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File: 98 KB, 500x698, 1207711199959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5365556 No.5365556 [Reply] [Original]

The old thread sucks
Current version v1.10
More information on the game at: http://hisouten.koumakan.jp/

>> No.5365578


>> No.5365617

forgot hosting japan
come at me bro

>> No.5365661

This thing have Medicine Melancholy as a playable?

>> No.5365688

Why would any of the good characters be playable?

>> No.5365709
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>> No.5365725
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>> No.5365747

that looks cool...
does it really exist? if yes, what's the name of that game?

>> No.5365765

I am guessing no games this late?

>> No.5365771

Of course not. Stop thinking that we can have nice things.

>> No.5365783
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>> No.5366558


>> No.5368116


>> No.5368136

>Current version v1.10

v1.20 came out last night.

>> No.5368214

v1.10 Europe.
Give me a beating please.

>> No.5368255

You playing as Tenshi then?

>> No.5368328


Right to much lag, fun games.

>> No.5368344


Yeah, GGs.

>> No.5368615
File: 372 KB, 940x1000, 8983719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5368615 - EU

Normal tier.

>> No.5368645

can't connect

>> No.5368656 [DELETED] 

It worked just fine last time I tried. Maybe it doesn't allow you to connect because of the delay?

Still hosting.

>> No.5368661

It worked just fine last time I tried. Maybe it doesn't allow you to connect because of the delay?

Still hosting.

>> No.5368663

Yep, doesn't working

>> No.5368668

Not working for me either. You sure you forwarded correctly?

>> No.5368678

>Normal tier.
You sick fuck.

>> No.5368687
File: 78 KB, 386x640, a7cb6e56119d23b6cb46ca10bfc6acdd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hosting EU
<- tier

>> No.5368704

don't work for me...

>> No.5368706

I didn't change anything since the last time I hosted. It should work.

>> No.5368709

hidden, reported, called the cops
you dumb fuck

>> No.5368725

check your router's ports

>> No.5368729
File: 65 KB, 527x618, 3a418cdaba2025cc82072f01106ee68f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither of these work for me either, and I know I've played with both of them before. Wat.

>> No.5368740

Trying with one last time before I give up.

>> No.5368750

Yeah, no.

>> No.5368757

What about you try hosting?

>> No.5368881
File: 179 KB, 800x600, 94c133fbe6c73fc8f151c7280051017fdc27bb54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games! Sorry for the boring matches, I wish I knew how to block.

>> No.5368884

GGs Miko.
That Alice/Sakuya matchup opened my eyes, as I had difficulties directly approaching you. I didn't realize that bullets were not only for cover and close-range zoning but could be used for full-screen zoning. Maybe I play Youmu too much. And playing Sakuya like Youmu is really bad.

>> No.5368894

Just hold the direction opposed to your opponent.

>> No.5368911
File: 1.81 MB, 1500x1000, Konachan.com - 63343 gun purple_hair red_eyes reisen_udongein_inaba touhou weapon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5368911 Sweden (EU)
Feedback after you kick my arse would be appreciated.

>> No.5369106


real shit tier uh? too strong for me...

only too predictable your use of the same combo every time

>> No.5369123

GGs, Youmu-player-whose-name-I-forgot. As I tried to demonstrate in the last match, you tend to use Youmu's j.2A a bit too much. Wish I could give you some more advice, but unfortunately, I'm only good at taking feedback. Anyway, keep it up!

>> No.5369135

Yeah, I unfortunately only know that single one combo, so I have to rely on that one...

>> No.5369164

How do you not suck at this game?

>> No.5369167

this >>5368894

>> No.5369181
File: 360 KB, 870x694, 1276073570843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

England (UK)

>> No.5369190

not working

>> No.5369203


For some reason It's not letting me host. I'll play you if you host.

>> No.5369217

Is there another place to get matches?

>> No.5369220


I don't think so broski.

>> No.5369229

Well that's a big sadface right there.

>> No.5369240



>> No.5369267

The IRC channel, doujinstyle, hamachi, SU and I even heard of a steam group.

>> No.5369327

Someone host.

>> No.5369362



>> No.5369374
File: 179 KB, 513x719, b2d70dac98155be6f0f8e60ff21b3924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm, I thought it was just me when I couldn't join most of the matches yesterday. Well, let's see if this works.

>> No.5369508

Not work.

>> No.5369544
File: 58 KB, 643x500, double-KO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US East
Unbeginner level.

>> No.5369631

Normally I'd host longer before stopping, but I haven't had lunch yet so I'm out to eat. See you guys later.

>> No.5369664

So uhh.. anyone from Middle East?

>> No.5369694

get out, aqo

>> No.5369702


>> No.5369893
US Midwest
Trying out some new decks.

>> No.5370056


>> No.5370077
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normal mode

>> No.5370131

>> No.5370260
File: 482 KB, 552x821, 1275748433718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn it, I can't beat you Idler, seriously. Good games, but I really am no match for you anymore. Your well-timed and well-thought gameplay thouroughly crushes my messy mash party, I guess I deserve it. What kind of training did you undergo during the past few weeks? Damn, the gap between us is too wide, I can't catch up anymore.

>> No.5370302
File: 373 KB, 928x1000, cf9db79c6b521c3ad35c92067b78ef7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games, _Akagi_.

Those Youmu vs. Suika matches felt pretty familiar, I remember playing you for 5 hours once with only that matchup. Good times.

>What kind of training did you undergo during the past few weeks?
I forced myself to learn that 623 input I've been struggling with, helps a lot against attacks such as loliball... I still have much to learn about Youmu's pressure though, I seem unable to use those pink circles when I need them, they turn out as a 623 if I try to do them after a 6A. That's pretty much a free combo for you.

As for your Sanae, oh god I hate that Kanako attack so much. Even when I know precisely where you're going to use it, I keep eating it again and again.

That's definitely strange, I don't get why it'd only work for some people.

>> No.5370323
File: 420 KB, 1280x1024, 1273419402464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, i have never played Natural Law online before. I have had a couple of friends over to play it togheter locally. And needless to say i am pretty terrible. So does anyone want to host a game so that i can get the ropes togheter?

Preferably someone from Europe.

>> No.5370346
File: 176 KB, 700x750, 1275942309442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way, I think you could improve a lot simply by using more bullets as cover for your attacks with Suika. You should try to make sure I can't use Youmu's 623 for defense; the B version is invulnerable to melee but will not graze, while the C version grazes but is often beat by other melee attacks, so neither version is good against bullets and melee simultaneosly.

>> No.5370382

Or you can just have fun kicking some newbies ass.

>> No.5370406

>Natural Law
That's not an accepted name nor nickname for the game.

>> No.5370421


>> No.5370436


>> No.5370455
File: 128 KB, 440x685, 1274711776981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I still have much to learn about Youmu's pressure though

Oh god, please don't say that, your pressure is horribly hard to withstand... And your corner pressure is a nightmare. Seriously I wish I could press like that with any of the characters I play.

Also, don't take these Kanako rushdowns at heart, it's definitely because of Yuyuko's speed. I can't use it that effectively against faster characters or characters with fast bullets.

Yeah, you're right, but sadly I've been playing that way since the beginning, it's really hard to pick up some new fighting habits. I'll try nonetheless.

>> No.5370463
File: 123 KB, 750x750, 1257619980347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games, Duckator. It's been quite a long while.

I liked your 623 usage with Sakuya, haha.

>> No.5370474
File: 77 KB, 221x318, snapped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And your corner pressure is a nightmare.
You should meet a certain profile1p I've been playing with lately, you'd love it...

>Yeah, you're right, but sadly I've been playing that way since the beginning, it's really hard to pick up some new fighting habits. I'll try nonetheless.
I know what you mean, since that's exactly what I did with Youmu's 623. Also, after all this time, I have no idea how to border escape properly.

>> No.5370493

Good games Guy. I can't remember the last time I got a round in on your Meiling much less a whole game. Then again I can barely remember the last time we fought; it was nice playing with you again.

>I liked your 623 usage with Sakuya, haha.
Thanks. I didn't know giant Suika could be used to counter it like that, I'll have to watch out for that next time.

>> No.5370497

Scrub tier, give me some advice afterward please.

>> No.5370506

Yeah, I'm pretty rusty with her. I got a little frustrated with her a while back and have just been messing around with the rest of the cast.

I've gotta say that Suika is sorta fun to use, though.

>> No.5370515

I'm sorry, I can't deal with a huge delay like that.

>> No.5370555
File: 20 KB, 500x500, 1265761366433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wc, normal mode

>> No.5370636

Stopped hosting--I found a problem. By the way, if anyone had tried connecting earlier, you should have spoken up so I would have realized something was wrong sooner instead of waiting around and wasting an hour.

>> No.5370654
File: 77 KB, 600x431, 8f7ee2d5946616c9c09f5237ad2aa1c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hosting EU

>> No.5370692



>> No.5370833

Good games p1p, don't know what happened there, random disconnect?
Still far too early for me to go up against you it seems. That Youmu pressure is impossible for me to deal with, and you even blocked my scarf!

>> No.5370837

Rehosting once more. Should be working now.

>> No.5370888

GGs. I don't know what happened either, we had spikes during a few matches, I guess this one was too big.
GGs The Idler. You didn't even let me pick Youmu!

>> No.5370913
File: 211 KB, 480x660, 4a4993b8d3bb478ec3950a22f85a5efb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, thanks for the games profile1p. Sorry for cutting it short, I actually just planned to check out whether our connection would work now, since I couldn't join your game earlier today. Just missed that spectate button apparently, that's what I get for being around at this hour. I'd stick around for more but I'm having trouble of thinking about anything besides 2A.

>> No.5370951

Hosting Europe
Once again, I'm in for a beating.

>> No.5370987

sorry, my internet sux. GG

>> No.5370989


Sorry but the lag was too much, nice to see activity here anyway.

>> No.5371000


Fun games, any advice?

>> No.5371006

Good games Harlaown. It's been a long time, but I guess you're trying out Sakuya now, or is she now your main (the last time we played I only saw your Yukari)? It's not your fault at all, but I've somehow ended up playing the Cirno/Sakuya matchup a lot recently, so even when I should have lost (the third game) I felt confident. You'll need to work on using more effective blockstrings for Sakuya since I rarely had trouble escaping from them. Thanks for the games!

>> No.5371017

my god fucking shit I started getting mad oh dear lord.

I crushed my pringles can out of sheer anger. Good games, www.

>> No.5371029


Good ones dude

>> No.5371030
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>my god fucking shit I started getting mad oh dear lord.

>> No.5371058 Eu
Muddy potatoes tier.

>> No.5371088

>You'll need to work on using more effective blockstrings for Sakuya
To elaborate on that: Blockstrings have to be adjusted depending on what kind of player you face, but bob's staggered melee was particularly effective against me (e.g. 5AA dash forward 2A 3A cancel into 623B after the second hit) since I tend to watch for knives or 6A before trying to escape. On the other hand, something as silly as 5AAA(delay)A worked wonders against Duckator when we played months ago.

Staple blockstrings to do are something like 5AAA 5B hjc7 j.66 j.6A midscreen and 5AA 2B hjc9 j.2A j.2B j.6D j.5A in the corner, but of course they're easy to escape when predictable so use varying ones to throw people off.

Your defense was fine, so you should focus on improving your offense at the moment. Well, hold off using 236 too freely since spirit takes longer to recover after using it.

>> No.5371098 US East
irc tier

>> No.5371102
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Shit, learning to pad, waiting for pizza tier

>> No.5371173
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This guy is right. It's *Unthinkable* Natural Law, not just Natural Law!

You wouldn't just say "Scarlet Devil" when you were referring to Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, now would you?

>> No.5371213
File: 84 KB, 750x750, yukari-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry man, you're wrong too. It's "Lacking Perception of the" Natural Laws "of the East", not just Natural Law.

Like you explained, you wouldn't just say "Scarlet Devil" when you were referring to Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, now would you?

>> No.5371230

Please, don't come to /jp/ with that Iku ever again.

>> No.5371551



>> No.5371631
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Yellow appreciation week, week of the year all years

>> No.5371644
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Also, feel free to join if you still haven't gotten to play yet, nameless.

>> No.5371676

gg. Wish I could've gave a better match but lag sucked.

>> No.5371702
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>> No.5371747

GGs. Think you were trolling with me towards the end, but ggs nevertheless.

>> No.5371770

How did you find out? The trollwheels? GGs.

>> No.5371784
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wc, normal mode

>> No.5371806
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>> No.5371807

Your playstyle pretty much changed completely.

Though it was hard to notice cause this game is such a big trollfest itself.

>> No.5371814
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>> No.5371948

I didn't start spec'ing from the beginning, so did I miss any Iku mirror games? And my gosh, it's like Nameless suddenly powered up his Iku again, or the other times I saw him he was playing down his level.

>> No.5371985
File: 1.04 MB, 1028x1200, 1256496909310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. I went Suika -> Tenshi -> Reisen. I managed to take a few of the games, but nameless was in control for pretty much all of the matches.

And yes, his Iku is quite good.

>> No.5372104


Good ones again, i got bored. but i have no choice on who i play these days.

>> No.5372263

requesting new hoster for midnight. don't want to die tier.

>> No.5372304 [DELETED] central US

>> No.5372464


>> No.5372572

Umm yeah. Good games Nodocchi, I guess. Where were you connecting from? The last time I experienced lag that bad was playing against someone in Finland.

Rehosting once more.

>> No.5372580

GGs. I'm too laggy .
I guess I still need to practice. ;_;

>> No.5373008

Yeah, I think it's time to call it quits and stop hosting.

>> No.5374720


>> No.5375176
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>> No.5375191

Let's play while /jp/ is shitty.

>> No.5375572

Someone host!

>> No.5375680

forget it just go to irc

>> No.5376086

>go to irc

Don't wanna.

>> No.5376273

low tier
Poland in Europe

>> No.5376330
File: 618 KB, 1200x900, Konachan.com - 73706 bunnygirl long_hair moon purple_hair red_eyes reisen_udongein_inaba suit tie touhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5376330 Sweden (EU)
Please give feedback after the match!

>> No.5376432

I had to reconnect, hosting again.

>> No.5376521

Great games, I was a punching bag though so not that much feedback I can give except to keep it up.

>> No.5376527

GGs! (Forgot your name... sorry). I think you should stick to playing Alice, since you're better with her. Any feedback for me would be appreciated.

>> No.5376639 ec hostan.

Shit tenko tier.

>> No.5376662


>> No.5376689
File: 1.89 MB, 2103x3227, 1275718433654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat delay... good game nonetheless.

>> No.5376695


Rehostin, accidentally exited my last match tier.

>> No.5376766

someone host

>> No.5377080


>> No.5377193

GGs miko! I thought it started off quite good for me, but then you started to win almost all the matches... Maybe I got too predictable? Anyways, advice would be appreciated!

>> No.5377223
File: 37 KB, 450x600, touhou-yokan-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hosting EU

>> No.5377263
File: 88 KB, 503x800, 2866df088542cf54bb8bd82d3a9993e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games! There's not really much advice I can offer you. Most of your combos worked against me, considering the fact that I'm a scrub and can't block for my life. However, what you should improve on is corner blockstrings. Instead of melee > bullets > bullets > melee, try something like melee > melee > bullets, or just mix it up somehow. I saw you improving on that in the middle, but towards the final matches you started to revert back to your original blockstring.

Other than that, watch out when your opponent jumps above you, you seem to let your guard down when that happens. Sorry for sounding a bit arrogant, I'm not that good myself so I doubt my advice will be too helpful. Hope you play you again sometime!

>> No.5377317
File: 188 KB, 1286x914, frogslut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bored frogslut tier

>> No.5377376

Feeling pretty forgot how to play tier.

>> No.5377383

>> No.5377390

Well, the fact that you spammed the same moves over and over, really left me with alot of options, even more than suwako usually has. The matches were pretty boring on my side, and I had to resort to being silly to entertain myself. Get better so we can have some serious matches!

>> No.5377393
West Coast

>> No.5377413

GGs Akagi.
Your Meilin has some interesting press. It's hard to guess if you're going for a bullet reset or for a physical attack. Just a piece of advice I could give you, take conscience that your opponent sees your deck. I noted that every time you had a skillcard and were pressing, you used it. It's not really a problem if the skill is safe on block, but you can use this knowledge at your advantage (and make me believe you will use the alt. 214 by selecting it, but not using it, for example).

>> No.5377415
File: 216 KB, 1027x929, 1258564280160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games p1p. I was hoping that you would pick a character that you have no idea to play so that we could both practice, but that didn't seem to be the plan haha. Well at least thank you for not using Youmu.

Yeah, I have no idea how to play Meiling, but I wanted to get a feel of her moveset in netplay, that's why. Sorry if it wasn't really challenging or anything. I'll do better next time.

>> No.5377427

To be honest, I don't feel comfortable with the idea of playing a char I don't know against you. You have a playstyle that will make me suffer everytime I screw a timing I'm supposed to be able to do correctly, and that already happens too often with characters I main.

>> No.5377456

Sorry berserker, that lag is just a bit much. :<

>> No.5377458


>> No.5377464

I'd love to get a chance to play you in an environment without lag sometime. GG.

>> No.5377473
File: 85 KB, 850x641, 1276423593041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can count on that

>> No.5377768 US East

>> No.5377875

more hosts

>> No.5377955


>> No.5377987


Fun games.

>> No.5377994

Good games, you should consider adding some guard reversal system cards into your deck.

>> No.5378017


Oh wow you let 6A aaaaa you 4 times in a row? Block more.

>> No.5378051

GGs 6A! That was just... Wow, really quite awesome. Sorry for leaving, but I just felt like a sandbag, so I think I would prefer playing against someone closer to my level... Anyway, got any advice?

>> No.5378054

Yeah, I really need to learn to block more. I get all panicked sometimes, and just forget to defend...

>> No.5378064


Re-host play me!

>> No.5378068

Okay, sure. Rehosting!

>> No.5378086

GGs. As a general rule, don't approach without bullet cover, doubly so against Alice. You often shot the bullets from too far away, which allowed me to graze them before you could get to me, and easily counter your approach with a j6a. Also try to vary your pressure strings, always doing aaa -> bullet makes your corner stuff easy to escape. Try adding 2a and fa in the mix. Another thing you did was to almost always roll away from the corner. Be careful about that, it leads to ambiguous crossups and >>5378017

>> No.5378174


GGs, shame there was lag.

>> No.5378175

EC surprise tier

>> No.5378180

Thanks! Now let's hope I can remember all that advice... And I've noticed myself I seem to suffer from intense cornerphobia in this game.

>> No.5378188
West Coast

>> No.5378189

Yeah, quite a shame, anyway, GGs! Any advice that you perhaps can give me?

>> No.5378328

drugged up and want to sleep tier. host for me boys im drunk too.

>> No.5378349

ggs akagi thanks for the games, they were fun

>> No.5378356


>> No.5378367
File: 246 KB, 715x706, 8511366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games Antimony! Damn, I would have liked to play you without any delay at all, I'm sure I would have learned a lot. These dropped inputs with Marisa and Aya were starting to look a bit ridiculous...

>> No.5378375

>> No.5378407

still waiting for any host tier, and apperently that host guy stop hosting.

>> No.5378425

> Implying that /jp/ has friends

And yeah delay sucks but it wasn't totally horrible, was it?

Yeah, sucks.

>> No.5378461

are you idler? you were pretty good, above average /jp/ player.

>> No.5378467 Midwest and rusty.

>> No.5378474

>Implying bob isn't just bob

>> No.5378481
File: 2.49 MB, 1254x1771, 8757497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure I wouldn't care that much about delay if I were a better player. But in my case if the delay is superior to 0.2s I'm as defenseless as a little girl playing the game with a keyboard.

I don't have any delay with the Idler.

>> No.5378488
File: 137 KB, 793x586, 4d6175d66cf8015bfe666581f5f2906c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games.

>above average /jp/ player.
That might be, but I've been here since the game was released, and get beaten by players who are a lot newer than me with this game. Feels pretty bad really.

is not me.

>> No.5378569

god damnit couldnt win a match rusty my ass also if you didnt notice i choose my wrong file its like i was on default~
regardless i would still lose thanks for raping me also now you made my marisa main feel bad. knew you were giving me mercy that last round just to make me feel good thanks.

>> No.5378578

No, I am pretty rusty. Haven't played in days. GGs. I didn't go easy on you, I just don't use Yukari lol.

>> No.5378710

One more try.
Hosting EU

>> No.5378904

GGs. You got much more aggressive at the end.(or I just played dumb as hell)

>> No.5378960 Midwest US

First time netplaying. I probably suck. Feel free to fuck my shit up

>> No.5378979


>> No.5378988

GGs, might have been because I'm more familiar with certain characters, and you started out with ones I haven't used/played against much.

>> No.5378999
File: 151 KB, 508x590, peachesdolly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
US Midwest
Absolute shit tier.

>> No.5379001


>> No.5379016
File: 171 KB, 500x600, 1264960974601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure you're router is set to forward port 10800 to your internal IP address.

If you can't figure this out with running ipconfig from a dos window and then going to your router settings to forward the port, YOUR TOO CASUAL TO PLAY A GAEM AS HARDCORE AS TOOHOO FIGHTAN 2.5: THE FIGHTANING

>> No.5379040

Why did I laugh?

>> No.5379060 Midwest.

Shit tier.

>> No.5379088

I need some help making a good Alice deck... Can anyone give me some tips?

>> No.5379096

>good deck

Pick one.

>> No.5379100

Alice it is then.

>> No.5379111

>Implying that a japanese alice didn't win a tourney recently
But the thing is, she's incredibly hard to get good with. If you aren't japanese, settle with being lower than noob tier, because no one is gonna push you to become good.

>> No.5379117

>If you aren't japanese

Does that mean if I'm Japanese or I live in Japan, or mix of both?

>> No.5379124

100% pure, nipponeseian, with immense amounts of competitiveness that his been bred into their race since before the World Wars. Or you could be black, they get good at stuff too.

>> No.5379130

>with immense amounts of competitiveness

Well, that's about all I got. Damn.

>> No.5379150

-your skillcards of choice (3-8)
-bomb + laser spellcards for damage (6-8)
-reversal cards or guard counter system (4-6)
-crush or gimmick spellcards (2-4)
-passive system cards (2-8)

There you go. All-purpose Alice deck.

>> No.5379178

GGs uhh, Terribad.

>> No.5379182

GGs, sorry for not staying too long! Got stuff to do.

>> No.5379189 [DELETED] 

IMMeDIatEly reMOVe YOur ilLeGAl clONE TINy.4CHAN.Org From YOUR serveR, CHristOpHER "SCUmBaG tHIEF" Pool AR-BeAR, and rEdIrect IT (and THE sTOLEn aT dOMAIN) To wwW.AnOntalK.SE. tHEN sEnD SYsOP usd $548,030 In cOmPENSaTIoN anD PUT A peRMAnent Text ad foR aT ON thE ENtIRe sIte oF 4CHan ANd we WiLl BE EveN. ShOulD You rEFuse, yOu WIll BE SuEd FOr $67,462 per NANO SEcOND. If The perSon REaDInG tHIS Is not "moot", e-mAIL HiM AT MoOt@4CHan.ORG aNd PuT PreSsuRE On HiM To seT thinGs righT. thaNK yoU FOR lisTEnInG. gnoxtgbnbaljoakifmwjvzympikmhfvbvasfvs

>> No.5379193
File: 59 KB, 881x664, patchyfail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
West Coast
Super_Me tier

Continuing my non Meiling-ness for a bit.
Expect shittyness.

>> No.5379198

If you can only become good by being pushed, you will never good.

>> No.5379200

GG man

>> No.5379205

gg. My first time playing Scythe Toohoo, actually.

Peaches and Ghost Empress Butterfly toohoo are my mains, and by mains I mean I know easily exploitable moves for them.


>> No.5379212

You don't have the heart of a warrior, you will never become a good soku player ;~;

>> No.5379222 [DELETED] 


ImmEDiATElY rEmoVE YouR IlleGAl CLOne tINY.4cHan.ORG frOM yoUr sERvER, ChrisTOPHER "sCumbag thiEF" pOoL ar-Bear, And REDIREct iT (ANd ThE StOlen aT DomAiN) To Www.ANOntAlk.se. THEn Send SYSoP Usd $520,145 In COMpEnSATiOn aND pUt a perMAnent tExT Ad FOR at ON THe entiRE sIte of 4chaN AnD WE WILl be eVEn. ShOUld You refusE, You will Be SueD fOR $94,739 per nANO secOnD. iF ThE PersON rEaDiNg ThIS Is nOt "MOOt", e-MAIL hiM At moOt@4chAn.orG ANd put pREssure ON HIm to SEt tHiNGs RiGht. thanK you FOr LisTeninG. ehxupppvlmshdaetjemsinn

>> No.5379220


>> No.5379238

I was just mashing my spellcard button hoping that would happen. It was pretty damn funny.

I pretty much only use Reimu and Sakuya. I'm not that great with Sakuya but I love her bouncing knives. I always forget to abuse her teleport though.

>> No.5379261


I actually didn't mean to keep spamming that useless attack with ghost toohoo but I was all panicky and forgot my moveset.

>> No.5379262

>Implying that the tournament had good players.

>> No.5379272

>Implying that you are good enough to judge skill

>> No.5379279

I'm sorry /jp/, for asking such a stupid question, but where can you find out what IP to give when you want to play with someone else?

>> No.5379283


>> No.5379284

How do I counter that bunny gurl jump move with that knife maid? Please help.

>> No.5379289 US East
irc tier

>> No.5379295


So I just stick the port i'm using, which is 10800 onto the end?

Damn, I'm stupid. Thank you.

>> No.5379308 [DELETED] 


IMmediAtely REMOve yOUR ILleGal CLone tiny.4chAn.oRG fROM YOUR sErvEr, ChrIsToPhEr "ScUMBaG thief" poOl AR-beaR, ANd REDIReCT IT (aNd THe stolen AT domaiN) tO www.ANonTAlK.se. ThEN seND sysop Usd $572,981 iN cOMpeNsatioN ANd Put A perMaNENT TexT Ad foR At ON thE enTIRe SitE oF 4CHaN And we WilL be eVEN. SHOulD YoU ReFuSe, YOu WIlL BE SUeD for $73,129 PeR nano SEConD. iF tHE PErSOn rEadiNg THIs is Not "MooT", e-MAil HIM AT moOT@4ChAN.ORG anD pUT pressuRE ON hIm tO sEt ThINgS RiGhT. thAnk yOU fOR lIStEnINg. hgriantyjmqaglfixoxoto

>> No.5379315
File: 279 KB, 1935x1709, 4552886352b4ced8bbc81fdc7bc24d99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try blocking?

>> No.5379332 [DELETED] 

imMEdiAtELY RemOVE yoUR iLLeGAl CLOnE TiNy.4CHAN.ORG fROM yOUR sErVer, cHRIStOpHEr "scumBAG ThiEF" PooL ar-bEar, AnD REdIreCT it (And thE SToLEn at DomaiN) tO WwW.AnONTalK.sE. TheN sEND SYsOP usd $544,961 in cOmpEnSation aND puT A PeRMAneNT texT Ad FOR at ON The enTirE SiTE of 4cHaN aND wE WiLl BE even. SHOulD yoU RefusE, You WIll BE sued fOR $58,376 PEr nANo SeConD. iF tHe PeRSON REadINg thIS Is NOT "MoOt", e-MAil him at moOT@4CHaN.oRg aNd Put preSSURe ON hiM To SeT tHiNgS rIGHt. tHaNk yOU foR LIsTEning. wstprtvkftieyxvdymgptdabvmab

>> No.5379334
File: 36 KB, 465x379, swr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you type it like that, UNL will read it from clipboard for folks who want to join you.

Just basically, whatismyip.com and then add the :10800 at the end.

Use a colon not a period, fag. And keep an eye on the thread. Most folks won't tell you they can't connect but some might. Generally, if people can't connect, the problem is on your end.

>> No.5379341


Right I just blocked that bunnys down kick she is going to b/c me to the wall yet again, I can't stop her during the delay she failed that kick?

>> No.5379349
File: 240 KB, 3356x1641, 1276321099267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If a problem in UNL cant be solved by random button mashan then it isn't worth being solved.

>> No.5379361


Anyone want to help me.

>> No.5379364

Best advice ever, enjoy going to /jp/ daily and saying you're shit tier, thanks

>> No.5379365
File: 1.01 MB, 1000x1150, 1269995650264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, bunny girl is superior to maid toohoo.

>> No.5379370
File: 678 KB, 1030x1036, 1263276031227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolol u mad

>> No.5379391

gg man, was fun.

>> No.5379399 [DELETED] 


IMMEdIATelY rEMove yOUr ilLegal cLone tINy.4cHan.ORg FRoM YOuR serVer, cHristOpHEr "SCumBaG tHIeF" pool AR-BEAR, ANd rEDIReCt IT (anD thE StoleN at domaIN) TO wWw.ANOntALk.se. TheN senD SYsop uSd $597,956 in coMpENSaTIOn ANd PuT a PErMaNent TExt aD for AT oN the eNtIRE Site OF 4CHaN AND We WiLL be EvEN. SHoULd YOU refUsE, You WIlL BE sUEd foR $50,134 PeR NAno SECond. If thE pERSOn ReadIng This IS nOT "mOOt", e-MaIl HIM At moOt@4chaN.ORG aNd pUT PReSsUre on hIm To sET things rIGHT. THaNK You FOr lIsTEnINg. mlmuopzbrvkckrxbpjyimdhreefnokn

>> No.5379395


bump and >>5379364 isn't me.

>> No.5379398
File: 206 KB, 386x454, paaatch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I forgot your name

You seemed to be getting better and better with that Alice

>> No.5379421


>> No.5379425

Haha, yeah. I haven't played in a while so I guess I was just getting used to it again. And name was KoizumiKun, maybe we'll play again some time.

>> No.5379428



>> No.5379471


I'll just assume you mean Reisen's j.a (The jump kick).

Generally, blocking an opponent's j.a means you are going to eat a blockstring, so the best way to deal with an incoming j.a is to avoid getting into that situation. Try to avoid staying under your opponent when they jump in on you. Most anti airs are risky, so your best bet is to get out of that position.

However, you can use this to your advantage and jump into your opponent yourself. Just remember that although anti airs are risky, they are still effective so try not to just fly in and j.a all the time without good bullet cover.

Some Sakuya anti airs: 3A, 2B, 2C

If you want more detailed advice, come to irc (#hisouten at irc.rizon.net) and maybe someone can discuss theorysoku while playing a few matches.

>> No.5379539
File: 20 KB, 400x300, 1204326247357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wc, normal mode

>> No.5379549
File: 52 KB, 261x262, sadwako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just flat out disappointed into myself with those matches

>> No.5379551

Good games and thanks for the games.

>> No.5379556


Thank for your detail respond, I'm glad at least a few people here aren't terrible and obvious trolls.

>> No.5379563

That's what you get for joining an irc tier IP.

>> No.5379567
File: 26 KB, 486x364, 1258830077306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5379568

I'm glad you were serious, for a second there I thought you were trying to troll this peaceful thread (:

>> No.5379588

any hosters?

>> No.5379595

>> No.5379610

I'm sorry if this looks fake but it isn't, please join.

>> No.5379622

not working, check your ports and your e-mail

>> No.5379633


not working.

>> No.5379657

good games, very good mokou

>> No.5379663

Implying that your claim is irrefutable.

>> No.5379711

How many people are on the irc anyways?

>> No.5379734
File: 62 KB, 852x480, 1274219539318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The week is over, but I'm still appreciating Yellow (tier)

>> No.5379792

ther is no irc

>> No.5379858

IRC is dead, no one.

Our master GUUUUUU died in a car crash, we miss his cock very much.

>> No.5380048
File: 615 KB, 641x483, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5380052
File: 176 KB, 450x600, 1256564380236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games, www. We seem to be playing each other more often these days.

>> No.5380061

Good ones, their is no one else to play most of the time. I should limit my characters to 2 like everyone else, but i like variety to much.

>> No.5380067


Yeah i saw that, i was like lolwut? and i wasted my second chance when his spellcard missed.

>> No.5380071

Hahaha, I know the feeling. I should probably choose to just level up Suika/Tenshi or something, but I like playing a fair portion of the cast.

If nothing else you could go to the IRC, though most of the players there aren't really all that much better than the ones here.

>> No.5380085

I might eventually, but ive made to many people rage at me. So i'll just stick to being scrub on /jp/

>> No.5380099

You've made people rage? Tell us your secrets, www.

I see nothing wrong with this image.

>> No.5380128

Nothing exceptional to see, except that the end of that round was thrilling to spectate because the two life bars were empty.

>> No.5380143

Please Guy, stop trying to recruit people to the IRC channel. I know misery enjoys company and all, but still.

>> No.5380280 [SPOILER] 
File: 100 KB, 471x416, 1273822083776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5380406

US East
22B/C level.

>> No.5380612

Guess I picked a bad time to host again. Oh well, until next time.

>> No.5380939 - Midwest

Shit tierrrrrr.

>> No.5381003 [DELETED] 
File: 474 KB, 1862x1397, 2587784238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys like OPERATORS? How about OPERATORS OPERATING OPERATIONALLY? Well, good news, because there's a site that's dedicated to OPERATORS like you --OPERATORchan!

Join us for 18 boards of AWESOME weapons discussion. OPERATORchan is an imageboard totally focused around weapons, militaries and similar topics. Talk about gear, Airsoft, weapons; even survival, food & hunting in an OPERATOR-friendly environment. Visit us today! You have nothing to lose, and a great board to gain!


irc.rizon.net #/k/

See you there!

>> No.5381243

Shit tier my ass... GGs anyway...

Got any tips for an actual shit tier player... One who hasn't won a match ever?

>> No.5381248
File: 156 KB, 2118x1193, 1251092233438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wc, normal mode

>> No.5381270 [DELETED] 
File: 226 KB, 693x464, 153323280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys like OPERATORS? How about OPERATORS OPERATING OPERATIONALLY? Well, good news, because there's a site that's dedicated to OPERATORS like you --OPERATORchan!

Join us for 18 boards of AWESOME weapons discussion. OPERATORchan is an imageboard totally focused around weapons, militaries and similar topics. Talk about gear, Airsoft, weapons; even survival, food & hunting in an OPERATOR-friendly environment. Visit us today! You have nothing to lose, and a great board to gain!


irc.rizon.net #/k/

See you there!

>> No.5381268


GGs. From what I saw your defense needs work but I was doing some pretty intense cross-ups so I don't know lol.

>> No.5381330 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 666x638, 7865402254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys like OPERATORS? How about OPERATORS OPERATING OPERATIONALLY? Well, good news, because there's a site that's dedicated to OPERATORS like you --OPERATORchan!

Join us for 18 boards of AWESOME weapons discussion. OPERATORchan is an imageboard totally focused around weapons, militaries and similar topics. Talk about gear, Airsoft, weapons; even survival, food & hunting in an OPERATOR-friendly environment. Visit us today! You have nothing to lose, and a great board to gain!


irc.rizon.net #/k/

See you there!

>> No.5381340 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 666x638, 1058936950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys like OPERATORS? How about OPERATORS OPERATING OPERATIONALLY? Well, good news, because there's a site that's dedicated to OPERATORS like you --OPERATORchan!

Join us for 18 boards of AWESOME weapons discussion. OPERATORchan is an imageboard totally focused around weapons, militaries and similar topics. Talk about gear, Airsoft, weapons; even survival, food & hunting in an OPERATOR-friendly environment. Visit us today! You have nothing to lose, and a great board to gain!


irc.rizon.net #/k/

See you there!

>> No.5381520


I was probably boring as shit, but still, fun matches.

>> No.5381539 [DELETED] 
File: 1.01 MB, 1139x1575, 2896699668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys like OPERATORS? How about OPERATORS OPERATING OPERATIONALLY? Well, good news, because there's a site that's dedicated to OPERATORS like you --OPERATORchan!

Join us for 18 boards of AWESOME weapons discussion. OPERATORchan is an imageboard totally focused around weapons, militaries and similar topics. Talk about gear, Airsoft, weapons; even survival, food & hunting in an OPERATOR-friendly environment. Visit us today! You have nothing to lose, and a great board to gain!


irc.rizon.net #/k/

See you there!

>> No.5381537


Good ones! I got to practice with other characters, suika doesnt seem to bad now. iku still feels shitty. your suika needs to use more spread out bullets to launch melee attacks. and watch your spellcards

>> No.5382352

03H10 zulu -5 can´t sleep, if someone still here, I will host...

>> No.5382440

I'll play if you host. I suck though.

>> No.5382473

n_n me too, hosting in 2 min

>> No.5382489

no spect. sorry

>> No.5382531

Hey, I haven't played netplay since the original IaMP. How the hell do I do this again? Hosting that is.

>> No.5382581
US East Coast
Drunk off my ass tier

>> No.5382609

GG. My controller came unplug, otherwise I would've kept going.

>> No.5382613

np nice 99hits combo n_n, still hosting

>> No.5382746

Great games dude. Sorry to cut it short. I'd play more but I think I'm gonna go pass out. Stay classy!

>> No.5382755

n_n have nice dreams

>> No.5383847
File: 246 KB, 750x700, 1274550448095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hosting EU

>> No.5384171


>> No.5384180

Good games.

>> No.5384354


>> No.5384689

Scrub wanting advice hosting.

Playing for 10-15 mins.

>> No.5385940


>> No.5386289

Bump for host

>> No.5386362


>> No.5386379

Did Guu really die...?

>> No.5386483


Jokes asides, yes he really did die.

>> No.5386514

That's not funny, man. Who will do our triggers now?

>> No.5386520

Holy fuck.....

>> No.5386563


The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact

>> No.5386624
File: 618 KB, 1165x787, 9b9cbc7c3c32fdaa147a86eebdb419ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5386699
File: 37 KB, 905x611, suika flowchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5386699 - EU

00:50 AM tier

>> No.5386718

remember when loliball was good? ;_;

>> No.5386726 [DELETED] 

IMmedIATelY rEmOVE yOUr iLLeGal cLOnE oF aT frOM YouR ServEr, moO-Cow, AnD reDiRECT IT (anD thE STolEn dOmAIn) to wWW.anOnTALK.SE. AlSo pUT A text ad On 4cHan TO at FOr 12 MOnThS TO COmpensATe fOR The LOsT tRAFFIC thAT yOU AND your userS HAVE CauseD wiTh yOuR iLlEGAL praCtIcES. ThiS iS yOur cHANCE TO SEt THiNGS RIgHt. taKE iT. IF THe PERSon ReaDinG thiS is NOt "MOOt", E-mail hIm At mOot@4cHaN.orG And puT sOmE PresSure On hiM iF yOU haTe theSE meSSagES. tHAnK you fOr lIStEniNG. jinv u emdehg

>> No.5386755
File: 116 KB, 388x500, 32605ae9c0f0a55aa257fe22c7a4f11ab7b5763d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wc, normal mode

>> No.5386772


Fun games, thanks.

>> No.5386773

GG, though I was probably pretty boring
Any advice for improving my frog?

>> No.5386777

Good games LOVE. You should hold back from using j.2A too much. I'm not a Suwako player so I may not be able to provide much advice, but you're not using enough trees (j.8A).

>> No.5386789
File: 156 KB, 1280x720, 1276300354390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Princess Resurrection: the school council

>> No.5386792


Play a real character. I'm not even kidding.

>> No.5386794
File: 198 KB, 931x608, suwako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5386833

Awesome. Thanks
Why would I play a real character when theres this cool frog?

>> No.5386884

I was going to give you one more game, but good games, Akagi. It's hard to work up the will to play in conditions like that.

>> No.5386898
File: 52 KB, 848x480, 1273262577938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, rehosting.

>> No.5386915
File: 7 KB, 161x159, 1276521889222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love to play some slow-motion games once in a while with you, Guy! Also sorry, I was really bored! Also there is no one from Europe playing at 01:20 AM... Anyway, I'm letting you play with someone who lives closer to you.

>> No.5386947

Hahah scrub is really a scrub.

>> No.5387120
File: 43 KB, 400x500, 63ef6090161df3c40f2df76ca1deafbd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also there is no one from Europe playing at 01:20 AM...
It's nearing 3AM here, but I wouldn't mind some matches if there's someone around.

>> No.5387218
File: 50 KB, 848x480, 1273262386729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5387240

hey bob

>> No.5387262

Play who you want, but just be ready for a lot of bitching if you main Suwako, and a lot of quickly ended matches.

>> No.5387404

you mean the irc person named scrub?

>> No.5387442

I'm having technical problems here, explorer.exe apparently decided to crash. I'll rehost in a while if you're still up to some more matches, _Akagi_.

>> No.5387469

Alright, rehosting, should work fine now, if you're still there.

>> No.5387534
File: 82 KB, 852x480, 1276299636332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games, Saje. It's been quite a while; it's nice to see you again.

I was in an Iku sort of move, suddenly delay lightning is a very fun skill to me. Also, I win the round: the spellcard is still good for a laugh too.

>> No.5387552

Well, that could have gone better. While it probably ought to be the least of my concerns, nothing pisses me off more about my playstyle than my abuse of backdash. I eat so many random projectiles because of that, as evidenced by your Iku 6Cs and Tenshi 6Bs. That crap adds up... Do love your blockstrings. Very fluid. I'm too much of a mechanical player to use them effectively unless they're airtight, in which case they only work if my opponent is one of those many people who completely forgot that BE exists. Speaking of which, finding a safe place to BE was more difficult than I'd prefer too, heh. Thanks for the games Vita, t'was fun.

>> No.5387558
File: 42 KB, 931x608, imlucflowchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That flowchart is horrible. Here, have a flowchart modeled after one of the best Suwakos around.

>> No.5387581

Oh, thanks. Ya, with pressure, "airtight" isn't necessarily something you need to focus on because of BEing in this game. Rather, it's good to mix in some stagger pressure while throwing out the occasional bullet, always varying what moves you use and when in order to keep the opponent confused.

>> No.5387702

cb went down who's up

>> No.5387736

new thread >>5387214

>> No.5388040
File: 623 KB, 1000x562, 1251414567103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, good games _Akagi_. It's 5AM, there goes my sleep pattern...

I was getting pretty frustrated with Meiling back there. I haven't been playing with her much lately, and Marisa is definitely one of your strongest characters. I wish I knew what to do but anything I try results in me getting beaten.

Also, Myon blocking Sanae's Kanako attack and making you completely vulnerable for the rest of it was pretty hilarious, although the practical uses seem minimal.

>> No.5388058
File: 2.34 MB, 1000x1750, 1266717029550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damnit, it's late. But good timing, I was about to call it a night. Good games Idler! Seems like I gradually woke up during the matches (these games with Sanae were really pitiful), but the drowsiness at the end was quite harsh, also that's unfair to use Youmu at this time of the night. I wanted to try Meiling but it wasn't a good idea to do this right now.

And I don't know if it's because I'm half asleep, but it looked like the weather was trolling more than usual (several double typhoons, heavy fog kicking in when I'm eating one of your limit combos with youmu), but it was fun nonetheless, one of these typhoons allowed me to dodge one of your Lotus Flower Palm, that was quite amusing. Also these Meiling VS Marisa games were really fun.

Good night, or good morning should I say? Sun's almost ready to set haha...

>> No.5388090
File: 92 KB, 495x700, 1245056536536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't even get me started with the weather this time around, two typhoons in a row when playing Yuyuko vs. Suika, oh god...

Also, the sun's been up here from about 3AM. My sleep pattern is really messed up because it's constantly at least somewhat bright outside.

>> No.5388121
File: 489 KB, 976x1371, 1256947565695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wish I knew what to do but anything I try results in me getting beaten

At some point I noticed that almost all of your ground pressure with Meiling started with a good old 5AAA 5B 5C, allowing me to graze out of it without much trouble. I think that's what gave me the advantage during some of these games. Also Marisa is probably one of my strongest charaters because she's all gimmicks.

>> No.5388150

Well, my mind was not really clear enough to think about what to do, so I kept repeating my mistakes. I hope the next time we play it's not at 3AM.

>> No.5388176

Don't say that, I can't win if you're not half asleep!

>> No.5388198
File: 510 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_3900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh well, not that I could sleep anyway with all this light shining in from my window, might as well play with you whenever. Pic related, 1:45AM two weeks ago.

>> No.5388200 wc

dickbutt tire

>> No.5388217

I don't think anyone will see that, since this thread stopped bumping about 30 posts ago.

>> No.5388232

well you're a boobie head so what now?

>> No.5388301
File: 38 KB, 334x298, Myon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

