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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5280554 No.5280554 [Reply] [Original]

hey /jp/

Just curious - are we gonna get on board the university bandwagon? Or shall we just stay Hikkikomori and ignore things on other boards.


>> No.5280564

What are you asking exactly?

>> No.5280570

University bandwagon?

>> No.5280571
File: 522 KB, 2135x1951, versity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, we really don't get out much. I only became aware of it because of /co/ and /v/ doing theirs. New flavor of the month among boards.

>> No.5280575
File: 2.56 MB, 4242x3845, 1275533532084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/ /co/ /tv/ /a/ /m/ /mu/ /sp/ and /tg/ all have colleges

>> No.5280578

Since "everyone" is doing it, /jp/, being the rebellious nonconformist that it is, won't.

>> No.5280581

This is shit.

>/v/ /co/ /tv/ /a/ /m/ /mu/ /sp/ and /tg/

This should clue you in.

>> No.5280584

/jp/ is too busy doing what the board is for to open up paint.net and edit a template

>> No.5280586

Somebody tried a couple of days ago and /jp/ verbally assaulted that person. So we're probably not going to get on this. Does /jp/ even have enough characters to choose from? We may have a few broad things, but they're not much compared to the amount of characters one can choose from in an entire medium.

>> No.5280591

probably not... like nitori for mechanical engineering and patchy for literature of some kind

/v/ has rance for "sexual education"

I can't think of anything besides

>> No.5280594

>Does /jp/ even have enough characters to choose from?
Yeah, I would say /jp/ would have enough characters to fill one of these out.

>> No.5280603

it would be kind of challenging, with all we have being VN (a decent cast amount there though), Touhou, /kig/, and idol threads.

Oh, I guess general japanese TV stuff if we're weeaboo enough.

>> No.5280605

Eirin would be the school nurse. Shirou would be Track and Field, etc.

>> No.5280607

Ahh I see, I'm pissed I missed the /tv/ one...

>> No.5280628

well then... why don't we get started?

>> No.5280634


>> No.5280641

Because it's dumb.

>> No.5280638
File: 1.48 MB, 3070x1214, 1275535653446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is /co/

>> No.5280644
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>> No.5280650

Still completely hideous.

>> No.5280654

Don't you know? This is /jp/ - NO FUN ALLOWED.

Now piss off.

>> No.5280657
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>> No.5280658

/jp/ I've always thought you were the most bitter board

>> No.5280663
File: 24 KB, 400x430, 1275262104695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reported for gay shit

>> No.5280680

see what I mean?

almost every thread, no matter what topic, will have a post like this in it somewhere

>> No.5280686

Because /jp/ = NEET.

>> No.5280692
File: 14 KB, 309x318, 1270667040691.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is just especially bad board faggotry

>> No.5280712

>that .gif


I almost fell out of my chair

>> No.5280734


It's fucking gay and juvenile. Why would we want to do this?

>> No.5280739

No way...

c'mon /jp/, we argue about Touhou characters' personalities. How could we possibly all agree on what jobs they should have in a university?

>> No.5280743

Dean - Yukari
Engineering - Nitori
Law- Sikieiki
Psychology - Koishi
History - Kiene
Buisness - Tewi
Journalism - Aya
Music theory - Prisomrivers
Botany - Yuuka
Nuclear Engineering - Okuu
School Doctor - Eirin
Dining Hall Cook - Mystia
Electrical Engineering - Iku
Religious studys - Kanako
Fine Arts - Alice
Military Engineering - Reisen
Child Care - Ran
Campus Security - Meiling
Librarian - Patchy
Special Education - Cirno

Too lazy to finish or make a picture.

>> No.5280744

I wouldn't be surprised if some of the summerfags end up throwing one together.

>> No.5280751

lulz does it make ur butt mad?

>> No.5280752

By minimizing the Touhou.

>> No.5280760

I don't quite conform to /jp/'s stance of doing nothing all the time, if something is worth doing, then I am there to help.

That being said, this isn't worth doing, what is the fucking point of one of those?

>> No.5280761

no. it saddens me :(

>> No.5280777

man anon, what ever happened to taking it easy?

>> No.5280784

P.S. - OP here. I'm indifferent about the whole thing - I could care less if /jp/ does it (and I probably wouldn't contribute much if /jp/ did).

But seriously, what happened to taking it easy?

>> No.5280786

In the event that /jp/ were to make one:

Janitor/Cleaning Staff/Whatever - Meido

>> No.5280807

/jp/ University? More like Touhou University.

>> No.5280810

I think opting to not get involved in stupid interboard wankery is a sign of taking it easy.

>> No.5280829

I don't want to have nothing to do with it.

But I guess I can leave this here: http://danbooru.donmai.us/post/show/655013

>> No.5280845 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 301x354, 1256143831189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hanging from the ceiling hygienics club (kisume)

>> No.5280860

I will only accept it if you limit yourself to one character from each series.

So that means you can only pick 1 Toohou, 1 Type-Moon, and 1 Umineko. Sorry obsessive nerds like >>5280743

>> No.5280870

>I'm indifferent about the whole thing - I could care less if /jp/ does it
Yet you made a thread about it.
>what happened to taking it easy?
"Hey guys want to stop taking it easy and do X"
"No X is stupid"
"Woah take it easy man!"

>> No.5280878

>only 1 Touhou
That's a little extreme

>> No.5280884

And so the university only has 3 professors...

>> No.5280893
File: 140 KB, 320x484, 1kinzo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I nominate Kinzo for Business Management.

>> No.5280932

It's a correspondence school.

>> No.5280934

All of them should be "anonymous", what not with us being experts in everything, and 1 meido.

but this really is stupid shit

>> No.5283440

Fuck that. It would be entirely Touhou shit with maybe some other shit.

