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File: 108 KB, 800x600, himari_12c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5339597 No.5339597 [Reply] [Original]

How about some galge discussion?

What does /jp/ typically look for in a cast of heroines? For me, I like a decent amount of people the MC can have sex with. I think imoutos and moms are best as side characters, but I'll take any game with an imouto route. And the more virgins, the better.

>> No.5339600

I do not normally play galge's because I do not like no plot

>> No.5339602

The cast, virgins, setting, etc.

>> No.5339645

Childhood friends, kuuderes, damaged goods, imoutos, tsunderes. Though really I can like any character type if it's executed well enough.

>> No.5339703

Heroines must be virgins.

>> No.5339936

I dislike the choice to cum inside or outside. It should always be inside!

>> No.5340144
File: 147 KB, 746x579, f17076f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute artwork is my most important, after that I like sweet girls and forbidden love which is mostly little sisters and teachers.

Pic related, the best girl in Tokimemo 2,

>> No.5340155

childhood friend + yandere + virgin + cute + purple hair
anything else is shit

>> No.5340168

Better than no choice and cumming outside, at least.

>> No.5340180

yeah. It's a huge turn off when that happens. Especially if it's the first time they are having sex, it should be OBLIGATORY to cum inside.

>> No.5340181
File: 78 KB, 336x505, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you IQDB

Seriously, FUCK YOU

>> No.5340231

I'll be honest. I only download HCGs and have never actually played a game. So I'm wondering, how do reaching H-scenes typically work for galge? Can you take everyone's virginity while pursuing only one girl, or do you only have sex with one girl, and then try to get all of her H-scenes?

>> No.5340242

Just ask. It's "Zettai Junshu ☆ Kyousei Kozukuri Kyokashou!!" Very good stuff.

>> No.5340244


Is just fucking hilarious.

>> No.5340252

The game is called ぜったい遵守☆強制子作り許可証!! I know because I just fapped to it.

Depends on the game. For example, Shuffle you get one girl at a one time. In the game I just fapped to, you sex multiple girls but in the end pick one for her ending.

>> No.5340274

Cumming inside is only bad when the mosaic covers the cum that's supposed to be pouring out. It may be unrealistic, but the cum shooting ridiculously out the sides is an important effect!

>> No.5340310

>In the game I just fapped to, you sex multiple girls but in the end pick one for her ending.
Do let me know the name of that game, and perhaps some others that are similar.

>> No.5340434

Like I said in my post, it's ぜったい遵守☆強制子作り許可証!! (Zettai Junshu ☆ Kyousei Kozukuri Kyokashou!!). The best nukige I played is Hime to Boin. They're both in Japanese however.

>> No.5340486
File: 61 KB, 800x600, harakano mothercon siscon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So like, Haramin and Harakano?

>> No.5340511

Light-hearted nukiges. There's a lot of those.
Look up Softhouse Seal, SQUEEZ, Maybe-soft and MBS Truth.

>> No.5340517

In a typical pure love game you'll generally only get to an ero scene after you're locked into a girl's route.

>> No.5340542

only retards and idiot virgins would want a virgin girlfriend/fuckbuddy.

>> No.5340563



>> No.5340567

Go away.

>> No.5340570


>> No.5340572


>> No.5340573

The OP of this game is addicting.

>Can you take everyone's virginity while pursuing only one girl
This is pretty rageworthy if not done in a comical way so no one really does that.

>> No.5340609

Another thing I forgot, I don't like it when the a route requires you to be with a different girl than the one you're aiming for first.

>> No.5340648


Damn, that site just trolled you. That has to suck. But it's funny as hell (mostly because it hasn't happened to me yet).

>> No.5340659


Damn, that ain't a titty monster, that's a titty colossus.

>> No.5340750

Time to get Harakano.

>> No.5340797
File: 180 KB, 800x600, harachuchu harem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haramin you get your older sister pregnant, your younger sister pregnant, and your mother pregnant (along with your childhood friend and a girl at school) in Harakano you get your younger sister pregnant and your mother pregnant along with your childhood friend, your childhood friend's mother, your childhood friend's older sister, and your class president, in Harachuchu you get your younger sister pregnant, your mother pregnant, your teacher pregnant, a demon pregnant, and your childhood friend.

All blood related and featuring harem endings. Swaneye are masters of pregnancy and blood related fetishes.

>> No.5341018

Oh. Gonna get Harachuchu as well, then. Excellent.

>> No.5341053

Granted, the Swaneye games still aren't very good

>> No.5341061
File: 178 KB, 1280x960, Forte teacher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The older, wise, head-strong, mature woman.

With big tits.

>> No.5341139

upload it to danbooru then

>> No.5341175
File: 149 KB, 441x1000, vanillahairdown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a sucker for the unexpressive girl whom you bring out of her shell. Examples are Vanilla in GA and Primula in Shuffle...

>> No.5341267


How is Galaxy Angel as far as story/characters and gameplay?

>> No.5343015


It seems sex ed is her forte.

>> No.5343018


>> No.5343047

It took me a while, but i lol'd.

>> No.5343119
File: 313 KB, 1248x786, 10627902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You called me?

>> No.5343479 [DELETED] 


>> No.5343512

If only there were people dedicated enough to overhaul vndb to break down every heroine in every game with proper tags, I could find out who that is. Damn, that would be so useful.

>> No.5343602

tokimeki memorial 4

>> No.5343661

Usually I start a route based on the archetype of the heroine, in this order silent moe > tomboy > tsundere/childhood friend, I'm indifferent regarding loli/milfs, though HUGE boobs freaks me out, and by HUGE I mean bigger than their heads.
After that however it depends on the character of the heroine, for example, I absolutely love it when the heroine "marks" her territory instead of being simply jealous and whining in the shadow, if the mc is being too wishy washy with other girls then she starts clinging on him harder and being more selfish, as in "Oh no, we're going to have lunch just the two of us, your stupid comic relief friend/harem followers can wait here." or "Hello childhood friend-chan, you can now quit playing the wife, I'm going to wake up mc from now on." or slapping his head silly and the like.
On the other side I hate tragic heroines, especially the kind who just gets angry and sulky all of a sudden or depressed and lonely, do something already, you should know by now your boyfriend is stupid and won't notice unless you break in tears in front of him or plainly give up and play the man yourself.
So in a way I like to see both the heroine and the mc actually making an effort in the relationship instead of being directed by deus ex machina into the usual series of convenient events, like in actually courting your partner.

>> No.5343675

I like high school girls.

>> No.5343686
File: 173 KB, 800x600, tsun na kanojo dere na kanojo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tsun na Kanojo, Dere na Kanojo

for those only interested in tsundere archetypes. It's pretty cute. Have a random screenshot.

>> No.5343688

Hey guys, i'm trying to get my friend(not necesarilly into japanese stuff) play a galge, and he likes dramatic ones.

Which one should i recommend?

>> No.5343691

I remember raging like a wounded bear during the childhood friend's route.

>> No.5343707

Male characters should stop being shy about sex. For example Ichigo in Bleach, he blushes and turn his head away when Yuroichi appears naked in front of him. I don't like these kind of scenes.

>> No.5343710

But it's so delicious when you win in the end and the scattered remains of the loser girls litter the battlefield.

I enjoyed it.

>> No.5343717

Shit gets boring after first playt

>> No.5343725

Yeah I admit I did enjoy that, thought the best part was when she hides the photo.
I like it when they play dirty in these harem VNs, it shows they actually care and make an effort to win instead of wating for some plot device to kick in.

>> No.5344432

Now that you mention tomboys, can anyone think of games that have reverse trap heroines? You know, girls who dress/act like boys?

>> No.5344770

Uhh I vaguely remember about a VN where the mc enrolls in a school to learn to be a butler and all the girls there pretty much dress and act like men.
