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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5315889 No.5315889 [Reply] [Original]

The internet has finally gotten to me. After spending too much time looking at loli, watching animu, and play touhou, I can no longer get it up to 3D women, nor am I interested in a relationship with a real person. I have mai waifu, and that's all I want.

This would be a very typical situation if I were a basement dweller or something. But I'm no hikikomori, NEET, neckbeard, or any of that. I'm a college student, I have a job, I'm not fat or ugly, and I have a decent circle of friends (and none of them are weeaboos). I used to have a girlfriend too. But now... I don't even know.

Now I don't think I even want to be a normfalfag again. Not like I could be even if I wanted to.

Damn you, /jp/! ;_;

>> No.5315900

Fuck you

>> No.5315895


>> No.5315907

Not your blog

>> No.5315913

not your blog.jpg

>> No.5315914

It's just a phase, son

>> No.5315929


Way to miss the point, you aspies.

>> No.5315937

Get out.

>> No.5315953

not your comment box.jpg

>> No.5315995

Basically what these guys said.

>> No.5317235

When Anonuymos sayed he only lieked 2d
grrls, we sayed that ti was sily.

>> No.5317261


>I have mai waifu, and that's all I want.

Ha ha ha, hey, you do know that's just an in-joke, right? Nobody here has waifus. I can tell you for sure that I don't, and so can these guys.

>> No.5317275

/a/ called, they want you back.

>> No.5317289


OP Status:

[_]Not Told

>> No.5317297

Bad time to choose to post at /jp/.

>> No.5317332

So much hate...

OP, i feel for you.

>> No.5317350


>So much hate

/jp/ confirmed for Internet Hate Machine.

>> No.5317397

Look, I'm not trying to hate on you or anything.
But grow a spine and deal with it.
Whining about your lifestyle choices on an internet imageboard won't bring you anything.

If you feel /jp/ is to blame for your misery, I suggest you leave for your own sake.
Come back when you're ready to talk about stuff we actually care about.
