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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5284697 No.5284697 [Reply] [Original]

Posting every day multiple times a day until we get a proper mod or janitor. This is a board of fucking NEETs, there are 100 different people who sit here 24 hours a day who could be janitors.

>> No.5284702
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waga tomo anonymous

>> No.5284703

I'm okay with that

>> No.5284708
File: 38 KB, 380x240, imjihye2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meido is fine stop being buttmad.

>> No.5284709

Good luck finding a suitable person when your community consists of anonymous people.

>> No.5284712

We don't have a janitor yet?Why?

>> No.5284716

I would rule this place with an iron fist. Nothing would be submitted without a strict review beforehand.

>> No.5284717

we have one but he's a part timer

>> No.5284722

suigin for mod

>> No.5284723

no it's not.

>> No.5284725

>Meido is fine
>active for half an hour once a month

Yeah, right.

>> No.5284732

Yes that virgin nerd suigin is bad as meido.

I vote for Nack.

>> No.5284733

If the job is so simple, why is the current janitor so incompetent?

>> No.5284736

I might be insane but this could work, if only you visit us more often Suigin. And remember to unban CurryButt after you become a mod, OK?

>> No.5284743

there was some fuckwit janitor yesterday randomly deleting people's post and posting image reactions with /b/ grade comments

>> No.5284746

one of the tripfags is meido, I'm certain of it

>> No.5284749
File: 370 KB, 1024x764, 1122783055397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to hire so more meido.

>> No.5284750

because there is no "/jp/ janitor" anymore. Just random janitors dropping by once a day for 5 minutes.

And the job IS simple, you just need someone with plenty of free-time.

>> No.5284755

woah, and I didn't even offer myself.

>> No.5284756


because there is so much bullshit here they don't wanna bother. back in the day the board was slow and had great moderation. now its just a troll fest and nobody not even moot cares what goes on here. i recall multiple CP threads last night that were up for hours.

>> No.5284759

Probably moot

>> No.5284765

why doesn't anyone want me to be janitor

>> No.5284770

The position should require a minimum of 18 hours a day on /jp/.

>> No.5284772


You're one of the few tripfags that I don't filter, and I would gladly welcome you to be a janitor or mod.

Now if only moot would stop being a faggot...

>> No.5284773

> post
Have I ever told you how much I hate you and want you to die?
You are the only person on /jp/ who I would punch in the face without hesitation if I met you.

>> No.5284776

/jp/ isn't competant enough to have be its own janitor. Half of this board, hell more than half of this board hates everything that isn't to their tastes, a mod or janitor from this board would be terrible since it would be "A TOUHOU THREAD I DO NOT LIKE TOUHOU BE GONE FOUL BEAST"


>> No.5284777

Sounds fun.

>> No.5284780


I'm not the guy you're replying to, but why so butthurt? I don't see what he did wrong? The word post? What the fuck else would you call it?

>> No.5284781

sup nack, please stop your samefaggotry

>> No.5284787

I'm the guy you quoted. Sorry for the typo, I meant to write "posts". Would you rather have me type like this, uptight fucknut?

>> No.5284788


>> No.5284789

You people seem to think the other boards do have janitors/mods.

Maybe they do officially but you see them act once in a full moon.

The place with the most moderation is /b/ ironically.

>> No.5284795

The only person who would be fit to moderate /jp/ is someone who browses /jp/.

And thus, someone that moot would never allow.

Asking for more moderation on /jp/ will only bring you pain

>> No.5284796

I swear it's not me.

Well, thanks, but I doubt I'd be a good janitor. I'm too new to this board.

>> No.5284797

no thank you.

>> No.5284798

Mods play favorites?

There's no 100% consensus on what is a good thread, and what isn't?

Mindblowing right.

>> No.5284803


all we need is a definition of what the board is, as in a title or header or something. 'otaku culture' is way too vague and the board has changed names so many times it's one reason why their are so many divided opinions on what /jp/ really is.

frankly, i don't give a shit what people talk about as long as it's something obviously related to what we discuss here. meta threads on the other hand can all be saged and reported to hell.

all we need is a mod who understands this and deletes

a) tripfag/social threads (we have an IRC channel if you want to chat

b) blatant off topic shit. if somebody wants to talk about coconuts or south american economics or the anime industry they need to go elsewhere. a mod/janitor should be able to pick through stuff like this.

c) be a tolerable person who does not shit bricks over idol threads or loli or mahjong or draw threads etc etc. again, if it's not really related, delete it, but don't be too critical.

hell, every other board has a janitor, it's not hard.

>> No.5284806

Everybody: die.

>> No.5284811

>now its just a troll fest and nobody not even moot cares what goes on here.
No, that is bullshit and only failures believe in that. /jp/ is still a decent board overall. We aren't massive troll fests like /a/ or /v/ and there are level headed people who know what is the right type of moderation for /jp/.

Laying down and letting people like Boof, Nack, Taibro, (the majority of low level tripfaggots) reappear over and over and just slobbingly lay shit over the board without any punishment is the fault of the staff. And there are some in that current staff who would like nothing better than /jp/ to degenerate into total shit like so many other troll boards.

I support OP's mission.

>> No.5284812

He's an umineko fag though.

>> No.5284821


hey go fuck yourself tripfag, enjoy my filter

have an age.

>> No.5284822

Nobody who matters has any divided opinions on what /jp/ is for. It's for Touhou, VNs, and figures. FFS people.

>> No.5284824

>be a tolerable person who does not shit bricks over idol threads
No, those threads need to be deleted.

>> No.5284829

It would help if people were only reporting the real rule breaking content instead of everything they don't like. As it is, I think the janitors are totally overstrained with the amounts of reports coming in so a lot of stuff gets deleted without reason. And you can't blame them either, there aren't too many janitors around and you can't expect every single one of them to be familiar with /jp/.

>> No.5284835

Fuck you; You swine know good and goddamn well that I'd stomp out shit posts like nobody's business.

>> No.5284840

Yet we get people arguing about various Touhou topics as well. There are no clear boundaries.

I totally disagree. They sure don't annoy me.

>> No.5284841

again no thank you.

>> No.5284846

I read a mod on another board once say that they actually get very few reports. 9/10 of the people who say "Reported" didn't actually report.

We're lazy as fuck here, do you think people are actually bothering to take the effort and report things?

>> No.5284849

>No, that is bullshit and only failures believe in that.

moot has told us repeatedly that he regrets creating the board and that we're all paedophiles and losers - and yes, he was being 100% serious. The only reason he made /jp/ a few years ago was to be a dump for crap that was in /a/ (4chans original board, incidentally), as the board was moving WAY too fast. And it's the only reason he still keeps the board. The lack of moderation is due to this.

>> No.5284852

All the time, actually.

>> No.5284856

With Jones' script I can just mark it as spam and it would get automatically reported. No big deal.

>> No.5284857

Is it decided that all those Saten threads need to go then?

>> No.5284858

I report every shitty thread I see that doesn't belong, like this one. 90% of the time, nothing happens.

>> No.5284860

I always report when I say 'reported' and this week I'm getting like ~50 threads reported a day. (And yes, I use an extension so I can track that)

>> No.5284861

I don't understand why he hates us so much. We're among the most civilized boards. And 4chan was built by pedophiles and losers...

>> No.5284867

Stop making the board shittier by telling people you reported them, then, thanks.

>> No.5284868


You just completely missed the whole point of this thread and its discussion, good job.

/jp/ is shit because it's being filled up with threads that ARE NOT related to touhou, VNs or whatever. There is no lack of legitimate discussion here on those subjects, it's just over shadowed by tripfags and meta threads as well as the fact that even on topic threads tend to spiral out of control and just end up full of trolls.

>> No.5284870

And most of us don't even post/own CP

>> No.5284873

I think you missed the point, fagface. /jp/ is for Touhou, VN, and figurines.
>anyone who matters
acknowledges that and does not think otherwise. Try reading comprehension sometime son.

>> No.5284875


People like you are the reason /jp/ is shit. Try hiding the thread, it takes all of one second to click the button to do it.

But no, you shit yourselves over what you consider off topic material and scream REPORTED REPORTED REPORTED like you're actually going to accomplish something with it.

>> No.5284876

He likes /a/, old /a/ to be exact, that's why he hates us. I think he also hates us for being weeaboo which we apparently aren't. And I remember reading a sticky on /a/ with him saying that we hate him as well.

>> No.5284878

no. I want to announce it so people can at least think if the thread/post is shit or not and then report it like I did.

>> No.5284882

Well, I really DO hate him for being so stupid and childish about some things

>> No.5284883

Wota and Otaku are exactly the same, deal with it.

>> No.5284884

What it was made for, and what is permitted by the users are two different things. Now so far, there is no rule saying "All things Touhou/VN welcome!".

>> No.5284887

>We're lazy as fuck here, do you think people are actually bothering to take the effort and report things?

You obviously don't have 4chan Extension installed. All you got to do is click the exclamation mark button beside the post and it's reported. This takes all of 2 seconds?

>> No.5284893

What I hate most about current /jp/ is people shitting up those offtopic threads, leading to meta discussions which shit up the board even more in the end.
If these people just learned to ignore threads they didn't care for these threads would get way less attention and just disappear on their own.

>> No.5284894

No, you don't understand. /jp/ isn't shit because of what's posted in it, it's shit because of the people who post shitty things. People who like 3D idols can only be shitty posters, so banning them and deleting their threads would automatically make everything better.

>> No.5284895

He is just stupid and childish in general.

>> No.5284898

Then quit fucking reporting so shit much. You know it isn't going to get meido in here any faster, right? If anything it just discourages moderation because they see a pile of shit and say "oh, fuck that". You should only be reporting the really hardcore spamming and illegal content. You have a responsibility to on your end to practice a little self control and ignore shit and other things you don't like.

>> No.5284899

Derek should be a mod, he's the most reliable guy around here after all, and he's always around.

>> No.5284902

>over what you consider off topic material

Which most of the time actually IS off topic material.

>> No.5284903

All you're doing is giving attention to the thread starter, who in turn bumps his thread to reply to you. Thus you effectively made the board a little bit shittier, good work!

>> No.5284909

I'm no idolfag, but they've been around since ages and they keep their shit in one thread. I can barely see how they're the source of problems

>> No.5284910

>/jp/ is for Touhou, VN, and figurines.

Really? Show me where this is written in stone. Oh wait, you can't because it isn't.

The board is a general board for everything /a/ related that is not /a/ related, fagface.

How about you try some reading comprehension some time, /jp/ might not be such a bad place.

>> No.5284914

You just sound like a 2D bigot.

>> No.5284918

I they have that kind of thought they should be demoted as mods or janitors then.

>> No.5284920

I would gladly ignore them if there's not a FUCKLOAD of them on my front page. And I am having 6 threads marked as spam currently, if I actually hide all of them, I would just feel frustrated. But I'm glad there's a few threads with good discussion still around, I hope they survive this shitstorm.

>> No.5284922

Why would anyone care if an off topic thread is being filled with posts screaming REPORTED? It's off topic, it shouldn't even be here in the first place. Why are you people even complaining?

>> No.5284924


Here is some useful advice:

>Reports - Nobody cares if you reported a thread, it's not like the OP is going to delete the thread just because you reported it. Don't make single-word post saying "reported," it only leads to dumb meta-arguments about what "/jp/ really is about."

>> No.5284927

You must not have been here when this board was created. Because those three things are EXACTLY what it was created for. It doesn't have to be written in stone, anyone who isn't a newfriend knows this.

>> No.5284930

to make new guys realize it's off-topic and don't support it instead.

>> No.5284932

Why can't you just leave the thread alone and not bump it.

>> No.5284934

What it was created for, and what it mutates to are separate.

>> No.5284938

Mod or janitor on 4chan is not fun and it is not a prestigious job. Nobody wants to do it. Would you? Just look at all this shit that's here, and this is only one board. It's easy to talk big, but see if you are excited and eager to clean up all this trash after about the first week. You're not paid and you don't even get to take credit for it (unless you're A-san).

>> No.5284939

Because it's off topic and I have all the right to bitch about it.

>> No.5284943

I'll would gladly be one. I have too much free-time around and I don't mind not being paid for the "job" or anything like that

>> No.5284944

You also have the right to fuck off and stop shitting up the board, why don't you make use of that instead?

>> No.5284945
File: 312 KB, 800x1000, 1270852161894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey newfag, go scour around for some screenshots of the old /jp/ days. Idol threads were part of this board since day 1 since they were previously posted in /a/. It's one of the fucking reasons moot made /jp/ in the first place (on top of touhou and VN bullshit).

I don't care what kind of oldfag you think you are but /jp/ is a vague board and it always has been since it's inception. The reason this place is shit is because kids like you throw temper tantrums over stuff like 3D idols rather than hiding the fucking thread. They keep it in one post that usually goes on for a few days, so it's not like they're making 10 of them every day. Try lurking a little longer and you might figure out how this board works.

Don't bother replying again telling me how I'm wrong and /JP/ IS FOR TOOOHOOOOOOOOO AND VISUAL NOVLZL FUUUUUUUUUUUCK WHY DONT U INDERSTAND THIS????? SAGE SAGE SAGE REPORT FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFfffffffffFF, I'm done with you. Have a loli and cheer up.

>> No.5284947

Like I said, you say that now...

>> No.5284949

lol, you're SO mad.

>> No.5284950


great logic man, seriously

try going to university or something and you'll see how retarded you sound

>> No.5284953

Well, to be fair people who post off topic stuff are also shitting up the board. Posting crap inside off topic threads isn't a big loss for the board really.

>> No.5284954

The vagueness is the problem.

>> No.5284955

inb4 mods deleting this thread. oh the irony that ensues

>> No.5284956

Nobody said anything about idols son, calm down.

>> No.5284957

Mod is tough job yes, but janitor is not. If you're just a normal lurker that deletes blatant shit & troll threads you come across (emphasis on blatant) you'll make a fine janitor.

>> No.5284959

I'm glad there's at least some sane people left on /jp/.

>> No.5284960


What? The latter half of this thread is discussing how idols are not /jp/ related...try reading man.

>> No.5284964


>> No.5284966


>> No.5284967

So is the only thing that we agree on is that /jp/ is not for anime?

>> No.5284968

And do you have enough credibility for it? Unless you are accepted by us and have been on /jp/ from the first days to understand what /jp/ is about, like Hong Meiling or Cirno, Anonymous of Gensokyo, then I don't think so. It's not that easy to pick out a mod you know.

>> No.5284970
File: 27 KB, 340x314, 1274626829672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mod is tough job yes

>> No.5284971

obvious samefag

>> No.5284973

I'd rather have one or two threads about some anime a week than 10 meta threads full of bitching a day, to be honest.

>> No.5284974

That much is all. Though a few borderline topics show up, like that one about a voice actor for VNs, who also happens to do anime.

>> No.5284978


It's not really that hard. I modded quite a few boars on 7chan back in 2005-2006. This was when 4chan was at it's low point and the communities were splitting into a million different pieces. 7chan grew to become the second largest clone of 4chan at the time and it was quite the shit hole as a result. Modding it wasn't that hard as long as you were logged into the admin panel. Deleting threads only takes like 2 seconds on this software too. Janitor is even less work since all they have to do is check threads that are reported and delete them if they're illegitimate.

>> No.5284984

I mean tough as in you'll quickly get sick of it, especially if you try to do a good job.

>> No.5284986

Hey now, I'm not the one posting reported posts inside off topic threads, just saying I understand the reasoning behind it.

Anyway, shitty pointless discussion.

>> No.5284987

Nobody gives a shit what you talk about as long as it's not
-/a/ shit
-trollbait shit made by some /b/tard
And that's it. The faggots who say "reported" and "gtfo" are just being fresh, if you let it get under your skin you're about 100 years too early to post here. gb2/bed kids. This thread was made by butthurt /a/ newfags.

>> No.5284988

Hey guys, I don't know if you're aware of this but the ghost board was created for such meta discussions.


>> No.5284992

Calling someone retarded isn't a great counter argument.

>> No.5284995

You forgot Vocaloid/Utau

>> No.5284996
File: 256 KB, 768x1024, 127507937414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol ur 2 right bro. fukken fagz dont no how 2 be random, this is 4chan!!!! u noobz just take the internt too SRSLY

look at my random picture btw xD so funnie lol fuk u noobs

>> No.5284998

Not true. Plenty of people are far too vocal on their opinions, and are happy to derail topics they don't want.

That's invisible to most users.

>> No.5285000

u mad?

>> No.5285002

I'm just saying, there is no sane reasoning behind it, at all.

>> No.5284988,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.5285004


u got trolled? yeah.

>> No.5285008

You do take the internet too seriously. Go for a walk or something if you're upset.

>> No.5285010

No they won't, the ghost board is too advanced for children in this thread.

>> No.5285015

So mostly /jp/ is "Touhou and VNs or Gtfo"?Because that is basically what im getting from these posts.

>> No.5285016

no, more like u got trolled nigger

roflmao @ this newb

>> No.5285021

Until you start talking about Lenfried, or Touhous with larger boobs.

>> No.5285023

So much hurt feelings and butt angery around here.

>> No.5285024

Yes. /jp/ is not "the catchall board for everything not specifically /a/ related". /b/ and /r9k/ are the catchall boards.

>> No.5285026

Hello, OP. How are you enjoying your homosexuality? Being fixated on asses must be stressful.

>> No.5285028

can we all agree that language threads also belong to /jp/ ;_;?

>> No.5285029

No, /jp/ is only about people discussing what they want to discuss. Everything besides meta threads sucks.

>> No.5285034
File: 55 KB, 800x600, 1d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys need to learn to be nicer.

>> No.5285036

Until you get one or two users defecating on whatever they don't like, and it goes to shit.

>> No.5285041

Anal fixation ftw

>> No.5285046

I think some proper rules and a name change would help /jp/.

>> No.5285053


>> No.5285056

so, in the end /jp/ is ruined and the only way to make it better is to make it worse.

i'll start by leaving sage in the e-mail field at all times and report everything i come across, legit or not. also expect off topic and not-work-safe loli threads.

>> No.5285057

>3D idols can only be shitty posters
The 3D idol people are probably some of the best posters on this board, they condense their shit into those threads and never make other threads(with the exception of those lenfried threads or whatever, those posters are bad usually)

I've never seen their discussions since Idols don't interest me whatsoever but what from i see on the front page, they're usually actually civil.

>> No.5285064

Maybe you could email that to moot, if he actually gives a fuck about us that is.

>> No.5285065

This so i think we need to be more like the idol people.

>> No.5285068

>he still doesn't understand sage
>my face

>> No.5285069

I don't think so, criminal Sion-chan!

>> No.5285070

>best posters on this board
Hahaha, oh wow.

>> No.5285074

>The 3D idol people are probably some of the best posters on this board, they condense their shit into those threads and never make other threads

This. I wish the aspies raging over LOL 3D WHORES would understand this. The idol threads are started and easily last for a few days until they fill up and they start another one (take note of the subject field, you'll see they're on like part 200+ now). They're one of the few people who keep it in one thread which is great for anybody mature enough to simply hide it if it does not interest them.

Sadly most people here are 16 year old boys with social development issues and they simply can't STAND for the life of them something they deem "off topic".

>> No.5285079

Ironically it seems more like you're the one being all upset about shit.

Don't fursecute me!

>> No.5285082

How can they be the best posters when they post 3D women? This doesn't make any sense. They don't belong here.

They should go there instead >>>/s/

>> No.5285085

Without a doubt, this.

>> No.5285088

I doubt they want to see porn.

>> No.5285090

Nice logic you got there, retard.

>> No.5285091

I also feel the need to agree. inb4 samefag

>> No.5285094

Your "3D women" comment really doesn't help. It just makes you sound like a bigot, who thinks his opinion is the only one that matters.

>> No.5285095

Janitor here. I'll let you post about 15-20 more posts before deleting this horrible thread.

>> No.5285099


Right here man: http://archive.easymodo.net/jprules.php

They're years old and easily considered truthful for the most part. They're not even really rules, merely guidelines. This used to be sticked at times no less and 90% of the people here agreed with them.

Only all the rhetorical summerfags and tripfags feel the need to shit up the board at every chance possible; probably why most of them sit on their computers 15 hours a day in the first place.

Sadly their will be no rules nor additional janitors so the only way to deal with it is to ignore it. Sage or reporting fuels the fire and really accomplishes nothing.

>> No.5285106


>> No.5285109

Janitors can talk to us now?

>> No.5285111

I'm a bigot. So what?

>> No.5285112

inb4 lolitrolu

>> No.5285113

why can't we all just get along

>> No.5285116


>> No.5285117

>Ironically it seems more like you're the one being all upset about shit.

How did you even begin to fathom this conclusion? I'm congratulating them for being some of the most civil posters here.

>> No.5285123

i think ur a butt

>> No.5285124

There's only 2 of us janitors on /jp/ (with only me posting sometimes), and neither of us feel compelled to moderate this board to be honest.

I've notified moot about this issue but he doesn't seem to care.

Anyway, this thread will go down in a bit so utter your last words.

>> No.5285127

Don't try your logic on me! You're, like, totally butthurt bro!

>> No.5285132

You're not helping. You should leave topics alone even if you hate them personally. Idol threads are pretty much a /jp/ topic.

>> No.5285133

Respawn in ten... nine.. eight...

>> No.5285135

>>>/s/ is a porn board you retard. Idol threads have been here since day 1 because they were shitting up /a/ at the time. Don't like em? Ignore it then go take your medication you autistic fuck.

>> No.5285136


>> No.5285137

Told ya so guys :3

>> No.5285140

Why do you hate /jp/? ;_;

>> No.5285142

That's mean...

>> No.5285143

The janitor is actually the OP.

>> No.5285144

Why won't he just delete /jp/ if he hates us we could just move to a diffrent site then.

>> No.5285146

I am calling the OP trick.

>> No.5285148

but i don't want to go to bunbunmaru

>> No.5285149

janitor = OP

>> No.5285155 [DELETED] 


Holy shit this guy is a genius, he quickly shifted the mood of conversation in this thread. Everyone shut their zealous mouths all of a sudden

yes he's fake you dumbnuts

>> No.5285152
File: 14 KB, 191x234, 1263431416715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP here, I'll just start another one so restrain yourself if you can. This thread is having a rather legit debate on the status of /jp/, why stop it? You'll just open up room for another 10 meta threads to take its place.

>> No.5285154

What like /bun/? Fuck that.

Obviously. Just play along.

>> No.5285158


Really? We'll see about that.

>> No.5285162 [DELETED] 

fuck you janitor and fix this board

>> No.5285161


>> No.5285163

>What like /bun/? Fuck that.
There are older places than /bun/ you know. Places that could do with some traffic.

>> No.5285165


>> No.5285167
File: 28 KB, 700x356, 1274981387552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seriously I'm not a janitor (OP here obviously). I'm a sad NEET who spends 12 hours a day here and has watched the board snowball into a ball of shit.

In b4 get a life fag; I'm a NEET.

>> No.5285168


>> No.5285170

Like Tohno-chan.

>> No.5285172

I don't mean any of the boards started by /jp/ tripfags.

>> No.5285175

>In b4 get a life fag
Not even summer /jp/ is that bad. No one here will tell you to get a life.

>> No.5285176 [SPOILER] 
File: 39 KB, 469x428, 1274445118072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5285178

make me a mod

>> No.5285179

You'd think so, see >>5280997

>> No.5285182


Bunbunmaru is the only other credible site though. As slow as it is these days it beats all the other lame /jp/ clones that die in a week.

>> No.5285183
File: 56 KB, 400x350, 1273727848855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5285184
File: 161 KB, 1280x720, snapshot20100523074920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taiko for mod

>> No.5285186

Not in your life Suigin, you are just really a funny guy.

>> No.5285193
File: 41 KB, 712x294, 1274198746649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ignoring this little incident where all of /jp/ caught you same fagging, I'd welcome you as a mod.

>> No.5285194
File: 661 KB, 1800x2693, 0moot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does he hate us!?

>> No.5285196

As I said, I don't mean any /jp/ clone.
Hint: Touhou goes to Pooshlmer for example, VNs elsewhere, etc.
Yes, those are the boards that need to be repopulated. Not the /jp/ clones.

>> No.5285197

Hahahaha. Like the /jp/ police reporting the /jp/ police.

>> No.5285201

They all suck too.

Tohno-chan is a joke.

>> No.5285203

see, tripfags, they have no shame.. at all

>> No.5285207

Don't advertise Pooshlmer here.
I don't want these faggots there. Everyone here hates it, let's keep it that way.

>> No.5285213

I'm just a bit pissed ii/wakach is even more dead than it used to be.

>> No.5285221


Oh come on, their are threads from half a year ago still on page 0, it's long dead and forgotten.

>> No.5285230

>their are threads

>> No.5285231

they all migrated here yo, and they want us to go to them

>> No.5285239


derp u so random bro xD

>> No.5285243

It's also only for Touhou stuff (Rozen Maiden is very rare). But mostly used to post pictures rather than discuss the series.
