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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5279846 No.5279846 [Reply] [Original]

OK, let's talk about something serious and kind of sad here...

Touhou right now is pretty damn popular. Think about how important it is that it pretty much has it's own board on 4chan, one of the most influential sites on the internet. Theres a bunch of games, thousands of doujins, fanworks, etc. Theres lots of characters and fans and even entire conventions and stores dedicated to just the residents of Gensokyo.

Right now I have to say that touhou is probably my favorite thing. I play the games and read the books and like to post funny pictures with you guys here on /jp/. The thing is, as popular as touhou is, it is going to eventually wane in popularity.

What will you do when touhou stops being the big thing? I guess right now there's the big touhou boom with lots of fresh new stuff coming out all the time, lots of doujins and new stories, but eventually people are going to stop caring and eventually move onto other interests. All the theories and fancy hats and great things about Gensokyo, this magical land that so many people dream about, will be gone. I think that will be a sad thing, and it makes me sad just thinking about the neat stories of Gensokyo being forgotten.

Has touhou currently hitting a peak, and has nowhere to go but down? What do you think will truly be the death of the franchise? Will Zun just stop making the games, or get sick and die, or will the fans just stop giving a shit?

How much longer do you expect touhou to still be awesome, and where will it be in the future?

Will the land of Gensokyo always have a place in your heart, or is it just throwaway entertainment?

>> No.5279849

too long; didn't read.

>> No.5279855

touhou will lose popularity like pokemon and die

>> No.5279859

Considering the ever increasing fanbase, no.

Instead of dwindling, more and more fans, cricles, baja gaijin devils and normal people get to know and work on it.

So no. Also, ZUN is a god.

>> No.5279866

>Will the land of Gensokyo always have a place in your heart

If it wasn't for that, I'd be entirely empty.

My concern isn't so much that Touhou would wane in popularity, as that wouldn't affect my own devotion at all, rather what worries me is that it's going to become even more popular than it is now and end up becoming extremely shit.

>> No.5279877

star wars will eventually lose popularity too, I'm sure.

I don't know I suspect ZUN will quit making games in a few years, maybe he'll sell off the rights and it will become a TV anime / PS3 games. The fanbase will remain around for at least another five years, so I'm not worried.

>> No.5279888

He shouldn't sell his rights, but he should work together with Sony for a PS3 game. But then newfags that will do it all wrong.. FUUUU

>> No.5279893

Nah, I've barely played the games and I still don't know all the characters' names after being around you guys for so long. I'm more into visual novels.

>> No.5279905

The real question is: What will happen when ZUN's liver finally gives out?

>> No.5279910

I find that hard to believe, cool guy.

>> No.5279912

ZUN will quit when he's lost complete control over it due to not even trying to enforce any form of restraint on how his stuff is used. Some company will make an actual anime and claim it was a doujin work because it was online or some such, and form there take control of it. ZUN will have no choice left but to sign over rights to even make a few yen off of it and move on to some other series.

>> No.5279913

maybe people will finally talk about visual novels

>> No.5279933

Yukari will deliver some medicine made by Eirin to him.

>> No.5279943
File: 487 KB, 1042x800, 1260244379822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Don't forget about us, /jp/...

We love you."

>> No.5279980

Touhou isn't even that good. It is extremely average for a shmup.

>> No.5279992

I will always remember touhou and play the games, I will miss all the QUALITY content though.

>> No.5280001


>> No.5280013

Its popularity has nothing to do with its quality as a shmup.

>> No.5280015
File: 306 KB, 600x600, 1261816932302.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care if the fanbase dies, because StB/DS is a super-amazing game.

Sure, I have a lot of shitty ideas about the universe, but it's not like I share much of it with the Internet or anything. Touhou losing popularity won't affect me much, if at all. I'd actually probably be more willing to discuss Touhou if the fanbase was smaller, or just less annoying in general.

Touhou arrangements are nice, but I'm pretty satisfied with the massive clusterfuck of arrangements that are already out anyways, I don't care for Touhou porn, I can't read Japanese to understand most Touhou doujinshi, I don't mind if all the Touhou doujinshi just stopped tomorrow because we've barely got any translated anyways, and most Touhou doujin games are just other games reskinned with Touhou, so whatever. If the only things to come out from Touhou were the games and the books, I'd be pretty satisfied.

>> No.5280020

I will keep Gensokyo alive in my heart until I die, then I will finally be able to travel beyond the border.

>> No.5280021
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Don't forget ZUN's music CDs.

>> No.5280080

how am i supposed to enjoy touhou without all the memes

ZUN probably won't stop making the games. Look at the PC-98 era, he sure didn't give a fuck if there was a large fanbase or not.

>> No.5280092

Maybe ZUN will finally meet a nice girl and settle down and have to stop making games so he can take care of a babby.

>> No.5280103

His true love is a tall, cold glass of beer.

>> No.5280109

She probably thought the things he made were creepy and told him to stop.

>> No.5280192

What will happen? Most likely each of us will move onto something new to replace what Touhou is to us now. Nothing lasts forever.

Enjoy what you have at the present, don't depress yourself thinking too far ahead.

>> No.5280834

I don't think ZUN will stop make games for a long time. But i think something is about to change, in Touhou 13, like the changes we can notice from MoF until now. I'm not saying that this will be a big change (like Pc-98 - windows) at least not yet.
Also, im pretty sure we won't have a "Touhou end", ZUN won't make a closed final, he will only stop making games, and we will be waiting until next for 3 years, 4 years... 10 years, but no news about it.

>> No.5280848


>> No.5280862

ZUN should make Windows 7 games now, like all flashy and cool and shit.

Fuck yeah.

>> No.5280865

It's not going to die.
>Even if I loose all my fans, I will keep working with Touhou, because I make games that I like.

ZUN's words.

>> No.5280871

The words "Die out". If touhou is so popular now and another big thing will come out, maybe replacing Touhou. Then Touhou will be called a Classic. Not something forgotten.

>> No.5280880

ZUN is marginal to Touhou these days, unless you care about 'canon'.

>> No.5280883

"You newfags never played this on keyboards. Your nerolink is precise, sure, but where is the skill at dodging danmaku? Damn kids."

>> No.5280899

Touhou will stay around for a while because of the content that is put out.

Normaly with popular forms of culture like this the makers produce games, anime, manga, and everything used to make money, leaving very little to the imagination.

ZUN puts out a game a year, a few other official works, and allows us to run wild with our thoughts.

See how far things can go if you're not focused on money all the time?

>> No.5280902

You just look at the surface what I said. Matter of fact, I have no idea what you are saying.

>> No.5280910

The same thing that happened with Pokémon and Rozen Maiden

>> No.5280920

He is pretending to be a nostalgic guy explaining to his kids about how he played Touhou on keyboard instead of their fancy nerolink.

>> No.5280937


Be glad shit is Japanese, then. Nobody could get away with all the fanworks in America, even if ZUN didn't care.




ZUN doesn't even play the games with a keyboard.

>> No.5280946
File: 151 KB, 275x329, C123irno000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see.

>> No.5280949

Pokeymans are far from gone. Rozen Maiden has died down because of the drama. Otherwise we would have Season 5 by now.

>> No.5280975


>implying there are noteworthy western fanworks.

>> No.5280985

Are you retarded? Did you truly miss the point?

>> No.5281003

If you just now thought of this you are really slow. I had nightmares about Cirno backpacks and coloring books sold at Target about a year ago.

>> No.5281013

Rozen Maiden didn't get another season because it actually had a plot.

>> No.5281019

Ultimate fetish items for lonely neets who like to pretend they are the little girl

>> No.5281021


I was responding to several things. Touhou wouldn't be anywhere near as popular as it is without fan works and fan-made merchandise, most of which is SOLD. Copyright laws in places like, America, prevent anyone but the original creator/their company selling merchandise using their IPs. You're not really arguing about what point I missed, just that I missed A point. At least clarify yourself before accusing someone of being retarded.


You missed my point. I don't know of any western fanworks, I'm just saying things would be MUCH different if the whole Touhou phenomenon started out in a place that wasn't Japan.

>> No.5281026

IIRC, S2 ended with a cliffhanger. Some people hope we will get to see it, but I know it is in vain.

>> No.5281027

>Think about how important it is that it pretty much has it's own board on 4chan, one of the most influential sites on the internet.
Not really. /jp/ is 30% shitposters trying to be funny, 25% VN, 10% "I love Japan period" and 35% Touhou.

Also, according to big boards 4chan only has 30,000 active members. /jp/ at best only has 200 users posting at any given time. Just to put this into perspective of how unpopular this is: when the English dub of Code Geass aired on adult swim it averaged about 300,000 viewers for its first couple of episodes. 300,000 (apparently) wasn't popular enough so Adult Swim ended up giving it the boot to a later time spot. You guys need to learn what popular actually means.

The rest of your post is:

>> No.5281029
File: 1.83 MB, 532x800, reimustrokingcockandballs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't really give a crap how overexposed Touhou is getting. I have been into it for a few years now. I am still challenged by it. It feels like the closest thing to a sport I've ever been good at in that the more you practice the better you get and if you get out of practice you start to suck and have to practice to get better again.

To me, if you pay too much attention to shit like popularity it's really counterproductive to your hobby life.

>> No.5281034


When did 4chan get overrun with illiterates?

>> No.5281046

When people forget about Touhou and move on..........GENSOKYO WILL BECOME REAL.

>> No.5281047

Since its creation.

>> No.5281049

>/jp/ is 30% shitposters trying to be funny, 25% VN, 10% "I love Japan period" and 35% Touhou.
I think there's a lot of overlap between the categories.

>> No.5281054

doesn't compute

>> No.5281060
File: 671 KB, 1152x1246, 1272568722346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only people that are attracted to Touhou's simplicity are the would-be indie developers and retired video gamers. In summary, Touhou will never have global appeal outside of Comiket. Hence the reason why ZUN is NOT swimming in a pool of cash.

>> No.5281061

No, used to people would take their time to read. Now we get 'tl;dr' from someone just posting more than two sentences. Bunch of illiterate, ADHD riddled kids.

>> No.5281067
File: 63 KB, 325x510, Funny posting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5281069

>Will the land of Gensokyo always have a place in your heart, or is it just throwaway entertainment?

OP, I must say. It's good to see that some people are not afraid to indicate their sentiments about things that might not be taken (or intended) as serious.

It will be in my heart. I am not on top of everything Touhou related (my core knowledge only goes to up to Mountain of Faith) but it has become part of me.

>> No.5281070

Because the manga hadn't reached that part yet.
The same thing happened to FMA and GANTZ.
RM continued a few months ago though.

>> No.5281091


300,000 is a terrible number for Adult Swim's viewership. Popularity is relative. Something can be popular among 20 people if 15 people like it, but when those 20 are part of a group of 200 then the most popular thing in a niche group is still unpopular.

>> No.5281104
File: 793 KB, 709x709, hard hard hard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dislike the OP and everyone that responded seriously to this thread.

>> No.5281113

I will always remember the characters mostly. Most extravagant and flamboyant they were.

>> No.5281126
File: 134 KB, 284x300, No Fun Allowed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here, I put this up for you, sunshine.

>> No.5281139

No one is having fun in this thread. I just skimmed it that is how I know this.

Then again, this is nerd country and at least half of all nerds have no idea what fun is and are emotionally dead inside.

>> No.5281145
File: 1.29 MB, 1233x1606, 8016206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the guy you're responding to, but I hate that picture. So much.

People use it as an excuse to act like fucktards.

>> No.5281150

Gensokyo will always be special to me. The characters too. While all of them are unique, the old ladies alliance will be kept in a special place in my heart.......along with my motherly Ran.

>> No.5281154

Speaking in third person?

>> No.5281162

>Gensokyo will always be special to me. The characters too. While all of them are unique, the old ladies alliance will be kept in a special place in my heart.......along with my motherly Ran.

I get the feeling that this is going to degenerate into a "primary" vs. "secondary" shit-slinging-fest

>> No.5281163


The only people acting like fucktards in this thread are the flamers. Also, I do not believe you, samefriend.


Fun is relative. You should have realized this by now.

>> No.5281165

The only person with mental disorder is the asshat who typed all of that. In this world, time is more important than money, women, and power. Half the shit in OP's post would have been redacted had the OP not been such am uncultured primate. Check the ghost board:
OK, let's talk about something serious and kind of sad here...

Touhou right now is pretty damn popular. Think about how important it is that it pretty much has it's own board on 4chan, one of the most influential sites on the internet. Theres a bunch of games, thousands of doujins, fanworks, etc. Theres lots of characters and fans and even entire conventions and stores dedicated to just the residents of Gensokyo.

Right now I have to say that touhou is probably my favorite thing. I play the games and read the books and like to post funny pictures with you guys here on /jp/. The thing is, as popular as touhou is, it is going to eventually wane in popularity.

What will you do when touhou stops being the big thing? I guess right now there's the big touhou boom with lots of fresh new stuff coming out all the time, lots of doujins and new stories, but eventually people are going to stop caring and eventually move onto other interests. All the theories and fancy hats and great things about Gensokyo, this magical land that so many people dream about, will be gone. I think that will be a sad thing, and it makes me sad just thinking about the neat stories of Gensokyo being forgotten. Has touhou currently hitting a peak, and has nowhere to go but down? What do you think will truly be the death of the franchise? Will Zun just stop making the games, or get sick and die, or will the fans just stop giving a shit? How much longer do you expect touhou to still be awesome, and where will it be in the future?

Will the land of Gensokyo always have a place in your heart, or is it just throwaway entertainment?

>> No.5281170

And you willingly let yourself become THAT frustrated over it? Over something some Anonymous person who may be in another country who you've never seen posts?

We all need to take it easy and relax. Enough with the uptight, 'jump at each others throats' attitude around here.

>> No.5281178

How is that relevant? Fun is a chemical state in your goddamn brain that is not being triggered right now.

>> No.5281179

I imagine Gensokyo as I like it. I'm not so narrow minded as to scold myself for letting my imagination wonder.

>> No.5281188

And you must be a doctor? A psychiatrist? You are telling people what fun is and what is not?

>> No.5281192

>The only people acting like fucktards in this thread are the flamers. Also, I do not believe you, samefriend.

I'm just talking about the picture in general, not specific to this thread. If you tell people to knock it off with the porn imagedumping, guess what picture shows up?

It's so annoying. You even say this:
>Fun is relative.

Maybe the idiocy of the people in the topic is ruining my idea of fun? Fucking shit, I just want to talk about the games, quit dumping porn in my topic because "hurr, komachi titties lazy mexican".

>> No.5281197


>is aware of the chemical state of everyone on 4chan's brain.


>> No.5281200

You people live too fast.

>> No.5281206

While I agree with what you're saying, following the "baba old crew" and motherly Ran is hardly an example of letting your imagination wander.

>> No.5281210
File: 8 KB, 122x122, anime blood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fun is a chemical state in your goddamn brain that is not being triggered right now.

And you know this how? Wait.................ARE YOU IN MY MIND RIGHT NOW!?!? HOLY FUCK

>> No.5281211


Porn dump? LOL?

Stop being so mad. You aren't skilled in the art of argument, little guy. Two posts and you already stopped making sense.

>> No.5281215

Of course I am aware. Nobody could possibly be having fun while reading my posts.

>> No.5281217

Tolkien is rolling in his grave.

>> No.5281228

Brevity is the soul of wit.

>> No.5281230

Perhaps my tastes lean towards that area? I will admit that I do have a thing for mature women (a sin on /jp/ of course) and use my imagination to put that motherly Ran to damn good use.

>> No.5281234

And you are? What you just typed is just a long version of "u mad?". I'm not even sure what you mean by

>Porn dump? LOL?

If you don't see that happening, you must be very blind.

>> No.5281241

Whatever you say Shakespeare.

>> No.5281250

Wit's got a pretty short soul. I'd hate to be that soul in Hell, all the demons would pick on me.

>> No.5281251

>the most popular thing in a niche group is still unpopular.
I don't want to put words in your mouth but Touhou is NOT popular in any groups (with the great exception of the indie/doujin group). If we compare it to the sells of other video games it doesn't hold a candle to them. And before you say "it's an indie game." That argument is weak because some of the best selling games in the last century were indie. Duke Nukem to name a few.

Make a new argument after ZUN manages to release a game that sells 2 million units. One last thing, the English patch for Cave Story has been downloaded over 500,000 times. Touhou has a long way to go before it gets considered popular in the west.

>> No.5281252

The only thing the base (who play the games) has to worry about is if ZUN's resolve for not going commercial is going to last forever. If the project ends with a game by him, some will be bummed, but most likely satisfied as it would not have sacrificed what attracted them to the series: Their love of shmups, the countless amounts of characters, the melodies that range from beautiful to intense, etc. It would be a shitton better than it being a commercial series that goes on and on and casts away what made it so endearing in the first place.

Personally, I just wonder years after its fading popularity what the music doujin scene would be like. They obviously cannot keep remixing songs years after the end of the series (or at least not in as huge numbers). Would the music producers who sell their goods at conventions like Comiket, M3, etc. move onto the next "big thing", retire, or put what they have learned through remixing into practice and make original songs? Would ZUN's influence be obvious in circles, or up and vanish altogether? Going to be interesting to see to say the least.

>> No.5281271

Which is ironic because Polonius is anything but brief in his long speeches.

>> No.5281273

>implying remixing is not "real" music

>> No.5281286


>> No.5281309

This part right here:
>or put what they learned through remixing into practice and make original songs?
To actually answer the question, lots of groups already make original music in addition to touhou remixes. IOSYS, for one. They'll just move on to other stuff if Touhou loses popularity, like he said.

>> No.5281346

I am music and English stupid, so I am not sure how that implied remixing is not real music.

>> No.5281389

ZUN will die of alcohol poisoning

>> No.5281450

It implies that remixing is just something you do to learn how to make music, that it's not real work (practice).

Something like that. But I'm jumping at shadows.

>> No.5281522

Never said that at all.

Remixing is not a bad thing. It's pretty exciting to see one transform a song as they see fit. Hell, I prefer Aphex Twin's remix of Flow Coma over the original 808 State version (which is still awesome) and DJ Technorch's remix of Marisa Stole the Precious Thing is fucking mind-blowing. However, some doujin music producers seldom do original stuff, and I really want to see what they can come up with. Remixing is great and all, but original content is fresher because you have no idea what to expect.

Also, I was not aware of any implications that could arise from "what they learned through remixing", and I should have probably worded it better. It's a good way to get a grasp on different forms of music and the fundamentals, and perhaps unintentionally make something unique. It's just that some groups seldom do original works, so that element of mystery is removed when you know what they are mixing and what genres they specify in. I like the feeling of going in blindly into an album, and I cannot get that same vibe from a circle I have followed for a while unless they change their musical direction incredibly often, but that's a rarity as so many groups seem indifferent being pigeon-holed as a remix circle specializing in X genres and Y remixing style.

As much as I dislike IOSYS, they do all sorts of weird crap, whether it be remix or original. They're the most prominent example of a circle that keeps listeners on their toes.

>> No.5281546

Fuck I still sound like I'm trash-talking remixing so I'll keep it short: Remixing isn't bad, not trying your hand at something original from time to time is.

>> No.5281554

>die like pokemon

I stopped reading right there. Pokemon has been around for fifteen years.

>> No.5281562

Touhou has been around for 14

shit, got about 1 year left!

>> No.5281571

Pokemon has been out for fifteen years and is still releasing games and anime like crazy.

It's not dead, not by a longshot.

>> No.5281579


BRB. Looking for this porn dump you speak of.

I-I-I'm not seeing it in this thread, man. Perhaps you are referring to another thread? Maybe one located on another board? Could it be that you don't come here very often?

It's gay porn, right?

I just wanna make sure I'm looking for the right thing.

>> No.5281582

Remixes can be original.

>> No.5281601


haha he called you a faggot

>> No.5281606

>ignores the fact that touhou is an INSTITUTION in japan already

>> No.5281608

>my face when this thread

>> No.5281618

I'm not into Touhou because it's popular, I'm into Touhou because I like the games. Everything else is just extra.

And if I ever stop liking Touhou, it'll be because I wore myself out on it and I'll be on to the next thing, so I don't even care. I'll probably always keep tabs on the games though, even if I stop playing them for a while.

And I mostly agree with >>5281252,
It would suck if the series continued after ZUN stopped making the games. I mean, more STGs is better than less as far as I'm concerned, but there's something endearing about how it's all ultimately the ideas of that one awesome guy. Not to mention if the rights were sold and some company started releasing new stuff, the western fanbase might have to watch its ass a bit more when it comes to fanworks. At the very least it'd probably be the end of easily-pirated PC releases.

>> No.5281631

I can see what you're saying, but honestly, I enjoy non-fresh stuff. It's a lot more exciting to hear a fresh-sounding remix where I know what should be playing but am pleasantly surprised, rather than an original song where I have no idea what's going on other than how the genre usually sounds.
Bro, this is slighting remixes. Nobody should make an original song unless they're damn sure they 1) want to and 2) actually have an original song. Once they figure the second bit out; the first bit should sort itself out.

>> No.5281665

>and perhaps unintentionally make something unique
Cannot disagree with you there. The best mixes are those that take apart and rebuild songs from the ground up. Some even throw in melodies that weren't apart of the original track. I just wish that every remix was like that instead of a very small percentage.

>> No.5281677 [DELETED] 


yo t hw ymp ll rjCHRISTeOPdHjER PiOiOzLdE (kAKA MOOT,d AKA THE ADMIuN OFo 4CHANu) ISx A DANGEROrUfSu, MEnNTyALxLYh ILL TtHIEF. RxEAD ALpL AxBOUfTs ITc HERnEy: HTTPn:/m/q8f8c.n8o0e.21q.12m/ ORo HTTrP://bWmWWt.AsNsONTAbLK.SE/ OxRv HoTTP:x//nAhTt.eKjIMMeOkA.kSE/nh cn q ejqubzi yx g

>> No.5281699


>> No.5281711

Got a link for 蟲と東方と青酸(メロン)ソーダ too?

>> No.5281735

So few of them completely flip songs on their ass. There are several groups who are too afraid to take a risk, and end up sounding too faithful, which is a huge problem for those that make house, techno, hardcore, acid, etc. remixes. Anything that needs to be played live and cannot be altered seemlessly through computer assistance is acceptable like guitar, drums, flute, piano, keyboard harmonica, etc. because there are plenty of people who would love an accordion rendition of Blade of Banishment (which would probably make PC98 fans giddy as schoolgirls).

>> No.5281751

Is there a list of top touhou doujinshi that I can find somewhere? I know where to DL the shit, I just need some names.

>> No.5281792

I may be able to torrent and upload it.

>> No.5281799

It's fine; I can just torrent it myself if you don't have it handy.

>> No.5281806

I'd be a lot more concerned about this if I had a problem with having tons of music that sounds mostly the same. But I don't.

>> No.5281811

Well... tell me if you find a seeded torrent yourself, then!

>> No.5281824

I already have this, and it's one of the most listened to albums in my music library.

>> No.5281835
File: 267 KB, 780x620, 9347292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might like ripple's album, ENGAGE DIRECTOR'S CUT. Generally mixed opinions, because it hardly sounds like the originals, except for a few parts.

Luna Dial:


Septette for the Dead Princess:


>> No.5281861

Just found it, apparently it's in the lossy torrent. That thing always has seeds.

>> No.5281946

Ultimate☆8bitCrash, best track. No dissent allowed.

>> No.5281954

But wwrriiggggllee is the best touhou arrange, period.

>> No.5281980

mikki confirmed for Bowie fan.

>> No.5282003

>mikki confirmed for good taste

>> No.5282027

Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about. That's probably one of the couple tracks I deleted for being incredibly dissonant.

I also hate Bowie. That explains it.

>> No.5282068

>according to big boards 4chan only has 30,000 active members

Anonymous and 30000 tripfags.

>> No.5282086

>Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about.
wwrriiggggllee samples Neuköln from "Heroes".

>hate Bowie
Impossible. He has changed his sound so many times that you can only hate certain albums by Bowie.

>> No.5282091


>is it just throwaway entertainment?

No entertainment is throwaway. Take for example the classics of literature or film; they may be very old, but they're also timeless. The characters and countless works of art that Touhou has inspired will live on even if its popularity does not.

>> No.5282139

This thread is tl;dr, but I can say one thing for sure:
Touhou is an open-source, ZUN gave permission to everyone to do everything about Touhou as long as it's a "doujin work", therefore, even if ZUN himself dies, the work will go on. Unless people stops caring about Touhou, which is nearly impossible for the next 32832726582903 years.

The ideas for Touhou is unlimited, people get a lot of work right now doesn't mean they can't think about something new. And PC-98 games still need more love.

>> No.5282145

When I say I hate Bowie, I mean I listened to a little bit and decided to hate him. He's never getting another chance.

>> No.5282160

That sounds like me when I say I hate Touhou because Wriggle is a shit.

>> No.5282163

>No entertainment is throwaway.
How can you say something like this with a straight face?

>> No.5282168
File: 290 KB, 786x850, centipedes? controlled by wriggle?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit. Thread just got real.

>> No.5282234

>Wriggle is a shit

You realize this probably pissed ten times more people off than you not liking Touhou ever would?

>> No.5282235

Stop being a fucking retard and listen to Heroes. Brian Eno helped produce it and Robert Fripp plays guitar on some of the tracks, for Godsake. The title track, Sons of the Silent Age, Beauty and the Beast, and Secret Life of Arabia are the jams of a lifetime.

>> No.5282249

I just listened to the live version of Heroes on youtube, actually. Nothing particularly offensive but I still want my five minutes back.

>> No.5282275
File: 16 KB, 342x277, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying I care about pissing off anon on 4chan
Ooh, scary, scary.

I think Wriggle is a shit, then I say she is a shit.
Even Remilia is somehow better than that cockroach.

>> No.5282287
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>> No.5282375

This thread is now about recommending me original music similar to [C.H.S] 蟲と東方と毒殺(ハニー)ミルク.

>> No.5282382

It doesn't work when you're outright trolling.

>> No.5282460

Similar in style:
Artist (tracks from Bug Touhou Poisoned related): Albums

µ-Ziq (Deep Forest, mIST): Lunatic Harness, Bilious Paths

Venetian Snares (ぶれいくこあ?, 最モ危険ナ童遊ビ, mIST): Rossz csillag alatt született

Brian Eno (wwrriiggggllee): Ambient 1: Music for Airports, Ambient 4: On Land

Aphex Twin (pretty much every fucking track on the album): Selected Ambient Works Volume 2, Richard D. James Album, drukqs

Squarepusher (see µ-Ziq and Snares, 門番の知られざる17年 -E't'B-, DEMY): Music is Rotted One Note, Feed Me Weird Things, Hard Normal Daddy

Amon Tobin (dnabgib kaerB, Unlimited Voyage 1480): Bricolage

Ceephax Acid Crew (ltimate☆8bitCrash, 夜折り折り折り折り折り, Cirno foolish!) : United Acid Emirates, Bainted Smile EP

>> No.5282467

Fuck yeah, thanks. I'll check these out.

>> No.5282658

It'll eventually be replaced by something else, or just die out completely. Don't think your Internet fad has anywhere near the lasting power other properties do.

>> No.5282874

I'm not concerned about it losing popularity, more like the opposite. I'm worried about newfag schmups disrespecting ZUN's great work. I already see shitty fan-art of all these weird black elf guys in it out of nowhere, I mad. Just wait 'till it goes mainstream.

>> No.5283216

Christ, you're retarded.

>> No.5284569

I know the tewi and cirno books got translated. What about reimu and youmu?

>> No.5284616

Tewi one was? What?

>> No.5284637
File: 1.00 MB, 1200x858, 9453328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buront loves you.

>> No.5284731

4th book in the series. Cirno -> Reimu -> Youmu -> Tewi.

>> No.5284753

How does everyone feel about the guy anyway? He's seems pretty popular, despite being one of the few Male OCs with a face.

>> No.5284782

He behaves like an idiot but is still likeable.

And he attracts Touhous like all self inserts do. Although the only "canon" pairing is Rumia so far.

>> No.5284790

Even if Touhou died out, I'd still have all my Touhou pictures 50 years from now, and I would still fap to them.

>> No.5284912

I consider him to be a self-insert mary sue.
And I am deeply annoyed at the fact that some people don't.

>> No.5284926

It can't be a self-insert because Buront really exists and the videos are made by someone else.

>> No.5286329

Never did get into this fandom for the shit that's being pulled now. I did it because the games were fun, the music was interesting, and the fanwork amused me.

But, that's just, like, my opinion, man.

>> No.5286577

Yes, I know, but it hasn't been translated yet.

>> No.5286587

Hey, this applies to me too.

>> No.5286592

So you only play Toho because its cool, not because you enjoy it and get high from dodging crazy shit on lunatic mode? Shit tier fag.

>> No.5286605

This thread is secondary fucking central.

Why would I care when Touhou stops being popular and mainstream? I'm pleased enough with the games, and as long as ZUN keeps making them, that's enough to satisfy me. Oversexualizing a series through its fanbase does not make it better.

>> No.5286607

Well, yeah. There are much better shooters that I would play if Touhou was not so popular.

>> No.5287941

holy shit, OP here

I'm proud of you guys for actually discussing this

>> No.5287964

OP, quit being a little closet-furry/otherkin emo nut.

(See also: "Star Trek fandom")

>> No.5287980

Huh? A lot of the replies have been "don't give a shit as long as ZUN keeps doing what he does".

>> No.5288681

OP, why did you put so much work into your OP if you were just going to fire and forget it until the next day?

>> No.5288767

Speaking as someone who is not a big Touhou fan...

Touhou's popularity has always confused me. Sure, the games are decent, especially for an indie effort, but not really anything revolutionary or special. The art is amateurish, the characters one dimensional, the setting and stories simplistic and not well filled out.

If I could point to one thing that makes Touhou popular, it is that. The setting is so scarcely defined by the author, that fans must fill the gaps with their own imagination. At this point, it's in a positive feedback loop. Fanworks, of a quality far and away better than their source material, inspire yet further fanworks of high quality. Will the cycle continue endlessly? Can fanworks sustain fanwork indefinitely, with only brief infusions of "canon"? Or will the cycle eventually break? Will people finally realize that the Touhou community isn't really about loving the Touhou games as much as it is loving the Touhou community. It's almost like a religion... a lot of people go to church not because they're deeply committed to their particular religion, but because they are committed to their religious community.

tl;dr the Touhou fandom is a fan of itself

>> No.5288851

The real problem is the fanbase. There are several factors present that will cause it to collapse like the Sonic fandom.

Secondly, the Western fanbase is not very productive outside of LJ/Deviantart. We have barely anything to show for Comiket/Sunshine Creation/Reitaisai.

>> No.5288905

Sonic fandom? Such a thing existed?

>> No.5288925

Used to.

Now, it's about travelling warbands of aspies.

>> No.5288941

So when will Zun make touhou games that are bigger than 640x480 in resolution?

>> No.5289030

Touhou's popularity is as much the product of fanworks as Shakespeare's popularity the product of liberal-arts professors.
What ZUN has done is create a bunch of characters and settings with his (shitty yet endearing, and most importantly unique) art, his (incredible) music and his own brand of story-telling which are (mostly) genuinely really interesting, and yet are also flexible in interpretation. Each person fills the Touhou world with his own stories; all (non-music) fanworks do is present one version, which will quickly become obsolete and is usually shitty memes anyway.
tl;dr if you like Touhou because of secondary content you're doing it wrong.
