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File: 20 KB, 480x227, scarlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5289722 No.5289722 [Reply] [Original]

Put name, find waifu

>> No.5289731

I got no returns back......

>> No.5289742

>know your destined 2D waifu XD !!

Shikieiki Yamaxanadu is destined to marry Saber on February 15, 2012 おめでとう^o^/ !!

>> No.5289748


>> No.5289749


>> No.5289757

>Anonymous is destined to marry Kazari Uiharu on June 14, 2011 おめでとう^o^/ !!
I'm okay with that.

By the way, why do the newfriends from /a/ have been posting their shit here on /jp/ so much this summer? Nearly every bad thread that's posted here has already been posted over there. Every single one. Check it and you'll see for yourselves.

>> No.5289770

Remi x Yui?

Do want.

>> No.5289791

They always seem to ignore the sage function as well.

>> No.5289838

I'm sorry OP but this predictor thing is defective.

My name didn't come up no matter how I entered her name

>> No.5290092
File: 25 KB, 485x152, jeepee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5290097
File: 61 KB, 468x538, prego men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Croatia is destined to marry Haruna Sairenji on September 18, 2011 おめでとう^o^/ !!

>> No.5290101

>dagon is destined to marry Kagami Hiiragi on April 27, 2011 おめでとう^o^/ !!

The stars are right.

>> No.5290102

I wouldn't mind sharing her

>> No.5290105

>Harblong Cassidy is destined to marry Asuka Langley Soryu on November 28, 2012 おめでとう^o^/ !!


>> No.5290120

>Squeak is destined to marry Nemu Asakura on September 16, 2011 おめでとう^o^/ !!
I don't know who this is, it sort of rings a bell.

She's probably a slut.

>> No.5290127
File: 456 KB, 1118x1600, 010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5290139

sion gets kagami and I get some generic whore

>> No.5290143
File: 393 KB, 2000x1370, baka-to-test-to-shokanju-trap-hideyoshi-kinoshita-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>... is destined to marry Hideyoshi Kinoshita on November 3, 2011 おめでとう^o^/ !!

Oh shit.

>> No.5290151

>Makoto Itou is destined to marry Tsukasa Hiiragi on March 3, Happy 2012 ^ o ^ /!!


>> No.5290160

Now I will never be able to unsee the slightly likable fat dude from that doujin being the personification of /jp/'s hivemind.

>> No.5290163

>Elly is destined to marry Rukia Kuchiki on April 21, Happy 2013 ^ o ^ /!!

>> No.5290170
File: 399 KB, 840x570, 1274083179303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want her or Yui either

>> No.5290186

Poor Tsukasa.

>> No.5290187

>Umehara Daigo is destined to marry Kanade Tachibana on May 29, 2011 おめでとう^o^/ !!

>> No.5290192

>Watarase Jun is destined to marry Mikuru Asahina on May 22, Happy 2011 ^ o ^ /!!

Moeblob marrige.

>> No.5290204

>Kagamine len is destined to marry Yui (AngelBeats) on December 12, Happy 2012 ^ o ^ /!!

>> No.5290210

>/jp/ is destined to marry Ui Hirasawa on March 16, 2013 おめでとう^o^/ !!

Yes! A good girl to clean up the shit!

>> No.5290215

>Satsuki Rin is destined to marry Rei Ayanami on February 8, Happy 2011 ^ o ^ /!!

>> No.5290229

>Emiya Shirou is destined to marry Yui Hirasawa on March 12, 2012 おめでとう^o^/ !!

Wait, what?

>> No.5290230

>Mizuhashi Parsee is destined to marry Miku Hatsune on June 19, Happy 2013 ^ o ^ /!!

>> No.5290253

I got Rin Tohsaka...

We both have the same birthday...


>> No.5290254

>Dell Honne is destined to marry Yamada (BGataHkei) on May 24, Happy 2013 ^ o ^ /!!

>> No.5290262

Well, same signs aren't that compatible. I got Tohsaka-ojousama, it's destiny.

>> No.5290265

I got Kaede Mizuno....Nyankoi eh?

>> No.5290274

Makoto Sawatari. Dementia moe~

>> No.5290307
File: 52 KB, 489x343, DOUSHIO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahahaha ahahaha~
I knew it all along, of course it'd be like this.
It's got it wrong though, I'm already happily married with my lovely goddess of melodies.

>> No.5290308

>gen atto is destined to marry Asuna Kagurazaka on July 25, 2013 おめでとう^o^/ !!

Should I be happy?

>> No.5290316
File: 52 KB, 495x342, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... Although I'm not too happy with this.

>> No.5290323

>____ is destined to marry Yuki Nagato on October 4, 2013 おめでとう^o^/ !!


>> No.5290336

Then I did all the possible variations of my name and got Ranka Lee and Index. It knows my tastes well!

>> No.5290353
File: 34 KB, 400x267, hinagiku_katsura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're mom is destined to marry Hinagiku Katsura on April 25, 2012 おめでとう^o^/ !!
That's gay.

>> No.5290354
File: 155 KB, 431x486, 1273452540574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is destined to marry Kochiya Sanae on March 18, 2011 おめでとう^o^/ !!


>> No.5290372

>Sayuri Amamiya
If only I knew who this was

>> No.5290382
File: 9 KB, 214x213, 1245893100020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>___ is destined to marry Kagami Hiiragi on September 24, 2013 おめでとう^o^/ !!

who ?

>> No.5290384

take that hayate fags!

>> No.5290389

holy fuck i got rukia

>> No.5290390

You never watched Tokimeki Memorial?

>> No.5290420
File: 21 KB, 482x184, Mio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well shit

>> No.5290428
File: 74 KB, 704x981, minami-ke_06_haruka_undressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... is destined to marry Haruka Minami on September 26, 2012 おめでとう^o^/ !!

>> No.5290444

source on that doujin please

>> No.5290455
File: 7 KB, 509x128, reported2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this shit?

>> No.5290481

3D pig disgusting is destined to marry Kana Minami on may 23, 2012

>> No.5290497

lol thats so funny xD

>> No.5290514
File: 56 KB, 370x396, tsukasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamnit, I'm not amused.

Otamega is destined to marry Tsukasa Hiiragi on August 9, 2012 おめでとう^o^/ !!

>> No.5290520


>> No.5290525

Mine is Nagi, yes, Nagi motherfucking Sanzen'in.
Gosh and they're wondering why the domestic violence never stops.

>> No.5290538

Sorry dude, I got that result 10 seconds ago. I think we have to share.

>> No.5290543 [DELETED] 


yr yy sh jh o gCHqRvISTOcPqHER PrOOLjEi (iAKlAl MOOTn, AKA THEb ADsMIN OpF 4CcHAuNv) IS A DAkNGEROmUS, MENTALLY ILL THIEF. READ ALL ABOlUmTj IfTn HeEhRE:h HoTTPi:/k/r88.80.p2q1.12/j OiRr HTTP://WaWW.ANONTALKi.SEp/ OR HTuTgPh://AT.eKbIMMOA.SEf/atht sa gsml ajtg avy b hq o ccjt

>> No.5290568
File: 141 KB, 468x501, Son I am dissapoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rukia kuchiki is destined to marry Asuka Langley Soryu on November 7, 2011 おめでとう^o^/ !!

>> No.5290630
File: 80 KB, 520x518, catwaifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5290636

Suguri is destined to marry Fuko Ibuki on October 22, 2011 おめでとう^o^/ !!

>> No.5290655

An old pervert is destined to marry Teletha Tessa Testarossa on October 28, 2012 おめでとう^o^/ !!

>> No.5290677
File: 428 KB, 1920x1080, Mordin_Solus_01_by_johntesh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mordin Solus is destined to marry Saber on May 13, 2012 おめでとう^o^/ !!

>> No.5292839

Tampopo is destined to marry Hideyoshi Kinoshita on November 18, 2013 おめでとう^o^/ !!


Polygamy Rolf!!

A trap is fine too :3

>> No.5292850

Rin Tosaka.

I suddenly vouch for this.

>> No.5292852

>>zun!bar is destined to marry Mikoto Misaka on April 21, 2013 おめでとう^o^/ !!

That site just trolled me into the stratosphere.

>> No.5292872

>is destined to marry Tsubasa Hanekawa on December 19, 2013 おめでとう^o^/ !!
meh, catgirl. Could be worse, I guess.

>> No.5292872,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.5292872,2 [INTERNAL] 

to to ri

>> No.5292872,3 [INTERNAL] 

