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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 134 KB, 500x776, 00cb7577f4d7c0628456640829282f8d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
536328 No.536328 [Reply] [Original]

New thread for that one dude.

>> No.536332
File: 214 KB, 356x866, 1203739486050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ryougi Shiki.

We meet at last.

>> No.536331

I approve of this thread.

>> No.536335

Still no rapidshare of those doujins?

>> No.536333

so if a tripfag posts it, does that make it more or less likely that its a troll attempt?

>> No.536355
File: 94 KB, 937x434, 1209438189684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You posted this....

>> No.536360
File: 158 KB, 454x606, 1189521742724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.536361

and this

>Never heard about this before, interested, looking in Share.
>Shitty limited bandwidth isn't helping, though.

>By the way, people, this is most likely 99,9% troll, but anyway, I found this on Share:
>[劇場アニメ] 空の境界 第一章 「俯瞰風景」 (DivX6.8+MP3).avi 1,667,575,808 5c589159f16b4f08e7c5ecbe045a5759d2c1b89b

>Leaked movie? Fucking finally? Or just Sharefags trolling like with every release since forever? I'm deciding whenever to download it or not.

>I'll start uploading the doujins later today, probably.


04/29/08(Tue)16:23 No.534078

>> No.537329

bump. That guy said he would upload the doujins today. While I'm reluctant to trust an anon who has failed to deliver twice, but I do recognize some of the title of the doujin from his screencap.

>> No.537349

If I am in love with R. Shiki's male side, does that make me gay?

>> No.537357

Bisexual. Trust me on this.

>> No.537370

Do want. Where can I get this?

>> No.537374


Wait for anon to post it.

>> No.537507


>> No.537527

Fact: That anon was lying.

>> No.537536
File: 310 KB, 600x847, Rakkyo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody care to translate this two-pages Rakkyo'
s one shot?

>> No.537537
File: 258 KB, 600x847, Rakkyo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.537582

I'm here. Just being lazy. I was going to upload them earlier, but I got my ass handed down in a few mahjong matches and I spent all the night playing that.
I've dealt into three yakumans today, I'm sure that /jp/ is jinxing me until I upload the doujins (I'm Hugmeir in tenhou. Just so that you can beat me up for making you wait this long for the stuff).

This isn't downloading at all. Some other anon posted that he was downloading it himself, though, so wait for him. It's 99% likely that this file is a troll, though. Sharefags do this all the time (I would know. Downloaded four fucking versions of 12RIVEN before I got the correct one)

Anyway, I'll upload one now, then go to sleep. I'll upload the rest tomorrow, this time seriously. Well, probably. You'll get the shit eventually, anyway.

>> No.537613

(Dead or Die)PHAL・ANX[月姫_空の境界]

While I haven't found the doujin anthology that some anon posted a pic of in the last thread, I got hold of two (or three, getting the last one now) more doujins.

I'll go sleep now. Although I have college today, tomorrow is a holiday here in latinoland, so I'll upload the stuff then if for some reason (read motherfucking nips keep getting counted yakumans, I keep dealing into them) I don't do it today.

>> No.537627
File: 586 KB, 1078x1514, PhalAnx_31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.537669


lol ryogi, wut u doin?

>> No.537677
File: 722 KB, 1081x1518, PhalAnx_29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bein moe

>> No.537711
File: 183 KB, 1024x1431, 1195772366302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finger suckan is a deadly technique

>> No.537739


I kinda wonder why there wasn't any of that in FSN.

Nasu musta gotten bored of it.

>> No.537741

It's Hisui's endearing character trait, can't be used just by everyone in the Type-Verse.

>> No.537755


Like Ciel's Curry Ass?

>> No.537757
File: 209 KB, 431x480, 1185981377648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.537761

Hisui is Takeuchi's fav character, he must be threatening that mushroom not to give Hisui's special trait to other character.

>> No.537766
File: 65 KB, 506x516, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.537782

So, since this anon is not lying after all....................................... thank you anon.

>> No.538956

care to post more kind anon?

>> No.538996

Can some anon hurry up and translate the novels already?

>> No.539025

Tsukihime > F/SN >>> Tsukihime anime > Naruto >>>> F/SN anime.
And I don't feel like trolling.

>> No.539265

c'mon man

>> No.539299

Alice? What are you doing with that knife? And why did you dye your hair?

>> No.539970

Get off your ass, man.

>> No.539993
File: 88 KB, 450x660, Ryogi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, have the pics I saved from the last thread.

>> No.539995
File: 218 KB, 1920x1200, Ryogi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.539998
File: 82 KB, 570x636, Ryogi3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.540039

I'm fucking lazy. Anyway, I'm not at my computer, won't be there anytime today, so just posting to update you people that you aren't getting your Ryuogi fix today.

o wait snap, maybe you will?
I'll upload another by the same artist in a few minutes, because his style is fucking hot. I only have a handful of doujins on this PC though, some which have already been translated in Gaku Gaku, so don't expect anything after the next one.

Oh, right, someone link me to a version of Dump-chan that supports /jp/, I have some 200+ individual KnK pics between these two computers, can't be arsed to upload them one by one.

>> No.540063

I have all of those. In fact, I posted most of that thread.

also thanks dude! glad to see you're not dead

>> No.540200


wow. that's the first Ryogi H-doujin i've ever seen.

freaking well done too, though translation would rock too. i'm not complaining though!

>> No.540292

This one is called just 'Kara'. I forgot the artist's name, same as the last one.

>> No.540440

you are awesome

>> No.541249


>> No.542088

I'll aid this noble quest.

>> No.542180


>> No.542396

I hate to be demanding, but can you please upload it at megaupload or badongo? I don't know why but mediafire has been giving me really shitty d/l speed recently(4-5kB/s, that's sucks). Well, I could care less about the speed, but my main concern is that my d/l has been terminated half-way for several times already, so I'd appreciate it if you could upload it somewhere else.

Just a selfish request anyway. The main purpose of this post is kicking this thread back to the first page.

>> No.542434

He already tried mediafire. It failed to upload, too big. 100MB limit you know

>> No.542724


>> No.543002
File: 74 KB, 540x720, Ryougi Shiki 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry about keeping the thread on the first page, I'll bump it whenever I upload something.
Now, I'm fucking drunk, so I'll go pass out on my bed or throw up or something.
I'll upload the doujins tonight if I get to the other computer.

By the way,
>someone link me to a version of Dump-chan that supports /jp/
Someone do this already.

>> No.543015
File: 70 KB, 353x454, 1209086388560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm fucking lazy

Thanks for what you posted so far, anyway.

>> No.544784


>> No.545572


>> No.545580

For those who were interested in this, it's a fake. You can stop downloading now.

>> No.547459

(アニメ・雑誌) [ニュータイプ] [2007-02] 空の境界 ピンナップ.rar

(一般コミック・雑誌) [コンプエース] [奈須きのこ×二階堂ぽち] 空の境界コミックアラカルト ガールズ・ドリーム [2008-03]

(一般コミック・雑誌) [コンプエース] [奈須きのこ×黄鶏] 空の境界コミックアラカルト マリオネットゲーム [2008-02]

(同人誌) (月姫) [重一] 眼力王(空の境界)

(同人誌) (月姫)[自爆の殿堂] 空の境界事典

Still 9 or 10 more to go, will keep uploading at a snail's pace tomorrow. Note that some had filenames too long, so the extension got deleted when I uploaded them. Just add .rar at the end, or open them in your zipper of choice.

The second and third are fucking hilarious, by the way.

>> No.547492


>> No.547546

wait what?

>> No.547551

what I mean is, 9 or 10 more? Do you mean that you're finishing uploading the ones on that computer, and then upping the huge pack on the other?

>> No.547626

There's like 20 doujins total, and I'm skipping all the ones already translated in Gaku Gaku, so yes, only 10 (or less) left. Total. Fuck that pack, I'll upload them individually.

There also the 200+ individual KnK images that I've been meaning to upload but I can't seem to find a copy of dumpchan that will work with /jp/

>> No.547639

Just curious, but how many of the title are new? Specifically, after the first movie airs. I'm curious since most of KnK doujin that I know of are pretty old, like, 3-4 years old.

>> No.547650

Got covers for them?

>> No.547657

And oh, I forgot to mention this earlier, but do you happen to have the scans for the 2nd and 3rd movie pamphlet? I already got the 1st movie's pamphlet before, which is why I wonder if anyone got the scans for the other two.

>> No.547675

I've only seen three after the first movie (two I already uploaded. Incidentally, they are the ones that were marked as hilarious), but keep in mind, the main influx of doujins will start on Comiket; the last one happened some twenty-odd days after the release of the first movie, so there was no time for drawing them then.

>> No.547694

Nope. Now that you mention it, I was looking for those once. No luck, though.

I should probably link you people here, though:
Has quite a bit of KnK media, including the 1st movie pamphlet.

>> No.547736

Quick question,guys! Does she wear something under that kimono (or whatever it is)? Like a jeans or something?
If so,best character design ever.

>> No.547766

I hope she doesn't.

>> No.547765

Kimono. Shiki almost never wears something other than kimono. Which is why I'm a bit disappointed when they drew her in a man's shirt in some of the scans. Shiki seems to be raised as a Yamato Nadeshiko kind of girl, though a normal one wouldn't have to go through some MA training.

Ah, what a shame then. Oh well, I can still look forward for at least 9 more doujin. Anyway, thank you for what you have done so far.

>> No.547768

wait so, this has come out? I didn't think it as out yet.
also this is the female shiki version of tsukihime yss?

>> No.548125

No vampires. It was also written before Tsukihime.
