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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 352 KB, 632x356, Sakuyaeh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5285653 No.5285653 [Reply] [Original]

East Coast

>> No.5285663

Southern Ontario, Canada.

>> No.5285668


>> No.5285680

Current version v1.10
More information on the game: http://hisouten.koumakan.jp/

>> No.5285691

delete this shitty thread and start over. the picture is terrible.

>> No.5285699

So much butthurt. Having a thread is enough, who cares about the picture?

>> No.5285702


Stop being butthurt, going to plant my giant tree here to make this thread official.

>> No.5285750
File: 119 KB, 600x600, white len.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5285758

Okay, let's give It a try
I'm still new at this

>> No.5285766

can't connect

>> No.5285767

How about now?

>> No.5285857


>> No.5286367 [SPOILER] 
File: 15 KB, 600x600, 1270184264122.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
us west

>> No.5286439


>> No.5286628


>> No.5286801
File: 47 KB, 135x198, mabook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice 0.1fps we're having

>> No.5286816

Sorry but I can't with that lag.
Can you please try again?

>> No.5286820

I lol'd there

>> No.5286826
File: 56 KB, 135x198, mabook2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just checked my net, everything's fine on my side. i think i'm going to take a break anyways, ggs!

>> No.5286827
File: 256 KB, 900x1045, 96fb5084f9b1c19dbd9ae144d4edcd32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5286827 EC

>> No.5286830

Oh well, GGs then 123.

>> No.5286845

Aw shit. Sorry for that, looks like my net is hating me today. I'll pass for now

>> No.5286868

It's alright. My net likes to act up on me too.


>> No.5286941

Sorry www, something came up so I have to leave early. Good games though.

>> No.5286945


Good ones

>> No.5287368 [DELETED] 


>> No.5287504
File: 293 KB, 878x1102, 1268745192054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5287634

gg? Had to go afk a sec.

>> No.5288309



>> No.5288372

Anyone hosting?

>> No.5288383
File: 69 KB, 609x791, hongandpatch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
West Coast.
Worst player on /jp/ tier.

>> No.5288468

GGs, Profile...
Gonna rehost in a few minutes.

>> No.5288664 [DELETED] 


>> No.5288725

Gonna be Meiling for a bit then off into randoms.

>> No.5288730
File: 103 KB, 840x945, 9c2514426f24e37b8ea1bf43e573d9d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my patch.

>> No.5288748


>> No.5288920

Yup, got a perfect on me, time for me to stop for today...
You raped me compared to last round p1.


>> No.5289090 wc

>> No.5289309


>> No.5289327

Pathy had dead.

>> No.5289424


>> No.5289512


>> No.5289555

ggs! always fun playing you, even though i get my ass kicked. i wish i could use patchy's j2a like you. it just... doesn't go off for me. do you have to be a certain height or what?

>> No.5289567

It takes longer for an attack to come out if you fly with d. You have to double-tap forward or backwards.

>> No.5289586

that makes sense. i do that with komachi. i'll give it a shot, thanks.

>> No.5289716


>> No.5289891
File: 816 KB, 1280x720, 1274180978472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just messing around a little

>> No.5290112
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>> No.5290824


>> No.5292205 [DELETED] 


>> No.5293173 [DELETED] 


>> No.5293323

Does everyone fight using a keyboard?

>> No.5293330
File: 90 KB, 351x206, 1270753055666.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well i do... Wanna play a match?

>> No.5293332

Ps2 controller here, but the game is very input-friendly.

>> No.5293333

I have to download everything again to see if it will even run well on my pc

>> No.5293335

I don't know about now, but in the past most people didn't seem to play Touhou 12.3 with keyboard.

>> No.5293351

Is playing with a gamepad any better? Somehow i can't use specific moves with my keyboard. It isn't broken or anything... a friend has the same problem.

>> No.5293366

Different keyboards have limits on what keys can be presed at a time. You have to remap the keys or get a different keyboard.

>> No.5293425

Shift your controls one key to the right or left and try again. I didn't know that 3A existed until I changed my layout. It just wouldn't register down+right+A at once.

>> No.5293456

I'm using keyboard.
And every match here means "horrible rape" for me.
Should I buy some gamepad or am I simply bad at this?

>> No.5293472

Play arcade mode a few times to get used to controls and moving around. Use bullets a lot. Block A LOT. All else fails, learn combos on the wiki.

>> No.5293482
File: 314 KB, 918x850, 9200592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been out of the loop during the past few weeks.

Rusty as hell and won't even warm up with the CPU tier. Also, I won't play for too long (probably). - EU

>> No.5293583

How do I combine SWR with the expansion? I have both downloaded but a lot of the cast is missing

>> No.5293632


NOTE: In order for this to work, you must have SWR installed and your SWRS configex123.ini must have the following lines in it:

>> No.5293679

thank you

>> No.5293900
File: 2 KB, 124x122, Territorial Oak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5293910

Surely you have better things to do than spam that ugly fir every day. Like reinstall the game.

>> No.5293919

Hahaha, afro three.

>> No.5293978
Best player in the world tier.

>> No.5293988
File: 150 KB, 800x722, 1275672563999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5294004


Tell me what to download !!!

>> No.5294059

I am glad I didn't get in a match against that Suwako. Wouldn't stand a chance. These matches are fun to watch though

>> No.5294143

yuyucows combos are pretty

>> No.5294181
File: 900 KB, 710x800, 2167850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs Idler, long time no see!

I was hoping for some opponent who'll take it easy with a rusty scrub like me, not you! Damn, it was harsh. Had a lot of fun, nonetheless. My bad habits came back in a matter of minutes.

>> No.5294233
File: 194 KB, 462x655, 1268775900104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs _Akagi_, it's been quite a while since our last matches. Sorry for playing so shitty at first, it took me a while to get my game together.

You'll really need to use more bullets as cover when you attack. I could just keep spamming Crescent Moon Slash whenever you tried to attack me. You also ate my reversal spellcards way too often.

Well, I'm hoping to see you more often again, I've been missing fighting your Suika.

>> No.5294256

Sorry had to afk

>> No.5294261

That yuyuko was good but, matches against people that are slightly better are more fun for me. That's why I went off and on serious mode so I wouldn't get bored :S

>> No.5294310

Is there a guide on what spell card set ups I should use?

>> No.5294318

Go to practice mode and try it out
Best way

>> No.5294323




>> No.5294328

What game is this?

>> No.5294352
File: 27 KB, 236x379, reimu_rage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't like newfriends that can't wipe their asses properly. Lurk moar and learn to google.
Jesus, It's not that hard

>> No.5294357


>> No.5294366
File: 828 KB, 1000x1353, 10207828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you're right, but I swear I used to do better than that. I kid you not, the last time I picked the game was a month ago, and believe me, it's enough to forget about a lot of stuff. Give me a few days to get used to the game again. I need to recover my BnB's first, as you saw, I couldn't do shit with Marisa, Sanae, and Aya. With Suika it's another story. It's like bycicle, I don't think you can "forget" how to play her. Also she was the only character who could stand a chance against your Youmu.

And damn this, sometimes I felt like my character was moving really strangely, I don't know if it's my stick which is still half broken, or if I just forgot how the characters are supposed to move. Anyways, I'll probably do a couple of arcade runs before netplaying again because I need it. I hope to fight you again, I'll be around more often during the next few weeks.

>> No.5294367

Just read
the goddamn

>> No.5294369

It's not nice to insult the illiterate.

>> No.5294392


Fourth post. Seriously, was It that hard?

>> No.5294402

Helping them only encourages their behaviour.

>> No.5294423

I just want them to think

>> No.5294457

See (>>5285680).

Man, this is the reason I keep telling people to add that information in the OP post for 12.3 netplay threads but they rarely listen.

>> No.5294476

Why would they do that, knowing that if they ask enough, even demand it in all caps, that the answer WILL be given to them?
You're not very good at this.

Since you've already given away the answer, I will tell you how one could've found it out without even reading the thread.
First post: subject - 12.3 netplay
Went to google, typed in "12.3 touhou".

It really doesn't make a difference. Why read for themselves when someone can tell them instead?

>> No.5294489 EU

>> No.5294497



>> No.5294611
File: 259 KB, 551x497, 6b456e6794c6cd627e6dc8fd05b3aa03954029cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5294611 EC

Pic related, I am the fluffiest tier.

>> No.5294613


>> No.5294624


theres a guy uploading videos of you guys playing

>> No.5294637

and not a single fuck was given that day

>> No.5294651
File: 147 KB, 912x1186, areyouawizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screw that I care. Who is doing it?

>> No.5294652

Played a match with someone here.

Well played, you sure owned me good.

Uhm, can't seem to get used to playing on a keyboard though . . Anyone got a set-up that works?

>> No.5294653

Link to his youtube account

>> No.5294658


>> No.5294733


>> No.5294786


gg my first game online

>> No.5294789 [DELETED] 

who wants to play

>> No.5294809
File: 286 KB, 637x906, 2b578b9ac9dff306f5c746016c21967cd441b1f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs. For a first timer you actually are pretty decent. But that is coming from me, so don't let it get to your head.

If you like the Xbox controller, get a 360 controller and just plug it in, might need Xpadder to map the buttons to your liking. If you like the PS2 controller better, $12 gets you an adapter cord and it is just plug and play. Or you could just get a logitech controller, but I find their d-pads pretty bad.


>> No.5294816


I checked you up on easymodo, so no.

>> No.5294831

Phone rings two motherfucking seconds after I join. Happens everytime.

>> No.5294828 [DELETED] 

I'll play if you don't mind going against someone new

>> No.5294841

Of course, I make it back in time to see the screen fade out, but someone else joins before I can reconnect.

>> No.5294861

I only have the reg version can anyone link me to the 1.10 and eng. patches?

Please and thank you

>> No.5294879


>> No.5294901
File: 183 KB, 542x763, a2875a1ecdc73e248ed9c7bd0542f395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games. Not sure if you DC'd mid game or something though.

>> No.5294907 EC USA

Hosting, I'm new curious how lag is in this game. Want to play a few matches at least

>> No.5294910

thanks again. : D

>> No.5294923 [DELETED] 


t myj yi zhrpghbpim nxnieuul eaCHRISTOdPyHpERx PjOkOeLEo (AKyA MOOT,s AKA THEk AaDlMIbN OaF 4CvHANs)c IvSk A DAxNrGEdRgOzUS,k MENjTAnLlLY ILL THjIEF.p REAlDt AmLrLa ABOUT IT HEREj: HTpTPz:/s/8r8.h80.2x1i.12j/ OR HsTlTPh:p/c/WWxW.ANONiTAjLuKu.SaEi/ OR HTTPf://ATo.KIMMOA.SzE/kbaz kj cv b ygpnktot ofb kh y b vv wxaqlh l

>> No.5294946

wha? also requesting hoster.

>> No.5294957
File: 54 KB, 249x223, 1236408739535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play with me!

>> No.5294965

Did someone already connect or did you disable spectators from watching? Couldn't connect.

>> No.5294977

No one has connected. Is there a problem using wireless internet and hosting?

>> No.5294984

yep doesn't seem to be working for me. Either fix your port or get updated with the english patch.

>> No.5295001

>Is there a problem using wireless internet and hosting?
By itself, no. Using wireless does generally increase lag and the possibility of random disconnects, however.

In this case, you probably didn't forward ports correctly or your firewall (if you have one) is in the way.

>> No.5295028
File: 297 KB, 600x600, a46028678b932379da81c7a302f23226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Apple Tier

>> No.5295034

GGs miko, the lag got a bit bad at the end I guess. At least I was able to go through all the Cirnos.

>> No.5295038

you arent working bro. cant get in.

>> No.5295036 [DELETED]

US west, continental divide. Learning how to play tier. As usual, will be choosing random characters with mostly default decks...

>> No.5295054

still waiting for hoster. Haven't played since winter tier.

>> No.5295060

GGs, those were some fun matches.

>> No.5295062

you are raping him too much you are a bully usa.

>> No.5295081

My bad, it seems that my local IP changed and messed with my forwarding. Let's try this again.

US west, continental divide. Learning how to play tier. As usual, will be choosing random characters with mostly default decks...

>> No.5295094
File: 142 KB, 625x635, 3c8605cb9c38ef1c3e49711cf58959c6fe16ca4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thought something was weird, I figured your controller died for some reason and you were trying to get it to work again. Oh well, there is always another day.

Actually they were. I must have worked out some of the rust because I was actually a match for people tonight. And sorry about my Remi spam. I really do suck as her. In retrospect I should have tested out my "Vampiric Touch" deck.

>> No.5295095

if you rape me im gonna cry.

>> No.5295141

It's fine, I'm horrible as everybody except for Tenshi, really. And my Utsuho is probably laughable to most players.

I probably should have stuck to using Tenshi, but I feel that it'd probably get boring for the other person if they're fighting the same character over and over again.

>> No.5295151

As you can see, you don't have to worry about it. :3

>> No.5295152

just know that i always try to guard break

>> No.5295181
File: 261 KB, 600x800, 1268007650429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured she was your main. I really don't mind playing against the same character so long as the matches are relatively close. If I am being blown out of the water, and they keep picking the same character, I will generally drop the match. Vice versa, if I am destroying someone, I will generally play as characters I would really like to learn better. I figure at that point, I may still beat them, but since I really don't know the move sets and combos, the matches should be closer.

>> No.5295203

Using a keyboard makes me seem so sluggish

>> No.5295237

Practice more against players


>> No.5295250


You quit when you are losing, you don't when you're sand bagging someone.

Cool story bro.

>> No.5295254

Too much abuse for a day, sorry about that

>> No.5295259

Just practice, because of the input speeds on this game keyboard is best. There's only one guy that's high tier that I know of that used a joystick SOMETIMES and he was better with the keyboard.

>> No.5295265

And you can go fuck yourself bro.

Fuck all if anyone is allowed to have fucking fun playing fucking games...

>> No.5295268

Alright, I'll keep that in mind if I happen to fight you again. I actually used to main Suika, but then I realized I'm horrid as her, so I searched for a new main. I think it was for the best that I dropped Suika. And I should probably start using more than one deck, but I'm too lazy to actually setup another deck, haha.

>> No.5295328

i cried for sanae. I cant believe I ran into that master spark plus the shoot-them-up.

>> No.5295340

Yes people get tired of being beat up on... your point? If you want a real match, I'm up.

>> No.5295397
File: 127 KB, 400x512, ba30c2eb5e98143d338fbaf052b65f0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5295411

Derp, dam dragonballz. Hosting for real now 5295340samefag.

>> No.5295510

GGs, Im done for now.

>> No.5295520


You suck at this game kill yourself.

>> No.5295527

GGs, too bad there were few matches I was having fun

>> No.5295534

Did tasofro even TRY to balance the story mode? It's impossible to beat Patchouli's first card with Meiling on lunatic under the time limit.

>> No.5295542

>fighting game
>story mode

>> No.5295553
File: 97 KB, 415x351, WHAAAAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying lunatic is suppose to be easy

>> No.5295558

>fighting game
fuck back to wherever you came from

>> No.5295585

derp herp to wherever you hurp durr

>> No.5295593

>I've just made a retard of myself NO WAIT I WAS TROLLING

>> No.5295598

Someone bad host. I want to play!

>> No.5295599

>I already was a retard I'm stupid as all hell duhhh

>> No.5295617


There are no 'bad' players anymore.

>> No.5295620
US East Coast
Shittier than shit tier.

>> No.5295622

Except for you, since you're legally retarded.

>> No.5295626
File: 7 KB, 251x191, shitgotreal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's plenty of bad players here. You are all just hard to eachother. Theres only a few 'good' players on /jp/ and they all play/played on IRC.

>> No.5295628

Man icekin / bob / suwako must be bored today.

>> No.5295631
File: 38 KB, 380x392, c879d3a0a3ef8381052cbe2a887ae1fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rehosting with new IP

>> No.5295640


e wrlgjzjfu yr erf e jkr wxegg g zyCHRISTOPnHEiR POOLvEk (AuKAf MOOmT, AKA THE AsDmMIN OFy 4CHtAmN) IzS A DyANGEeROUfS, MENjTAhLgLY ILL TgHIEpFv. REAcDb ALiLl ABeOUT IrT HERsE: HTTP:e/o/88.8b0.t21.x1h2/ OR HjTjTPf:u/q/WWqW.cAbNONgTALtK.oSEb/o OR HTmTP://AT.KIjMMxOA.SEd/bx t in ojm noyxsjjqia

>> No.5295647

You're not that bad! About to have dinner. I'll be back in ten minutes or so if you don't have another player by then we can play some more

>> No.5295656

Alright, I'll rehost when you get back, then. Reason I say I'm so bad is because I lose to pretty much everybody on here.

>> No.5295662

Let's play while you wait.

>> No.5295665

Alrighty, rehostan.

>> No.5295845 wc

practicing remilia, don't expect much, unless you're really shitty

>> No.5295861

GGs, sorry if I was too boring.

>> No.5295866

ggs blargh
you gotta stay on the ground more and use a lot more bullets. it's easier to hit since a lot of moves can't be blocked in the air.

>> No.5295881

Yeah, I always fly around and get caught in tech traps. I need to get out of the habit of teching in this game... But I'm just so used to using air techs from Guilty Gear. Ah well. GGs

>> No.5295915

ggs apple, I need to learn to get good with more than just suwako.

>> No.5295927

GGs, and i need to learn how to not suck against suwako

>> No.5295939

gg T looks like you improved alot during our last 2 hours or you were holding back the entire time.
Anyways nice to see you start reading my Dial ABC and graze in, plus you started low blocking.
All I can say is for god sakes let me do my Reimu final spell card damnit stop running and take your medicine!

>> No.5295954

I've never played that much in a single sitting, so now I'm absolutely starving. I definitely feel like I learned a lot, including when to graze during a combo and when to low block. Thank you so much for the games, GGs.

Also, someone used that Reimu card against me here on /jp/ not too long ago and I didn't know what it was. Needless to say, I'm going to be avoiding the fuck out of that card if I can, even during Typhoon. :3

>> No.5295981

Starving for action, wtb 12.3 host.

>> No.5296060
File: 51 KB, 800x800, 1275445750555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5296060 EC USA

I added Hisoutensoku to my firewall exception list so it should work now. Don't expect much skill from me if you join. I'm learning

>> No.5296084

Not working.

>> No.5296091

ggs foxhunter. you're by far the most irritating spamhappy faggot i've ever played, and yes i'm mad. fun though i guess.

>> No.5296093

Must be my ports then

>> No.5296098

Did he use Utsuho?

>> No.5296150
US Midwest

>> No.5296317
File: 88 KB, 503x800, 2866df088542cf54bb8bd82d3a9993e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games! Once I realized that I played against you before I knew I've gotten into some deep shit, haha. Those were good Sakuya Alice matches. I should go practice BnBs because I'm just mashing with Aya.

>> No.5296322 [DELETED] 
File: 370 KB, 566x800, 1274023036606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might have fixed it.

I kept getting a "Server IP address must be a LAN IP" address error but the port is open to a Server IP Address now.

>> No.5296367
File: 370 KB, 566x800, 1274023036606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might have fixed it. EC USA

I kept getting a "Server IP address must be a LAN IP" address error but the port is open to a Server IP Address now.

>> No.5296414

im content if i can manage to win a single round

>> No.5296418

Sorry, but wasn't able to connect still, so I don't think you've fixed it yet.

>> No.5296463

GG's Duckator. You creamed me completely.

>> No.5296519
US Central

Returning to shit tier tier

>> No.5296558 wc

>> No.5296615

Stopped hosting?

>> No.5296648

back up now.. only have like 25min to play tho

>> No.5296654

Lunatic IS easy. Until you try it with no cards, no damage, and all time bonus.
Level up a long-range, multi-hitting bullet special, 4 rods, 4 books, and 4 shields, and the game is a joke. Just don't let the catfish bodyslam you or you'll lose 90% health.

>> No.5296690


US Central
Returning to shit tier tier

>> No.5296715

Is there any decent cheap pc arcade sticks or should I just buy a hori/madcatz one?

>> No.5296744


>> No.5296752

ggs. i run into everything on remilia. ffff

>> No.5296779

The ability to run past attacks will take some time for me to adjust

>> No.5296932

Good games. Try to use Alice's 6b after a blocked f5a instead of after a blocked 6a. Unless you have some dolls to cover you, there's nothing stopping your opponent from dashing in after the 6a. Although, you could probably do another 6a if the first one was blocked at the right distance. I didn't see you cancel Alice's C dolls into her specials very much. Doing something like 4C > 214B/C for oki would really help you keep up your pressure. As would using 22B/C more; it's great for controlling space. Also, don't try to jump in on Patchy, her 4B and 5C shut down most air to ground attacks.

Good games to you too. Remember, always block on wakeup if your opponent is anywhere near you. It seemed like you forgot to do it half the time.

>> No.5296990

so any midnight hosters?

>> No.5297005 US East
Above average

>> No.5297073

can't even hit you bro you are more than above average now go fight Guy and Giant Tree and the rest of the top tierers

>> No.5297087

Good games.

>> No.5297136

>Giant Tree
>top tier
Extreme verbosity has no correlation with skill level.

>> No.5297195

GGs. Sorry if I was a bore, I'm not too good at this despite playing it for so long.

>> No.5297213


Pretty impressive combo after those critical hit j2A you got there! You let me off the hook by not finishing your combos a couple of times, couple of times too many. Work on adding 5C to your combos with both Tenshi and Okuu. AA 5B 5C 623B is usually what you want to go for with Tenshi, and when you get me in the air during your Okuu combo, either finish with a 6A, 5C, or 6C. Both should hit limit. Thanks for the matches.

>> No.5297229
West Coast

New Tier (Please be gentle)

>> No.5297253

I can't connect is the port 10800?

>> No.5297261

>I'm not too good at this despite playing it for so long.

Story of my life, kiddo.

But I can honestly say you're not a bore with an interesting follow combo like that. You're patterns were a bit predictable when you came after me, but your methods of attacking varied enough to throw me off more than enough times. I didn't have a beat-all strat on stopping your approach like I did with Sakuya, which led to plenty of critical hit j2As. Pretty interesting.

>> No.5297262

Yeah, let me try fixing it real quick.

>> No.5297296

Honestly, I don't know what's holding me back in this game. I tear people apart in Guilty Gear and Blazblue, yet on this I get stomped by everybody. But oh well, as long as I'm having fun I don't really mind.

Ah, yeah. I try to make my gameplay flashy, but I worry that people would get bored after beating me so many times.

>> No.5297347
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>> No.5297350

Alright, try it again. It should work now.

>> No.5297512

GG whoever played me. I quit because I got furious over always losing with Meiling despite having used her the most and winning with Patchouli even though this was my first time with her.

>> No.5297532

I don't know how to counter air spam very well. It was fun playing with you

>> No.5297532,1 [INTERNAL] 

ghost bump

>> No.5299491

Polefriend here, hosting.
Shit-tier (maybe worse)
Poland in Europe

>> No.5299623
File: 282 KB, 704x400, Good uguu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs, person who played with me.
Sorry for interrupting so suddenly.
Maybe I`ll rehost later, bye for now.

>> No.5299636 EU

>> No.5299641
File: 110 KB, 368x434, 1271473807354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Middle-tier (?)
Germany, Europe

>> No.5299658

Thanks man. Had lots of fun.

>> No.5299687

shit games
need more practise

>> No.5299720

playing with shit kbd aint easy

>> No.5299737

You tell me that

>> No.5299746

sorry... Pc went Bluescreen.

>> No.5299774
Just started playing this game yesterday...
europe west

>> No.5299788 EC
Please rape my face tier.

>> No.5299832

LAG owes me

>> No.5299838

Strange, wasn't lagging that badly for me. Good games.


>> No.5299842

GGs, gotta go
Hope I didn't bore you

>> No.5299849
File: 132 KB, 708x1000, b797b1afc9256e4db9ba8619b3a14cc96afc63b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, one day of playing sure is not enough.
The worst player of /jp/ tells you that.
You should block more. Like, LOT more. Arcade on Lunatic is considered good training for new people.

>> No.5299868

Arcade on Lunatic doesn't require blocking.
The AI can be defeated by simple bullet spam.

>> No.5299874
EC 5AAAA combo only tier

>> No.5300184
File: 508 KB, 842x596, 4f8e9fa5e99eddf975d89b8475d1b54974395156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games, sorry if it seemed like I was being an asshole during some matches.

>> No.5300191
File: 34 KB, 400x400, 1248371580622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ara ara~
That seriously hurt. Sometimes when I think I can finally defeat you, You're doing one of your combos. Fuck.
GGs, It was fun

>> No.5300193


Fuck you, kill yourself asshole. Putting your IP in my ban list.

>> No.5300206
File: 207 KB, 850x637, sample_41f58b49d48ca59c6a398ccbb8eadbba2c3f4d95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, not at all.
I just hope you were not going easy one me.
That would be dickery

>> No.5300215 [DELETED] 


>> No.5300210

Split personality much?

>> No.5300218
File: 197 KB, 600x800, 1271748757450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Game...
But i have to go now. Maybe we'll see each other again sometime.

>> No.5300237
File: 669 KB, 1200x1200, 8770afdf9071588ab0ca06a953434fad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I don't sandbag because that doesn't help the other person. Besides, you got me quite a few times, and if I left my guard down, I would've lost most, if not all of the matches. I actually learned quite a few things watching your Suika, but I can't help but run stupidly into her attacks.

>> No.5300384

GGs Naymes. We played for quite a while, so I needed a break too.

>> No.5300392


>> No.5300554
File: 65 KB, 527x618, 1267212387581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hosting EU
numb arms tier

>> No.5300667

EC morning soku

>> No.5300716

well, ggs anon-kun, I would say, you know, guard a bit, helps, though yeah honestly, only mash if you think you may have an advantage, not with slow characters like yuyu and Iku

that being said


>> No.5300774

>> No.5300833

stop mashin, nigga

>> No.5300838 [DELETED] 
File: 229 KB, 887x1000, 1275136163088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still rusty, don't expect much. - EU

>> No.5300845
File: 229 KB, 887x1000, 1275136163088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still rusty, don't expect much. - EU

>> No.5300861

Ggs sylian, thanks for the games, finally got to consistently for 4.5k midscreen, feels good man.

>> No.5300933

GGs tak!
Why don't you use your system card scarfs more often? They are great for escaping a press and hard to bait.

>> No.5300957
File: 274 KB, 505x868, 10411039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs p1p, it was a bit short, though. You need to block more. I can't give much more advice as we didn't get to play for long enough... Also, you should create a named profile, it's always more fun when you know your opponent.


>> No.5300990


make me redneck

>> No.5301011


>> No.5301081

GGs, I added the scarf just for situations like this. But since I often don't need it, I end up overlooking it.
Is Komachi's coin any good for getting out of pressure? I can't figure out how to use it.

>> No.5301086
File: 244 KB, 642x900, 10312432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games finfag. You need to stop mashing on wake up. That's what we all do when we start playing, but it's also the worst possible flaw to have in this game, along with constant airteching. Block, and wait for an opportunity, that's the best thing you can do on wake up. Believe me, as soon as you'll stop doing that, your opponents will have much more trouble to win against you.

Rehosting one last time.

>> No.5301106

Tbh I don't know about Komachi's coin. I didn't even notice its effect when I tried to use it or when it was (I suppose?) used against me.

>> No.5301135

> Good games finfag. You need to stop mashing on wake up. That's what we all do when we start playing, but it's also the worst possible flaw to have in this game

More like the highest tier technique, wakeup mash has helped me win more games than I have by not mashing.

>> No.5301160

It has to be used properly to be effective. It only works on rightblock and you can't graze immediately after using it, so you have to know exactly what moves to use it on, and when.

>> No.5301183
East Coast

>> No.5301188

Well, of course, it will always work against a beginner. But someone who knows more or less about the game will immediately take the advantage on that.

>> No.5301195

>Is Komachi's coin any good for getting out of pressure?
If you know when to use it, yes. Each use of it during (rightblock) blockstun pushes the opponent back/away a fair amount at the cost of one orb. Doing so can mess up spacing for your opponent's blockstrings.

It's more effective when used by higher-level players, so I don't bother with it.

>> No.5301207

Mashing exhibition tier. EC

>> No.5301211

Sorry about that slow-mo game.

Still hosting by the way. >>5300845

>> No.5301256

wanted to exhibition the wonders of wakeupmashing, not practice modo, last rehost.

>> No.5301280

gg kinda laggy

>> No.5301286

>wanted to troll /jp/ because I can't beat zomb

>> No.5301294

Jesus, I couldn't scratch you.

>> No.5301295

Mashes too hard for me.

>> No.5301319

Polefag again
Same as before tier
Poland in Europe

>> No.5301329

>Implying he can't be zomb
Oh ho ho ho

>> No.5301412

GG's had fun

>> No.5301429

>>5300774 GG,s 0 who left without saying a word

>> No.5301475 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 770x465, Clipboard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I doing wrong? I can't host properly

>> No.5301495
File: 65 KB, 425x450, NoFunAllowed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5301495 EC

Apparently it is a crime to play for fun, so do not join if you intend to have fun.


>> No.5301504

Ggs Akagi, laughed like a retard at kanako into sun.

Well dude, if you really, really have the need to spam Kanako as soon as you get the bar full, atl east throw in some 5c to have me graze or something, pretty simple to do, and I'mf airly sure it'll work wonders against jaypee.

>> No.5301518


>> No.5301530
File: 33 KB, 770x465, Clipboard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I doing wrong? I can't host properly. My Enable Wireless Router Radio box is checked and such. Is a static ip required to host?

>> No.5301534
File: 824 KB, 800x635, 2220816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs, I got disconnected. I would have played longer, but I guess I am not supposed to get the hang of the game again playing against the monstrosity that is your Ooku.

>> No.5301537

Leaving after one game? We could always play with other characters?

>> No.5301538

how i cant block shit wtf
and custom deck>default
also imbas

>> No.5301543

I'll never understand why anyone plays this shitty fighter.

If you weren't pathetic failures who eat up anything Touhou you would go play Actress Again or SSF4 or BB.

>> No.5301556

Does your IPv4 address match the server IP address ( in this case)?

>> No.5301567

Helps that the game is easy to pirate, can play at my pc, fun, and has a great cast

>> No.5301569

This shit sux. Totally imbalanced. Loading SF2.

>> No.5301571


You almost had me for a second.

>> No.5301575

I'll correct that now. Thanks

>> No.5301584
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>> No.5301623
File: 195 KB, 800x806, 1268259394682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well dude, if you really, really have the need to spam Kanako as soon as you get the bar full, atl east throw in some 5c to have me graze or something, pretty simple to do, and I'mf airly sure it'll work wonders against jaypee.

Yeah, you're completely right, sorry about that poor fighting style. Couldn't even pull of a shitty 2a3a5c etc, t'was quite frustrating. I don't know how to play Sanae anymore. Not that I ever knew how to play her, but I remember at least throwing some bullets before Kanako rushing, yeah. Good ol' times.

Last time hosting for today, forgot how to mix-up tier. - EU

>> No.5301627
File: 40 KB, 392x294, uguu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5301627 EC USA

Hosting. Shit tier, taking it easy

>> No.5301672
File: 16 KB, 300x300, Shao Kahn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5301683

gg? People sure have been leaving in a hurry lately. Maybe I should just stop playing.

>> No.5301693

>Maybe I should just stop playing.

That's the smartest thing I've heard all day.

>> No.5301711
File: 97 KB, 450x600, 4a129d26c0282d6aeb316d69c4c8908761c6a477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the risk of sounding like an asshole, exactly how long should I endure getting the ever loving shit kicked out of me to make you happy? Was I the only one during our matches to acknowledge the difference in skill levels? Thank god I didn't have fun though, because otherwise the fun police would be all over my ass.


>> No.5301721

Sorry I couldn`t answer before, GGs even though you murdered me.

>> No.5301728

Oh u.

All I was doing was chasing you after you rejumped in the air. I guess you didn't catch on. A real good player would be doing crazy-assed combos all over the place and never even letting you move.

>> No.5301767
File: 257 KB, 1000x1000, 4ec06fa81b78cc8372ba97b175b0b637eca9f9c3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You speak like I have never met one of these "Really good players". Well whatever, you keep joining my games and complaining they don't last long. Then just don't join my games.

>> No.5301791


>> No.5301797

But I've never played you before?
So many assholes nowadays...

>> No.5301907 US East

>> No.5301921

gg's whoever I was playing against!

>> No.5301929

GGs, you aren't all that bad, really. We were trading off wins for awhile there.

>> No.5301947

I don't know how to do many combos. Happy that you only played with Utsuho once because you crushed me when you picked her

>> No.5302071


Awww, I only got to play my B-list time. Oh well. Next time we play, we'll have a Sakuya mirror. Thanks for the matches.

>> No.5302093

Wait some low tier fag is bullying other low tier fags? Not how it works.
Tourney fag tier, hosting.

>> No.5302106
File: 977 KB, 1000x1478, b3f8c03a65c8169da44a6dff4d88e0cc83d3494f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So many assholes nowadays...
Well this asshole has news for you douchebag, you then aren't the only one running around with your handle because I have played it before. And he was JUST as good as you are. That seems mighty convenient to me... Like I said, don't like it? Don't play me.

And on that note

GGs E-man.

>> No.5302183

Because profile1p isn't the default deck name?
You're just a whiny fucking scrub.

>> No.5302229

One less waste of genetics to deal with.

>> No.5302276
File: 66 KB, 500x500, happywako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs, eman

>> No.5302299


I hate to cut it short, but I'm done for the day! LMAO over here at those lockdowns. Using the i-frames of Inscribed card was tasteless in my opinion, but there was NO WAY I was getting out of that corner without it! Tourneyfag for real, but that was pretty enjoyable! Thanks for the matches.

>> No.5302451
File: 400 KB, 660x800, 4ecdb4a59886c099f7e79872dd3e90b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5302451 EC USA

Hosting. Shit tier, taking it easy

>> No.5302558 -- us west

practicing my crappy remilia some more

>> No.5302665

Good games, profile1p.

>> No.5302675

Good games, but I give up now. It's just too hard to win with a broken controller.
(inb4 I get lord dangered at)

>> No.5302842

It's not hard to change your profile name, you know? Option 6.


>> No.5302846


I will keep joining your game because I love to play sandbags :)

>> No.5302872

New thread at (>>5302868).

>> No.5302901


>> No.5302909

Really? It's pretty boring to me. Once someone starts sandbagging hard without really trying to win, there's no point in playing them.

>> No.5303111


>> No.5303390


>> No.5303404


>> No.5303692
File: 218 KB, 534x788, 1269650601618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet again, I lost track of time, and I'm sweating like there's no tomorrow, I just drank almost 2 liters of water...

Good games AoA, as always. I think I got the hang of the game again thanks to you, I'm back! All those matches were pretty awesome, I don't remember everything but there definitely were some fantastic finishes to most of them. Let's play again sometime soon, I still have to recover with Aya and Reimu.

>> No.5303758

That one took longer than expected (again).
In the last few matches, I had to explain the game to my brother, so I chose characters with whom I know at least some stuff (but standard deck)). No, you don't switch away from Suika.
I haven't been training with Meiling at all so there wasn't much for me to expect, but I know that I have been winning nearly every first round with her, yet can't seem to win a single match. Things to bitch about: river mist ruining the finishing spellcard, invincibility frames on Master Spark, crossups, whiffs,
Can't you just stay the hell away from me until that damn typhoon clears up?
I can't see shit. You chose that Sanae palette for that purpose, didn't you.

Anyway, pretty damn good games. I can look forward to hours of fun and balanced games when I see you hosting.

>> No.5304682
File: 664 KB, 642x481, Dive!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>No, you don't switch away from Suika.
Damn, I think you drained all the possible moves I knew with her. I even got to create some new combos!

>I haven't been training with Meiling at all so there wasn't much for me to expect, but I know that I have been winning nearly every first round with her, yet can't seem to win a single match.
I gave up on Meiling a long time ago, maybe I'll try again, because I really like her style. You definitely use these anti-airs punches at the right time, same with her standard 214B/C. About not being able to win matches with her, I think that's similar to what happens to me with Sanae. I get stuck into some kind of fighting pattern, always using the same kind of moves. It works at first but then your opponent gets used to it and that's when you can't win anymore. The only way to fix that is to find some new stuff to add to the 'flowchart" you use in order to throw your opponent off often enough to win the two rounds. But, well, I guess it's obvious, using a wide range of moves is what makes you good with a character. Maybe you should add the sky dragon kick alt skill, as you weren't using her 22B/C at all, you'll probably find some nice use for it.

Oh, and I agree with you about River-Mist, worst weather by far. About Typhoon, you should fight back, it's always fun to jump and fight during 20 seconds. It makes for some stylish mind games.

Sorry about the Sanae palette, I didn't realize it was that bad. I'll use another one next time.

Last thing, I quickly watched some of the replays, and I must say that this is the luckiest and funniest move I made during these matches (along with the Marisa butt-bomb during typhoon).

Also, in before no one ever reads this post.
