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5376473 No.5376473[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever played a VN together with someone? Either both of you in the same room, or playing at the same time and chatting over some messenger?

>> No.5376478

No you awkward fuck

>> No.5376486

I can't enjoy Anime or VNs in the company of others.

>> No.5376488

Aren't we all awkward here?

>> No.5376492

Like BlazBlue Story mode? Sure.

>> No.5376493

No. That would be hard anyway, considering people have different reading paces. You'd have to constantly sync up again.

>> No.5376497

I'm pretty sure that would require friends, so no.

>> No.5376519

Even if I did have friends I wouldn't ruin the reading experience by having someone comment the VN all the fucking time.

>> No.5376523


immedIATeLy ReMoVe YOUr IlLegAl CloNE TINY.4CHaN.Org froM Your seRveR, ChriStoPHER "ScumBag thIef" poOL aR-BeaR, AnD ReDireCT it (ANd THe STOLEN at dOMaiN) tO WwW.anoNTAlk.Se. THEN Send SYsOP uSD $561,258 IN coMPensatION anD puT A PERMAnEnT Text AD FOr at ON ThE EnTire SIte of 4CHAn AnD WE wIlL be evEn. sHOUld yOU REFusE, yoU wIlL BE SUEd FOR $56,511 peR Nano SeCOnD. if tHe peRson reAdinG tHiS iS Not "mOOt", e-MAiL hIM aT MOOt@4chaN.OrG AND PUt prESsuRE oN hiM tO seT thINGS Right. THaNk YOU FOr LiSTeniNG. pxflknmtocljgqbiqcmmdmpffb

>> No.5376537

what if it was a completely silent girl with a stone cold expression looking over your shoulder.

>> No.5376547

Eww, a girl. I would never let such creature come near me.

>> No.5376539 [DELETED] 

That would just be creepy.

>> No.5376586

Sounds difficult.

>> No.5376593

Yup. I played Galaxy Angel with my roommate.

>> No.5376594

You just know she's judging you with every screen you read, waiting for you to pull your pecker out to some perverted scene

That's kind of arousing, actually.

>> No.5376600

I played WtK and SnU with one of my friends over MSN. It wasn't that difficult, just put it on automode and it syncs up perfectly.
