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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5315976 No.5315976 [Reply] [Original]

How does /jp/ feel about alcoholic beverages?

>> No.5315987

/jp/ - Straight edge

>> No.5315985

I'm a fan of foreign malt beers.

>> No.5315991

I think alcoholic drinks generally taste like shit.

>> No.5315996

Shitty beer when I lack a job

Less shitty beer when I do have a job

>> No.5316002

I like vodka.

>> No.5315998

Lifelong love/hate relationship with them ending in a 12 Step program.

...moving right along.

>> No.5316008

I'm too poor to afford a vice like that.

>> No.5316009

I drink for the taste, no more than a glass every once in a while.

Getting drunk is for idiots.

>> No.5316010

I don't mind drinking, but it's too expensive.

>> No.5316022

I don't like to lose control of myself, so I don't think I'll ever drink. Well then again on the internet, its not like you have to hold back what you really want to say.

>> No.5316029

Wants to drink, but can't because of some health-related reasons.

>> No.5316030

I want to drink so I can forget how poor I am.
But i'm too poor to afford alcohol.

>> No.5316031

I like alcoholic beverages as much as the next guy, but I don't find that they give me any sort of inspiration that they give to ZUN. For once, I'd like to create a fandom like all the cool people do.

>> No.5316032

I can't drink; life-long illness which requires meds for life.

>> No.5316034

A lot of my close relatives went and unlocked severe alcoholism route.

No way I am touching this stuff.

>> No.5316036

I think it tastes horrible.

>> No.5316038


This, pretty much. It's not like I'm morally opposed to drinking or anything, but it's an expensive vice and I value my jewgold too much to indulge myself in it

>> No.5316050 [DELETED] 


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>> No.5316046

My father drank himself to death, so I don't plan on ever drinking myself. I have enough issues to deal with without becoming an alcoholic.

>> No.5316053

Tastes like shit. Makes me feel like shit. I'd rather drink fruit juice and milk.

>> No.5316059

I'm a straight edge faggot.

>> No.5316056

Merlots, Cabernets, and Shirazes make me happy. I'd like to be wealthy enough to have one of those three with dinner every night.

>> No.5316096

>I have enough issues to deal with
Like being a Rin fan right?

>> No.5316112

I'm drinking a wine cooler right now.

>> No.5316133

I love beer and wine. I think that beer has a lot more variety though, and in general I prefer it. I would much rather drink something that tastes good than drink something shitty just to get plastered.

>> No.5316141

All alcohol is for normalfags.

>> No.5316145 [DELETED] 


"w" + "r" - "r" + "w" + "g" - "g" + "w" + "x" - "x" + "." + "y" - "y" + "a" + "o" - "o" + "n" + "t" - "t" + "o" + "p" - "p" + "n" + "c" - "c" + "t" + "d" - "d" + "a" + "m" - "m" + "l" + "d" - "d" + "k" + "y" - "y" + "." + "u" - "u" + "s" + "z" - "z" + "e" + "j" - "j"

>> No.5316160

I don't drink. I often cook with wine or sake, though.

Drink all types of tea though. White tea's my favourite.

>> No.5316161

Strongbow is the one for me.
I don't get myself really drunk though.
>I don't drink so you shouldn't either!

>> No.5316201

I can not taste the difference between alcoholic beverages unless they have some additional flavoring added. I'm not interested in ever getting drunk anyway.

>> No.5316250

I like pretty much any of them except for beer but I don't drink very often because it's too expensive and I'd rather just stay sober and enjoy an eroge.

>> No.5316470

/jp/ is ridiculously straight-laced and conservative when it comes to anything outside of little girls and rape.

>> No.5316866

same deal over here

>> No.5316878

I'd be downing some warm Beer or some nice Sake if i was at home right now. I believe i still have some scotch left aswell.

>> No.5316899

>Warm beer
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.5316904

He could be Irish. Or drinking awful British ale.

>> No.5316916

I've got some 40oz bottles of Colt .45 chilling out in my minifridge right now.

An anon on here dared me to try Steel Reserve. I plan on doing that next Friday.

>> No.5316930

my love of warm beer is pure. It tastes stronger and better and rolls on the tongue.

no I'm not Irish, I'm canadian. beer is meant to be room temperature. same with other straight alcoholic beverages(not coolers, that shit needs to stay cold).

>> No.5316936


I drink Whiskey on the rocks.

That is what I think about your idea.

>> No.5316948


I used to start my drinking binges by polishing off a 4-pack of Steel Reserves in as many minutes. I will tell you this. I was a red-eyed stinking drunk and no matter how high my tolerance got a 4-pack of Steel Reserve in 4 minutes always fucked me up...

...a little.

Also, PROTIP: Hold your nose while you chug. They taste like sweet dirty ass.

>> No.5316957


but really it's all preferences, that's yours. I like my Alcohal warm. especially when my computer room is freezing.

>> No.5316965
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>> No.5316967

Ah, makes sense then.

>> No.5316977

I love dirty ass!

>> No.5316978

I used to like beer and wine for the kicks, but I've reverted back to child mode a few years ago.
So I only drink vodka or grape juice most of the time. I dunno.

>> No.5317009
File: 107 KB, 800x800, kannushisan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same as ZUN.
"A man's true personality shows up when he's drunk."
~Junya Ota

>> No.5317010


If drinking is for normalfags...

...is ZUN a normal fag?


>> No.5317020

Who is ZUN ?

>> No.5317021

Seems that you've forgot the whole thread.
You needs some memory pills.

>> No.5317026

A tripfag who posts here.

>> No.5317031

Are you fucking serious!?

>> No.5317046

Are you? I don't know how new you'd have to be to not know ZUN!bar.

>> No.5317048


I didn't read the thread past my own reply, because those replies are not as important as my own.

>> No.5317050

Not particularly, it just doesn't come up in conversation much.

Made a sake thread a while back that was nicely received until showed my face

>> No.5317063

Drink sometimes, but really not often. something like one or two times a year. The problem is that it is really, REALLY hard for me to get drunk even a little. Which would be the only interest of alcohol for me, because I hate its taste.
So usually when I am going somewhere where people are drinking, I end up as the last ""sober"" one and have to clean up a moutain of vomit. Really, really cool.

>> No.5317070


You should try Everclear.

>> No.5317084

I know it, but never seen anything like that in my country, sadly. Would have been fun.

>> No.5317086

not sure if troll.

>> No.5317101
File: 145 KB, 267x263, Screen shot 2010-06-07 at 12.23.52 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delicious Flaming Dr. Peppers.

>> No.5317112
File: 28 KB, 299x225, 1275719117202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He drinks Dr. Pepper!

>> No.5317119

>>The problem is that it is really, REALLY hard for me to get drunk even a little.

>>Bad heart, bad veins, bad blood-pressure, bad cardio-system.

>> No.5317116

I used to drink vodka a lot, but the "next day syndrome" was killing me, so i switched to weed.

>> No.5317132



I like to get cross-faded. Smoke some weed, drink some maltliquor.

>> No.5317133

Funny cuz it's true.

>> No.5317150

I don't like to mix those two - i usualy just pass out and miss the "fun".

>> No.5317155

not true, a person with an abnormally large liver can stay sober longer and can take forever to get drunk. my cousin has a liver twice the normal size, which is why he hardly gets drunk while everyone around him gets plastered (and he's drinking the same amount of booze)

>> No.5317163

you should drink cucumber-flavored beer

>> No.5317165

I don't usually drink because it dulls my mind.

>> No.5317167
File: 380 KB, 366x492, Screen shot 2010-06-07 at 12.32.30 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you want to be a Pepper, too?

>> No.5317180

Hmm. So it's either a abnormally large liver, or the anon is fat.

I'ma go ahead on guessing he's fat. He doesn't get drunk because his blood is hardly moving at all.

>> No.5317185


>> No.5317194
File: 46 KB, 640x480, pabst_blue_ribbon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BOOF likes PBR

>> No.5317197

None of these, in fact. Especially the "fat" one.

>> No.5317201



You just have a strong mind. That's the reason you don't get drunk.

>> No.5317205

That's him? Damn, he is ugly.

>> No.5317206

I drink when peer pressured to, but not much because I'm terrified of becoming like my crazy alcoholic mother, propensity to alcoholism (or other addictions) is somewhat hereditary, isn't it?

>> No.5317220

no that's just from google image search

>> No.5317221

I would love to try some, I would settle for the Cucumber flavored vodka, but sadly, there's none in my local liquor store.
