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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5272090 No.5272090 [Reply] [Original]

How often do your parents bug you to get a significant other?

My parents just discovered today that I've yet to even have a first kiss. They intend on getting me a blind date. I don't intend on going.

>> No.5272096 [DELETED] 
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i know that feel.

its a bad feel.

>> No.5272097

My parents gave up a few years ago.

>> No.5272104

>My parents just discovered today that I've yet to even have a first kiss
How does that even come up?

>> No.5272105

goddamn it, I didnt do her path yet

>> No.5272107

Holy shit. Me too.

Actually, it's just my dad. He bugs me all the time into trying to get another. Fortunately for me, he's not forcing me to go on blind dates, he simply reinforces the idea that I should be trying to grab tits and impregnate females.

I don't want to do that. I think it's a waste of time.

>> No.5272099

>I don't intend on going.
Why not.

>> No.5272112

why would he waste his time on some 3DPD?

>> No.5272118

Occasionally my mother will bring up some nincompoop friend of hers that has a daughter blahblahblah.

I usually ask her if the girl is 2D and in high school.

Teach her to keep her piehole shut.

>> No.5272126 [DELETED] 
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That feel when your parents think you are popular with women when you have shit social skill

>> No.5272125

Go. Maybe she'll be someone with whom you have a lot in common.

>> No.5272131

never ever been brought up, fuck that'd be weird

>> No.5272138

Don't worry. Ignore it. Your parents will assume you're gay after a while. At this point you can stop caring, they did.

Only exceptions are if your parents are homophobic and think you're "sick".

>> No.5272134

Because I'd be cheating on my waifu, and I have no interest anyway.

I usually just give flat answers when the subject comes up, and never say anything other than "I don't want to be in a relationship"

However, today it kinda came up when they asked how long it's been since I've even had a relationship, and I blurted out that I've yet to have a relationship in my life. The question after that was if I'd at least kissed someone playing doctor as a kid or some crap that I didn't think even existed outside of TV.

>> No.5272140
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Your blind date turned out to be Aselia is this awesome

>> No.5272147

If you're going to be a parent-dependent NEETfag, get used to putting up with this. That's what you get for being a shut-in.

>> No.5272152


Well, my dad died in 2003 and my mom lives on the other side of the country, so no, I don't get bothered.
Many years ago my sister asked me if I was gay though, due to not having a girl friend. I promptly told her to fuck off.

>> No.5272162

My dad likes to say "when your kids are growing up..."

I laugh every time.

>> No.5272181

I go to college right now so I like to remain cautiously ambiguous.

My current dream is to become fabulously rich and take Chisame away on a white horse.

>> No.5272187

I told my mother I already had a girlfriend(s), and pointed to my harem of little plastic girl dolls atop my desk.

I don't think she took me seriously. If only she knew...

>> No.5272186

My parents used to say the same thing
They dont say much anymore.

>> No.5272200

Well my parents just assume I'm going to have a family as though it were writ in the fabric of the universe they dont usually bring it up though.

>> No.5272207

...except that she's married and has a kid.

>> No.5272208

When I was younger my parents set me up with the daughter of a friend of theirs. I was kind of forced into it. I was incredibly nervous about it, and felt like an idiot for the first hour or so. We saw a movie and it kind of relaxed things. The last part wasn't nearly so bad. She had some geek qualities so I didn't feel totally like a fish out of water. It could've been much worse, like someone attractive who would've hated me the whole time and made it obvious.

>> No.5272213

tell them to fuck off and this is not your blog or a place for such a unrelated thread. Reported

>> No.5272241

Me too.
Mom has always bugged me on how I'm going to end up being a spinster and insane if i don't get married and churn out babies. I've always considered myself asexuaI, and as far as I recall I've only had a crush once with a guy, and it was just kindergarten puppy love when i was like 5. I just never find anyone attractive in general. :/

>> No.5272244

/jp/ - /r9k/ / General

>> No.5272246

They don't think I'm gay, my room has anime figures everywhere and I own a dakimakura.

>> No.5272264

I don't understand; men can't have babies.

>> No.5272267

I know anon. the half generation in my extended family all have rugrats. Every special occasion one of them ask-when are you going to get one?

>> No.5272273

My mother owns a dakimakura. She understands my 2D love.

>> No.5272278


Ha! I've done that too!!!

>> No.5272288

Parents bitching at your NEET ways is Otaku Culture.

>> No.5272287

I'm 23 and they haven't ever asked about it directly.
If I mention a girl's name to them they'll occasionally ask how things are with her. I always answer questions without too much running around, so if they want to know, I'd probably tell them.

A blind date would be fun, I think. Unless she's ugly.

>> No.5272335



I always want to say- maybe because Im dont want to sacrifice my life to a glorified organism.

>> No.5272341

If my kids turned out to be NEETs I'd honestly just kill them. I'd do it discreetly so I wouldn't land in jail, but I would be ridding the world of those goof-for-nothing evolutionary dead-ends.

>> No.5272355

Guess it's a good think you'll never have kids then, right Anon?

>> No.5272356

I'm the youngest.

My family doesn't give a shit about me.

>> No.5272383

They don't.

>> No.5272459


I already have 3: 4, 2, -.5.

If they show the slightest sign of NEETery I'll strap them into a chair and loop Hartman's speech from Full Metal Jacket. After that I make myself scare as they will probably become psychopathic, but being psycho is still better than a NEET.

>> No.5272464

Why not just tell your parents the truth?

"Dear Mom and Dad, I have no friends/girlfriend because I am a socially inept person who is bad at talking to people."

Yes, it might piss them off for a few minutes because the truth always hurts. But they will probably never bother you about it again.

>> No.5272467

Fucking stupid kids.

>> No.5272479

I told them that my genes were not good enough to pass onto the next generation as I got the worst of everything in my family.

>> No.5272484

NEETs are better people than most people.

>> No.5272494


At least try.

>> No.5272567

My mother is okay with the fact that I have a 2D waifu. She sometimes jokingly asks when we plan on getting married.

One day I came out of the shower and found her having a cup of tea with my dakimakura. She was literally just sitting there at the table, facing my dakimakura, with two cups set on the table.

>> No.5272593

Because its none of their fucking business.

>> No.5272617

I don't think parents try to force their children into relationships...

>> No.5272691

I told my mom I'm not getting married because I don't want children. She's okay and doesn't really care.

They do want me the fuck out ASAP though.

>> No.5272694
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Ha, right! Let's see:

- They love to hate people for completely trifling, arbitrary reasons.

- They take and take and never give anything back.

- Very obnoxious and rude.

- Never put effort into anything, except Touhou. Even scorn others of their kind when they try to get some project going.

- No talents or skills. Incapable of physical activity. Can't even draw well.

You guys are basically yukkuris but a bit smarter and with limbs.

>> No.5272710

Nice try, but I don't even put effort into Touhou.

>> No.5272724

Nice try. I don't have any limbs.

>> No.5272733

Nice try, but I don't even smarter a bit than yukkuri.

>> No.5272737


>Nice try, but I don't even smarter a bit than yukkuri.


>> No.5272752

Nice try, but [witty response that is supposed to only makes me look worse in order to provide comic relief]

>> No.5272755

I'm 25 and my relatives are going batshit insane as I'm the last male of my bloodline.

>> No.5272767

Mother of the fucking year.

>> No.5272771

You lucky bastard. They're going to find some amazing virgin womanly waifu for you at this rate.

>> No.5272773

I can insure you that I'm nothing like a yukkuri.

Except the draw well part. Damn it, I wish I could draw well.

>> No.5272775

Jesus, are you a prince of some nation or something?

>> No.5272793

My dad got his wife pregnant again and was really excited that he might have another boy. He couldn't contain himself. He knows I won't pass on his line. But he got another girl.

>> No.5272801

Do I still get Euphoria as my daughter? That would be even more awesome.

They don't really bug me. For the most part, it's rarely mentioned. If it is mentioned, it's something small like "just have enough to financially support you and your wife." They do try to hook me up with my cousin's friends whenever they notice us interacting. The person in question and I would just play along a bit but that'd be it.

>> No.5272839

I told my parents long ago that I'll never get married or have kids. They think it's because I hate children and the institution of marriage, and that was the original reason many years ago back when I might have still had a chance. Now I couldn't get a wife or kids even if I wanted to.

Also I haven't lived with my parents for years so they don't get many opportunities to bring it up.

>> No.5272890

You've made her snap. She truly believed that your waifu is real, even more so than you do. She's past the point of no return, and it's your fault.

>> No.5272985

this is bad because...?
though maybe she shouldn't be touching it
