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5357000 No.5357000 [Reply] [Original]

So /jp/, I'm confused.
If Mokou gave birth to Kaguya, who rejected Mokou's father who killed himself, why did Mokou decide to take the elixir Kaguya also drank and continually try to kill her daughter?
And if they're parent and child, why do doujins depict them as lovers?
I'm confused.

>> No.5357008

>And if they're parent and child, why do doujins depict them as lovers?

Something wrong with incest?

>> No.5357009

>If Mokou gave birth to Kaguya

Why the hell would you think that?

>> No.5357011

HUrrr durr hurrr. Go hang yourself.

>> No.5357014

>If Mokou gave birth to Kaguya

What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.5357017

What the fuck gave you this idea? Doujins aren't canon.

>> No.5357024
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>> No.5357032
File: 181 KB, 720x576, 9a06e646e223d42a1e727e4768d1be9d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5357046
File: 78 KB, 450x268, my brain is full of fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What... what the fuck? Mokou giving birth to... I don't think even secondaries would... Is there even anything like this that exists to give someone that image? What am I reading.

>> No.5357051

Mokou drank an elixer made by kaguya that made her live forever. Kaguya drank the elixer too, neither can die. Jeez, secondaries.
Oh wait troll 10/10

>> No.5357053

Congrats OP, you just mindfucked 6 people.

>> No.5357055

Stop replying to this troll shit you fucking retards, for god sake.

>> No.5357057

Yes, it was mentioned in one doujin. And even there it was a gag.
and OP is joking too
and you're a faggot quit trying to look cool you n00b

>> No.5357060

>Mokou gave birth to Kaguya

There is no word in the English language for how absolutely wrong this is. I don't know how you even thought this. Wow.

>> No.5357061

Every poster has to get his one reply in, please wait warmly for it.

>> No.5357065

I'm not trolling, I'm confused. Someone clear this up for me?

>> No.5357069

That was a pretty silly doujin.

>> No.5357074

I didn't get it from a doujin. I read it on the touhou wiki.

>> No.5357075


>> No.5357077


>> No.5357080


>> No.5357082
File: 28 KB, 500x375, what the fuck dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking secondaries

>> No.5357088

Well played, anon.

>> No.5357090

Someone must have messed up the wiki some even write stuff like "Yukarin is 17 years old"

>> No.5357100

That's weird... I could have sworn they were parent and child and it said that. What is their relation then if it's not some weird grandparent,parent,child thing then? Are they just two immortals who decided to kill each other over and over?

>> No.5357104

They're off and on lovers.

>> No.5357106

what the fuck, link please.

>> No.5357110

They're old roommates.

>> No.5357111


>> No.5357112

It's called ringos you stupid inu. Taberu them, for your health.

>> No.5357113
File: 371 KB, 818x1080, Kaguya Mokou grinning fighting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Long ago, before she became immortal, she was the daughter of an aristocrat. She wasn't allowed to go out in public, so it seems that she wasn't a wanted child. One day, her father proposed to a commoner girl, but was humiliated because she responded by making an impossible request. That girl was Kaguya.

>Mokou has hated Kaguya since then.
It's all in there, I'm not sure why this is so hard for you to accept.

>> No.5357120

I thought Kaguya was a princess?

>> No.5357125

I think Kaguya regrets giving Mokou the potion, and wants to kill her or something. In the shooter, it was never even said why she wanted to kill Mokou. She just sends you on a Trial of Guts appearantly and tells you to complete it. Mokou goes like ohshit more people that Kaguya sent to kill me. I only beat it with reimu/yukari, and they talk about random shit as always.

>> No.5357127

No, Duchess.

>> No.5357130

She was a princess on the moon, but then she was exiled to Earth.

No family, no connections.
Just extraordinarily beautiful.
And a huge bitch, apparently.

>> No.5357133

Nope, she was just a common silkspinner.

>> No.5357134

She is the moon princess. She ran from her planet because of a war.

>> No.5357135

In canon she gives pleasant conversation and is not a bitch at all.

>> No.5357143

I was talking about the whole impossible requests thing.

>> No.5357144

because she is old and lonely.

>> No.5357145

In canon she caused a guy to kill himself and tried to fuck up the moon because she didn't wanna answer for her crimes.
Seems to be a running theme in Eientei.

>> No.5357148

Are you retarded? Kaguya's just as bored as Mokou. And Kaguya never even gave Mokou the potion, Kaguya didn't even know Mokou existed until she came back to earth.

>> No.5357149

I thought she was immortal?

>> No.5357153

the only mention of 17 in the wiki is the
>In some fanworks, Yukari insists on being 17 years old.

>> No.5357154

She was innocent though!

>> No.5357156

>gave birth to Kaguya

what the fuck

>> No.5357158

She is but she is still old.

>> No.5357160

No, Mokou drank the Hourai elixer. I read it in the game you secondary fag.

>> No.5357163

Mokou drank it, but Kaguya didn't give it to her.

>> No.5357165

Sometimes people randomly change the age on her profile to 17(i think her page needs to be locked)

>> No.5357166

So who wants me to go through extra with all of the teams to find the dialogue, anyone? It's late and I don't want to be dealing with fags.

>> No.5357167

You will never know the pleasure of baby Kaguya kicking from inside your womb

>> No.5357172

No need, it's just trolls.

>> No.5357176

>Implying that I said that she gave it to her
I said that I don't know WHY kaguya wants to kill her, ergo, I don't know how she got the elixer. I just know that she drank the dam thing.

>> No.5357177

read his fucking post you idiot. He said "KAGUYA never gave Mokou the potion". not "Mokou never took the elixer.

>> No.5357179

Maybe if you actually read the fucking canon, you'd know.

>> No.5357183

I'm not trolling, I'd just like a simple explanation since it took me a while of thinking to understand what I first stated.

>> No.5357186

I read the games bro, too much fanon mixed with canon in the wiki. Unless its translated by a japanese fag, and is in a reliable source, I ain't reading it.

>> No.5357195

How do I beat mokou?

>> No.5357196

Not you, I meant everyone else in here.
You really shouldn't take anything on /jp/ at face value, go check the wiki first.

>> No.5357203

Shoot her till she dies.

>> No.5357204

The wiki could be wrong.

>> No.5357209

Um, I thought she couldn't die?

>> No.5357217

She dies, but she gets better.

>> No.5357220

Some doujins depict her as able to die, but forced to resurrect every time.

>> No.5357222

>Implying the wiki is always right,
>17 year old Yukari
I think people should go beat the games themselves too. For that, type it in on youtube.

>> No.5357226

So the only way to kill her is dead space style limb removal then?

>> No.5357233

YouTube doesn't host touhou games.

>> No.5357234

Ok, fine.

Mokou was the daughter of an aristocrat. The aristocrat was rather distant with her, but he was still her father, so she loved him. The aristocrat sought Kaguya's hand in marriage, but Kaguya publicly humiliated him and sent him on his way. Mokou decided to go kill Kaguya in vengeance, but Kaguya had already left for the moon. She learned of Kaguya leaving the immortal hourai elixir to the emperor of japan, and learned that the emperor had ordered it cast into a volcano(? It's been a while since I read it, so I'm not sure if it was a volcano or if he just wanted it thrown off a mountain. Going with Volcano). Mokou decided to go steal the elixir. However, the soldiers escorting the Elixir to the volcano noticed her and treated her kindly. Their kindness got her mind off of revenge, so she decided just to follow them to the top and watch them cast it in. The goddess of the volcano/mountain/thing, Sakuya, appeared before them as they reached the top. She mentioned the hourai elixir's powers to the group of soldiers and Mokou, then told them that it was getting late and they should sleep, so they could cast it in tomorrow.

When Mokou and the oldest of the soldiers awoke, everyone but them was dead. Sakuya said that they had killed eachother in an attempt to steal the elixir for themselves, but everyone single one was burnt alive. She sent them back down the mountain.

On the way back down, Mokou, in a moment of complete impulse, pushed the old man off the mountain and drank the elixir. Thus a possible explanation for her spellcard, Honest Man's Death.

And that's how she became the fresh immortal of Gensokyo.

>> No.5357237

Her limbs regenerate every time she dies. So no.

>> No.5357238

No, then the limbs just regrow into extra copies, like earthworms do.

>> No.5357241

>My face when idiots.
>Goes to youtube
>types in touhou
>Sees second link
>pastes it

>> No.5357246
File: 315 KB, 1064x1500, false_bamboo_extend_10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's actually right.

Pic related.

>> No.5357249

It's more reliable than /jp/, certainly.

>> No.5357251

No, I mean they don't host the games themselves.

>> No.5357252

those faces are horrifying

>> No.5357258

You're kidding me. This is actually backed up by doujins.

What the fuck.

>> No.5357268


>> No.5357269


You think that's horrifying? Notice that she claims she's only been pregnant for one or two months and see how distended her stomach already is.

She's going to push out a fully-grown Kaguya in eight months and it's going to rip her in half.

>> No.5357272

Oh, so they have to actually be reborn when the resurrect literally.

>> No.5357277

I'm more concerned her pregnancy is taking a full year.

>> No.5357283

No, she ressurects from her"ashes"
AKA: She regenerates on the spot. Look at this for how it happens. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Nb5Ohbt1Sg

>> No.5357286

It's just that one doujin.

The basic idea is: It's some undefined point in the future, all of humanity is dead, the only creatures left alive are Eirin, Mokou and Kaguya.
And since according to this doujin Kaguya and Mokou have to be actually "reborn" every time they die, they end up giving birth to each other in turn.

Yeah, it's retarded, we know.

>> No.5357287

>75 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

Faggots, the lot of you.

>> No.5357289

I'm more concerned why Mokou isn't stabbing herself in the stomach in an attempt to one up her.

>> No.5357293

but what if they both die at the same time?

>> No.5357295

Technically, it's just gensokyo. The rest of the earth is probably fine.

>> No.5357296

Then Eirin has twins.

>> No.5357299


I'm not sure Mokou means "ten MORE months" (which would indeed be a full year when tacked onto the end of the first "one or two"), because ten months total, while abnormally long, isn't entirely unheard of.

Then again, she might need the extra month or two to gestate Kaguya up some robes and Impossible Artifact Dealies.

>> No.5357302

Eirin becomes pregnant with the one who died first and that one is born pregnant with the other?

>> No.5357304

>Everyone in Gensokyo is dead.
>The rest of the earth is probably fine.

>> No.5357305

what if all three of them die at the same time

>> No.5357312

You people are actually discussing fanon as of it were canon.

My god.

>> No.5357314

I don't know, go ask the author.

>> No.5357317

The ground becomes pregnant.

>> No.5357319

Reisen gets raped.

>> No.5357320

Business as usual, then, right?

>> No.5357321
File: 66 KB, 500x500, happywako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then nothing because of secondary faggotry

>> No.5357327

So does one of them have to raise the other to adulthood where they know they'll kill each other again?

Must he an awkward childhood.

>> No.5357338
File: 385 KB, 1064x1500, false_bamboo_extend_11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Eirin appears to be sterile by her own admittance.

>> No.5357340

Link for that doujin anyone?

>> No.5357373

Samefag, found it
Hurr filenames

>> No.5357382


Wow, did I seriously type "admittance"? What the fuck.


Here you go.

