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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5363669 No.5363669[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hi /jp/

I don't usually post on this board but I have developed an interest in learning some Japanese (not going to lie, it's to play import video games that don't have translations).

My interest is mainly in just being able to read kana and kanji, I'm not really very concerned with being able to speak it.

What is the best option for me?

Right now I'm considering Rosetta Stone for it, is there a better/faster/easier way to get what I want? I've never learned a foreign language before, but I did receive a LITTLE Japanese instruction in Elementary school (almost 20 years ago). I can recognize some hiragana already.

Picture related I guess..

>> No.5363678

Install AGTH and Atlas directly into your brain.

Make sure you know how to use memory addressing correctly with AGTH.

>> No.5363682

Rosetta Stone is garbage. Here's some tips for posting on our humble board: do not post a distasteful image, do not say that you are new, know the real usage of 'sage,' and do not ask how to learn Japanese which you should ask >>>/int/ instead.

>> No.5363686

I did ask /int/ and they just sagebombed my thread. :/

>> No.5363683


>> No.5363684
File: 216 KB, 800x1130, 1272941054644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5363699


>> No.5363707

You don't belong here. Please leave.

>> No.5363735

Typical Fatlus / Megaten fan

>> No.5363736

I plan to do so as soon as someone tells me how to learn Japanese

>> No.5363739


>> No.5363749

Kill ten Japanese and eat their hearts to gain their strength.

>> No.5363768

Not copypasta though that is what /int/ thought

Anyway can you guys at least direct me to a better board to ask this question if you're all going to be unhelpful? It's not like I'm going out of my way to be an annoyance.

>> No.5363778

We understand that. Why don't you go look on Yahoo!Answers or a more helpful website. All we ask for, on this humble board /jp/, is that you lurk a little longer and find out how this board works before you post.

>> No.5363780


>> No.5363782

If you don't already know an East Asian language, or if you are over 12 years old, it will be impossible for you to learn Japanese. Sorry.

>> No.5363785
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, Rapture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not like I'm going out of my way to be an annoyance.

>> No.5363824

I'm asking here because it's, well, a board dedicated to Japan on an imageboard heavily influenced by Japanese culture, so I would assume at least one of the many posters here is a foreigner who has some understanding of Japanese and could clue me in on where to begin.

I'm not lurking this board because I have no interest in Otaku stuff and I don't plan to post here any more after I get directed to a good resource for learning the (mainly written) Japanese language.

>> No.5363839


Now go away.

>> No.5363840

Leave because this board is not about Japanese culture; it is about Otaku Culture. Can't you read?

>> No.5363849
File: 58 KB, 500x473, croatiasfavoritepic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.5363861

An Otaku is defined as someone who is obsessed with manga and anime. I'd call that Japanese culture.

>> No.5363870


>> No.5363877
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>Implying that anime and manga is Japanese culture.

>> No.5363883

No, that's what it means at all.

Stop samefagging and return to /v/.

>> No.5363899

>An Otaku is defined as someone who is obsessed with manga and anime.
No, no it's not.

>> No.5363907

I know you guys are awfully busy spending your Saturday nights jerking off to drawings of naked little girls, but I would appreciate at least a helpful answer or two.

>> No.5363915

Every answer so far has been helpful

>> No.5363919
File: 148 KB, 1280x1024, Turanic-Raiders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dun dundundun dun Dun dundundun dun Dun dundundun dun Dun dundundun dun



Dun dundundun dun Dun dundundun dun Dun dundundun dun Dun dundundun dun



>> No.5363928

No, they have been the sort of condescending answers I would expect, as an adult, from school children on summer break.

>> No.5363925

Help some random weeaboo on the internet, or masturbate to drawings of naked little girls. That's a tough one.

>> No.5363935

If you don't like being treated like a school kid on summer break, then stop being one.

>> No.5363949

I'm 25.

>> No.5363968

And we are japanese.

>> No.5363974

So what would the best way for me to learn Japanese be?

>> No.5363975

Did you try the language board? We don't usually entertain threads about Japanese language or the country itself.

>> No.5363977


Google will help you more than this entire board combined.
Now go away. /jp/ is not for you.

>> No.5363978


>> No.5363981

Commit suicide. Reincarnate as a Japanese schoolboy.

>> No.5363992
File: 50 KB, 642x674, 78p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
