whatever, my point was it was such a bland paint by numbers anime sounding song that my brain perked up when the Vlad started again.

>> No.5382447

Why can't you fucks just upload good /jp/ related music?

>> No.5382602

Someone broke it again. ( ´_ゝ`)

>> No.5382816


>> No.5382852

Is it still borked?

>> No.5383044

So, do you guys seriously only listen to Miku songs and Touhou remixes? I still can't believe there are so many people here who never heard noise and drone until now.

NEETs have so much free time, you'd think they'd use it to look up all kinds of different shit including music genres.

>> No.5383057


Don't "look" at me. I'm uploading Touhou music AND Vidya music.

>> No.5383072


NP: Sunn O))) & Boris - The Sinking Belle (Blue Sheep)

>> No.5383074

Oh wow a non-shitty Boris song?

>> No.5383098

Did the anon's server die?

>> No.5383114

The strength that resides in contemplation
Bathes me in silver starlight
I will lead this beast on a chain of flowers
Fear not the Jaws that devour soul

Between two pillars I have sat
Great oxen in the periphery
I ride in full course swift
Through the dark night and the rain pours down
You are a daughter of heaven
12 stars circle your brow
But you do not see them and the rain pours down
Our time in this garden is past

>> No.5383129

>Jaws that devour soul

Read that as "Jews that devour soul"

But thanks, now I can actually understand what they are screaming about

>> No.5383154

This is terrible. How people can call this "music" is beyond me.

>> No.5383178

Oh, missed Sunn o))) and Boris. My favourite Drone album ever.

>> No.5383198
File: 62 KB, 500x573, black-metal-v-day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn you guys, the more I listen to black metal on this stream the more I like it. Well the melodic kind at least. Still can't listen to stuff like Vlad Tepes.

>> No.5383206

I'll upload some cool ones while I dump Diverse System.

>> No.5383210

I love those violin breakdowns.

>> No.5383232

Stop circlejerking around and just upload some Touhou for fucking sake.

>> No.5383236


David Tibet is a Touhou.

>> No.5383271

Fuck yeah Machinae Supremacy, someone listens to real music

>> No.5383295

Stream has been dead to me for a while, but this is really mutilating the corpse.

>> No.5383304

I'll put some stuff on this tomorrow, good work, gentlemen~

>> No.5383316

I can understand the drone/black metal/rap hate, but what do you have against Machinae Supremacy?

>> No.5383330

Nothing, it's the second half of the post that I have a problem with.

>> No.5383376
File: 470 KB, 1129x1600, 1270591699636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5383389

Oh noes! Shitty music again!
Time to upload something.
Yesterday some ~45 of the 57 songs I uploaded were bland enough that no one even commented once in the thread, I'll aim to break that record today.
Hmmm, should I focus more on pop today, or some rock and light punk?

>> No.5383391

Is there a better way to learn about different music genres than picking random genres and downloading some popular songs? I'd be more inclined to if that process was streamlined.

>> No.5383392

If you want comments, ask for comments.

>> No.5383396

No, I'm actually quite pleased with that result - there were no negative comments, so it means no one hated it too much - that's enough for me.

>> No.5383410

You can try going through random music blogs and download full albums from them. Each blog usually focuses on one genre.

>> No.5383507

That tiny tiny clever commander

>> No.5383515
File: 126 KB, 600x600, l_6c7a0046945a79d50617ff28138ced91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5383519

>Insect Warfare - 53 Untitled Tracks

What is this shit

>> No.5383521


When I hear songs such as this, I wonder are you even trying to sing or is the point of the song just to make as many random voices as possible...

>> No.5383522 [DELETED] 

iMMeDIAtElY rEMoVe yOur ILleGAl ClONE OF aT frOm YOUR ServER, CHRIST-stUffeR bI-PooLaR BeAr, and reDIRECT IT (And thE StOlen at DomAin) TO WWW.AnonTALK.sE. ALso Put a TeXT aD ON 4Chan TO aT foR x moNtHs TO compenSATE FoR the loST TrAfFiC thAt yOu hAve CAUSEd WiTh yoUr iLlegal PRActicEs. tHis Is yoUR chancE tO SEt ThiNgs riGht. if the pERSoN reaDinG ThIs IS nOt "MOOT", E-Mail him at MoOT@4ChAn.ORg And Put pRESsuRe oN HIM TO Set tHInGS rigHt. Thank You for lisTeninG. mapgswykxwflzwxefxglkryp

>> No.5383529

I think it's interesting.

>> No.5383541

I don't know if this has been said before, but the fact that you can upload unlimitedly but make requests only until there are 20 songs in the queue supports hijacking the stream.

Maybe making the amount of allowed requests dependent on the amount of uploaded songs in the queue, would be a good idea.
And taking a hard look at the priority system could help too.

>> No.5383555

If you're going to post death metal at least upload something good like: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKGiOY72ru4

>> No.5383565


All death metal is shit, even normal metal is shit

>> No.5383566

That's not death metal, you fool, it's grindcore.

>> No.5383575

Ok, I'm starting to upload my shit for today - if someone plans to upload something now would be a good time, I chose varied stuff, but even more variety would be good.
I'm not uploading any touhou today, so for example some of that would be good.

>> No.5383576


Same shit

>> No.5383589

Please don't upload too fast.

>> No.5383596

Oh shush you.

>> No.5383612
File: 75 KB, 1024x683, instback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually it's noisecore, see respect list.

>> No.5383664

Stream is still alive

>> No.5383682

Wow this brings me back. I played the shit out of this when I beat Portal back in the day.

>> No.5383684

Maximum is now 100. At the moment, I don't even know how the priority system currently works.

>> No.5383690

Another feature that would be useful: Ability to move your own songs lower down the list. Not up. Just down. That way you could stagger them without waiting for others to upload.

>> No.5383695

Dat Boris

>> No.5383700

Someone upload more Touhou so I can upload more non-touhou and not feel bad about it.

>> No.5383703


>> No.5383707

Pyonta-kun is online and not skipping Boris? So you like this song?

>> No.5383738

>A Looming Resonance

Did they really have to make this song 13 minutes long?

>> No.5383748

Remote control. Don't press your luck.

>> No.5383769

Their next track is 25 minutes. What?

>> No.5383778

Stop uploading black metal, niggers

>> No.5383784

>(A Shimmering Radiance) Diadem of Twelve Stars
>no female vocals

This sucks, the female voice was the best part of the song.

>> No.5383788

At least stop uploading bad black metal like Wolves in the Throne Room

>> No.5383796

Thank god, Pyonta-kun skipped it.

>> No.5383803


>> No.5383804

My ears hurt so much now, I need a break from music.

>> No.5383813

Please don't skip the current song, Pyonta-kun.

>> No.5383824


>> No.5383851

Oh, this one is quite nice.
But after the previous, anything would be nice.

>> No.5383865


Skip this shit please!

>> No.5383866

Who requests these seriously

>> No.5383868


>> No.5383876


>> No.5383886

Gonna up some Paysage d'Hiver in a bit.

>> No.5383891

This is not what space should sound like, not at all.

>> No.5383895

I like black metal and all, but stop uploading it. These guys only like their moe moe IOSYS stuff, there is no point in trying to get them into something new.

>> No.5383909


Why would you listen to something which has no real melody and no real vocals? IT IS NOT MUSIC

>> No.5383911

>Negura Bunget - Dacia Hiperboreanã

More black metal! The trolls just won't give up.

>> No.5383916


At least this sounds like music, unlike all the other "songs"

>> No.5383917

If you upload black metal, at least upload something decent like Burzum!

>> No.5383923


Because sound can be aurally stimulating without those things.

>> No.5383939

They listen to black metal because of the dark atmosphere that it creates. Melody and lyrics are not important in this kind of music.

And you're just giving them attention.

>> No.5383947

The fuck is this shit playing?

>> No.5383962


some shitty gothic metal band.

>> No.5384000

Ahhh finally some good listening.

>> No.5384014

Why the fuck wont it accept my Aquabats?

God damn it if you're not going to play Touhou or Touhou remixes, then get some quality non japanese music in here.

>> No.5384009 [DELETED] 

So they are whiny emo grimdark bitches? They should just kill themselves.

>> No.5384017

Ok that's it. Fuck this shit.

>> No.5384021

Change the filename to something english. Only the filename.

>> No.5384022

Now this is just horrible.

>> No.5384027

>Current 93 - A Gothic Love Song

I can almost smell his disgusting British breath.

>> No.5384041

Oh shit, the british guy telling his love story made like half of the people leave.

>> No.5384057

>Eminem - Kim

Time to upload some Touhou Jazz

>> No.5384066

>Amon Din

Get out, melodeath devs!

>> No.5384069


It is in english. It wont even appear in the upload box.

>> No.5384074

Why isn't it accepting my precious Kokia songs ;_;

>> No.5384082


There we go. Play The Aquabats, you faggots.

That or Mountain of Faith.

>> No.5384083

Still some 25 songs before my uploads will start playing, but expect much less metal then for quite a long while.
Also, saw someone uploaded Gang Starr, it saddens me that everyone will think that this is a troll.

>> No.5384086

Gotta wait for your turn, bro.

>> No.5384090

>Gang Starr

All nigger music is troll music.

>> No.5384111

derp, the album's still in TTA. I guess I'll upload some vocals then.

>> No.5384123

Touhou music in NES form? Awesome.

Do Touhou SID tunes exist?

>> No.5384132

The fuck's a SID? Probably.

>> No.5384153

>The fuck's a SID?

A Commodore 64 sound chip

>> No.5384161

What's this?

>> No.5384164

? - 08 - Lights out


>> No.5384186

There are so many better songs by Amorphis...

>> No.5384187

>Amorphis - Black Winter Day

More black metal shit, please skip

>> No.5384190


Amorphis isn't even close to being Black Metal

>> No.5384198

I know it makes no difference to you, but that style of growling is closer to death metal.

>> No.5384202

I'm back in time for some of my uploads. Troll me more, I love Black Winter Day. Also, random Black Metal songs thanks to >>5383198.

>> No.5384219

So much whining in this thread.

>> No.5384227

Bathory, not so good.

>> No.5384284

Cool music bro

>> No.5384315

I recognize this one from Diverse. Really impressive acoustic guitar play.

>> No.5384336

That's that from me, I'll dump ARA and some random metal tomorrow again.

>> No.5384345

Yes please. I like both ARA and metal.

>> No.5384350

Keep your metal. The stream isn't a medium to promote your shitty tastes.

>> No.5384369

What the fuck is this?

>> No.5384371

But what about his instruments? ;_;

>> No.5384382

I noticed that the music sometimes stutters in foobar2000, but it's always working fine in WMP.

>> No.5384412

I never had any trouble with my foobar. Well, it's not like I'm listening right now to this endless stream of generic metal whatnot. The stream needs to be more /jp/ related to fit in.

>> No.5384418

Another good song ruined with terrible "singing"

>> No.5384440

Boris is Japanese? Holy shit.

>> No.5384444
File: 353 KB, 469x469, 1268899686293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, /jp/ music streaming, interesting!

>american metal

>> No.5384456

If you are going to play metal, at least play some awesome Nordic melodeath.

>> No.5384457

Epic rage, bro

>> No.5384467

Melodeath is one of the shittiest metal genres.

>> No.5384474

Keep your opinions to yourself and go listen to whatever shitty grindcore you listen to.

>> No.5384505

>Smashing Pumpkins

I thought this stream couldn't get any worse.

>> No.5384508

>requests have reached max


>> No.5384520

Why can't we all just get along. All this hate ;_;

There are over 100 songs queue'd/uploaded. I disabled queueing/uploading until there are like 20 songs left.

>> No.5384551

Oh good, I'll upload the next 60 songs once that happens.

>> No.5384580
File: 145 KB, 483x604, Pyonta-kun is coming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5384592


>> No.5384600

First I laughed. Then I cried.

>> No.5384609

>Bone Awl

Skip this too please

>> No.5384625

Are you happy about the top half of the picture or raging about the bottom half or what?

>> No.5384626

ah, finally, something I uploaded instead of the (x)core and (y)metal.

>> No.5384633
File: 106 KB, 800x469, get_out_of_jail_free[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your reward for posting that. Use it wisely.

>> No.5384673

I didn't remember MSI was this good.

>> No.5384683

It's one of the very, very few MSI's songs I like, to be honest.
Anyway, yay, my uploads are finally starting!

>> No.5384693
File: 136 KB, 428x510, 1264708807579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying melodeath is actually better than grindcore

>> No.5384697

That makes sense then. I remember downloading their discography but I don't have it anymore for some reason.

>> No.5384812

Polysics and Cave story, something good after countless amounts of death metal

>> No.5384833

There were only 2 or 3 death metal songs so far.

>> No.5384982

>opera concerto suddenly interrupted by delicious rave
All past sins are forgotten, the stream turned awesome in a matter of seconds.

>> No.5385002


I think I just came a little.

>> No.5385057

Hope I didn't blow up your ears. I know mine did.

>> No.5385245

Raping you (And Your Little Sister), It definitely sounds like that

>> No.5385257

Thanks /jp/. I never liked any kind of hardcore and now I'm downloading 75GB of j-core.

>> No.5385264

Black metal and noise is bad but generic gabber is good. Hmm.

>> No.5385269

I see what you mean; I can be glad that I'm mostly on speakers.

You really can't listen to that stuff on headphones.

>> No.5385274


>> No.5385293


See the board name, no wonder we have cliched american death metal / black metal whatever coming out since non /jp/ers are here

>> No.5385319

I could listen this for hours

>> No.5385350


There was no American metal upload save for one band that worships an European style of black metal anyway.

>> No.5385365

>hurr you guys only listen to Touhou and Vocaloid?!
>durr on /jp/ no wai!!!
>here let me cram my bullshit post-blackdeath ambientblip neo-grindcore screamodrone down your throat
>I'm gonna expose these fools to something NEW
>so they can be cool pretentious hipster faggots like me
>remember kids if you can pick out a single lyric, beat or melody then it's casualfag shit
>real connoisseurs listen to cacophonous gibberish

get the fuck back to /mu/ these threads have shit to do with /jp/

>> No.5385394


All those vuvuzelas over at /v/ must have made you really frustrated regarding the topic of music.

>> No.5385401 [DELETED] 

I support this greentext.

>> No.5385447

Half an hour of La Le Lo?

>> No.5385470

Go back to /v/.

>> No.5385491

No matter how aweful it may or may not be - you have to give credit to the uploader for even bothering.

>> No.5385528

I'm sorry that the mean kids are actually making you listen to decent music.

>> No.5385543

loli loli lo

>> No.5385546

The guy's got a point, if you can understand a single lyric of IOSYS you have no business listening to them.

>> No.5385558

Really cool song.

>> No.5385575

I have mixed feelings about this song.

>> No.5385579

Pick one

>> No.5385581

Shit got crazy

>> No.5385590

A small fraction of metal is actually good, though.

>> No.5385591

I was going to upload Dopesmoker, but now uploads are closed.

>> No.5385607


Read >>5384520

>> No.5385626

I wanna see if I can get interesting tripfags to talk on the stream and see how that works out. Are you interesting?

>> No.5385643
File: 58 KB, 450x396, 4824232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you the sort of tripfag I can interview?

>> No.5385670

>suddenly relevant to my interests

>> No.5385676

I'm not interesting enough to be interviewed.

>> No.5385794

Thank you for skipping Eminem. Fucking /jp/ trolls.

>> No.5385797

You skipped Kim...? For K-ON?

wtf Pyonta.

>> No.5385812
File: 36 KB, 198x228, 1273797112584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5385820

Even though I'm the person who uploaded the K-ON! song, I still agree with this man.
Well, it's Eminem, so it's understandable, but please don't skip Gang Starr later.

>> No.5385822

Jokes on you for recognizing the song.

I wouldn't mind skipping border of xtc either.

>> No.5385838

For recognizing which song? If it's K-ON then the album showed up-- I didn't actually know it.

I also wouldn't mind skipping the Zetsubou girls.

>> No.5385852

>I also wouldn't mind skipping the Zetsubou girls.
Get the fuck out.

>> No.5385859

I never listened to full length of the song. I think the song is awesome, but I know what the lyrics are about. I dunno, I just can't do it.

>> No.5385865

You can listen to them anytime you want! Don't be so uptight.

>> No.5385881

I didn't see it on foobar, but now I see that it turned up for sure in the browser.

>ctrl+f "zetsub-"
That's quite a lot hits.

Don't mind me, I'm just of the stereotypical belief of IOSYS ruining parts of Touhou. They have done worse than this, I'll give it that.

>> No.5385899

That's not the point, Kakurenbo ka Onigokko yo is one of the best anime albums nobody knows, and it's my intention to bring songs from it to attention of as many people as possible.

>> No.5385906

I don't get where the hate on IOSYS comes from. I listen to their songs over and over and I can't see why people think it is that bad. Or does it have something to do with the "I liek touhou cus I saw this IOSYS flash on yout00b".

>> No.5385918

You can't argue that IOSYS brought unwanted attention to the Touhou franchise. But I digress.

>> No.5385925

Ok, ok, I'm sorry, I went too far. I really like the album too.

But I thought it was really popular already? Well, whatever.

>> No.5385927

I don't get it either. Sure, hating some of their music, I can see that, but it's just too varied to hate all of it.

>> No.5385929

IOSYS Touhou and ZUN Touhou is so different it ain't funny.

>> No.5385946

Touhou isn't a franchise.

Proof here:

>> No.5385950

Grimdark faggot detected.

>> No.5385955

The good music coming from IOSYS just got its label slapped on for more attention, with no relation to the circle stretching further than that. That plus all the casual makes IOSYS in a certain sense the, or in the coming, EA of the gaming industry. Sort of. Believe me, there are reasons for IOSYS hatin'.

>> No.5385953 [DELETED] 

Most people just know the OP/EDs, I'm pretty sure.
And I made sure to keep my uploads varied anyway, so I don't think it's that much of a problem anyway.

>> No.5385963

Most people just know the OP/EDs, I'm pretty sure.
And I made sure to keep my uploads varied, so I don't think it's that much of a problem anyway

>> No.5385966

Only if you're a popularity-hating tool.

>> No.5385969

IOSYS is pretty bad, but there are much worse circles out there. The hate most likely stems from their popularity, the fanbase surrounding the circle, and the influence it has on the community (much like Alstroemeria Records).

>> No.5385970

10 points to anonymous, for giving points to anonymous. I.e. that's how we like it.

>> No.5385974

It all depends what you mean by 'interesting".

>> No.5385993

Ah, I kinda already thought this was the case. I'll just pretend I'm not listening to IOSYS then.

>> No.5386008

Do you think you can talk for 10 minutes while x numbers of /jp/ers listen to you, giving them enough entertainment and they won't tune out?

>> No.5386012

Marshall Mathers LP was awesome. Haters gonna hate.

>> No.5386032

Even if I had something that allowed me to do voice chat, I would decline. I'm terrible at rambling for several minutes.

>> No.5386048

Ah, well thanks anyway. I kinda got the same problem. Having english as my second language doesn't really help either.

>> No.5386053

pyonta, just stream yourself looking at nicovideo. That's what artists are always streaming when I check their stickams. Apparently people are willing to watch that.

>> No.5386064

Why restrict yourself to tripfags, I'm sure there are plenty of anonymous users who would be willing to chat

>> No.5386066

Maybe I can get Hong Meiling on. Someone who can translate doujins MUST be interesting...or (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ BOOF ☜(゚ヮ゚☜).

>> No.5386072


>> No.5386073

In other words you feel indifferent about Alice being most known for counting to three in various languages rather than being a strategizing doll maker from the West who first appeared on the front cover of Mystic Square, etc.? I only wish I was this aloof.

Don't mind me, just enjoying my canon as is.

>> No.5386077

Really? Why....

I've asked anonymous several times, but no one was interested.

>> No.5386091

Holy shit you're fast....

Are you interesting enough to talk for like 10 minutes about stuff, entertaining /jp/ers who are listening to the stream and making them not leave?

>> No.5386097

Hey, someone want to give me a quick guide on how to host one of these streams?

>> No.5386100

I'd do it if I had some sort of response from the listeners, like a live chat
but what would I talk about

>> No.5386101
File: 314 KB, 555x820, 7616855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correction, troll detected.

>> No.5386108

Like, how was your day or something? You could communicate with people in this thread I guess.

>> No.5386110

Don't go around putting fancy glass shoes on trolls. He just "clean bubbles + insert text".

Just drop the whole idea of promoting tripfaggism and focus on maintaining what you've got here.

>> No.5386112


Why are you so adamant about doing this anyway, Pyonta?

>> No.5386115

I don't have a microphone, but if I did, I'd ramble for 10 minutes about my favorite Touhou. Easily.

Surely there is someone here who both has a microphone and is willing to say things about their favorite Touhou.

>> No.5386137
File: 82 KB, 676x605, 5f5e6cf60b34b59fb8aa1e9d77c21aeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First a grimfag, then a bridge troll; can I be the little girl next?

>> No.5386142

No matter what, don't skip this song.

I can't be the only one that liked this album!

>> No.5386147

oh my god my ears

>> No.5386148

People just shut up and sex and violence.

>> No.5386149

what stream?

I can, but not now. I'm working.

>> No.5386151
File: 264 KB, 707x800, 10559803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5386153

I'm bored and want to try something new. Maybe people will like it, maybe people will leave my stream forever and hate me for it. I've also once done like a small radio broadcast with a guildie for my guild. We only did one episode though, but it fun. At least doing it was fun.

That'd be an acceptable subject I guess.

>> No.5386162

>He just "clean bubbles + insert text".
This was on the front page since the original blog was up and he has mentioned time and time again on /jp/ that he does the cleaning job while someone else translates. Unless you're a complete newfag or just don't read Hong's threads, it should be engraved into your brain by now.

>> No.5386170

Pyonta, you could just give someone restricted admin rights to chat and play/upload songs together with the rest of the board. Something between those lines.

>> No.5386171

>what stream


>> No.5386179



How would I "stream" anything without any software?

Are you asking me to just say shit for 10min, make a file and upload it?

>> No.5386185

Don't look now, but you've got something huge and stiff stuck up your ass. Idiot.

>> No.5386186

Like a DJ? With this software, it's kinda hard to set that up...Unless this person downloads broadcast software (SAM) and takes over the stream.

>> No.5386194

Downloading skype and setting up an account will be enough.

>> No.5386207


If you guys really want me to do this, i'll just make a file for you to do whatever with.

>> No.5386212

Tell me about gunsmithing, Boof

>> No.5386240

I can taste the mad in your post.

>> No.5386246

For example. Now, I'm not big on voice chat; I'm pretty sure most of us would be fine with text. My point is that you'll probably have more luck with populating the place by simply giving your stream a tiny bit of human personality, so to say, rather than being static. It's not like we're here to listen to fellow /jp/ers awkwardly ramble about shit; we're here to listen to /jp/ related music.

>> No.5386251

But if you do it live, we can ask you questions.

>> No.5386258

I'll get to it tonight, I don't want this to turn into any kind of circle jerk.

>> No.5386263



Back when /a/radio was still active, the DJs would occasionally say things to relieve the monotony, or at least react to posts in a thread. It made the radio more interactive and entertaining.

Having an active DJ queuing up the songs would prevent 3 hour dronefests too.

>> No.5386274

A few years ago I had a small internet radio station using vurtual dj, now that I lost all my shit for it i need to find a way to make a new station for free.

It wasn't huge, I've been into HAM radios and I wanted to try something different.

>> No.5386284

I'm sure it's a taste you're very familiar with. I just don't get your thinking, it clearly wasn't about what I thought of whatever to begin with.

Anyway, topic. I was surprised to hear the OP of the second season of Honey & Clover a while back. Shame on me not for knowing it for itself.

>> No.5386294

I think this is what I was looking for. Looks like I'm gonna have to reinstall SAM again to get this working the proper way. I think I can hijack the stream with my voice with 2 clicks, but I don't know about the sound levels and stuff.

>> No.5386297


>> No.5386349

An idea: 1 request per IP.

Might keep playlist size down and variety up.

>> No.5386360

That's way too low, since there's what, at most 24 people who CAN listen to this at a time.

>> No.5386367

24, sounds good to me.

>> No.5386371

Currently, it's set as 10 per IP. It was 5 per IP 24 hours ago. It seems this only works for requesting though, not uploading. Therefor, I don't think I can change it. I might be able to set this up when I'm gonna replace the HTML with PHP though.

>> No.5386377

Shouldn't be hard test out with us. You'll have my interest as long as this'll be about the music and its flow.

>> No.5386383

I uploaded 60 songs in a row today, so yeah, it doesn't work with uploads.

>> No.5386398

I heard something about a DJ..

Fuck talking, I'll get on and mix random shit on traktor, except it will be live so there will be more fuck ups. Oh boy!

>> No.5386424

How nostalgic~ this used to be my alarm clock.


>> No.5386440

Hehe, that would be quite awesome I guess.

>> No.5386457
File: 50 KB, 657x730, broadcast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Traktor has some fancy broadcasting feature, I've never used it though.

>> No.5386469


>> No.5386473

;_; don't scare me like that.

if you have that kind of voice never let it out again~!!

>> No.5386474

on my stream?

>> No.5386475

Well, shit. I wasn't expecting that. Scared the shit out of me.

>> No.5386476

How do we listen to dis,

Instructions please?

>> No.5386479

Manly voice? On my stream?

>> No.5386486

Fuck, sounds like I missed something interesting. I started listening to something else when Lucky OP came up.

>> No.5386490

If you're lazy and using WMP like me press ctrl+u then paste in http://skully.hopto.org:8000..
To request or upload music paste http://skully.hopto.org:4095 in your browser.

>> No.5386491

Both servers seem full though.

>> No.5386493
File: 323 KB, 750x750, b59193b0266ae26c33a7f316c2222f49af05269d[1].jpg_81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5386513

People join and go in short intervals. I think that if you get the message "server is full" it keeps trying to rejoin. You'll join automatically when there's a spot. (from what I'm seeing in my server log)

>> No.5386522

But seriously, was it that bad? To loud? Scary voice?

Don't worry, I twisted my voice slightly automatically for some reason.

>> No.5386523

Winamp rejoins automatically, not sure about other players.

>> No.5386532

I keep getting redirect limit exceeded?

>> No.5386534

It was just unexpected.
At first I thought you skipped the song for some reason, then OH GOD IT TALKS

>> No.5386541

That's message you get when the relay server is full
(thanks again anon!)

>> No.5386545

Well in that case I'll let the servers redirect to each other two times a second for two hundred years.

>> No.5386548

It was very soft, and musky, and you spoke too fast for me to understand. I'm the one who told you never to open your mouth again-- well, at least with that kind of shyness.

Speak more clearly, and don't do it in the middle of a song like that. ;_;

>> No.5386552


So are we gonna try and fill that box up with useful informations or not? I'm dicking around right now, but if I'm gonna do it live then I guess I should save it for then...

>> No.5386575

Forgot about this.
Seems you can set this up pretty easily. You'll take over the stream entirely. If you really want to do this, I'll set up a skype or gmail account you can contact so we can communicate about how and when to do this.

Do you think you can mix songs that people request in a thread like this?

>> No.5386581


Are you deaf? Is english your fourth language?

>> No.5386585

It was easy to understand in my opinion, and not too fast either, really. Much better voice than expected.
Anyways, my 60 uploads for today are finished, gonna upload the next ones tomorrow, since it finished later than I anticipated. Hope at least someone enjoys them.
Oh, and thanks for not skipping Gang Starr, Pyonta - not my upload, but I used to listen to rap, and still enjoy good tracks.

>> No.5386590

So you could understand his scared little murmurs?

That's amaaaziiing.

>> No.5386597

I was about to hover over foobar to attempt to skip it, until I remembered at least someone asked if I could not skip it. Your voices are heard!

The last 60 songs where awesome btw. Thanks.

>> No.5386614

I suppose if someone doesn't know Pani Poni Dash it might've been confusing - but really, English is not my first language and I still say it was easy to understand.

>> No.5386617

>Acid Mothers Temple _ The Cosmic Inferno - Anthem Of The Space
Opinions on skipping this? I listened to it briefly and it seems it won't change that much.

>> No.5386622

Seems we hit the bump limit. New thread comming up in a sec

>> No.5386630


if it really is 43 mins, skip it

>> No.5386639

Goddamn why can't I join this thing? I keep getting redirect limit exeeded, is it full?

>> No.5386644

What's up with those long ass tracks? 40+ minutes? Seriously. That could be a whole album.

>> No.5386654


>> No.5386656


If they are songs then I have then I can always make a shitty attempt to put them in.

Skype is mixurpdurp

>> No.5386657

Can you only upload mp3?

>> No.5386660

I'm surprised to say that I actually find myself enjoying the current track - but I still say skip it.
Way too long.
Even though I posted a longer one yesterday

>> No.5386662


Seem so tried to upload .tta and .flac and it didnt work

>> No.5386665

.flac is fine, size limit doesn't work either.

>> No.5386669

It should support anything foobar2000 supports.

>> No.5386674


No use to upload lossless, stream will quality rape it anyway. Might be worth allowing .ogg though.

>> No.5386690

>Nasty Maid Grinder

Whoever uploaded that - fuck you.

>> No.5386698

New thread here:

FYI, you can upload anything. Hell, some people try to upload *.swf and *.jpg...Afaik, mp3, flac and ogg work. wav and such should work to I guess...

>> No.5386737


>> No.5386753

Can't find it in my "file association" list. You can always try though. Worst case is that you break the stream.

>> No.5386782

Foobar needs plugin to play .ape files. Guess you don't have it.

>> No.5386878

Downloaded it. I guess it'll work when I restart foobar. Someone will probably break the stream within 24 hours.

>> No.5386998

Next please.
