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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5284235 No.5284235 [Reply] [Original]

stop trying to act cool and contribute to the board for once

>> No.5284241

op u could contribute to the board by not posting on it
thanks- the administration

>> No.5284239

>implying you contribute

>> No.5284247

I'll go wake up my sister.

>> No.5284249

im sageruing your thread hope your butte isnt cryin 2 hard

>> No.5284252
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Stop samefagging, you're the OP.

>> No.5284257

Superior Suigin sense.

>> No.5284271

its tripfag central in here

>> No.5284276

it's fag central in this post

>> No.5284278

And I'm the their leader.

>> No.5284288

All hail Alabama

>> No.5284293

hey guys, whats happening in this thread

>> No.5284298

We're having a good time.

>> No.5284302
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>trollbait thread
>only tripfags post

>> No.5284303

Posting in tripfag thread.

>> No.5284321

ha HA! It's funny because it's hypocritical.

>> No.5284336

>trollbait thread
too bad your getting metatrolled kid

>> No.5284402

wow i c lots of trips

>> No.5284407

are you trippin out

>> No.5284411

>stop trying to act cool and contribute to the board for once
Says the OP/toll

>> No.5284416

>implying I'm not superior
>implying I have to ACT cool

>> No.5284430

This is so fucking true. "Cool" on this board is being a retard.

>> No.5284436

I love meta threads, all the tripfags not yet in my filter come and coalesce in one place and save me so much time.

>> No.5284447

ITT newfag summer visitors fail to realize /jp/ does not use sage to be rude.

>Sage - In general, sage doesn't have a negative connotation in /jp/. It doesn't mean "I HATE YOUR POST," it's just a command that lets you post without bumping. Sagebombing is also fucking retarded, a single bump can ruin your entire sagebomb and if you reach the bump limit the OP can just recreate the thread. If you don't like a thread, just hide it using 4chan's Firefox Extension.

But still, troll thread.

>> No.5284457

Bull-fucking-shit. They go "Reported" or "Sage" or "sage for shitty x" or equivalents. Not on topics that deserve it either.

>> No.5284460

That's why you're the kewlest, Anonymous

>> No.5284478

its not all the the same person, nor is everyone who says "reported" being serious

>> No.5284476


Well....it USED to be an inoffensive thing. Since /jp/ changed from J/General it has become a board with more faggots than /a/ and /v/ and /b/ combined screaming at each other.

Believe it or not, this place used to be one of the friendliest, laid back boards ever. Not even off topic threads pissed people off, but now everybody rages and shits themselves in the process. Also tripfag central now, it seems. I never thought we could actually beat /k/ or /mu/.

>> No.5284473

wicked burn

>> No.5284471

only the /v/ retards do it

>> No.5284469

Witty comeback, I'll give you that.

>> No.5284485

Since everyone's Anonymous, you can't back that statement up. At all.

This is precisely what I'd love. What happened?

>> No.5284497

it's not like you can't tell apart some anons

>> No.5284502

Sometimes, but not in this case. It's very easy to influence anyone here.

>> No.5284505

Suigin happened.

>> No.5284515

>It's very easy to influence anyone here.
lol, in your own mind it is I guess

>> No.5284520

its not my place to say anything at all being a fucking tripfag but i though most /jp/ anons liked having people with names so they could filter the shitty ones

>> No.5284527


Well, moot despises this board for various reasons. He created it to be a dump for everything "otaku" related but not anime or manga related..so touhou, idols, VNs, doujin, music etc. At the same time /jp/ also became home to most of 4chans most bitter NEETs assholes but everybody still got along. But time went on, the board got more off topic when it was Japan/General and moot started calling everyone pedophiles and asking himself why he even created a board for us but knew he needed it to keep /a/ clean so it stayed. It was then renamed to "NEET & Hikikomori" to be satirical then the board slowly got more meta. Then he went and changed it to "Otaku Culture" and now every fatlus weeaboo from Sankaku or GAIA comes here thinking the board is some weeaboo paradise. This bothered all the older users who were used to the board being primarily about the previously mentioned things and so everybody started to troll each other. 2-3 months on and now all this board has become is a wasteland of weeaboos, trolls, tripfags, and anti-social aspie NEETs who take shit seriously.

Now most of the older users have either left for similar boards like bunbun or just troll under various tripfag facades.

It's real sad, because this honestly was a great board. If only people would start following the old "rules" we wrote up a couple years ago: http://archive.easymodo.net/jprules.php

>> No.5284537


Semi-true I guess. I personally have just about every tripfag filtered here with exceptions, yourself included. Some of you guys do make quality posts. On the other hand, the majority of them are trolls and people don't get that and shit storms ensure daily.

>> No.5284536

I don't hate trip users for being trip users. Only when they're not a contribution to this board. Some of them also need to take it easier.

You've never heard of "memes" have you?

>> No.5284546

it's funny because /a/ is shittier than ever

>> No.5284548

No I'm pretty sure there are still a lot of bros here. I don't take shit seriously and I see a lot of other posters taking it easy still. You can pretty much always tell that the faggots who do get mad are just a minority of goofball kids who main other boards.

>> No.5284552


the problem with tripfags here is that they're extremely egoistical for who they are. they come into every thread circle jerking and dragging them all off topic. anon gets pissed, sages, reports, trolls and every single post on this board ends up a troll meta thread. since our maid is here like once a month the whole board has just succumbed to faggotry.

not saying all of you are like this, a lot do contribute to stuff like sharing doujins, music, translation projects etc etc. the rest are just juvenile summerfags. the only trick is to filter them.

>> No.5284561


Yes there are still bros here and most do take it easy, but taking it easy now consists of trolling each other all day and all night. And the problem with anonymous trolls or srs aspies is that you can't filter their bullshit.

>> No.5284562

>take it easy
>get accused of shitting up the place
this never changes, anon

>> No.5284565

lol no what's a meme

most of the troll trips have been here a really long time. if you're letting them bother you it's you who are the summerfags. also any DECENT thread will remain on-topic on /jp/, I see very few actual good threads getting derailed.

>> No.5284572

What the cunt is going on in this thread?

>> No.5284593

>I see very few actual good threads.

>> No.5284595

It was doing fine until Suigin posted. How odd.

>> No.5284615

That too

>> No.5284619

Nah the discussion on here is quite tame, and I'd be encouraging more reasoned debate about /jp/ right now, since it's going to hell, and needs fixing.

Rules list actually looks like a great place to start.

>> No.5284620

Okay since this is meta I as well ask: To you people who respond seriously and seeming angrily to stupidity, are you guys really mad or is it just out of habit? To be honest, I've started using 4chan for not even a year and I got used to this shit in no time, in fact I don't even feel anything towards this kind of stupidity like raids, spams, etc at all. But I do sometimes respond seriously to obvious wannabe trolls, and they call me mad, I can't understand why though.

>> No.5284664

nobody is ever mad on the internet
im pretty sure most of 4chan has a huge case of "at least im not mad like the rest of these retards xD"

>> No.5284677

oooo, /jp/ is starting to speed up. i have to go and get my afternoon soda bros.

polite bump for quality discussion.

>> No.5284686

Compared to what's on page 0 right now, or quality generally?

>> No.5284688

hurr hurrr sage, stop saging my threads derp

>> No.5284689

Anyone who is actually getting mad IRL from shit on 4chan is doing it way, way wrong.

>> No.5284693

the most exciting time of the day has come

>> No.5284707

>they call me mad, I can't understand why though.
That's called "trolling" now days.

>> No.5284719


Please don't bump, the only reason we're having a semi-logical debate here is because everybody is replying with sage and it's keeping it off the top of the board.

sage is not rude here, so stop assuming it is.

>> No.5284718
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Jesus Christ, why would you do it? And where the fuck is my janitor? /jp/ is supposed to have only 10 pages by now. I have 5 threads marked as spam from page 0 to page 5 each, where the fuck is the janitor when you need him?

>> No.5284748


There is no real janitor, that's the problem. Meido comes here literally once in a blue moon and spends all of 5 minutes deleting shit then leaves.

Last night we had a child porn spammer and the threads were up for hours and hours - in fact you could probably scour the later pages of the board and still find the images. This is what /jp/ has become now, which is real sad. It used to be a friendly board with no tolerance to spam or faggotry. Instead tripfags kept bumping the CP to page 0 for like 2 hours straight treating the board like it's /b/ or something.

>> No.5284763

I'm definitely in favor of debate, but I don't have high hopes for improvement. There is a non-trivial subculture that seems perfectly happy to ruin /jp/ if it can't be exactly the way they want it.

>> No.5284766

just add to the bullshit until it reaches the point of no return and moot is forced to appoint some mods (or delete the board). this is how things are done on 4chan. it's not a democracy and the only way to be heard is to act like a giant, annoying faggot until someone gets irritated enough

>> No.5284784

That's good because there won't be improvement. You can't stop kids from coming in and lollercoastering all over the place for their own amusement. All of 4chan is critically low on moderation and that's a well-documented fact. It's probably not going to change. Just deal. Post intelligent things and do your best to contribute and respond to good discussion, and take the rest with a laugh. Or troll it up and have fun yourself. It's not like you can't still have good discussions amidst all the crap, if you want to.

>> No.5284807
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But that's exactly how a democracy works.

>> No.5284826

This isn't a democracy at all though. We can complain, but it's not up to us what gets deleted or tolerated when the mods come in.

>> No.5284851

The kids are easy to ignore. They have their fun and disappear soon enough. Not much different from any old board invasion, which also is a fact of life. Also, these mostly make their own threads. The real problem is the subversive regulars who aim to cause trouble in otherwise decent threads for laughable reasons.

>> No.5284863

There are no such people. I just don't believe that.

>> No.5284872

the problem is tripfaggots thinking they're all some hot shit. the first post of most threads is a faggot remark from some staved of attention tripfaggot voicing his pathetic disapproval

>> No.5284880
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>> No.5284889

I love Ryoko.

>> No.5284951

It's easy to miss because it's so pervasive.

>> No.5284997

Ryoko = Yukari

>> No.5285020


>> No.5285027

Whatever you say bro.

>> No.5285059

Someone sum up the 80 posts above in less than 20 words please. I'm feeling lazy today.
