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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 15 KB, 324x418, polite korean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5303540 No.5303540 [Reply] [Original]

Dad: "Where do I type the other person's e-mail address?"
Me: "There should be a bar that says 'Send to,' type it there."
Dad: "I don't see anything like that."
Me: "Okay, hold on, let me come look at it-"

>Dad has written entire e-mail in the Google search bar

>> No.5303557

:3~ Is that Bisu?

>> No.5303552


>> No.5303563

Polite korean.jpg, accompanied by /b/ drivel as always.
I'm going to just filter this image.

>> No.5303564

How many times are you going to post polite korean.jpg?

>> No.5303565

Sup Jaedong.

How does it feel wining the MSL because of a glitch instead of your own skill?

>> No.5303566

Koreans on my /jp/ ?

>> No.5303568

Kollege Budi von Giga Games

>> No.5303562
File: 28 KB, 337x507, 1243278157287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]










>> No.5303586


>> No.5303700


You misspelled "God".

>> No.5303713
File: 124 KB, 333x500, flash1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5303723
File: 49 KB, 263x209, 1275774097630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mom asks why the Internet isn't working
>I tell her to check if it's plugged in
>She goes on all fours to see under the table
>I pull down her pants and fuck her in the shitter
>She has multiple orgasms
>My face

>> No.5303744

my dad used system restore once, he used it to reorganize the icons in the desktop.

oh, I remember when he tried to burn a game into a dvd, and he just copied the shortcut to the game, I fucking lol'd that time.

>> No.5303785

that's nothing to lol about, dickhead
it is admirable if he learned from the experience
now back to /g/ with you

>> No.5303882


Sup StarCraft newfags.
I'm sure Jaedong is cool if you've been watching it on YouTube for 3 months.

But fuck you both. I've been there since the begging.

I downloaded iloveoov replays from an FTP in 2003. I stayed up until 3AM to watch live Korean streams in 2004. I watched Nal_rA revolutionise Protoss vs Zerg play in 2005.

And I was there for 2006. The golden era. The best year the sport has ever had.

Boxer, XellOs, JulyZerg, these are the true greats. These are the players I watched rise, and fall. These are the players that relied on creativity, imagination and skill instead of 14 hours a day practice and going for the same safe builds. I cheered for them when they won, I cried when they lost. I will never forget them.

Fuck your Jaedongs, Bisus and Flashes. Fuck all your useless modern players going for the same tried and tested strategys with their stupid straightened hair and unmanly ways.

Since 2006, everything went downhill. Play became more standard, imagination died, corruption run rife and everything I loved about the game died. The 2008 Ever OSL finals were the last good StarCraft matches to be played in the whole of Korea.

But mainly, fuck you Jaedong. Jangbi and Stork are the only worthwhile guys still playing.

>> No.5303931

als ob

sup fag

The best years where when Firebathero fucked anything and everything with his awesome dances and you know it

>> No.5304071


So true ;_;
Video related

>> No.5304472

why isn't starcraft popular in japan? it requires so much strategy and reaction time

>> No.5304477

Reported. Jesus christ night /jp/ is always the worst /jp/

>> No.5304481

For a second I thought I accidentally in /g/.

>> No.5304483
File: 16 KB, 94x122, 1275614010760.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5304493

shut up whore, go back playing your melty blood

>> No.5304506
File: 83 KB, 256x200, Zerg rushan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Intensive Zerg rushing can get down to the millisecond for success or failure.

>> No.5304528


You forgot to mention Yell0w.

>> No.5304562

Here is a list of games which involve more strategy and reaction time than Starcraft:

- Scrabble
- Tiddlywinks
- Connect Four
- Yahtzee

>> No.5304584

Fuck off.

Holy shit this place has the worst threads.
The idolfriends put us to shame.

>> No.5304605


You aren't even trying...

>> No.5304606

at least they condense in 1 thread unlike YOU touhou faggots go eat shit asspained cum flowing ass lickers.

>> No.5304611

I was saying the idolfriends are the best posters here.
Also you're clearly autistic, go fuck yourself with something extremely wide.

>> No.5304613

What part of his post makes you think he's a Touhoufag?

>> No.5304616

You're actually bothered by that info? Scrabble has major tourneys as well, you know.

>> No.5304625

I'm not intimidated by you ZUN!bar.

>> No.5304632

I don't think anyone who gets trolled into the stratosphere by a ZUN post has any right to complain.

>> No.5304640

I wasn't trolled.
I trolled you.

>> No.5304654

I'm not trying to intimidate anyone.

Seriously, you say a nerd's favorite game isn't so good and they somehow take it as a personal attack on their very being. I don't get it.

>> No.5304661

Scrabble has had major tourneys since before anyone in this thread was even born.

>> No.5304665

It's not my favorite game, but it does involve a lot of important macromanagment.

>> No.5304700

So does Scrabble or Tiddlywinks. Seriously, you miss that one letter or one shot and then it's all over!

>> No.5304705

Sure bro.

>> No.5304707

Hey guys, ZUN!bar is so funny. Tell us something else funny.

>> No.5304714

I don't have this problem. My dad was the one who taught me how to use the computer. He was having LAN parties before I even knew what one was.

>> No.5304730


If you insist.

1) All threads involving polite korean.jpg are of dubious quality.

>> No.5304798

koreans = terrans
japanese = protoss
chinese = zergs

