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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 62 KB, 576x433, miss_me_yet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5330388 No.5330388 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5330392

Requesting meido support.

>> No.5330397

That one commercial that had Bush and Clinton talking was actually kind of nostalgic.

>> No.5330399

I'm happy with my current product, thank you.

>> No.5330409

I miss him.

He was a smart guy, but he always had a speech problem and was bad under pressure.

>> No.5330412

Yes. Obama hates freedom.

>> No.5330419

His entire administration should be in jail

>> No.5330422
File: 32 KB, 400x394, we president now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5330424

Yes, Bush drama is lulzier than Obama's.

>> No.5330426

What does Bush have to do with Otaku culture?

>> No.5330433

Yes. I'm not racist, but I don't think a black man should be at the head of the mightiest country on earth.

>> No.5330438

Yes, Bush gave off that air of hilarious incompetence while still being competent. Obama is just incompetent with nothing funny about it.

>> No.5330437

Nothing. Report this thread

>> No.5330447

Bush pronounced "nuclear" correctly.

>> No.5330451


>> No.5330452


Bush > shit > *

>> No.5330453

But he's half-white.

>> No.5330457

He's more white and arab than black, so its not that big a deal.

>> No.5330462


War in the Middle East happened because his waifu was insulted by those Middle-Easters.

>> No.5330470

Actually it is, because that means he has no excuse for his failures.

>> No.5330475

Foot in the door. Nose in the tent. Give them an inch.

>> No.5330480

I didn't vote for Obama.

But I miss Bush about as much as a chemotherapy patient misses cancer.

>> No.5330495

I kept telling people during the election, warning them. "He's not a real black man" I would scream. They would just give me a strange look. "Don't fall for his lies! He's not black! Its all a trick to ensure the election of a Democrat by playing with your white guilt!" Yet, nobody believed me. I wish I could say "I told you so," but that would just feel tacky at this point.

>> No.5330521

>Nigger didn't vote for Obama

>> No.5330534

What's a real black man? Don't most American blacks have white blood in them due to the habit of slave owners to fuck their slaves?

>> No.5330551

>I didn't vote for Obama.
Race traitor.

>> No.5330561


Obama is a house nigger. He does what white people tell him to do, which I cannot respect.

Now, if they'd had Louis Farrakhan as the candidate, I would have voted with ALL MY FORCE.

>> No.5330565

A real black man rapes da white wimminz and mugs yo skinny ass.

>> No.5330568

>He does what white people tell him to do
But that's the only way he can be successful!

>> No.5330580
File: 15 KB, 200x309, 139dad907254e066d8752b3ec4ed76a22b6b9030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Minister Farrakhan is quite successful without being led around on a chain by white people.

I can respect that.

>> No.5330614

Never heard of him.

>> No.5330622


If you weren't so busy 'sperging out over which Touhou is better, you would know about him.

He makes Conservatives quite butthurt.

>> No.5330627


Unwavering allegiance to any one cause/race/gender is the cancer of humanity. It's like not jumping off a train even when the train is clearly about to fall off a cliff.

>> No.5330641

I'm more interested in my own country's politics, especially with elections being tomorrow. Still, even then I get less worked up over it than I used to. There's much more interesting things to do than discuss politics.

>> No.5330648

What is representing the train here?

>> No.5330651

Reported for /new/ shit.

>> No.5330660
File: 237 KB, 1151x936, master race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5330675
File: 119 KB, 700x1015, chuck_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arc confirmed for Chuck D.

>> No.5330720


Although many causes and organizations start off on the right path, they all eventually, without fail, start doing more harm than good.
