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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 78 KB, 500x300, 500x_memory[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5271674 No.5271674 [Reply] [Original]

3D pure meganekko?

>> No.5271679

Fuck you!

>> No.5271685

Pure? I bet if you got close an inspected her ass, it would be covered with dry shit because she didn't properly wipe and clean herself. She's just a shaved pig disgusting ape like you or me. It's why we have chosen the celibate hermit life style, living life through the Internet. Isn't it?

>> No.5271689

It is so sad when women have an uglier mug than me. Poor girl.

>> No.5271703

OP is that your ex-girlfriend or something? Don't post her around and then write mean comments about her like
that's fucked up man.

>> No.5271720

>pig disgusting ape

I read that as "disgusting pig ape".

>> No.5271721

>that's fucked up man.
you must be new around here.

>> No.5271725
File: 42 KB, 389x576, ape_and_pig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pig? ape? it's all the same

>> No.5271731

The sad truth is that that ape has more women than anyone here will.

>> No.5271740

Since when were 3D sluts considered women?

>> No.5271745

So pillows are women now? You sad, sad person, you.

>> No.5271746

>The hilarious truth is that that ape has more pigs than anyone here will. Thank god we have apes to keep the 3d pigs at bay.
Fixed it for you.

>> No.5271754
File: 216 KB, 450x626, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classy women should dress like this.

>> No.5271752

she looks pretty decent. i think it's the glasses that look weird on her

>> No.5271757
File: 21 KB, 522x399, amaze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>post women on board filled with confirmed homosexuals
>get thread full of negative replies

Somehow, I don't think the OP thought his clever plan all the way through...

>> No.5271761
File: 28 KB, 468x359, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just needs some make up

>> No.5271767

Oh hey, another lifehacker reader on, of all places, /jp/!

>> No.5271770

speak for yourself Arc. if anything, many of use are asexual, as our sexuality is completely repressed in real life. Jacking off to 2D waifus private, while disgusting and animalistic, isn't something I would constitute as gay behavior.

>> No.5271790


>Jacking off to 2D waifus private, while disgusting and animalistic, isn't something I would constitute as gay behavior.

That'd be okay, but that's not what /jp/ does.

/jp/ pleasures themselves to 2D waifus with penises, 2D boys in dresses engaging in various homosexual acts, and 3D males in dresses.

At the least, that's borderline homosexual. At the most, that's full-blown faggotry.

>> No.5271791

I think that problem is that the girl in the OP is fat and old.

>> No.5271795

Only dog face girls need that much make up

>> No.5271797

Needs more frills.

>> No.5271799

I wonder how nice I can look with makeup.

>> No.5271810

My waifu does not have a penis.
The 2D traps I'm fine with but 3DPD.

>> No.5271807





>> No.5271803

>2D waifus with penises, 2D boys in dresses engaging in various homosexual acts, and 3D males in dresses.

Fuck that, I only pleasure myself to manly men.

>> No.5271802

You repress your sexuality in reality the game too?

>> No.5271806


>> No.5271811
File: 111 KB, 584x771, 1272867853346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your trolling is having little affect on me. Why don't you save it for the real summerfags.

>> No.5271816

Why can't we be civilized /jp/?

>> No.5271817



Far from it, my boy!

Now, how long were you in the closet?

>> No.5271825

I think we're more civilized on average than most other boards.

>> No.5271828

ITT: Swine bitch and oink about a girl who probably wouldn't mind dating them.

>> No.5271830


As a visitor from /lit/, I can assure you with complete conviction that this is really not the case.

>> No.5271836

Thanks for reminding me why my sex life exists solely in the second dimension.


>> No.5271839
File: 19 KB, 468x347, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it can only help

>> No.5271853

Useless maid always letting shitty unrelated threads become shitstorm full of crap.

>> No.5271862

OP if you are still here would mind deleting your thread it's causing a stupid argument.

>> No.5271864

>swine bitch
I totally agree.

>> No.5271863


Oh, I'm pretty sure she wouldn't want to date me, Tex.

To be fair, it would be rather difficult given my predilection for HATING WOMEN.

>> No.5271870
File: 259 KB, 1024x798, 121516907831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I can fix that.

So guys, you wake up and find yourself in the Forest of Magic, inside Gensokyo. Around you, you find a broom, an unmarked potion, and a virtual boy. Do you
[]Rape the maids
[]Jump in the lake

>> No.5271880


[x]Sage and Report

>> No.5271895
File: 61 KB, 762x574, homer reported3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5271899
File: 465 KB, 240x180, Yakui.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[x] Drink the potion

>> No.5271914

[X]Jump in the lake

>> No.5271916



[x] Scan thread for tripfags, add every one of them to filter, hit enter.

>> No.5271921
File: 645 KB, 780x1000, fueled_for.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this guy's style.

>> No.5271928

Of all the things to filter Arc for you're choosing that?

>> No.5271939

He's just (poorly) attempting to stir up shit. Probably the OP, lol.

>> No.5271940

>a virtual boy.

>> No.5272012
File: 170 KB, 1280x1024, 1250033444145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You drink the potion. It burns going down, but soon your tongue and even your whole throat is blissfully numb. Your body feels light as air as you frolic through the woods for a moment, forgetting all about your current situation. Suddenly your foot strikes something, and you trip, faceplanting hard into a dirt mound. Giddy and dazed, you look around and find you tripped over your old virtual boy! Why the hell this thing is here, you can't say, but all you want to do right now is play some Warioland. Excitedly you bend down and affix yourself in front of the tiny red box, straining your eyes to enjoy some classic gaming goodness. Hours pass, and night falls. You have no idea if you're winning the game or not, because your head is spinning so much that you're not even sure what's happening. You think you're still having fun. Then it slowly dawns on you -- you're having a hard time moving your character. Your vision blurred, you pull your head back from the little console and see your right arm no longer there. The gory strands of meat hanging from your shoulder sober you up real fast. Your body tenses to full alert, and you feel a weight on your back, but before you can try to find out what it is or toss it off, a total darkness clouds your vision. You're blinded 100%. You never did get to find out what tore you apart. As your consciousness fades, you swear you can hear a little nightbird's song, gentle lulling you to sleep....


>> No.5272049
File: 411 KB, 800x733, Yakui7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[x] Drink the potion
[x] Straddle the broom

>> No.5272050


[ ] 3D
[ ] pure

You can choose only one.

>> No.5272071
File: 26 KB, 288x352, 1149947826192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a Yakui thread.
