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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5378790 No.5378790 [Reply] [Original]

Do you believe you are real /jp/?

>> No.5378796

No. I am the ghost that haunts /jp/

>> No.5378795
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>> No.5378802

The question is obviously too deep for you.

>> No.5378808

Nothing is real!

>> No.5378827

I'm a man dreaming that I am a butterfly dreaming that it is a man.

>> No.5378830

I believe that every second I take a dump, a spider comes out of the water and climbs into my anus where it lays its eggs, and the next time I go to the loo, a million spiders come out of my ass.

>> No.5378832

of course i'm real what the fuck kind of question is that?

>> No.5378836

>traitor to humanity.jpg
burn her

>> No.5378838

i think therefor i am

>> No.5378840
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I've lost my faith with the supposed intelligent otakus

>> No.5378843

There is no spoon.

>> No.5378860

No, so now I am in Gensokyo!

>> No.5378861

No. I'm a collection of undefined probabilities that somehow manifest into something that pretends it exists.

>> No.5378866

i ammade of a bilion tiny creatues actin g in pereft convert

>> No.5378865
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Yeah, but I'm open to alternatives.

>> No.5378888

Yes, I'm believe I'm real. Therefore, I am.
Gensokyo, and any other different world aren't for the same reason.

>> No.5378893
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Gensokyo is not real

>> No.5378895

>implying i am not fucking Byakuren tenderly right now.

>> No.5378901

Occam's razor says I probably am. Too many assumptions need to be made for me to be unreal.

>> No.5378914
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>> No.5378923

That depends on your definition of real.

>> No.5378924

Cogito ergo sum.

>> No.5378927
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>> No.5378952
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I believe in this artist.

>> No.5378953
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>I think therefore I am bullshit
Which transcendental signifier says you are thinking?

>> No.5378978

I do. That's the magic of it, since I can't be sure of anything, only what I believe is real.

>> No.5378992

"Does /jp/ exist?"
"Of course it exists. Loli exists. /jp/ is the embodiment of loli."
"Does it exist in the same way that I exist?"
"You do not exist," said moot.

>> No.5379000
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Waifus are like all religions: A creation of stupid faggots who want to escape reality with promises of better things.

>> No.5379002

That argument has always irritated me so much. I don't think most people realize that, from a scientific point of view, you're not "thinking" any more than a computer is. People seem to think thought is magic when it is just constant adjustment of behavior as a result of outside variable.

>> No.5379039

Humans, unlike computers, receive the same external stimuli, yet react differently.

>> No.5379066

If two humans are exactly identical, down the the very smallest detail, including history and environment, then they are subjected to the exact same stimulus, they will have the exact same response.

>> No.5379068
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Yes, I have ponder about it since I was 4.

>> No.5379071

>conjectural shit
And nobody will ever be able to prove this.

>> No.5379073

That's impossible to prove.

>> No.5379076

If only I had saved that "humans are deterministic" flowchart.

>> No.5379089

>I think therefore I am
Ya sure?

Also, do we have a philosopher power level chart? We have one for musicians...

>> No.5379097

My headache makes it rather obvious.

>> No.5379099

Are you real?

>> No.5379104

In 1hr press F1 on your keyboard, what happens?

>> No.5379112

I am the lucid dream.
The monster in your nightmares.
The fiend of a thousand faces.

Jokes aside, I do not need philosophy to tell me I am alive, or that I can exist regardless of what others perceive as truth.

>> No.5379114

Are you?

>> No.5379116

I laughed out that theory by the time I turned 3.

>> No.5379120

how about the brain in the vat theory?

>> No.5379123

Even if you take an extremely materialistic approach, you can't say the a brain works the same way as a program...

>> No.5379125

No it isn't. You don't have to experience a situation to know what would happen, my friend. I have never seen someone fall off a building, but I can tell you their body would be crushed if they did. In this situation, you can only logically assume what would happen. A person's brain is not a magical object. It searches for the most appropriate response for the situation and acts upon it. Why the fuck would two identical people with the same history and physical make up act differently in the exact same situation? To begin with, you do realize that everything is a result of atomic movement, right? If we had the proper technology and documentation, we could chart out exactly how everything would occur in our universe since its start. Thought is not a magical dimension separate from everything else. It is merely another figure in the painting of our universe.

>> No.5379127
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when it comes to being real or not,
belief doesn't make a difference.

>> No.5379129

The world is simply what it is.

>> No.5379143

Why argue with stupid Creationists? They won't believe a single fucking thing that anyone says. If Jesus himself told them evolution exists, they'd deny it.

>> No.5379151

wait what?
evolution IS accepted by the vatican
they've wormed out a way to make it work with creationism

>> No.5379153
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Those thought experiments are mostly useless. Being "real" or not, the fact remains that the phenomenal world is everything we have.

>> No.5379156




>> No.5379161

Bah. This world is bullshit.

>> No.5379165

But it's not accepted by some (read: most) christians.

>> No.5379169

Good thing most Christians aren't Catholics then.

>> No.5379174

Sure is Laplace's demon around here, huh. Besides, your example has absolutely nothing to do with the possibility of two equal persons reacting differently to the same circumstances.

>> No.5379177

You know, we've been in this thread for more than fifty posts now. Someone should warn Byakuren we can see down her skirt.

>> No.5379181 [DELETED] 

imMeDiatEly rEMoVE yOUR illeGal clONe Tiny.4CHan.org From youR serVeR, ChRISTopher "ScUmbag THiEf" POOL aR-Bear, ANd REdirECT it (aND tHE sTOLEn at doMAin) tO www.aNONtALk.Se. THEN sEnD SYSOP USD $566,234 in CoMPEnsATiON And pUt A PERmANeNt tEXt aD For At ON THE ENtIrE siTe oF 4cHan ANd wE WIlL be Even. sHoUld yOu rEfuSe, YoU WILL Be SUED FoR $41,897 PER naNO SecONd. iF thE PERSoN rEAdING thIS Is not "Moot", E-MaIL Him At MooT@4ChAN.orG And Put pResSURE on HIM tO SEt ThInGs RigHt. tHank YOU FOr liSTENing. abykfrwjsetinjcyxyexcskeghj

>> No.5379184
File: 21 KB, 300x421, God.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh? All my family does. And I think most people in my church do too.

Or at least I think it doesn't contradict anything in the Bible.

>> No.5379190

My example has everything to do with two ATOMICALLY identical people reacting the same in two ATOMICALLY identical situations. We are assuming everything is constant here, the people, the situation, the time, etc. I hardly see how they would act differently.

>> No.5379201

Creationists:If you don't believe that everything is individually crafted by the loving hand of God, you will have a society that is filled with people that will step all over eachother.

That's their excuse for evidence that evolution doesn't exist, and they say that people BELIEVE in evolution, and that it isn't a fact. When you try to show them facts, it's not enough information. Ask them for proof of God, they change the subject/ double talk.

>> No.5379210

from the ground up, Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle?

>> No.5379216

Just because you can't measure it, doesn't mean it can't be the same.

>> No.5379219
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You guys arguing identity theory? In /jp/? Shut the fuck up.

>> No.5379231

What seems to be the problem?

>> No.5379241

he mad

>> No.5379242
File: 93 KB, 600x800, 9820238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5379259

so your premise is:
two completely identical actors
two completely identical environments
two completely identical set of variables for a specified amount of time
all identical down to spin, and will never differ

then where is the comparison?

>> No.5379256

I think therefore I'm a yam.

Cookies/1000 internet/caek/whateve-meme-you-like to the one who recognize the reference.

>> No.5379266 [DELETED] 


ImmEdIAtELy rEMOve YOUr illEGal Clone tiNY.4CHaN.OrG FRom yOur serVeR, ChrIStOphER "ScuMBAG ThIEF" POoL AR-bEar, And ReDIrEcT it (and The StOlEN at DoMaiN) tO wWw.ANonTAlk.SE. thEN sEnD SYSOP usd $564,082 IN CompENSATiOn And pUT A peRmANent Text AD FOr aT on ThE eNTirE SIte OF 4ChAN And We wIlL be eVEN. SHOULD yOu rEfUSe, you wILL be SuED fOr $82,892 PER Nano sECoNd. If ThE PERSOn READiNG THis Is not "MOOt", E-MAiL HiM AT MOOT@4ChaN.oRg ANd puT preSsure on HiM TO seT THinGs RIGht. ThaNk yOU for LiSTenING. ujbqplralorxlljumznpqhmbr

>> No.5379268

Perhaps you're mistaken about the argument here. Two Anonymous friends suggested that two identical people in identical situations might react differently to said situations. Obviously that's a bunch of crap. The brain is as rational an object as any other.

>> No.5379290

No matter how identical the starting conditions, brains gonna diverge same as everything else.

>> No.5379301

This is because situations change and assuming different individuals, the brains don't start the same either. It's not because thought is random and separate from the environment. Thought is just a reaction to outside influences plus the original instincts of the individual.

>> No.5379304

not if the input is identical they won't

>> No.5379312

i am one who believe in consciousness as completely biological (and physical) function
so the way i understand the question of
"two identical people in identical situations might react differently to said situations" does not stop at biological level but down to physical level
my answer would be, like i say, "then where is the comparison?"
the two anonymous does not take into account the gravity of the word identical and same
but if they mean "identical" to an extent, then it is quite clear that they will react differently to "same" situation, but this is a misuse

>> No.5379336

The argument is "Humans are deterministic" If that were not true, then two identical humans in identical situations would be able to react differently, however, they cannot. Therefore humans are deterministic.

>> No.5379353

Nah. Many-worlds. *flies out of thread*

>> No.5379358

I am simply suggesting that we are the result of our genetics and environment. That's all. It's a reasonable statement to make, I think. Thought is not a separate layer of reality. It's just another part of our behavior.

>> No.5379436

"Humans are deterministic" has many bias i think.. and this is why it is not best to use that as the core argument.
first, it seem "Humans" do not refer to collective definitions of what make a biological human but rather have a "especially singled out for a reason" or metaphysical notion which I do not to entertain. Or at the very least have a "we are special" sentiment. Might to use "members of animal kingdom are deterministic", but that is bias for brain-having creatures as well.
second, "deterministic" has many interpretation as well
religious determinism, such as a god or gods consciously make the rule before or making you have a determined path?
physical determinism, where we follow and trace every single detail to the best we can (and can't)?
mixture? "god make the laws of nature and determinism"?

From this the phrase alone destroy a lot of common ground for a intelligent debate.
"Humans are deterministic" is loaded statement moe.

>> No.5379465
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this thread

>also, over 9000 hours of hard work with a pencil

>> No.5379502

I thought there were some mysteries about the brain
ie: how neurons really works.

>> No.5379532


We know how neurons work.

>> No.5379554


we don't know how a mind is formed out of neurons

>> No.5379557

fucking neurons, how do they work?

>> No.5379636

"Philosophic" response: I cannot truely know if anything or anyone is real. I can't even know if my consiousness is real. Obviously something exists even if it's not me.

Real answer: There's no way to know for sure if anything really exists so there's no use worrying about it. Now stop being a pretentious dick, you pretentious dick.

>> No.5379706

Like everything else, trying to provide an accurate answer is impossible. If I'm not real though, then I should be able to modify my reality as I see fit and go to Gensokyo.

>> No.5379732

Existence is completely illogical.

>> No.5379743

真是太好了 (ノД`)
