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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 46 KB, 480x360, Arcade-Infinity..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5364881 No.5364881 [Reply] [Original]



/jp/, please help AI stay open.

>> No.5364884

I never leave the house. Not a concern of mine.

>> No.5364895

/jp/ doesn't leave the house, friend.

>> No.5364907

I thought /jp/ liked the fightan and AI provides good fightan videos to watch. It's a good cause.

>> No.5364913

I read it, and a tear almost feel down my face

>> No.5364916

tl;dr How do I help?

>> No.5364920

I hate fighting because every fighter I try to play I end up sucking at too much to play competitively. Every time I play anything with you guys online I just get my ass kicked handily, so I'm really bitter about it.

>> No.5364932

Hey man, you just have to practice and watch videos. Practice makes perfect.

>> No.5364947

Play the game in the OP.


>> No.5364952

People also have limits, and depending on how you were raised, and the personality you were born with, different things are harder to learn for others.

>> No.5364984

If I had to motivation to practice and learn something I'd just learn Japanese or something.

>> No.5364988

That's true but hey, everyone starts out as a scrub. It takes time, it only differs by how much time you are willing to put in. If you aren't willing to put in the time then well, I guess it's not quite your thing then.

However, I know a bunch of /jp/ users are into Bemani and AI has lots of that. Let's do it.

>> No.5365009

I'm already trying to do that and still trying to get awesome at Touhou. I don't need another full-time hobby. People seriously go as far as to memorize like recovery times on certain frames, how far each frame reaches, which frames clash where, etc. It's like a fucking science and you can't play unless you're doctorate level in it.

>> No.5365014
File: 113 KB, 744x1024, Ameto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ related

>> No.5365015

Arcadefags are too elitist.

>> No.5365021

To get good at something is fundamentally the same for everything. For Touhou you memorize patterns and bolster your reactions. For Japanese you memorize Kanji, Vocabulary, and master your usage of grammar. For Street Fighter you memorize frame data, hitbox data, and links.

>> No.5365025

I miss the arcades. I'm not going to bother helping you though, they are going to die whether you like it or not.

>> No.5365028

You are using the word scrub incorrectly.

>> No.5365030

It's the same as memorizing every single stat in an MMO or whatever. If you do it enough you'll get it. It's a shame the skill curve is so high though.

>> No.5365033

Reported for /v/ shit and spam.

>> No.5365052

A shame, well I don't leave my house anyway.

>> No.5365062
File: 113 KB, 242x226, Then die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, Sion.
I hope your arcade closes and a meteor hits your house.

>> No.5365075

Sion lives in SoCal?

>> No.5365094

But I love Sion, Jones u just jealous.

>> No.5365097

I'm sorry but, you just named every single thing that you actually learn from just playing the game, and noticing things. What the hell do you expect people to do, play a couple hundred rounds, and after each, forget the timing of moves? Swing and a miss son.

>> No.5365101

No, he lives in Massachusetts.
I didn't read the article.
Flatten ZUN's house with the meteor strike instead.

>> No.5365116


>> No.5365142

Ahahahaha, I remember that.

>> No.5365175



>> No.5365191

I love to pretend to DJ.

>> No.5365203

I would help but I would never go anyway.

>> No.5365205
File: 4 KB, 285x263, hitbox_clash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing the game and noticing? Oh no, "son", people actually study these and many other aspects down to the finest detail outside of the game. In order to improve for when they do play the game. And if you don't know all of this going in you'll get your ass handed to you until you devote enough time to studying shit like this. I mean just look at this. The fact that this even exists proves you wrong. When I read the shoryuken wiki or melty bread forums or just observe you guys talking about games it's like your swapping advanced biochem formulas back and forth.

>> No.5365207

Arcades do not work in America, this is a simple fact, and it won't change. The sooner you come to accept this the easier it will be for everyone.

>> No.5365210
File: 11 KB, 313x228, Monopoly mayor baffled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its kind of sad really, both in America and Japan arcades are dying, faster in America though. By 2015 arcades in America will be a fleeting memory. And in Japan, arcades will be on life support, and the plug will be pulled by the end of the year.

I miss going to arcades and making friends. Now it will all be online asswipes who think they're god's gift to fightan games.

Your firstborn will never get to experience a real arcade, ever. You are the last generation that was able to fully enjoy it. ;_;

>> No.5365224

Well when you really enjoy something you will start to devote the time into it. Studying hitboxes is the same idea as making charts to help someone at Touhou.

>> No.5365228
File: 37 KB, 379x567, 1276403858819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now if only arcades would get phase out here in china as well

>> No.5365230

It's true. If you want to be good at a fighting game, you really do need to know things like spacing, active frames, vulnerable frames, etc etc, otherwise you'll just get taken advantage of by people that do know these things, aka, all of the top players.

>> No.5365233

All I ever met at arcades were fuckheads trying to swindle me out of my coins. That and there was always that one dude who never left the Mortal Kombat machine and was always waiting around with a crowd for somebody to plunk down some money so he can show off the hardest fatalities. Thankfully I had my own friends to go with. But yeah arcades were kind of shit. I mean they were fun but playing at home is just that much better, hence why they are dying.

>> No.5365245

However, if you want to just play with friends and get good at your own pace you don't really have to know it. You could be content just having fun at an intermediate level which is what most people who play the game do anyway.

>> No.5365253

They like their games enough to do this shit?

>> No.5365269
File: 677 KB, 850x1186, 10016801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up Alex

>> No.5365271

I feel sad for people who's arcade communities are like that because here at AI everyone is pretty helpful.

>> No.5365282

Ground Kontrol has a bar (beer on tap, even) and DJs and can afford to have events with free food and shit pretty much all the time

AI is a fucking tiny building in comparison, and could really use the money to clean the shitty bathroom or something

Most retro games can be played on an emulator anyway, fighting/racing/music games are pretty much the only things that catch on in arcades these days

sorry Rocky, you're in 3rd and not worth donating points to

>> No.5365286

Hey if you love it then hats off. I won't knock your hobby. I'm just saying basically what this guy said
which is, the learning curve is ridiculously high. Such that it's impossible to just casually play these games. If you even want to play Melty for example you have to devote like a month of dedicated practice learning combos and shit before you can even play. That's fine if you like that but it's just not for me, that's all.

>> No.5365292

That poor damage box really looks sad

>> No.5365320

It's the same for everything. Take Touhou for example: alot of /jp/ers really put the time to learn every team, every touhou, everything about it. It's the same thing as learning patterns in touhou games.

>> No.5365324

>shoryuken wiki
Of course, that place is filled with pretentious faggots. But isn't every genre filled with them? (Rpgs, FPSes, music games, etc.) Fighting games just seem like the worst because they made up so much terminology that make it seem that they themselves programmed the game.

>> No.5365351

I'd love to go one day so I'll chip in some time.

>> No.5365370

Arcades are fucking awesome. If I didn't absolutely hate the faggots that go I'd be there all the time.

>> No.5365374

remember, contest ends at 12:00 pm ET on June 15th

>> No.5365381

Yes. We call them minmaxers. They generally are despised by most other players for being overbearing faggots who suck the fun out of anything they touch.

A couple of things in particular attract them like moths to a light. Mainly D&D, MMOs, and fighting games. In D&D there is about a 50/50 split, but in MMOs and fighters, minmaxing has become so common that it's the rule rather than the exception.

>> No.5365382

I enjoy fighters, even if I suck at them. But what I don't enjoy is the fact that fighting games bring out the most smug mother fuckers in society.

Oh well, there's always online play, I guess.

>> No.5365396
File: 17 KB, 300x300, 126793410469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SRK is the big name that most fightan fags are disgusted by. Nobody likes to be associated with SRK. It's like being a 4chan browser and being associated with /b/ cause its under the umbrella. SRK members over the past 2.5 years have been huge faggots whose first fighter was either SF4 or BB or tekken 6. And they flood out all the oldfags, who gave up on SRK back in 08.

They literally follow who X top player is picking. Which is why Daigo picked guile in the SSF4 fight club release tourney. Cause he knew that people would flood the Guile forum, "DAIGO USED GUILE, GUILE MUST BE DA BEST IN DA GAME GUYS". When a player does good against big name tourneyfags with x character, SRK floods X character's subforum.

Fun Fact: SRK mods follow orders from capcom on shit that is deemed bannable. And 99.99% of the mods are power mad and abuse thier powers on a regular basis.

>> No.5365400

But Guile did turn out to be really good in Super.

>> No.5365443

But this was before release. Well techinically night of. But my point remains, if daigo went and picked, say Makoto (RIP karakusa > s.HP > SAII > fuki > kara fuki), and he went far with her. People would mass pick Makoto. The term is Netdecking (Yes that's right i tourneyfag YGO TCG). Whatever is popular or big name tourneyfag is using everyone else will follow suit bilndly.

>> No.5365447

Well, there are different levels of play. You can just avoid the people who play at that level and play with others who play at your level.

>> No.5365469

Hrmmm.. I wonder. Flash Metroid is a top player and really well respected, he plays Viper and Makoto and no one plays those. Daigo and Justin both play top-tiers BUT they are very easy to learn characters. I'm sure if Daigo played say El Fuerte, many people wouldn't be following him. Ryu is the beginner character which is why people play him so much.

>> No.5365471

It's funny because it's so god damn true. I always laugh at the people on XBL who have SRK in their gamertag, like, we should think higher of them because THEY BROWSE THE EVER MAGICAL SHORYUKEN.COM!

They're all terrible, too. Having SRK in the gamertag is code for being awful.

>> No.5365483

Viper and Makoto are hard to play. Then again, so are the characters that these top players pick, but people think that as long as they play the character they'll instantly transform into Daigo and be good.

Trust me, Flash is over at my house practically everyday and we have this discussion often.

>> No.5365501

>Our remodeling plans include expanding our 2nd floor, putting in more games, more seating and expanding our food and drink selection!

>AI has no 2nd floor
>less games (but what they have is great, obviously)
>far less space
>no food or drinks whatsoever

this ain't right man

>> No.5365517

Well even if that were the case it doesn't mean that everyone is good at it and even then the good players don't just blindly follow what a top player plays. There is a very nice variety of characters that the good players play.

>> No.5365527

There is good reason for that. The area around AI has all the food and drink you need and do you have any idea how much it costs to import a IIDX harddrive?

>> No.5365528
File: 256 KB, 706x890, 1265088272525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only big name tourneyfag i know well is Choco of MB fame. Dude is bro tier. I go to his place weekly to play MBAA.
And whenever i get a 3shitty and super 4 i plan on trying mak cause i mained her, Urien, and Yun in 3s

>> No.5365550

I'm fine with whatever they do with the money as long as they at least improve the bathroom...install some air conditioners or something too

>> No.5365557 [DELETED] 

Which is wonderful, variety is a very refreshing thing.

That's cool. Flash just comes over to play with my boyfriend all of the time because he lives like, three minutes away and they went to high school together. I get to listen in on all of the cool fightan game talk. He's a pretty alright dude, watching people fanboy him at tournaments is funny.

>> No.5365562

Flash is dreamy~~~<3

>> No.5365566

Uh, whoops, wrong post but lol nonetheless.

>> No.5365582

Hope it all works out. I enjoy watching the videos on their channel at least. Would be a shame if it ended.

>> No.5365589

he's fantastic in bed.

>> No.5365596

Aww you're lucky. Well I'm Daigo's waifu so too bad.

>> No.5365605

high fives all around for this

>> No.5365614

Speaking of Melty Blood, just look at this guy firing off all this terminology during this 2 hour video.
(Warning: Volume is a bit spiked.)

>> No.5365623
File: 66 KB, 600x463, 1265089233082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like some scandalous activity going on there.
Now I'm tempted to form a /jp/ fightan group on steam. Would anyone actually be interested in this or should i let it float on by?

>> No.5365624


I'm picturing an orgy of acne-ridden mouthbreathing white trash with profound BO writhing around in a sweaty lumpen mass.

You fucks are the reason most of the people on this board are disgusted by 3D.

>> No.5365626

Gargon happens in just about any field of expertice.

>> No.5365632


Flash isn't white

>> No.5365634
File: 35 KB, 180x250, Neco-Arc_Chaos_MBAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so fucking disgust right now.
H-nero is the best

>> No.5365643

You should know basic terms like 236C, yomi, oki, and meter if you play Melty, GG, or BB anyway. It's like an entry level, not beginner level, thing.

>> No.5365644

I don't believe anyone in this thread has ever hooked up with any top player ever.

You're all just sad fanboys that /would/ suck Flash's dick if given the opportunity.

>> No.5365647

You must be whoever that faggot is that they're talking about.

>> No.5365648
File: 34 KB, 474x350, 1253417617649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You asked for it.

>> No.5365651

shhh, it's so fun making people like >>5365624 angry.

>> No.5365657
File: 51 KB, 602x529, 1253416409409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5365659

I wonder why do you have that kind of picture saved on your harddrive, hm?

>> No.5365662

That's 'jargon.'

It was obviously a joke... take it easy man.

>> No.5365668
File: 542 KB, 1280x960, 1262146043522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5365674

I've seen some of the girls he's been with at tournaments though, he definitely hangs out with some lookers, for sure, ceo in Florida was proof.

>> No.5365675
File: 141 KB, 500x373, Diarrhea In Face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a personal favorite. This is some kinda aim. I wonder if SHE was netdecking?!?

>> No.5365685

What a weird thing to get pissed off about.

>> No.5365686
File: 489 KB, 1920x1440, 1253243121834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pooper Shit Fighter Four.

>> No.5365693

oh wow, this is clever as shit. haha get it?

>> No.5365694

arcades where from 80s not 1999 go to the shit

>> No.5365698

What is that werewolf doing to his anus?!??

>> No.5365701
File: 48 KB, 480x640, scatrat7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's sad. This thread started out good until ya had to start making with the references to fightan jocks having skills in the sack.

>> No.5365706 [SPOILER] 
File: 176 KB, 900x869, 41a0f1ab50ced9bc12cdc7dc2f135be9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh my god people are discussing video games in a japanese culture board. Even though the main topic at hand does have to do with japan, it isnt my moe touhou or moebots so im gonna post jargon, tubgirl, goatse etc

Here you go whiny faggot, now go back to toohoo and moebot threads.

>> No.5365711
File: 31 KB, 640x480, Photo_082406_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I named this one "String Bean".

>> No.5365718

Well the vidya aren't really accepted here. However, fighting games and bemani games are. That's just how it is.

>> No.5365715

Good thing you're here to make the thread better, right? or are you mad because they'll fuck more, and hotter chicks, than you ever will?

>> No.5365722
File: 74 KB, 312x305, 1276417683694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like video games just fine. Just keep your sordid geek sex trivia to yourself.

Here's one that'll BLOW YOUR MIND.

>> No.5365727

You're so good at getting trolled it's unbelievable, really.

>> No.5365733
File: 16 KB, 469x314, 1276417784218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks we have never seen these images before.

>> No.5365737


>> No.5365740
File: 27 KB, 443x443, 1276417822624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



If you had ever visited this board before school let out for the summer you would realize the irony of that statement.

I like this next one. It's like you're in the turd's soul.

>> No.5365715,1 [INTERNAL] 

lol, what a loser
