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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5347191 No.5347191 [Reply] [Original]

The year is 2083.

Domestic android female companions have reached a level that is affordable and beautiful. Despite your old age, your yearning for companionship has not once been fulfilled.

Your frail arms lift her out of the packaging and onto a seat. With her eyes closed, she is smiling as if she were having a sweet dream. Your hand reaches out and brushes by the power switch behind her ear, but your face goes flush as you realize you are caressing her cheek.

Your lips tremble and a tear rolls down your face.

"What is wrong, Master?", she asks as her arms embrace you, sensing the need.

"Nothing is wrong. No, not anymore", comes the reply, as you struggle to speak whilst crying.

>> No.5347201


>> No.5347212

When I say noticeable hymen I mean any hymen, noticeable by a professional gynaecologist (the once that did the research).
There is always going to be something visible unless it was never there in the first place and that rarely happens.

>> No.5347220


>old age

Fuck you, I'm investing in cryogenic stasis.

>> No.5347224

I hate you. ;_;

>> No.5347226

Can we make it 2043 instead? I'll probably be dead by 2083.

>> No.5347231

>The year is 2083.

Can we have that stuff sooner? ;_;

>> No.5347232

I don't think I'll make it to 95 years old.

>> No.5347241

Most of us would be ;_;

>> No.5347243

Good thing I was born in 2004

>> No.5347255
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>> No.5347279


>> No.5347283
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The only other option is to become super rich and have one of the early prototypes

>> No.5347287

There's no way I'm making it to 94. Fuck you OP.

>> No.5347291


>> No.5347293

Ok, /jp/, what do you want to see in your future? Androids? Life-like virtual reality? Otome Function?

>> No.5347305

Horai Elixer.

>> No.5347307

2D Matrix

>> No.5347318

Something like the Matrix or the Holodeck: full-blown virtual reality. Failing that, like-like androids/gynoids.

>> No.5347391
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A plain looking, possibly slightly cute intelligent girl who isnt a slut and can enjoy spending time without having to go out every god damn day.

Fuck me, what kind of unrealistic dream is that.

>> No.5347412
File: 953 KB, 922x1472, 5e4ccabab1cde7f1dcf73eb24c0a1399efbf789d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say androids are the better bet anon.

>> No.5347510

I'll be installing GNU/AndrOS on mine.

Enjoy your insecure, DRM-infested, proprietary androids.

>> No.5347710
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enjoy your lack of driver support!

>> No.5347724

>Anyone on /jp/
>Still alive during 83

>> No.5347745

And with the last bit of dissatisfaction that kept you clinging to life removed, you slowly find your body growing weaker, until you decide to rest your head in her lap, and just fall asleep, never to wake up again.

>> No.5347818
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But what about the fantastic sex?

And androids dont give birth.

>> No.5347843

The average anon would be ~100 years old at this point

>> No.5347855

If /jp/ can translate visual novels, surely we can also design a domestic female android companion.
Upload your schematics right here

>> No.5347860

Thank god for future medicine because I should be dead by then

>> No.5347864

In 2083, your sex drive will have faded away completely.

>> No.5347879

Oh, I forgot you guys age.

That must suck.

>> No.5347882

But ice crystals damage and puncture cells... don't invest in that... instead, I suggest you invest on something that halts PCD to prolong lifespan...

>> No.5348002

If we all have our brains implanted in robot loli bodies, I don't see why not.

>> No.5348017

You'd still have to deal with PCD... unless someone figured out how to digitize the contents of the brain and backup them to a 40Gig harddrive...

>> No.5348033

Relax guys, I'm sure we will have nanobots and super-medicine by then.

>> No.5348039

>40Gig harddrive

Surely our brains hold more info than that.

>> No.5348049

Good lucking backup up your brain to a 40GB harddrive.
You're gonna need a bit more than that.

>> No.5348059

He doesnt have much upstairs

>> No.5348065

uncanny curve, some people just dont give a shit

>> No.5348075

You would probably need in excess of one terabyte.

>> No.5348085
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Why buy? I'd rather build one by my own hands

...or rescue her ;_;

>> No.5348108


>> No.5348115

It's mugen. He could fit on a 4GB Flash drive.

>> No.5348120

>A typical adult brain contains 15 billion to 200 billion neurons. Assuming we use the lower figure, the brain is capable of remembering 2^10,000,000,000 bits of information. If you'd like to see this number for yourself to see how large it is, "grab a piece of paper and write a zero for every second for 90 years".


>> No.5348165


2^10,000,000,000 would be

>> No.5348168

Except information storage doesn't work like that.

>> No.5348169

No it wouldn't. It would be a number so big it wouldn't fit in the text field.

>> No.5348178

100,000,000,000,000,000,000/8 = 12,500,000,000,000,000,000 bytes. Which is 12.5 exabytes.

>> No.5348187

Too bad we'd all be old men/dead by the time real robogirls are made.

Unless you believe in reincarnation.

>> No.5348189

See? I was right!

>> No.5348204


Comparing biological systems to binary storage systems is highly flawed and not agreed upon by the scientific community at all.

>> No.5348209


I'd be 106.... So basically dead.

>> No.5348216 [DELETED] 


>> No.5348356

I'm banking on Valhalla, myself.

But if reincarnation is the one, I'd rather just come back as the little girl than have an android.

>> No.5348417

you are a retard at math

>> No.5348437

Is it really impossible to build a decent lolibot with our current technology? What's so hard to do?

>> No.5348444

What a beautiful future.

>> No.5348447


>> No.5348452

I'll be dead by then.

>> No.5348465

2^10,000,000,000 gives you a number with a little more than a billion digits.

>> No.5348495

I can't wait till I'm 95.

I'll be dead by then.

>> No.5348548

their estimate is way off, the only possible way for 2^10,000,000,000 different combinations is for every neuron to have direct connections to almost every other neuron which it obviously doesnt

>> No.5348603

Ironically, I have nothing that important to live for, and yet I would spend any cash I had accumulated over the decades for a slice of immortality, if only to see these things become reality.

>> No.5348669

My new goal in life is to live to the day when I get one of these. I hate this game ;-;

>> No.5348829

Chii turns on. Chii turns off. Chii turns on. Chii turns off. Chii turns on. Chii turns off. Chii turns on. Chii turns off. Chii turns on. Chii turns off. Chii turns on. Chii turns off. Chii turns on. Chii turns off. Chii turns on. Chii turns off. Chii turns on. Chii turns off. Chii turns on. Chii turns off. Chii turns on. Chii turns off. Chii turns on. Chii turns off. Chii turns on. Chii turns off. Chii turns on. Chii turns off. Chii turns on. Chii turns off. Chii turns on. Chii turns off. Chii turns on. Chii turns off. Chii turns on. Chii turns off. Chii turns on. Chii turns off. Chii turns on. Chii turns off. Chii turns on. Chii turns off.

>> No.5348854
File: 38 KB, 400x400, yay math.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, because 5 to the power of 2 = 32.

>> No.5348961

yes, they do, its closer to 5 terrabytes

>> No.5349395

Fuck, i'd be 108 years old. Goddamn, while living that long is better than the alternative ... actually, I dunno if it's better than the alternative at that age.

>> No.5349439

I want to upload my brain into a virtual world. A world that I have complete and utter control over, like a god.

Similar to Ressentiment's virtual world, actually, possibly with similar internet connection via train.

>> No.5349481

>5 to the power of 2 = 32
Sarcasm, right?

>> No.5349492

holy fuck, I must be awesome to cary 100+ pounds at 93 years of age. My granfather had trouble with 70 pounds at the age of 83, and he was a farmer.
