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5346472 No.5346472 [Reply] [Original]

I was wondering: If her wounds are automatically cured, like when her arms get torn, etc... Does it means, she's an eternal virgin? (In the hymen-sense)

>> No.5346483

I lol'd for some reason.

>> No.5346485

You think that Roa left her hymen intact when he had possessed her?

>> No.5346487

What a original thread.

>> No.5346504
File: 23 KB, 373x444, 1200731617155-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No because >>5346485. Now leave my Ciel alone.
Also newfag.

>> No.5346513

>(In the hymen-sense)
In the hymen sense, definitely not in the anal sense.

>> No.5346519

depends really.
How fast is her automatic curing power anyway?

>> No.5346540


she lost her virginity before getting the regenerative abilities so she doesn't have a hymen to begin with

>> No.5346547

No, her hymen was already broken when Shiki fucked her, since there wasn't even a single drop of blood anywhere. And no, I don't think Roa did something, since even though Roa had Ciel's body, his mind is still Roa's, he won't go around having sex with other men.

>> No.5346551

she was a normal girl with a boyfriend at one point, you know

>> No.5346558


Wait. Ciel isn't a virgin... and /jp/ likes her?

That. That isn't. What. How. Impossible.

>> No.5346559

Even if you were correct, you think that he didn't try to shove anything in her vagooo either despite being insanely horny? He went around wearing nothing but a cape when possessing her.

>> No.5346571

Not like it matters since he/she can regenerate.


>> No.5346573

Ciel was here before the Virgin Crusaders set up their home here.

There's still a good number of Ciel loyalists, but not many remain, as they've converted to Virgianity.

>> No.5346584

>even though Roa had Ciel's body, his mind is still Roa's, he won't go around having sex with other men.

I doubt it. Roa doesn't even exist as anything but an urge anymore. The symptoms of his possestion are lust for sex and blood. Have you seen dark ciel's outfit? Ciel even says that she knows what it was like to be possessed before she fucks Shiki. I'm sure Roa made her rape and pillage as much as any other host.

>> No.5346585

Did you even read her sex scene

>> No.5346587

Virgin Crusaders. I like that. Man those were they days, before that whole thing got out of hand.

>> No.5346602

a lot of people ctrl through sex scenes unless it's obvious it'll reveal something about the character

I didn't ctrl through Ciel's sex scene, but he probably did

>> No.5346604

It started off as irony and sarcasm during the Kannagi thing, and then bloomed into full-on sincerity.

>> No.5346616

Virgianity has become a legitimate following.

I myself am a devout Virgin.

>> No.5346621

Wrong, just take a look at Roa's speeches in Arc's route, the Tsukihime manga, and Melty Blood Actress Again. Roa's soul still hasn't deteriorated to that point, he needs time to remember his past memories and abilities, and he had a lot of time with Ciel, since by the time Arcueid arrived at that city the whole town was already filled with dead.

>> No.5346625
File: 342 KB, 642x482, ciel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ciel loyalists
Do not listen to this man. Ciel loyalists do not exist.
Even if we did we would be forced to lurk because of the rabid hymen worshippers.

>> No.5346640

what about currybutt?

pretty sure he's an open Ciel loyalist, unless his whole trip is sarcasm

>> No.5346642

I don't care if my waifu is not a virgin.

>> No.5346649

> Ciel
> liked


>> No.5346654
File: 29 KB, 520x800, embletonstyle01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Things have not been the same since their rise. I only need hold up my mighty Embleton without effort and they run headfirst in to behead themselves, only to rise again on staggering legs with arms outstretched and the bloodied stumps of their necks gargling and howling for hymens.

>> No.5346661

She's probably a virgin. That was hundreds of years ago and she was catholic, so no sex before marriage. Her hymen probably got torn some other way though.

I can be a Ciel loyalist and still be a follower of Virgianity. Unless stated in canon I believe in Ciel'spurity.

>> No.5346672

The Virgin Seiba will take care of the likes of you.

>> No.5346676

Regardless, Ciel says she felt the same way as Shiki with her sexual urges and isn't a virgin, so I think you'd have to be going against likelyhood and logic to think that Roa didn't rampage with her during her possesion.

>> No.5346692
File: 144 KB, 1280x720, saber_leading_the_troops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Handjobs, oral and anal sex counts as losing your virginity. Sorry.

>> No.5346696


Purefags are the worst kind of fags. What's wrong with a girl with a little experience?

>> No.5346703
File: 201 KB, 1024x768, 1271716927795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ciel's purity
Yeah, sure. Apart from the fact she used her ass to "suppress" Roa, she's pure like a snowflake.

Not that I care...

>> No.5346705

she's not a virgin at all

she's a filthy slut

just read the other posts here

pretty sure that it even says in the game that she had sex with her boyfriend.

before marriage. fucking slut.

>> No.5346709

I can understand liking it, but obsession over it, and denying all logic for it, is insane.

>> No.5346713

>anal sex



when did this happen?

>> No.5346716

I had no idea there were still people here who feel that the obsessive purityfags are obnoxious.
I love this thread.

>> No.5346721


Not sure if troll.


Yeah, I seem to remember something like this too. Saber is only a virgin in the hymenal sense.

>> No.5346722

>What's wrong with a girl with a little experience?
Higher chances of being a slut.
Higher chances of STDs.
Higher chances of cheating.
And unlike what slutlovers might tell you sexual experience doesn't mean they are sex.

>> No.5346743

How's life in your 1775 Puritan colony?

>> No.5346749

>Higher chances of being a slut.
>Higher chances of STDs.
>Higher chances of cheating.

This is all relevant for fictional characters, right?

>> No.5346754

Horny soldiers on a long campaign back around the 6th century.
Led through the field by a king who claims to be a beautiful, eternally young feminine boy.
But is actually a beautiful, eternally young girl.
None of her troops respected her.
Get where I'm going with this? Do the math. She did everything BUT vaginal, since that would've exposed her.

>> No.5346759


We just burned a witch.

>> No.5346762
File: 124 KB, 628x852, warcueid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, the whole question is a bit odd since it is rather the exception than the rule that the hymen is noticeable, or even present at all. It isn't really considered a valid medical way of determining virginity.

But that aside, the point is meaningless in this context since nasuverse is "tears like paper"-land.

>> No.5346763


>Higher chances of being a slut


>Higher chances of STDs


>Higher chances of cheating

Not really.

And what does this have to do with 2D girls anyway? You can't have sex with them in the first place.

>> No.5346769

Okay, but when?

Heaven's Feel? (that was the only route I didn't read)

>> No.5346786

[citation needed]

>> No.5346793
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>It is better to never have tried anything than to have tried something and failed.
>- motto of jerks, weenies and losers everywhere

>> No.5346800

seriously this

what source states that she did everything but vaginal.

I'm getting hot just thinking about Seiba doing anal.

>> No.5346807

You have to understand, everyone talking about virginity and hymens have never seen a vagina in thier lives.

>> No.5346817
File: 34 KB, 801x606, saber_spotlight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on guys, it's obviously not canon. But it is implied. Use your imagination. I'm just speculating here.

>> No.5346820

I've seen plenty of vaginas in my life.

Just not up close outside of my computer screen.

>> No.5346832

your speculating is awful

there can be no implications.

either she did it and there is a source somewhere that clearly states it, or she didn't.

Seiba is pure.

>> No.5346846

where is it implied?

I don't remember it ever being implied that her troops didn't respect her.

>> No.5346849

Someone hung up on virginal purity, also hung up on everything being strictly canonical. That seems fitting.

>> No.5346851

Your premise for a gang rape doujin is hardly convincing as anything approaching canon. In fact, the opposite is implied. The soldiers respected and followed her almost without question.

>> No.5346857

The fact that her troops did not respect her is not implied, it is explicitly stated. During Shirou's dreams about her past it is said that no matter how diligently she led her troops, only a small handful of them had any sincere respect for her.

>> No.5346861


I think one of the FSN endings were all about her being backstabbed by her own troops (doesn't really follow the book). There was also a big section about how everyone thought she was inhuman, because she never aged and wasn't bros with anyone.

>> No.5346865

They respected and followed her without question on the battlefield. There was a distinction made there. Off the battlefield was very different.

>> No.5346870

Wrong wrong wrong.
No one truly cared about her as a person, but no one questioned her right and rule as king. You're misreading the intention of the statement. It was meant to show us that she was always lonely and never loved, not that she wasn't an effective ruler, because she unquestionably was.

>> No.5346878

Wait, wait, we like virginity so much, true, but why do we like Kohaku?

>> No.5346886

Because Kohaku is awesome, and being damaged goods is her allure.

>> No.5346889

>because she unquestionably was

They also point out how she is always killing revolting armies, often by herself.

>> No.5346891


Because Kohaku was raped and, unlike the similarly unfortunate Sakura, doesn't act like a slut.

>> No.5346897

I always wanted King Alfred to be Caster or something, because King Alfred vs King Arthur would be the coolest thing ever.

Moralfag tactical genius of the Saxons vs SEIBA of the Britons.

>> No.5346899

That's what I'm saying. They didn't respect her AS A PERSON. Yes, she was a revered king and general. But everyone secretly (not so secretly) looked down on her on a personal level. Which fits perfectly. Because they knew that "he" was a horny cockloving faggot back at camp.

>> No.5346909

Except that Ciel lived around 20 years ago rather than centuries.

>> No.5346926

But she wasn't? This is a great doujin-fodder fantasy, but why don't we just keep it that way.

>> No.5346937

Besides having sex with SHIKI in order to have the entire Tohno family destroyed

>> No.5346939

>unlike the similarly unfortunate Sakura, doesn't act like a slut.

I have a VN to recommend you. It's called Tsukihime. It's really old, but it's actually not too bad. Kohaku's route is my personal favorite, It's definitely worth the wait.

>> No.5346955

Doesn't protect you from all of the SDPs out there. And it doesn't even provide 100% protection against the SDTs they do "stop".

>since it is rather the exception than the rule that the hymen is noticeable
No, research estimated that about 0.03% of women are born without enough leftover tissue at the vaginal entrance that it is visible as a hymen, which would just mean that the process of the formation of the opening of the vagina was a bit more thorough than normal. All other 99.97% of women out there have noticeable hymen.

>> No.5346965

I think you're confused. I never said this was anything other than my personal fap fantasy. I didn't mean to come off like I was arguing that it was fact. Actually her sexual past is ambiguous in-game, so anyone is free to believe whatever.

>> No.5346978
File: 2.27 MB, 908x1301, saberkingofknights2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have a pretty odd relation to your commander if you hate them on a personal level, yet go along with it when they propose a decisive (read: cataclysmic) battle with possibly heavy losses (read: n-7 dead).

But the madness of war is not to be questioned.

>> No.5346986

What are you doing, exactly? Just curious.

>> No.5346995

Proving people wrong on the internet.

>> No.5347000

Point taken, but your post made it sound like you were suggesting it for real at first. I'm actually more surprised there isn't a doujin of this, but I guess japan loves thier seiba pure.

>> No.5347008

I've just realised that I made a fucklode of typos.
Can't sleep now, someone is wrong on the internet.jpg

>> No.5347012

Skaura: "I'm this wet, but I'm ashamed and hate myself for it"

Kohaku: "I will gleefully service you like a prostitute."

I LOVE kohaku, but come on, you know this is true.

>> No.5347016

I just have no idea what you're trying to prove, I guess, or why it matters so much.

>> No.5347018
File: 116 KB, 500x800, bikini_arturia_typical_fantasy_armor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just so. Commoners and soldiers didn't really question kings back then. She pulled the sword from the stone. That's like God himself coming down through the clouds and saying "This is your king, obey him." Besides that though Arturia wasn't leading them into battle over questionable or greedy precepts. She was leading her troops to defend her homeland from invasion. People WILL rally behind that, especially if he is a good general. Private life is a whole separate matter though. A convicted child rapist could have led them if he was effective and kept the invaders at bay. Doesn't mean they'd respect him outside of being a leader.

>> No.5347026

But the thing is, that's all fake on Kohaku's part. Really, her entire being is a wreck.

>> No.5347034


Hey, I'm not saying I actually believe this. I'm saying that's what other people think.

Sakura is universally despised while Kohaku is not, and since they're very similar characters, the only conclusion I can come to is that it has to do with Sakura's "lewd body".

>> No.5347045

>very similar characters
What? No they're not in the slightest, they only have "rape" in common. Kohaku is an emotionless wreck, while Sakura is all too happy to be angsty(not like she shouldn't be, mind you). Sakura more or less reacts to things, even when becoming Dark Sakura, while Kohaku has her own agenda and manages to do a lot of damage through cloak and dagger bullshit.

>> No.5347046

WTF am I reading here

>> No.5347047

>99.97% of women out there have noticeable hymen
Go ahead and go to sleep then. That's not even remotely correct. You can argue what you want because there isn't a lot of hard data on this, but that number is ridiculously too high. Don't you have any female friends or anything? You can disprove that simply by testimonial evidence.

>> No.5347081

It's not that people dislike Ciel for not being a virgin.

There MANY OTHER reasons to dislike her.

>> No.5347092

True, and that's why Kohaku is such an interesting character; she has so many layers to her personality even she doesn't know what's real.
I'd say the reason is actually a bit simpler, Sakura comes off as a bit more selfish, and her dark side is overtly sadistic. Personally, I love Sakura, but she doesn't get the same amount of development as other characters (because she only plays a major role in HF, whereas Rin is a major player in all three) and so her relationship with shirou is a little abrupt. A lot of people also feel, for whatever reason, like conveniently forgetting she's possessed by angra manyu.

But I'll say that despite everyone professing to hate Sakura, HF is commonly referred to as the best route. So I think that it's a just that she doesn't get as much development and so readers don't feel the same level of connection to her--and that's really important for a character that has a dark side. Kohaku was developed carefully through Hisui's route as a tragic figure before she had her own route. Sakura's whole route was meant to be a surprise, basically, but I think her character suffers from it.

Sorry, I went into my standard Sakura rant there.

>> No.5347113


I actually don't like Kohaku that much because I played F/SN first, if that makes sense.

I went into her route expecting it to be like HF and filled with glorious yandere insanity... and got a retread of Akiha's route, but with Akiha being evil.

Kind of disappointing, it was.

>> No.5347115
File: 34 KB, 853x480, 1268800883679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullshit, everyone knows Unlimited Blade Works was the best route.

I'll admit that Heaven's Feel was better than Fate, though.

>> No.5347118

When I say noticeable hymen I mean any hymen, noticeable by a professional gynaecologist (the once that did the research).
There is always going to be something visible unless it was never there in the first place and that rarely happens.

>> No.5347161

She's a schemer, so it's a really different sort of yandere than Sakura, who simply goes berserk.

>> No.5347547
File: 233 KB, 796x1000, moe 111896 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't aware /jp/ was particularly found of Kohaku, but there aren't many waifu fights over Tsukihime characters. Arc's boring, Ciel is shit, akiha is a bitch: these are the stereotypes I hear most, so I guess that means the maids win?

>> No.5347573

Hisui is a quiet unsociable mecha

Kohaku is an evil genius

>> No.5347637


/jp/ likes to rape the maids.

>> No.5347665

Does it really matter? They're all fictional in the end. =\

>> No.5347671

Akiha is the best.

>> No.5347691

You're asking that in a board that is almost dedicated to my fictional character>your fictional character arguments? Did you just have a fit of sanity or something?

>> No.5347712
File: 462 KB, 720x582, Screen shot 2010-06-09 at 10.21.29 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, I posted an image with the two best Tsukihime characters.

Here's another.

>> No.5347727

Arcueid is the most perfect existence, she will always be the best.

>> No.5347737

Nope, just stating the facts.


>> No.5347784

Kohaku has always been /jp/'s favorite. I didn't care for her much personally. At least she was better than Ciel.

>> No.5347797

Ciel = shit tier

>> No.5347824

Rape the maids tier: the maids

Akiha's cold gaze tier: Akiha

Perfect Existence tier: Arc

"It's shit, right?" tier: Ciel

>> No.5347964

When I first got that scene on the first route that I played, it didn't seem that erotic at all and kind of disturbed me.

But after having played through the Akiha and Kohaku routes, it suddenly got really, really hot.

>> No.5348001
File: 455 KB, 720x582, Screen shot 2010-06-09 at 10.31.23 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm glad I did the same. The fact that she's so ashamed of her love for Shiki that she can only have sex with him through Kohaku is somehow really arousing.

I have a feeling I'm going to be really easy to identify as the only person who posts mac screenshots of onscripter games.

>> No.5348139

It kind of sucks you have to play through arc's route to get her sex scenes, it's totally out of place.

>> No.5348484

Arcueid is the best. Anyone who calls her boring needs a kick in the nads.

>> No.5348582
File: 8 KB, 100x100, icont55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accept on the condition that it is Akiha who performs the kick.

>> No.5348597


>> No.5348605

How unladylike!

>> No.5349021

Steep as a cliff face.

>> No.5349878
File: 41 KB, 336x400, 1275129169062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can hold flat girls closer to your heart.

>> No.5349887

ciel has tramp stamps, what a slut
