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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 157 KB, 635x906, summer-wars-poster_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5277588 No.5277588 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished watching Summer Wars and I was blown away. What did /jp/ think of it?

>> No.5277600

/jp/ thought nothing of it because we're not an anime board.


>> No.5277597

You missed /a/.

>> No.5277605


>> No.5277606

Summer Wars is great. Not /jp/ related though.

>> No.5277614

I am somewhat lenient but this totally has nothing to do with /jp/.

Please. /a/.

>> No.5277602

We don't think we know. Now back to /a/ you go underageb7.

>> No.5277620

thought it would be a good break from eroge and touhou. :(

>> No.5277626

I want to watch it OP.

>> No.5277627


But this is not an anime board, why don't people understand this?


>> No.5277639

SW has Kazuma
Kazuma's a hot trap.
Traps are /jp/ related.

If this becomes a Kazuma/trap thread, can we have fun mister?

>> No.5277642

I didn't liked it.

>> No.5277647

Although I loved it very much, this isn't /jp/ related.

>> No.5277643
File: 99 KB, 600x746, 12750917762702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5277661


>> No.5277664


More so guidelines like the page is actually called. You can't tell me you don't agree with almost every one of them though? I mean the reason /jp/ sucks is because people stopped following these guidelines - which were published when we were Japan/General and even more off topic then.

>> No.5277667

shitty plot
great animation

just like every disney movie

>> No.5277675

Try again when the meido is around, OP.

See >>5274585

Meido deleted all the shitposting such as >>5277597

And the thread had a nice end.

Retards will be retards no matter how hard you beat them. I'm sure they have never heard about that movie and are more busy posting that kind of shit than knowing the actual content of the thread which is clearly something /a/ has never heard of, and never will.

Reported the shitty metaposting in case the maid is around.

>> No.5277676


>> No.5277677


They only distributed it, Madhouse did all the animation and music and story telling.

>> No.5277680

Horrible movie with a slut and a bad cliched "hurr interwebs" plot..

>> No.5277685

Yes, it's true, but who follows the rules now?.
See: spam, tripfag circle jerking, off-topic, daily dose etc.

>> No.5277710

What is the problem about discussing this movie?
Or is just the "hurr durr because is from /a/ sucks XD"

>> No.5277700


Maid was here for 5 minutes and probably won't be for another week.

Feel free to get a life in the mean time, you might find raging over the internet gets boring.

>> No.5277703

Why are you so fucking stupid. Born that way or what?

>> No.5277718


take a minute and read this fucking thread and you'll get your answer.

shit, when did /jp/ get filled with so many morons?

>> No.5277720

I am right, and you are wrong. Get a brain, you fucking braindead monkey, it might help.

>> No.5277734

Cry more.

>> No.5277735


He calls you stupid so you call him stupid and swear a few times to boot. Oh boy...this is why you people are NEETs.

>> No.5277738

Dude it's like I'm in 4th grade again! Got any Warheads?

>> No.5277750

We have a lot of off-topic threads, not /jp/ related isn't excuse.

>> No.5277751 [DELETED] 

nice movie

>> No.5277754

so.. just let this thread die?

>> No.5277769

Or better, delete all the shitposting, go watch the movie, come back when you've seen it and discuss it with the mature and troll free userbase of /jp/ - wait, disregard that. Yeah, stop posting and let the thread die.

>> No.5277797

How about you just take a dive down a tall flight of stairs?

>> No.5277802

lol epic win man xD

>> No.5277814

Yeah, it really was, thanks. I am pretty epic if I do say so myself.

>> No.5277820

bumping to spite the mad shitposter

>> No.5277834

Welcome to one year ago.

>> No.5277838

I'm so mad. If you could see my face right now. Please don't bump again, I might just have an aneurysm.

>> No.5277844

why reply to /a/-tier threads?
don't be silly /jp/. ignorance is the best cancer-killer.
all posters below me are frustrated~.

>> No.5277846


You realize sage isn't an offensive thing to do on this board, right?

Bumping a thread accomplishes nothing other than force people to hide it since it ends up on page 0.

>> No.5277851

Sorry 'bout that.

>> No.5277862


That's, like, the most retarded post I've read since last week.

>> No.5277872

Nice movie but yeah, the deal with Kenji solving encryption keys was completely ridiculous.

>> No.5277892

People post this pretty much every day on /a/ with comments like "omg I just creamed my pants watching this movie. so epic". The absolute definition of overrated shit.

>> No.5277905

Its shit
