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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 279 KB, 1020x765, 1273814756640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5344518 No.5344518 [Reply] [Original]

Only an hour and a half till mecha loli time.

>> No.5344523

Every Cosmic Break thread in /jp/ is boobytrapped by the DOS-aligned boards. Do not organize yourselves here.

>> No.5344527

keep it in one thread, you tards.

>> No.5344534

Meido thankfully keeps deleting the threads so don't complain.

>> No.5344539

The threads would have been fine if you didn't pull other boards into it.

>> No.5344544
File: 46 KB, 293x287, 1276183315814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think meido killed my other thread, so sad ;_;

At least it also killed the retarded trolling.

>> No.5344546

It's been kept in one thread every time.

/v/ started it.

>> No.5344547

I hope this game doesn't suck.

>> No.5344558

It's an MMO, it sucks by default.

>> No.5344561


While that may be true, meido doesn't like em

Are the threads on the other boards still up or is it just our threads getting nuked?

>> No.5344562

Just ours.

>> No.5344567


THIS: >>5344523

>> No.5344568
File: 19 KB, 251x226, supports.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only ours gets nuked. Also ours are the only ones full of trolling. It's pretty fucking embarrassing that the /jp/ trolls are worse than random idiots on /a/ or /v/.

This isn't how you take it easy at all ;_;

>> No.5344571

Booby-trapped how?

>> No.5344582

Pro-tip: everyone shitting up these threads is from /a/ and /v/.

>> No.5344583

From the other thread, looks like some guy named spiketrigger on the community site is trying to troll /jp/ into splitting up.

>> No.5344588

/tg/ was here, /jp/ is a loser

>> No.5344596
File: 516 KB, 1024x768, 1255941248915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets start it right now!

>> No.5344598

Have fun being beat by losers.

>> No.5344613

I see. I guess that explains why there isn't actually another /jp/ group.

>> No.5344615
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>my visage when you were autistic near me

>> No.5344617
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>> No.5344643
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>> No.5344659
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The /jp/ group is getting dwarfed by the other big ones ;_;

Need more mecha-musume enlistees.

>> No.5344665

I haven't been paying attention to these threads mostly because I don't like mechas but I saw a vid on youtube and I'm interested. Link to the download/english website, if there is one?

>> No.5344672


>> No.5344673

>>5344665 mostly because I don't like mechas


>> No.5344685
File: 271 KB, 677x1405, 1274594127818.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we are outnumbered, we must all band together under the banner of Mistress Yuyuko.

Only with superior Danmaku tactics can we suceed

>> No.5344688

It's mostly because its the same generic thing. Shoot tons of blasts, fly in circles, main character gets pissed. SUPER ULTIMATE WEAPON ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHSFD:KJSDJ:
Win. Boring shit.

>> No.5344697

Go watch Gundam Unicorn and then come back.

>> No.5344700

Gundam makes me sleepier than the strongest elephant tranquilizer.
But in other news, download will take 14 mins so I'll be joining you guys.

>> No.5344732
File: 27 KB, 404x415, 1235262100108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I change my avatar?

>> No.5344737

Click on the picture itself in you're profile.

>> No.5344739

>superior danmaku tactics

>> No.5344740

Go to your home and click edit picture.

>> No.5344749
File: 76 KB, 300x300, 10895345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah thanks.

>> No.5344753

She is PCB final boss after all.
That put her slightly below Yukari in the Touhou Danmaku powerlvl chart.

>> No.5344759

77KB/s download?
( ≖◡≖)

>> No.5344769

Wow, looking at the club search sure is fun.

>> No.5344773

I was just getting like 2MB/s.

>> No.5344774

Is there a mecha page anywhere? What mechs are there?

>> No.5344775
File: 24 KB, 575x162, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ meetup

>> No.5344776

Don't make fun of my download speed when my connection is good! ;_;

>> No.5344778

So is this game social centric in any way?

>> No.5344783

That's my download speed! ;_;

>> No.5344789

Went like 600 kb/s for me I got it like fast, or are you talking about patching, that says just it can't connect to server.

>> No.5344790

seems I've avoided the hype, but I'm gonna be playing too, I guess... til I get bored

>> No.5344792

I think you choose a size and type, then just put together various parts for an end result.

Small, medium, large; guns, melee, artillery, support, or something.

http://www.cosmicbreak.com/home/ should be around in there somewhere

>> No.5344797


Looks to be a lot of focus and the way the community page is designed they want it to be.

>> No.5344800

I hope there won't be a patch when the servers go live. If there is, see you all next week.

>> No.5344801

Downloading the client lol
It was like 700KB/s for the first fifty megs and then dropped below 100 and hasn't been up since.

>> No.5344803

Is anyone here able to update the client yet or will I be able to do that once the beta starts?

>> No.5344810

From the looks of it.
It is like a gunbound room battle kind of thing.
The community page is just a way for them to jump on the facebook bandwagon.
Everyone is doing it from battle.net to 4chan (face integration).

>> No.5344812
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I think I'll go Arty M or L but I can't really decide.

>> No.5344814

The battles are 30 vs 30 max anyway. And we are NEETs so it's unlikely we won't have the people available for a fight.

>> No.5344819

Probably Air M for me.

>> No.5344824

4chan's fagbook integration was short lived and for the most part it was just Moot trolling his userbase yet again.

>> No.5344832
File: 13 KB, 100x100, CByuyu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going Air type size L specializing anti-land

Judging from the website, the classes work like this:

Land type beats Artillery type
Air type beats Land type
Artillery type beats Air type

>> No.5344833

I'll probably be Support M

Depends how long it takes to kill stuff solo

>> No.5344836
File: 268 KB, 640x512, コズミックガール01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5344851

What's our IRC channel again?

>> No.5344863

What faction are we going to be in guys?

>> No.5344868

Oh shit thanks for posting that, I didn't know my kawaii pal Elemix was playing

>> No.5344870


>> No.5344879


>> No.5344882


>> No.5344884

But the Dendrobium doesn't even have arms!

>> No.5344888

#/a/, #/m/, #/v/, #/jp/, #bunbunmaru and #/insertboardnamehere/ .

Pick your poison.

>> No.5344890


>> No.5344892

wiz faction

>> No.5344894

I might be Art M too, or Land M, I'm not a good supporter, nor I never go air.

>> No.5344900


>> No.5344901

why cant i start the game?

>> No.5344906

It doesn't start for another 30 minutes.

>> No.5344909

I like the way you think.

>> No.5344910

Well, I'm on /jp/, so I want to join whatever /jp/ is in you faggot.

>> No.5344911

Because the servers aren't up until 2:00 CST.

>> No.5344920

I'm going to be a small air support.

Just to make sure... which community do I sign up with?

>> No.5344925

inb4 Servers crash and Emergency Maintenance is needed.

>> No.5344927
File: 77 KB, 1158x536, yuyukostance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unit counter tactics diagram.

>> No.5344930

Air and support are two different types.

Hotglue is the /jp/ community.

>> No.5344931

Since you are in /jp/ I'm guessing you want to be with /jp/, but watch out. Alot of people from other boards are trying to snipe members. Fucking faggots. I'm not even sure myself of which group is /jp/ atm.

>> No.5344934


>> No.5344941

Support S
this gonna be fun

>> No.5344949


>> No.5344952

20 minutes

>> No.5344956

Utilize some secret code ingame, like asking the plot of Gekkou no Carnevale or true identity of HF3 Saber.

Land S here.

>> No.5344957

where does support fit in?

>> No.5344959

Uh, alright?

>> No.5344971

nigga you trollan.

>> No.5344972
File: 418 KB, 600x500, b9c49d66a34b05791a7fbe4e807618408321b82c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Support can be paired with any group, healing land and air, status effect and turret firesupport, and radar for AA

>> No.5344973

You can be Support and attach mega thrusters to yourself I think.

I think it works like a healer, buff, ammo or energy supplier?

>> No.5344974

Weaker than others in direct combat but has special abilities.

>> No.5344980

How do I add a cute anime girl to my profile picture?

>> No.5344982

I'd rather not be in a group with meme-spouting faggots.
Unless you thought I meant the othermeaning of Hotglue. I'm okay with that, I post on /jp/ after all.

>> No.5344989

Not just weak


think of airborne radar planes, utterly useless in combat but great use in radar and coordination.

>> No.5344994

So, arty is stationary with air mechs staying close to them, and land unit block other land units while our arty snipes their anti-land units?

As long as we all don't go the same class, that could work.

>> No.5344995

Support will be the first to get swarmed/sniped by the enemy, it's like jamming their radar and unbuffing them.

For those that want to play support I hope you are prepared to be running away most of the time.

>> No.5344997

How long am I supposed to wait until I get approved?

>> No.5345003

Btw whats the difference in moe betwen S M L ?

Is M the moe barrier where you're still a girl and not a walking flying tank?

>> No.5345006

being the pussy of the team?
I'm ok with that.

>> No.5345011

I'm not sure what kind of idyllic group you're looking for, but good luck finding a large guild without a few bad eggs. It can't be all bad, the sub-leader has 0 friends on the community site.

>> No.5345013

hey which faction are we going under? I heard about something about RIE TANAKA?

>> No.5345019
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>> No.5345021

I guess I'll go small then.

>> No.5345023


>> No.5345024

So, is this skill based in any way whatsoever, or are battles decided by who farmed the most or who brought more friends?

>> No.5345025

Equipping Stun Guns and shields seems to be the general tactic for supports I've noticed.

Hitbox size, speed/agility, and weapons that can be equipped, I believe.

>> No.5345030

Any difference between the factions, or is it just cosmetic?

>> No.5345033


>> No.5345036

Skill based, combat is all real time, no point and click shit, more wasd and aiming

>> No.5345038

S means you're tiny and really low HP but you are as fast as fuck.

L means you're a huge wall of armor slab with XBOX HUEG HP counter.

M is something in the middle

>> No.5345041

It's a MMORPG. Take a wild guess.

>> No.5345042


Sound like a generic rock paper scissor game to me.
Support is just the support class.

>> No.5345048

Yes but where does the GIRL part end and when does it become more gundam then girl?

>> No.5345057

You can be a girl with heavy armor, so there is no moe line.

>> No.5345065

Five minutes

>> No.5345066

Um, so will anyone be using the real time voice chat function? Or will it be filled with people shouting memes?


>> No.5345071

In this video, what size mech is the person filming?

>> No.5345073

Maybe during PVP if it requires coordination and is team based.

>> No.5345076

> real time voice chat
I guess this means the game is going to have to be on mute always.
And a reason not to join /jp/'s guild.

>> No.5345079

>team based.
Meaning the chat.

>> No.5345081

Thats size M

>> No.5345082

we managed this without voice chat in Aika, I'm sure we can do it again here

>> No.5345084


>> No.5345085
File: 198 KB, 700x968, fez679c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully it's like FEZ then.

Scissors could still beat rock in FEZ if the player was good enough.

>> No.5345087

If you don't like /jp/ stay out. Good god stay in your own fucking section. It's alot better than the constant AB threads on /a/ that are just mindless spam.

>> No.5345090
File: 1.08 MB, 640x480, zakupush.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5345095

The Malevolen/tG/entlemen alone will take /jp/ to task...

>> No.5345097

Oh, look at that, the client finished.
So it's normal that it can't reach the server, right?

>> No.5345100

You kids are fucking terrible.

>> No.5345101


>> No.5345104


>> No.5345105


Server isn't up yet, it's about to go up.

>> No.5345110

Who else got a gold mech?

>> No.5345112

Thanks, I'd gotten that impression from the thread but I had to be sure.

>> No.5345113

Quick somebody explain to me whats going on? Is some TV show coming on? New video game release?

>> No.5345114

Saigyouji Yuyuko here, I got one.

>> No.5345115


>> No.5345119


>> No.5345120

I'm sure we'll break the server.

If not now, the definitely on the weekend.

>> No.5345123

How do yyou get one?

>> No.5345130


>> No.5345131

MMO?? Are they region blocking USA yet?

>> No.5345132

Does /jp/ have a community or guild or whatever? I wish to team up with you guys, how do I do it.

>> No.5345133
File: 153 KB, 540x540, 050203udonge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go~

>> No.5345135

Patching now!

>> No.5345137

how do you get gold mech?

>> No.5345139


>> No.5345142
File: 138 KB, 700x919, satou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5345147


Currently updating application fil---
Start game.

>> No.5345148

Cosumic buhreaku!

>> No.5345150

Some /jp/er posted a link last night to a site that was giving away keys for gold mechs. They only had like 37 left when I got mine, so they're probably out.

>> No.5345151
File: 60 KB, 320x272, smiling miko slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm sure we'll break the server.
>/jp/ consists of less than at least 50 people

>> No.5345152
File: 152 KB, 816x638, cosmic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool I'm in!

>> No.5345155


>> No.5345161
File: 203 KB, 640x480, 4ad3210b6c6aa66e0ed387928595d8b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets do this shit.

>> No.5345165

English server? Fuck that.

>> No.5345166

>Hardware acceleration by OpenGl is invalid.
>Check your display driver settings.
Well, fuck you too.

>> No.5345169

You say that now, but we'll see on the weekend!

>> No.5345172

15 minutes left

>> No.5345180

Channel2 or 3?

>> No.5345184

Are the Japanese servers for only Japanese IPs?

>> No.5345189

God dammit, Should I got air,land or artillery?

>> No.5345191

Yuyuko here. WIZ, AIR TYPE

>> No.5345193

come everywhere

>> No.5345195

Which channel?

>> No.5345200


>> No.5345202

3 probably, less people.

>> No.5345212

Why does /jp/ go for the shittiest MMOs just because of moe?

>> No.5345216


>> No.5345217

>Hardware acceleration by OpenGL is invalid. Check your display driver settings

Suggestions? ;_;

>> No.5345219

I get a currently under maintenance msg why?

>> No.5345224


>> No.5345225

>>land robot is boy

Rage quitting.

>> No.5345226

Never heard of this game before. Does it take long to download? Do the servers block foreign ips?

>> No.5345228


From the truce room, people are generally suggesting channel 2.

>> No.5345233

We're going channel 2 right?

>> No.5345244

In as BETA-kun, Air type, WIZ. Channel 3 as to avoid lag but mostly other people.

>> No.5345248

For fuck sake, you guys are using vent.

How hypocritical are you guys?

>> No.5345249

So channel 2?

>> No.5345252

wait what, mine looked female

>> No.5345256

/jp/ using vent?


>> No.5345260

Pretty sure /a/ is the one using it.

>> No.5345261

Channel 3 then?

>> No.5345262

It says "Error Install is now stop" when I try to start the game and let whatever install. Is it firefox or is my game broken?

>> No.5345264
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>> No.5345266

Holy shit can we form Voltron with the lion dude?

Anyway, Channel 3, Croases, Land.

>> No.5345268

Just opened up the help menu in game, it says guild formation requires "Iron Hero" rank and 7000UC.

I'll be going and finding out how long this will take now.

>> No.5345270

Union? what?

>> No.5345272

Wich one ?

>> No.5345275


Whats the vent info?

>> No.5345280

Channel 2 or 3? I'm getting mixed signals from all the boards, here.

>> No.5345281

Ok, so which Union?

>> No.5345283


Which channel is /jp/ actually on? Fuck the /v/ and /a/ fags.

>> No.5345285
File: 115 KB, 817x636, wizzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5345286


Why you guys need ventrillo for? The game already comes with voice chat support.

>> No.5345287

Bah, game froze on laptop, have to switch to desktop.

>> No.5345288


>> No.5345289



>> No.5345293

Channel 2

>> No.5345295

Sounds like a few of us are on channel 3.

>> No.5345298

We should probably go on channel 3 to avoid the lag then.

>> No.5345304

No (free) MMOs are good, so we go for lolis and poverty. Mostly for shits and giggles.

>> No.5345305


Channel 3 to avoid them

>> No.5345308

Yeah go on channel 3.

>> No.5345314

As much as you guys may hate the other boards, you seem to have forgotten how much worse the rest of the internet is even compared to /a/ and /v/.

>> No.5345323

Yeah how do you join hotglue, I know you are suppose to be invited but... yeah
-ign Marisa

>> No.5345324

Screw you guys im downloading the japanese servers

>> No.5345325

which union?

>> No.5345328

oh shit guys, it's downloaded. INSTALLING.

>> No.5345329

I wish to join Hotglue.
Name's brnkstl.

>> No.5345330


>> No.5345331

>>Virtual On with moe moe robots

I'm OK with this.

>> No.5345335

I don't have the guild up yet, I need to level up or something and make 7000 UC first.

We'll worry about invites after that, I'll post when it's set.

>> No.5345336


I often bitch about /a/, but I pretty much don't hang out anywhere but 4chan. Most of the rest of the internet is at least 5 times as bad as any board on 4chan, even /b/.

>> No.5345337

I've played many free good MMO and I'm currently playing a good one now.

It sad people really thing free MMOs aren't good.

>> No.5345342

Shit I'm terrible at dodging

>> No.5345343

It's WIZ then, channel 3. I'll see you guys there

>> No.5345344

IF the Hotglue clan is up already, sign me up. my IGN is Naga.

>> No.5345350

hell Rie Tanaka just kicked my ass

>> No.5345355

Do I have to fight the Wiz robot?

>> No.5345364

BETA-kun here how do I talk

>> No.5345365

Probably because it usually degrades to farming for one thing, or that's my experience anyway.

>> No.5345373

Land is a boy? FFFFFFFFFF
also ign LunLun (playing with this one now) or Saki

>> No.5345374

I get raped as Air, what am I doing wrong?

>> No.5345389

Can someone post links to the threads about this game on other boards?

I want to see what our enemies are plotting...

>> No.5345397

you're not suited for air

>> No.5345400

I don't see anyone. I'm guessing I have to add people?

>> No.5345405

How do you heal during arenas?

>> No.5345406

Fly and dodge. It's like Moe-Moe classic Armored Core, so circle strafe like there's no tomorrow.

>> No.5345412

>players from other boards generally agreed that we should play on channel 2.
>most of /jp/ is playing on channel 3 to avoid everyone.

FOOLS...! Whatever... You're all gonna get yours soon enough.

>> No.5345413

Anyone else on the mission part? IGN is Shikieiki

>> No.5345415

94 UC gained for whatever it was I just fought in, 7000 required, looks like the guild may not be up for a while guys. Not sure about the level/rank side of it yet.

>> No.5345416

Whoa it crashed during parts customization..

>> No.5345419
File: 8 KB, 311x88, 07ca40bee5c23978a55a6aa0e882647f[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm horrible at coming up with names.. anyone want to help me out?

>> No.5345427


>> No.5345434

But my name isn't Jeremy..

>> No.5345437

Yes it is, Jeremy.

>> No.5345442

Haha I got the gold mecha

>> No.5345444


>> No.5345445

Artillery Type unfortunately.

>> No.5345447

Nazrin reporting for duty

>> No.5345448

download takes 2 minutes, guess I'll check this out

>> No.5345457

FUCK. I always get stuck in the name selection screen, I don't know what name use.

>> No.5345458

How is Hotglue keeping in contact right now? I'm kinda lost. ._.

>> No.5345460

Fuck my computer and internet, I can't play this.

Post some screencaps once shit starts happening, yeah? ;_;

>> No.5345463

Where do you input the code?

>> No.5345465

well, IGN: Iskander

>> No.5345468

Central Area

>> No.5345473

Fuck the garage takes forever to load.

>> No.5345503


>> No.5345521

I can win this fucking game, let me in.

>> No.5345534

this game is enjoyable so far. IGN boolderdash

>> No.5345537

Money is going to be a bitch to make won't it.

>> No.5345557

It is an MMO...

>> No.5345558

GM talking in channel 3 central area.

>> No.5345562
File: 180 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20100610_1458_42_703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caramel - aka Plum from ECO and all that shit - reporting in, I just did a gachapon on impulse and got this.

I'm guessing it's good? She has shorthair moe~ and a bunch of fancyass-looking weapons, plus standing out among the crowd of default robots feels decent I guess. Plays like Armored Core with tits thus far.
I guess there's still no way to get in clans yet?

>> No.5345587

Add me, luckily picked artillery so my gold mech isn't useless.
IGN: Nitori

>> No.5345588

Well, game just crashed for me.

>> No.5345592

do we have a guild yet?

>> No.5345593

I'm in Channel 3, WIZ, IGN: FurudeRika

Yet to play a match.

>> No.5345602

I'm assuming the add requests are for HG?

>> No.5345608

I don't get what to do. Also, land robot is a boy, I mad

>> No.5345614

This is boring.

>> No.5345620

Downloading this now. Are the channels you speak of Servers or just chatchannels? Just so I dont pick the wrong one tomorrow...

>> No.5345626

They are servers.

>> No.5345634

different robots are different genders?
I know that the people inside them look different. currently using two L airs and a H air because I don't have anything else ;_;

>> No.5345644

Well this is kind of boring.

>> No.5345647

This game is fun. Can I join the guild?

>> No.5345652

I don't care about loli shit.

>> No.5345655

is anyone constantly crashing with some message saying a error occured and is shutting down?

>> No.5345661

I don't think there is a guild yet.

>> No.5345670

So, anyone figured what to do with the whole OpenGL thing?
I'm frustrated.

>> No.5345672

We can always pool Cash together if need be.

>> No.5345703

I already have 5000 UC after completing one mission chain.

>> No.5345717

So I should join channel 3? Gonna try this tomorrow after work

>> No.5345718

The money part seems easy, I've got 8200 UC now, but I also need to get Iron Guardian rank. Trying to level up now.

>> No.5345722

Well, the graphics are awful but the game engine is pretty responsive. I dig it.

>> No.5345723

Rank is the issue most likely.

>> No.5345727

I don't get the scoring in this. Even if I'm near the top in kills I'll get a really low score. I don't think I'm dying that much either...

>> No.5345734

Fuck the first mission is hard.

>> No.5345754

I'm feeling really alone, where did you all go?

>> No.5345757

Probably in central area.

>> No.5345766

Perfomance low or high? wtf odes that even mean.

>> No.5345770

Is Gigan Busters soloable?

>> No.5345779

Sort of but AI is useless against Bosses, give me a moment and I'll help. If it's for the Mate thing you only need to clear three stages

>> No.5345795

I'll make the support type, I'll probably need a partner to do shit.

>> No.5345797

I really wish I knew what to do about items. Only got a rifle for my Art, and stayed to the default otherwise.

>> No.5345798

>>spam right click
>>get first place

It's definitely based on damage. Dying subtracts score of course.

>> No.5345819

oh wow, that's fucking unfair

>> No.5345822

Ready whenever anyone else is for this.

>> No.5345826

GM: "It's a way of life!" uehueheuh

>> No.5345827

Surprisingly, pretty fun game.
Even though I'm terrible at it.

>> No.5345830

I'm not gonna buy anything and make a beeline for the support mecha

>> No.5345838

>Checking for updates...
>Could not connect to server

What the fuck

>> No.5345862

What channel are we on, and we're Wiz, right?

>> No.5345870


>> No.5345881

Go back to BR.

>> No.5345893
File: 283 KB, 1134x610, naked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent the first 30 minutes of the game editing my robot.

>> No.5345896

I suck way too hard at this game.

>> No.5345915

funny. I hopped in between channels still gets the same char.

>> No.5345923

oh man, didn't realise you had a limited ammo supply

>> No.5345933

I can't seem to find the gigan busters stage in the arena. anyone?

>> No.5345939

It's a mission, not an arena thing.

>> No.5345952

BETA-kun here, someone do the first mission with, me password will be /jp/.

>> No.5345953

It keeps automatically sticking me in battles how do I get out of this?

>> No.5345974

Are there any good weapons? Default seems crappy.

>> No.5345981

right, found it now. thanks

>> No.5345989

Izen here, I have no ideea how to talk or anything, so please excuse me for being silent there.

>> No.5345998

Enter key brings up the chat box

>> No.5346005

Small Units comfirmed for grazing.

>> No.5346006

Where the fuck do I fight?

I entered a room and there was nothing.

>> No.5346011

Never mind I found out how.

Everything I've tried so far seems pretty shitty.

>> No.5346021

Laser Sword I got seems decent.

>> No.5346062

This game doesn't make any sense at all.

I'm just shooting randomly at anything that's red. There's no strategy or anything.

>> No.5346063

I haven't done any missions anyone want to do some?

>> No.5346075

Yeah it's fucking boring shit.

>> No.5346081

We might want to make a new thread.

>> No.5346139

I was hoping for more moe and loli tbh

>> No.5346151

I can't update. Oh wow, I'm so disappointed.

>> No.5346190

In all the games I've been observing, /jp/ is getting their ass handed to them.

>> No.5346196

Moe Moe Centaur robo get.

>> No.5346231

I just saw the loli centaur. so cool

>> No.5346236

I'm so far away from my S support...

>> No.5346239

too many things I don't understand.
Stats, customization etc.

>> No.5346341

Oh geez, channel 3 is filled with people talking as in audio.
Back to channel 1 with me, I guess.

>> No.5346367

It's a GM you idiot.

>> No.5346418

So is the guild Hotglue? Please tell me its not Hotglue.

>> No.5346444

This brings me back to the good old getamped days. Good old times.

>> No.5346543

You can turn off the voice chat/radio broadcast (in this case radio broadcast) from the options.

>> No.5346544


>> No.5346579

Managed to get this to work.
Turns out I just had to install newest drivers.
Game looks interesting but a bit chaotic and hard on the eyes - I like the customizing options though.
Time to learn how to play.

>> No.5346610

I suck so hard, it's not even funny.

>> No.5346636

>Posts: 334

>> No.5346780

Do we have a guild yet?

>> No.5346864

No, need to get to a pretty high rank.

>> No.5346918

When people actually know how to play this game has strategy.

When all 60 players break formation and run around like idiots on the battlefield yeah it's pretty chaotic.

>> No.5346944

Still working on it, it takes a lot of exp ;_;

I'm only halfway there, pure level count wise.

>> No.5347035

Arena battles seem to be the best way to rank and level up.

>> No.5347068

So I was soloing that first mission, and all of the sudden Youkai Phoenix comes out.
Mokou in my mecha musume mmorpg? It's more likely than you think!
Not to mention it started shooting danmaku right after appearing.
I'm starting to like this game.

>> No.5347202

lol 11kb/s download from the main website. Fortunately the download from mmosite is working much better

>> No.5347530

yeah working on arena with a bit of missions inbetween

>> No.5348287

server shut down
