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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 139 KB, 1280x720, [Mazui]_Angel_Beats_-_08_[7788F256].mkv_snapshot_10.47_[2010.05.22_17.51.37].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5352658 No.5352658 [Reply] [Original]

Can Angel Beats survive without Yui?

>> No.5352663

She was an annoing character who appeared out of nowhere and was an annoying bitch through the show, and her whole design is just "SOMEBODY MOE AT ME PLEASE". Then suddenly we are supposed to care about her because of one half of an episode?

Angel Beats will do perfectly fine without her.

>> No.5352667

Can /jp/ survive without /a/?

>> No.5352670

Fucking reported.

>> No.5352671

Look seriously, can you not talk about anime on /jp/? You already have the second most popular board to discuss anime on, go do it there.

The only anime I've watched in the last year is Heartcatch Pretty Cure and Bakemonogatari. In the same period of time I've played about 25 different galge, which is why I'm here on /jp/.

I have no interest in your angel show.

>> No.5352674

Can Maeda survive without any talent?
Apparently, yes.

>> No.5352675

She was the only good character.

>> No.5352677

Just go away you annoying little runt, I'm sick of people like you on /jp/
If it's not Touhou I'll just sage hurrr durr

>> No.5352680

Stop replying you jerks! This is a serious situation and we must handle it the correct way.

>> No.5352683

Report it...

>> No.5352685

As long as Maeda is writing AB! it will continue to stay here. If Romeo ever writes an anime we will talk about that too. If Looseboy ever writes a manga, you bet your ass we'll be talking about that.

>> No.5352690

What are you talking about?
Angel Beats is DEEP...............

>> No.5352693

You forgot your sage.

>> No.5352698

But Angel Beats is /jp/ related because it's Key's first anime.

>> No.5352701

I already did, normally I wouldn't reply but these threads have become more prominent in the last few weeks as if someone thinks people on /jp/ really want to talk about anime when obviously if we did we would post on /a/.

That's also why I didn't sage my post, I fear the poor /a/ child would become enraged and miss the point of my post.

>> No.5352703

No Yui means no more concert scenes.

The show might as well have ended at 10.

>> No.5352710 [DELETED] 

There needs to be Angel Beats anime. Half of the routes can be yaoi, while half can be hetero. Guy routes could be for TK, Naoi and Hinata. As for girls... Yuri, Angel and Yui?

>> No.5352707


>> No.5352712

There needs to be Angel Beats visual novel. Half of the routes can be yaoi, while other half can be hetero. Guy routes could be for TK, Naoi and Hinata. As for girls... Yuri, Angel and Yui?

>> No.5352717

Thread reported for being /a/ thread.

>> No.5352737

It will survive for at least 3 episodes more.

>> No.5352742

That's because it's scheluded for 13 episodes.

>> No.5352744

Thanks to the threads being close together, I'm noticing a lot of similarities between Yui and MangaGamer's mascot

>> No.5352750

Tsun tsun~

>> No.5352751

Don't know what Angel Beats is, but bumping this thread to annoy the butthurt faggots

>> No.5352763

I am so buttmad right now

>> No.5352777

Oh yes you are *pinches your cheek*

>> No.5352778

/a/ samefaggotry is high in here. You guys could at least hide your /a/ characteristics a little bit while posting.

Also, reporting this shit and waiting warmly until meido arrives.

>> No.5352784
File: 7 KB, 509x128, reported2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5352789

I remember when we could have the occasional anime thread without the No Fun Brigade busting down our walls.

>> No.5352799

You sure know a lot about /a/, faggot. Maybe you should go back there?

I sure as hell don't want to discuss Angel Beats there.

>> No.5352805

Well I think it's refreshing to see someting other than third rate eroge and touhou

>> No.5352808

I do too. Back before the split. Good times, huh?

>> No.5352810

we have a couple of blatantly /v/ threads on the front page now, so an /a/ thread should be OK.

>> No.5352816

Guys, I just shitted my pants ;-;

>> No.5352819

Not really, no.

>> No.5352827

Otaku themed video games are apparently more /jp/ related than an anime written by Jun Maeda.

>> No.5352833

We won't discuss angel beats here. We can discuss good stuff such as the good and old classics we always liked. But not this.
No, I learned by watching they posting in this board. I last visited /a/ almost 2 years ago and I'm glad I never went back there again. Well, too bad if you don't want to discuss anime in the ANIME board, you won't be able to discuss at all then.

>> No.5352838

/a/ has its own board for anime. Fuck off with that logic.

>> No.5352854

We are having a new game about mecha lolis thread just like /v/ AND /a/ and it's something most of us seem to not be bothered about at all, contrary to this thread for example. That won't justify discussing anime here is fine.

>> No.5352855

>But not this.

But Angel Beats is a good anime.

>> No.5352858

Oh? And who are you to say what we can discuss in /jp/ and what we can't?
/jp/ related content is content approved by the userbase, not some vocal idiot who thinks the board has well-defined borders.

>> No.5352862

Every time someone sages this thread, I'm gonna bump it.

>> No.5352863

>Oh hey this sounds pretty cool let's se-
>High Schoolers that are expert soldiers
>Fuck this

>> No.5352864

you're not helping

>> No.5352869

opinions vs opinions, don't start that. I'm actually watching it and ignoring the shitty stuff they have been putting in lately like stupid jokes and such, it started pretty well but then it's becoming worse and worse with some very good parts but mostly bad. IN MY OPINION of course. And still, I don't approve angel beats threads in /jp/.

>> No.5352870

But this thread is not about anime, it's about Maeda's newest creation.

>> No.5352873

Because they can fire weapons? It's not like they didn't have time to learn.

>> No.5352876

Suck my dick, sagefag.

>> No.5352883

Oh yeah? Guess what, Sherlock? /jp/ DON'T APPROVE ANIME IN THEIR BOARD. Majority agreed, don't bother us about it. Have a nice day.

>> No.5352890

Then what about all of those Lain threads we had?

>> No.5352892

are you plain trolling?

>> No.5352893

You aren't majority.

>> No.5352897

I think it's time for you to leave...

>> No.5352898

Sorry but this is not the "Maeda/General" board. And also, most of us don't approve anime threads in here being X's works or Y's work.

>> No.5352911

read >>5352833

No I'm not, arguments please. Not lame responses.

Of course I'M not, but my opinion is and you know that.

>> No.5352916

>Of course I'M not, but my opinion is and you know that.
No it isn't.

>> No.5352924

That is clearly you, Anonymous. Your posting style is pretty easy to recognize.

>> No.5352932

You can't deny facts.

>> No.5352941


>> No.5352942

What you mean? Yes >>5352833 is me posting. So what?

>> No.5352947

What facts?

>> No.5352960

I thought you were responding to the majority thing. My bad.

>> No.5352975

Everybody: die.

>> No.5352983

It's undeniable that /jp/ won't accept anime in here. I'm not saying ALL animes, most of us really like the older stuff such as Lain, Initial D, Boogiepop Phantom, etc.

But FOR NOW it's pretty clear that Angel Beats is not appreciated by most of us, actually I'm sure many of us don't even know about it. Still, I don't understand why people feel the urge of posting anime in here, like I said before: I'm watching AB but I won't post about in here since it's unrelated.

>> No.5352999

bump lol

>> No.5353009

Okay. Let us not pretend to not know here and beat around the bush. The only link of Angel Beats is because Maeda did it. /jp/ is home to Maeda work's fans, and now that he has make an anime that has deep roots in his visual novel storytell style, do you not think some of the same fans here will like it too? Because Key, it is marginally /jp/ related (in terms of userbase acceptance), this you can not deny.

Generally speaking, as long as threads are condensed, is it not fine? After all, the posters in the content you hate so much are the same posters who regular /jp/. Key fans who also like Maeda's anime just want to discuss. That's it.

So, instead of friendly fire, go attack the real spam threads and the real raids from /a/.

Remember when we all took it easy?

>> No.5353010

>It's undeniable that /jp/ won't accept anime in here.
Why not because you said so? Fuck you.
>most of us really like the older stuff such as Lain, Initial D, Boogiepop Phantom
Same fucking shit. Also
>Boogiepop Phantom
>Good anime
>Angel Beats is not appreciated by most of us
Yea, like me, doesn't makes your shitty opinion right.
>I'm watching AB
(╬ ಠ益ಠ)

>> No.5353014

If you don't like Angel Beats or don't want to see it being discussed here for whatever reason, ignore the thread. It's /jp/ related no matter how many times you say it isn't. For each person who complains about this thread and sages it I will bump.

>> No.5353018

>>Boogiepop Phantom
>>Good anime
>implying BP wasn't good

>> No.5353035


>> No.5353036

It was shit.

>> No.5353049

Fucking this. Also,

>> No.5353056

>So, instead of friendly fire, go attack the real spam threads and the real raids from /a/.
I do that throughout the day actually. I don't have a problem with Maeda fans discussing about his work (in this case the writing of this anime and not the anime itself, what I mean is: I never see people discussing angel beats main concept and other things such as the meaning you felt behind X scene or comparing his writing in AB with another work in here), what I fear the most is many /a/ users leaking in thinking "HEY! It's okay to discuss anime in here!" and then start to shit up the board.

You are just forcing your shit just like you are saying I am.

>> No.5353058

Angel Beats fans are not coming from /a/, they were always here on /jp/.

>> No.5353066


>> No.5353076

Well, fuck them and their "is Yui cute?"-like useless and shitty threads. Reporting this shit

>> No.5353081



>> No.5353086

/jp/ is enough of shithole as it is. OP, take your shit where it belongs, that is >>>/a/

Of course, if you decide to make /jp/-related thread, you're always welcome.

>> No.5353105


>> No.5353106

Discussing this anime does not make /jp/ more shit. Go whine about idol threads.

>> No.5353110

We have Tenshi, bro.

>> No.5353111

were you also rabid against Ar Tonelico before it got minority status and now has a long running thread series?

your angel beats worst case scenario is still far better than /a/ raids and whatever random shit that pops up in front page every single day

besides this is overthinking, the most angel beats discussions will get is a few thread a week and after it ends in 2 weeks, a few thread a month.

>> No.5353127

If no one likes a thread just leave it be -- no one cares about your opinion and your trolling.

>> No.5353137

I was neutral against ar tonileco.

>the most angel beats discussions will get is a few thread a week and after it ends in 2 weeks, a few thread a month.

I'm sorry but I just can't help but to think that won't happen at all, there would be much more.

But we are not going anywhere like this, I guess we'll simply keep doing what we usually do and let's wait to see what the board decides.

>> No.5353140

Okay, so you're a retard. Glad we got that out of the way.

>> No.5353144

Christ you guys sure blew this out of proportion

>> No.5353148

okay by me

>> No.5353156

Yeah, just like you.

>> No.5353172


>> No.5353184


>> No.5353188

Mei-do! Mei-do! Mei-do!

>> No.5353198

Maid is gone, get with the program newfag.

>> No.5353210

So this is the same as that character from Chaos;head?

>> No.5353216
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>> No.5353239

Does Haruhi 2.0 die? Please tell me she dies.

>> No.5353243


She's already dead.

>> No.5353244

Is Haruhi 2.0 the pink haired girl? Cause she dies

>> No.5353252 [SPOILER] 
File: 31 KB, 622x351, logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure she will in the last episode.

Otonashi and Tenshi will stay behind as the new protectors of the island.

>> No.5353282
File: 42 KB, 704x396, %5BSoF%5DAngel%20Beats%2010%20Xvid%20MP3(396p).avi_snapshot_03.15_[2010.06.11_16.43.50].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5353284

You mean does she live?

They're already dead, and living is dying in this show.

>> No.5353288
File: 120 KB, 1280x720, snapshot20100612045446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5353297

But Yuri is awesome. She can actually be a good leader unlike Haruhi.

>> No.5353306

spoilers, dude.

>> No.5353340

minimal, is there anyone who has not watch at least episode 10 yet?

>> No.5353364


>> No.5353366

Yeah, me. I guess the Yui dying thing is a bigger deal than wings though.

>> No.5353371
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>> No.5353373

episode 11 is out????!?

>> No.5353377
File: 604 KB, 2048x1222, thumbs20100612041837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

caps for episode 11

>> No.5353387

Too bad only shitty fansubs working on this show.

>> No.5353388
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, snapshot20100612050715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1/6 of the episode was spent on Otonashi's 5P Harem

>> No.5353395

For some reason I associate Haruhi with pain and suffering. I don't know why.

Even looking at >>5353377 gets me frustrated.

>> No.5353405 [SPOILER] 
File: 60 KB, 1280x720, snapshot20100612050904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and only 1/6 of a minute on..

>> No.5353423

Seems like hardly anything at all happened and it's going to focus on Yuri who no one likes

>> No.5353435

it was a set up for finale episode

>> No.5353441

This shit looks fucking boring.

>> No.5353442

I like her for the porn

>> No.5353449

>spoilers not being used to hide porn

>> No.5353454
File: 130 KB, 1153x266, 1276175839568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5353463

So a black void-thing that deletes people is out of control? Oh wow that's so lame and here was I wanting to know about everyone's past. Must be the rush to complete the 13 episodes schedule, but still... meh.
