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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 79 KB, 650x599, 1275538951720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5280997 No.5280997 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5281024

That's me, except without the motorcycle.

>> No.5281032

I am the motorcycle.

>> No.5281036

Laundry scares me too.

>> No.5281051


>> No.5282074


>> No.5282092
File: 17 KB, 299x300, work_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5282113

Sorry I don;t know moonrunes. I guess this is whining about how these people don't do anything for Japan. As far as I can tell Japan isn't doing anything for them either. I find nothing wrong with not wanting to be serfs to the modern corporate Samurai and rich elites. It's just how I feel as a US Citizen too.

>> No.5282132
File: 10 KB, 300x300, Reward_of_the_NEET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5282140
File: 13 KB, 196x138, 1275539842513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game looks awesome.

>> No.5282153

Reward of the normalfags : AIDS.

>> No.5282173

I know a little. Bottom left is basically "what type of NEET are you?"
- Delinquent type
- Hikikomori type
- Loss of self confidence type
- Seeking self (?) type

>> No.5282191

Why and I supposed to be sad about being a NEET as the picture represents? I am not. I quite like being this way.

>> No.5282200

finally a game i can relate to

>> No.5282517

Something good and nice outside your room, try to go out and explore before you repent of !

>> No.5282536

I like how even the guy in the game looks sad. Being a NEET is so depressing that not only you, but also your cat and your video game characters are sad.

>> No.5282539
File: 101 KB, 1024x576, 1275208474442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5282549

stop making me sad frog /jp/

>> No.5282581

NEET categories:

Delinquency Type:
high rate of middle/high school drop outs. Parents can't be said to be wealthy.
Hikikomori Type:
School, avoiders and Hikikomori condition, bad at forming human relations.
Soul-searching Type:
High rate of college graduation. Are thinking too hard about finding work that's right for them. Are petrified as a result.
Inferiority Complex Type:
Worked for a bit but quickly quit and look for new work.

I like how we're not supposed to "think too much about finding work that suits us" and just put on the collar and take up the first soul-crushing job we can find.

>> No.5282589

I'm increasingly of the opinion that NEETdom is a natural reaction to an unlivable social model. NEETs are both the victims and in some way the true heroes of Modern capitalist society.

I think the Media really fears us because we represent a very frightening reality.

>> No.5282610

I don't think that's what it's trying to point out. It's just the people who are so afraid of not finding a job suitable for them that they don't do anything

>> No.5282612

Fucking Fascists won apparently.

>> No.5282616

that neets don't offer anything of value to society and can't adjust to its demands? What makes neets so special from the rest of the world that they need to have everything catered to them?

>> No.5282635

Who said anything about catering to them? All I what is you normal faggots to leave us alone.

>> No.5282646



Although it's funny how in Japan NEETs constantly beat themselves up or are chided over needing to find work to "become human".

So here's the picture:
If you're a Shakai-jin (worker in the corporate, private workforce)
or a Kou-mu-in (public servant) you're a human,

otherwise you're garbage.

>> No.5282648

why cant you faggots make the conscientious effort to assimilate back into society and actually produce something of value than be a godamn leech?

You think courage and self-confidence just come out of your ass? fuck that, people work for that shit. Yet here you are, bemoaning (lord forbid, even accepting) your circumstance in life.

>> No.5282651

Same applies in the USA another fascist shithole.

>> No.5282654

Then why don't you try to actually enter the workforce? Oh, you think it's too beneath you? shut the fuck up and stop being so arrogant.

>> No.5282656

Fuck you. I am not costing you a penny. The day I do is the day you will have some say over my life troll boy.

>> No.5282659

Fascist tool.

>> No.5282660

>assimilate back into society

simple look at your society

>> No.5282665

I ain't being a troll, you faggot. How the FUCK do you rationalize in your head that you're not a drain on society when you're not contributing ANYTHING to it?

>> No.5282668


>> No.5282676

Oh yes, let's fantasize in our minds that we're fighting the MAN by doing absolutely NOTHING!

Then stop lamenting your circumstance or even feel that you're entitled to anything from society

>> No.5282680

The society is itself a drain designed to take my time and money and put it in the pocket of my manager, and then his and the CEO... etc.

The society is itself a parasite on humanity.
And it has to work very hard with cute graphs like in the OP to convince everyone who refuses this that there's something wrong with them.

>> No.5282681

>Why cant you faggots make the conscientious effort to assimilate back into society and actually produce something of value than be a godamn leech?
Oh look someone is giving his opinion about a group of person he knows nothing about and expect to be taken seriously. wwwwww

>> No.5282682

society=/=the MAN

>> No.5282684

>I ain't being a troll
If that is true, than you're even more of an asshole.

>> No.5282686

I don't lament shit. I relish my life and am thankful I can do as I please when I please. Fascist tool.

>> No.5282687

Yeah, and you're gonna be the white knight that will save society from its ills, aren't you?

>> No.5282692



Starting tomorrow...

>> No.5282694

Boring. You must think you're really original, or that dumbasses like you haven't tried to pull the same exact troll on /jp/ one billion times. Just go to bed kid.

>> No.5282697

This thread.

>> No.5282698

LOL what a tool.

>> No.5282699

Do you even KNOW what that word means? How the FUCK am I Fascist by calling you out on your worthlessness to society?

>> No.5282702

Why do people feel obligated to chide NEETS for taking everything and giving nothing back in return? Do you actually believe in morality? Is work ethic that deeply ingrained into normals?

>> No.5282703


>> No.5282706

Come at me, bro.

>> No.5282713

I think he's right actually. The whole idea that a fellow human being is "useless" because he doesn't contribute to your human machine is Fascism at its core.

>> No.5282714

Society does indeed try to force people into an ultimately unfulfilling life because it's supposed to be the normal and healthy thing to do. But being a NEET doesn't exactly help anyone but yourself against this. It's like killing yourself because you think life is unfair, you'll be let off, but it's silly to think it will inspire anyone else to change anything.

>> No.5282716

I contribute to society to reap its benefits, but when someone (like a neet) goes around parading its status as someone who's been somehow wronged by society, yet continually reap its benefits and give nothing back in return, OF COURSE I'm gonna get angry. Why should you take and not give, when I put my blood, sweat, and tears to get the same thing you're getting?

>> No.5282727

Excuse me? Who is parading what here fascist-chan?

>> No.5282734

Fine. You want to waste away in loneliness and despair because you have some grand delusion about "humanity" and refuse to work with the system, go for it. But don't try to go around saying society cheated your or some shit when you chose to be in that posistion

>> No.5282746

We're both victims as I see it. You've just managed to internalize the values that enable you to get up early in the morning (or whenever) and work for someone else X hours a day. Good for you. I haven't, but the people who internalize the values are the ones who get through school with no trouble and make tons of money eventually, that's what school is there for really, and it's also why it's incredibly stupid.

>> No.5282751

>work with the system

But you don't work "with" the system you work "for" the system .

>> No.5282756

So my question to you is: if you lament your position so, why don't you try to change it?

>> No.5282757

1% have some reasoning behind it, 99% have just been indoctrinated to believe that it's bad to not work. If every person who thought NEETs are bad had good work ethics, we'd have a lot less people wasting away their workday by browsing facebook or some shit.

>> No.5282762

yes, yes, "work for the system". My stance does not change on the matter

>> No.5282773

Who is lamenting fascist-chan?

>> No.5282777

godamn are you dumb or something?

>> No.5282789

NEETs are not "beating the system" or anything. They were face with the same decision as workfags. Where as workfags came to the conclusion that living on welfare is not as good as working full time job but earning a good living, NEETs choose the opposite.

But the decison NEETs made is still an option within the bounds of society. If the will of the majority decides that there's too many NEETs around, they will get a government (hopefully, if it's a democracy) to decrease welfare so the NEET option becomes less attractive to the marginal NEETs (those who are indecision) so that they join the work force.

>> No.5282796

Now i see how i've got with you here. Fuck.

>> No.5282798

>so that they join the work force.

this doesn't work

>> No.5282800

I don't live on welfare. I don't lament the fact I am a NEET. I am happy and am not leeching off anyone. Fucking fascists.

>> No.5282801

But it says work force so it must work.

>> No.5282803

Just a question, where do you get your money from?

>> No.5282807

so tell me then, how do you pay for the internet you are on right now? How do you pay for the electricity to run the computer? How do you pay for the room (or whatever you live in), including utilities? How do you pay for FOOD?

>> No.5282809

you're mom

>> No.5282810

My source of income is not from the government or society.

>> No.5282811

NEETs can't join the work force because there are no jobs for unskilled and uneducated do-nothings without driver's licenses.

>> No.5282814

then it's called acquiring the skills to perform those tasks

>> No.5282816

cant do that without money

>> No.5282818

There are jobs, but they're real shitty jobs. You have to work your way up in the job market if you want good jobs, it doesn't come looking for you.

>> No.5282822

that's what social welfare is FOR. I'm not against social welfare at all, I just hate it when people are using that as their primary source of survival, rather than something to tide them over until they can stand on their own feet

>> No.5282825

Most NEETS have health problems both mental and physical

>> No.5282826

Which is way too much effort.

>> No.5282828


Or we could get our Democracy to allow us to live together like human beings instead of playing the stupid "Game of Life" where I have to crank out as many kids as possible and maximize personal gain, while some other faggot always cheats on the spinner-thing.

It's like we're only given a choice to play the shitty RL grind MMO or do nothing (and ironically end up playing shitty non-RL grind MMOs).

My guess is we'll all be dead long before social movements advance far enough for these kinds of societies to be possible. That doesn't make us any less the victims of our social history.

>> No.5282834

That is called part of the poverty cycle.

I am a NEET but I am not poor.

>> No.5282837

you could spend your entire life trying

>> No.5282841

I saw a lady with tourettes working behind a deli counter. My cousin is paralyzed from the waste down and he opened a cell phone shop with his brother. Don't you dare use physical and mental disabilities as an excuse to not work, especially with the gains we made in worker equality

>> No.5282845

>live together like human beings

protip: that's what modern society is
People's desires are unlimited, so they will always compete with each other to consume the most. Society is about how to channel this greed to productive endeavours instead of destructive.

>> No.5282848

I don't need an "excuse" to not work. I just don't want to. You mad?

>> No.5282852

I am godamn RAGING over here

>> No.5282854

>lady with tourettes working behind a deli counter.
>especially with the gains we made in worker equality

She will do that all her life or until shes not needed any more.

>> No.5282857

You're visibly upset.

>> No.5282859

lulz XD

epicly trolled u then

>> No.5282860

at least she had the courage and determination to not use her disability as an excuse to give up. godamn more willpower than you will ever have

>> No.5282861



>> No.5282863

I'm glad you somehow found misfortune of others to be amusing

>> No.5282867

>at least she had the courage and determination

Which will get her nowhere.

>> No.5282870

Courage is not the same as lack of self-awareness.

>> No.5282871


>oh I have this or that disorder so I can't function correctly so might as give up.


>> No.5282873

do you honestly think that having tourettes means you're not self-aware?

>> No.5282877

You don't have tourettes, you have the Tourette syndrome.

>> No.5282878

isn't it better than to waste your life away doing nothing?

>> No.5282879

you're gonna start pointing out every single grammatical error too? My point still stands.

>> No.5282883

do you honestly think that GAH FLYING BUCKET I AM A FLYING BUCKET. Oh looks like I can be accepted even if I PENIS. A FUCKING LARGE PENIS.

>> No.5282885

>People's desires are unlimited, so they will always compete with each other to consume the most. Society is about how to channel this greed to productive endeavours instead of destructive.
I'm sorry, but that's just bullshit. If that were true every family would be run like a dictatorship and any form of community cooperation would be impossible. That's just an argument used to distort human nature and justify authoritarian forms of control. If you saw some kid with a candy bar on the street and nobody was watching would you grab it out of their hand just because you were hungry? You'd get away with it you know, nobody's stopping you.

>> No.5282887

EPICLY amusing, actually

>> No.5282888

>isn't it better than to waste your life away doing nothing?

But I am doing something.

>> No.5282889

Not really.

>> No.5282897

No, I'd rather be sustained by the government and play video games and do whatever I want all day than waste a third of my remaining years behind a deli counter working for minimum wage.

>> No.5282901

societal and familial relationships are two different things, bound by different ideals and motivations.

>> No.5282904

Perhaps his greed is without end.
Normal people are truly frighting! They have no sense of self-control. I can't live with beasts like this!

>> No.5282906



> Kou-mu-in (public servant)
> human

>> No.5282911

fine, if you find pleasures in being an undisciplined man-child, I'm not going to stop you

>> No.5282916

I have to tools to fight fascism.

>> No.5282917

Society developed because most people intuitively feel that operating as a group with common set of acceptable behaviour is more efficient (ie, everyone end up consuming more when they work together rather than always fighting each other for possessions)

>> No.5282918


Exactly, one exhibits nuclear and natural traits we can see across all cultures, the other is hiearchical, top-down, fueled and restricted by ideological framework, and varies markedly in brutality and injustice.

>> No.5282919
File: 645 KB, 900x1012, Cirno Pferdeschwanz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then what's the point of this thread, and the one you made yesterday, and the ones before that?

>> No.5282923

Wow, cool thanks man.

>> No.5282924

And if you want to complain about it and argue with people on their undisciplined man-child imageboard, I'm not going stop you.

>> No.5282929

what are you talking about? This is the first time I've seen a thread like this

>> No.5282930


whats the female version of this?

>> No.5282934


>> No.5282941

like this entire imageboard is nothing but neets. give me a break.

>> No.5282942

Yesterday you tried it via the "get a life and so you can get a girlfriend technique", today you're trying to make us care about society. What'll it be tomorrow?

>> No.5282945

Man as in huMAN. It's a genderless term.

>> No.5282947

Silly anon there is no version of man-children for women.
They are called "women"!

>> No.5282950

lol that wasn't me

>> No.5282955


>> No.5282956

Sure is socialism ITT.

Don't complain about the same 'machine' that feeds you, parasite NEETs.

>> No.5282958


>> No.5282965

You're putting me to sleep faggot. Why don't you just spam gore pictures to satisfy your itch.

>> No.5282973

what itch? Godammit, sometimes this whole anonymity thing pisses me off

>> No.5282980


>> No.5282981

Your desire to herpderp epic troll /jp/

nigger we get raided by /b/ every other day. If this is all you've got don't even bother.

>> No.5282989


>> No.5283000

I bemoan humanity when something as ridiculous as trolling someone over the internet is how you get your kicks.

I wasn't trolling and I wasn't from /b/.

>> No.5283003

Fucking NEET scum, send the parasites to the ovens.

>> No.5283006

Fascists believe in a huge state, you know, the thing that redistributes income to layabout scum like you.

I believe in a small state centered around the protection of private property.

>> No.5283008
File: 50 KB, 265x265, sunohara_ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your monogataris are really sugoi, aniki. Hontou.

>> No.5283010

Normalfags, at least try to understand that "everyone else is doing it" isn't going to motivate people who have never enjoyed being a part of society to start working for it.

See, for every person, their own life means the world to them, because the perception is something that only exists within a person's life. Therefore, there's really nothing more precious to a person than their own life, because everything else depends on it. And another obvious fact is that life is time-limited. Every day is a day closer to losing everything.

The problem is that when you work, you have to give of that time. You sacrifice significant portion of your life just to have a job and being able to say you're a productive person. This sacrifice is not at all insignificant. Therefore, each person needs to justify it somehow. They can't just say they do it to survive, because you could do that through welfare too. Or even through stealing money. But just "being a person who doesn't do anything society looks down upon" shouldn't be enough motivation for a person to sacrifice a third of their life either. You'll have to find something that actually inspires you somehow if you want to deal with it. A problem with many NEETs is that they haven't found this motivation.

>> No.5283044


If I came off that way, then I apologize. I understand that following the bandwagon isn't a good source of motivation. However, the main problems I have with NEETs is the fact that most of them do not try to change their circumstance, yet they complain about the circumstance they are in. Yes, I realize some may have certain disorders, but I reckon that most of NEETs out there are simply not motivated enough.

The way I see it is, the self is one of the most important things in your life. To neglect the self is to do grievous harm to your life and your life experiences. By not going out into the world and actually trying to see whether you can do something or not is one of the best parts of life. Of course, you are bound to fail, but that's the beauty of it. By going out day after day and seeing what you are capable and not capable of, you create interiority and for me, that is the highest goal a person can achieve.

But I am not so arrogant to impose my views on others. If people wish to continue to be NEETs, then so be it.

>> No.5283049

Except working is good for self-esteem and happiness. Why are NEETs all losers with no self-esteem?

>> No.5283054


>> No.5283057
File: 104 KB, 800x450, 1275010503780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Except working is good for self-esteem and happiness

>> No.5283061


>> No.5283064

Hey NEETs, why don't you go to college at least? It's not like an actual job. Most students barely do 10 hours a week of actual work and they get by.

>> No.5283072

Why? No one is going to pay me to go. Fuck it don't wanna too many normalfags and jockos.

>> No.5283073

already did

>> No.5283074

In fact I have exams starting monday, I haven't studied at all yet during the two weeks of preparation time.
I really do lack motivation I guess.

>> No.5283076

Lack of strong interest in anything, stupidity

>> No.5283080

True. And if you want you can just stay in your room and not even turn up to every lecture, and just catch up from your textbooks.

College is perfect for NEETs.

>> No.5283088

If you go to college you aren't a NEET.

>> No.5283089

No. I have to devote myself to studying and making tasks which I've never done in high school etc. The past two years have shown me I can't even handle college.

>> No.5283107

>You sacrifice significant portion of your life just to have a job and being able to say you're a productive person. This sacrifice is not at all insignificant. Therefore, each person needs to justify it somehow. They can't just say they do it to survive..

Interesting. So would this be considered one reason why most people start families? They can work there 9 to 5 jobs living by themselves but they don't want to be alone?

>> No.5283111

they were asking the NEETs, not the NETs.

>> No.5283156

It's summer so not now. And I would have my diploma if it wasn't for a damn P.E. class expecting a nerd to run 6 miles.

>> No.5283211
File: 173 KB, 579x600, auvinen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm increasingly of the opinion that NEETdom is a natural reaction to an unlivable social model. NEETs are both the victims and in some way the true heroes of Modern capitalist society.
>I think the Media really fears us because we represent a very frightening reality.

The true heroes are the people who put on a Matrix overcoat and go on a random shooting spree, putting the last bullet in their own heads.

I always cheer in my mind when I hear of a new Columbine. Lots of people break under the pressure of the unrewarding, soul-crushing bullshit we're forced to carry on our shoulders, but most do it quietly and are easy to ignore. School-shooters and mass-murderers break with a loud enough noise that they have to be heard.

This is my advice for all my suicidal brethren: take as many others with you as you can. Preferably rich people, but anyone will do in a pinch. Do it so that some day, somehow, somebody will finally fucking fix the world so that you can live in it as a human instead of a production animal.

>> No.5283212

/jp/ was really interesting today.

>> No.5283220


No, being a NEET is not a choice. Giving back something to society after they raised you from birth to high school or college is something everybody must strive for. It's just reciprocating what they gave to you, pure and simple quid pro quo. If you're a NEET or a welfare queen, you'll be mooching from society all the time without doing anything for that.

The only time where I was a NEET was for two months, starting when I dropped from college for one semester to work, ending when I got hired. God fuck, even these two short months felt like shit... I wasn't being productive, I was being a lazy fuck at home...

>> No.5283225

sure is emo bullshit in here today

>> No.5283233


>> No.5283237

I just noticed man-child is man子 and therefore, a vagina

>> No.5283238

No, interesting was the insect thread. This is shit.

>> No.5283255

>However, the main problems I have with NEETs is the fact that most of them do not try to change their circumstance, yet they complain about the circumstance they are in.
I don't really see this happening too often. Maybe some people share their frustrations over some aspects of the lifestyle, but that's just like complaining to your coworker that your boss can be a little pushy sometimes, it doesn't mean you hate the lifestyle and wish you could change it as soon as possible.

>The way I see it is, the self is one of the most important things in your life. To neglect the self is to do grievous harm to your life and your life experiences. By not going out into the world and actually trying to see whether you can do something or not is one of the best parts of life. Of course, you are bound to fail, but that's the beauty of it. By going out day after day and seeing what you are capable and not capable of, you create interiority and for me, that is the highest goal a person can achieve.
Yeah, that's all one possible motivation. Might inspire some, might be mindless drivel to others.

Ultimately, I think it's a person's own responsibility to find their motivation, but if you can't, you're just kinda fucked, and society won't do much for you except making you feel worse about it, which doesn't really help them much.

>> No.5283271
File: 99 KB, 500x667, 1246438831018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mantra of a NEET is "why bother"?

Why bother competing, when it's a given that you will not reach the highest level, of the billionaires on their yachts?

Why bother working, when you will not get a good pay, or job security, or even a sense of self-satisfaction?

Why bother looking for a spouse, when she will only be disloyal and demanding?

Why indeed.

The people above who suggest cutting down on social security haven't got a clue what causes NEETdom. If you did that, all it would mean that these people would commit suicide. More than a few in the >>5283211 way. These are people who have become disillusioned with life and society as a whole and want no part of it.

>> No.5283274 [DELETED] 


xn wtn h h i dpu v q mj ijgj olrujmCHRsISTOPHdEpR POjOLEn (pAKuA MfOOTm,d AKfA TtHEe ADMIsN OjF 4lClHAmN)o IS A DAgNGpExROUS,t MENTALLY ImLyL THtIEF. REgADv AdLLx AsBOcUoTk IT HlERfE: HcTTP:j//k88.80.2g1.p12s/h ORi HyTTP://WxWW.ANONxTALK.ySE/ ORc HTtTPk://fAfT.vKtIMxMOeA.SEn/b unoz lom vk gdalk m d rl x ktp od njjddnw a

>> No.5283309
File: 20 KB, 280x409, shav04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The true hero of modern capitalist society is the revolutionary proletarian collective, comrade.

>> No.5283318

The obvious answer to that is to search for a level of welfare that minimises tax while at the same time does not increase social unrest to the level that it offsets the benefit gained from minimising tax.

Let U = overall social utility
T = tax rate, and therefore welfare
D = loses in utility from unrest

U = (1-T) - D
where T is invesely related in some way to D (higher the tax rate, lower the social unrest)

Solve for T that maximises U

>> No.5283372

I'm NEET, and I don;t care if you are angry about it.

I drain money from YOU, the suckers giving away your ONE only precious life into working like a slave.

Guess what, if you don't like it, then stop bitching and become a paracite yourselves. You're jelous, but dont have the balls to quit working as you try to keep your "good image" for society.

>> No.5283376


>> No.5283377

I read the thread, and im at the same time amused and pleased about the diversity of opinions and views of the matter that are presented here. I have nothing significant to offer, except for a small correction to the early posts in the thread that for some reason bunch the NEET lifestyle together with being a hikikomori. They are not the same thing, although 99% of hikkis are NEET by nature.

NEET means "Not in Employment, Education or Training", not fat hikki weeaboo, although a part of the NEET "culture" fit the bill.

Over and out.

>> No.5283382

>U = social utility

>> No.5283386
File: 23 KB, 390x288, 1275188945852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only NEET hikkis think anyone gives a shit about this distinction.

>> No.5283390

Work can be satisfying and can feel meaningful. It's possible to have a job doing something you like so much you would do it even without pay.

But for most people, work is just selling your life, hour by hour, and not even for a good price.

>> No.5283403

>Except working is good for self-esteem and happiness.
Bullshit. Shit's stressful. I only work for the money, though as someone who still has fragments of a NEET's lifestyle, I always keep a low profile. Hell, even my co-workers don't know my name because I really don't care about them. I even ask myself if I can make money without ever working. I thought of a business but I just can't start off one without money.

Fuck society. I just want to live a carefree life.

>> No.5283405

People do make a choice to work, which means that they feel they money paid for the work is worth more than the time they spent.

People can also choose not to work and become NEET, in which case they feel that their time is worth more than what they would earn if they work.

Obviously if you have a lot of fun while not working or if you would earn minimal wage if you worked makes you more likely to become NEET.

>> No.5283419

>he thinks working isn't a waste of your life and makes you a valuable human


>> No.5283435

I agree with you, even if its a bullshit romanticized ideal. The problem with it is that it equals finding your "meaningof life", or that something that you wouldnt mind doing even if it didnt pay you a cent, in non-bullshit.

There we have a dilemma, the superficial society we have built doesnt need, respect, nor gratify self-awareness in any way. As long as you keep consuming and buying into whatever is their fad of the month, be it nationalism or whatever, you could be dead for all they care.

>> No.5283472

I visited an exposition of japanese contemporary architecture yesterday and was surprised at a common trend of designing houses with no walls to take away the privacy of people who live there. They argue that the lack of privacy forces hikkis to come in contact with other family members instead of being confined within their bedrooms.

>> No.5283475

Sounds interesting, srsly. Where was this exhibit?

>> No.5283483

>Except working is good for self-esteem and happiness

Depends on what you're doing. I've had some jobs where I hated what I was doing, hated myself for doing it, and hated everyone even remotely connected to it.

>> No.5283485

>designing houses with no walls to take away the privacy of people who live there

>> No.5283493

I live in the same room with my mother and still a hikki-neet. Amidoinitrite?

>> No.5283494

Not a hikki.

>> No.5283495

>houses with no walls to take away the privacy of people
Thats retarded. Fucking architects.

>> No.5283526

>The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare defines hikikomori as people who refuse to leave their house, and isolate themselves from society in their homes for a period exceeding six months.
I'd do it, if I can. It's not like I have other choice, I can't live in the bathroom, but I hate people.

>> No.5283571



>> No.5283703

Architecturefag here. That's retarded, but there are other ways to 'bring the family closer' other than breaking down physical walls.

And you Westerners yap about how your children choose to stay indoors playing violent vidya instead of going out and meeting new friends.

>> No.5283725

We are those children, but replace violent vidya with cute vidya.

>> No.5283737

That's like trying to cure fear of heights by forcing them to live in a treehouse without walls 100m up in the sky. Will most likely just create severe trauma.

>> No.5283755

FACT: Westerners never shared a room with any of their siblings.

>> No.5283758


They had a house like that in the gallery too. It was a housing complex built for the elderly and infirm that denied the concept of barrier free, so the occupants would feel challenged and endangered.

>> No.5283763

no, I dont think its supposed to "cure" anything. its supposed to "prevent" people who might become hikikomori from isolating themselves from everything.
I doubt it'd actually work, from what I've read it seems like they should try to change some parts of their culture so the hikikomoris could get help. if the stuff I've read about Japanese families feeling ashamed because of their hikkis & wanting to hide them is true, just changing that might help. that isnt easy, though.

>> No.5283779

My two little brothers beg to differ, they share a room.

>> No.5283781

No matter how efficiently designed your house is, if the users and the society it's in is deranged, it will be just as useless.

If Japan, or society in general doesn't want NEETs and hikki, better change the way they treat the youth.

>> No.5283787

>It was a housing complex built for the elderly and infirm that denied the concept of barrier free, so the occupants would feel challenged and endangered.
what the fuck

>> No.5283791 [DELETED] 

The western (namely, American) society and way of life fucked up the whole world. NEETs and hikikomori will only increase in numbers. There's nothing that can be done now.

>> No.5283801


>> No.5283824
File: 54 KB, 480x640, 1270784127561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Japanese youth are fucking pussies really, South Korea has it 5 times worse than them and do you see any of them going all "NEET" or "Hikki"? NO, BECAUSE THEY'LL BEAT THE FUCK OUT OF YOU. THEY'LL KICK YOU AND PUNCH YOU AND WHEN YOU TURN 22 YOU HAVE TO DO A MANDATORY 2 YEARS ARMY SERVICE.

Japan needs to use corporal punishment again.

>> No.5283836

>South Korea has it 5 times worse than them and do you see any of them going all "NEET" or "Hikki"? NO

>> No.5283844

You know, I am a NEET and all. But it IS true that we are NOT an example to follow. If everyone were a NEET, with no goals or aspirations in life, the world would be a pretty sad and underdeveloped place. NEETS didnt made the PC you are using right now, NEETS didnt send astronauts to the moon, NEETS didnt made this society and all the benefits that came with it. Above all, people that WORK dont post on 4chan. 4chan is populated by underageb&, corruptors of lol and the already mentioned NEETS&Hikikomoris.

>> No.5283852

uhm...yeah we do. if you got 7 children, it's kinda hard to get a house big enough without paying out of the ass for it.

I had to share a bed with my older brothers. though sometimes I got lucky and shared with my sisters, it was really nice sharing with my sisters, so soft.

>> No.5283853 [DELETED] 

>4chan is populated by underageb&, corruptors of lol and the already mentioned NEETS&Hikikomoris.

You must be living in 2006.

>> No.5283855

The jokes on you, I've even shared the bed with my mom till I was 12 or so.

I have no siblings.

>> No.5283860

>Above all, people that WORK dont post on 4chan.
Okay, you had me laughing.

>> No.5283861

If everyone was a NEET we'd all die and the rest of the earth's life would quietly creep back in and cover up our stain forever.

>> No.5283871
File: 90 KB, 750x600, motivatorff402aa413a9243a2252bf7af747d06841af2cb6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rewards of a NEET.

>> No.5283878

>Above all, people that WORK dont post on 4chan.

yeah, no. some of us actually want spending money, and not all of us get an allowance/welfare.

>> No.5283895

Find me a job that doesn't make me want to kill myself and take everyone with me.

Find me a school that will take me and not treat me like complete shit

I've been trying.

>> No.5283934

No one is going to give it to you, you have to fight them to get what you want

>> No.5283939

I'd rather slap my cock against my laptop all day. This is what I do now.

>> No.5283944

Don't exaggerate.

But yeah, you just have to deal with the bullshit. That's something that can't be avoided no matter what you do with people.

>> No.5283976


I actually don't mind most people to be honest. I worked for Tim Hortons for two and a half years, and they're notorious for treating people like shit. After I got moved to backshift for a few months I couldn't handle the crap I was getting forced with

I'm just trying to grab anything I can take

But its really hard in a small town specially with summer closing in and all the kids searching for work.

>> No.5284011

geez, just shut the fuck up all of you...

WORKfags: quit browsing 4chan and go back to work, that's all you're good for anyways.

NEETfags: quit arguing and go fap, that's all you're good for anyways.

>> No.5284016

shit, misplaced the sage

>> No.5284148

Even a minimum wage job can help with happiness and confidence, but it is imperative that it is the RIGHT job. I've worked at a factory where you spent 10 hours at an assembly line and were treated like a machine. That basically made me want to kill myself, it's the perfect example of a job that should be avoided at all costs.

At the moment I'm working as a guard/guide at an art gallery, and shit is great. Paid lunch break, I get to sit around and drink coffee when no one's around, and most importantly, I get lots of social interaction every day. Two years back I was too afraid to go to the convenience store on my own because I felt so pathetic and worthless, but now I feel like I'm entitled to a place in society. Furthermore, I now have a little more money to spend on the things that I enjoy. A job may not be for everyone, but I feel like it's helped me a lot.

>> No.5284156


>At the moment I'm working as a guard/guide at an art gallery, and shit is great.
I'd like to do a job like this for a while....

>> No.5284169
File: 188 KB, 550x550, 1269900432266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Security guards are one of the best jobs /jp/ suggests for NEETs or hikikomori to get. It's so easy and laid back.

More job ideas here somewhere, http://anonib.com/hikikomori/

There are a few who've had success, but most prefer being a NEET.

>> No.5284174
File: 30 KB, 423x429, JesusFuckingChrist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This whole entire Thread

>> No.5284191

>204 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

Oh boy, what did I miss!

>> No.5284192


>> No.5284228

>Even a minimum wage job can help with happiness and confidence, but it is imperative that it is the RIGHT job. I've worked at a factory where you spent 10 hours at an assembly line and were treated like a machine. That basically made me want to kill myself, it's the perfect example of a job that should be avoided at all costs.

So fucking true. Finding the RIGHT job is so much more important than finding A job, so long as your circumstances allow it. I worked as a fucking telemarketer for about a year. I hated that goddamn job so much

>> No.5284242

I've been a NEET since January...

The guilt is really strong...

>> No.5284248

How to get money while still staying as a NEET
>huge inheritance from your rich dad/grandpa
>shrewd investment policy
>live off bank interest
>live off property rental

The lifestyle of a NEET is easy to maintain. No luxurious car, huge house or feeding 3D pigs so that they suck your cock.
You just need to pay for food, internet and a computer.
You can probably can survive with about $1000/month or less.

>> No.5284259

can we archive this thread there are some interesting ideas

>> No.5284266

Easymodo archive

>> No.5284267

hello newfriend

>> No.5284269

I'm still a student, so I guess I don't count as a NEET yet, but I'm terrified of becoming one.

I have to stop spending so much time on the internet.

>> No.5284270

God I'd love to be a security guard. Never seem to be able to find a relevant job opening though.

>> No.5284272

yes i am new to here so what

>> No.5284277

I'd like to be a security guard too... but I don't have the right physique, I look like a 16 year old.

>> No.5284279
File: 6 KB, 246x251, 1274420009052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still believes in god and is uneducated

>> No.5284317

Hello me.

>> No.5284610


>> No.5284621

Most employers would turn me down. I don't look menacing in the least bit and have no muscles at all.

>> No.5284714

You NEETs are just lazy as fuck and need to grow up. Enjoy living on the streets when your parents die.

>> No.5284714,1 [INTERNAL] 

These NEETs threads and any thread that has users discussing themselves (when's the last time you ___ and how does Anon deal with ___) are just overwrought, tiring and pathetic with how hard they try. I remember when these used to be nice threads, when they were made scarcely, at four in the morning, didn't have as many people trying to be as pathetic as possible, and were usually gone in the morning.

Nowadays, it's always a constant thread that usually maxes out and go to great lengths with trying to appeal "cool" on /jp/.

It's just sickening to see these threads popular.

>> No.5284714,2 [INTERNAL] 

NEET is a status symbol.

>> No.5284714,3 [INTERNAL] 

That's entirely what's wrong with /jp/.

>> No.5288062

