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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 22 KB, 468x351, 70050__468x_asagiri-itsuki-wedding-kimono-by-skyfish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5267169 No.5267169[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Japanese government statistics show that half of all Japanese women aspire to live a life of leisure as full time housewives at their husband's expense, with a dramatic increase in this aspiration evident amongst younger women.

>The traditional notion that "the woman should stay at home and care for the children" is said to have been declining in popularity for many years, but surveys conducted by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare reveal the opposite trend appears to have taken hold of many women, especially those in their twenties.

>In a national survey of some 13,000 participants conducted in 2008 and published recently, the attitudes of approximately 7,000 married women of all ages were analyzed.

Link to survey for moon-rune readers:


Why is Japan so awesome?

>> No.5267180

>sluts leeching of their stupid husbands
Yeah, awesome.

>> No.5267181
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>> No.5267183

All 3D women are the same.

Also, an image search on your file shows it to be from sankaku.

>> No.5267177

Also, so otaku culture related.

>> No.5267188

They want to be housewives so they can sit at home and do nothing but spend your money.

>> No.5267196
File: 29 KB, 289x313, 1273083753186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So jealous

>> No.5267197

I love the excuses some of you fags pull.

Image search? Really?

Bullshit, you read shitaku and that's how you recognized it. Pathetic.

Same to you.

>> No.5267204

I wonder how the femnazis are going to explain that development. It kinda contradicts the whole assumption that the only reason women ever were housewives were because they were forced to, and the amount of housewives will only decrease as the amount of "male chauvinist brainwashing" is decreasing.

>> No.5267207

equality should be equal until you have to do equal work for it

>> No.5267209

>They want to be housewives so they can sit at home and do nothing but spend your money.
Man... sounds like the life.

>> No.5267214


It is easy to tell when an article comes from Sankaku, they write like a British tabloid writes about football, but about anime.

>> No.5267211

Can i be a house husband?

>> No.5267217


>> No.5267218

Seeing this condemned on a board full of NEET/hikki wannabees is pretty ironic.

>> No.5267219

You will be called a lazyfuck for life. But you're not going to get a 3D wife anyway so screw that thought.

>> No.5267220

You are now aware that in Japan, your stay-at-home wife has 99% control over the money YOU earn.
Don't worry, though; if you're lucky, she gives you allowance so you can buy your cigs and go out and eat ramen after work once a year or so.

>> No.5267221

Female NEETs get to give up on life and decide they want to be housewives.

>> No.5267223

Where's my sandwich woman?

>> No.5267224

And here we have, women complaining about female rights.

This is why 2D > 3D.

>> No.5267230

So female NEETs don't exist? Just housewives?

>> No.5267231

Are ANY of you people adults? My wife better work if she wants to live here. One income is simply not enough for a household anymore unless you have a high paying job or you're rich to begin with. Work isn't all in factories and manual labor anymore. Damn straight she better earn some money.

>> No.5267238

Their smartass, pseudointelectual tone is both annoying and indicative of the fact they're trying to sound more intelligent than they really are.

>> No.5267237

Women don't have to work, they just have to find a husband.

>> No.5267234

I bet that if you took a similar survey in Western nations you might find a similar result.

Bitches have finally discovered that work is hard.

>> No.5267233

The housewives are the NEETs.

>> No.5267235

wait, what...WHAT ?

>> No.5267242

What? Did you expect women from japan are like those from VNs?

>> No.5267243
File: 11 KB, 131x225, reported5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is from Sankaku, huh?

>> No.5267247

What is the problem?

>> No.5267248

When Japanese women say they want to be housewives, they actually mean:

- Not working
- Doing minimal housework
- Having total control over their husband's salary and expenses

>> No.5267249

True. Just consider why so many of them feel the need to escape to the galge world in the first place.

>> No.5267250

It takes you a bit long to realize that, eh.

>> No.5267252

Worst tripfag on /jp/.

Never contributes a thing.

>> No.5267254

Easy. They do it for two reasons.

#1: Because the media in Japan depicts housewifery as a pink fantasy princess dream (and your wedding as the focal point of your entire fucking life so do it nownownow) which Japanese adult women, having the mental processes of a twelve-year-old girl, eat up because they're stupid. This is the male chauvinist brainwashing, which takes care of the retarded women.

#2: Non-retarded women who want to keep working after marriage anyway are faced with companies that will run them out after hearing that they're hitched, private childcare a luxury affordable only to the royal family and millionaires, and waiting lists for government-funded daycares filled up two years in advance. To be assured a spot in one of these, in addition to qualifying on the needs-based points scale assigned to applying parents, you pretty much have to apply for a spot on the list as soon as you conceive. This is married women being forced to be housewives by a sexist society.

Kindly consider yourself TOLD.

>> No.5267255

>Never contributes a thing.

He white knights for females. Isn't that something?

>> No.5267259

>having the mental processes of a twelve-year-old girl

If only they could have the mental processes of western women, who think being DP'ed on film is 'empowering' and think staying unmarried and fucking around in your 30s is healthy.

>> No.5267265

Not in Japan. Unless a.) your wife is an astronaut, or b.) you're a barely-closeted homo with a sham marriage.

>> No.5267266

I bet you like Sion and his anime spam, eh. Because it obviously shows that you like Sion and his shitty ecchi anime spam. Would you care to just browse other threads on /jp/ and see how ZUN!bar "contributes" to /jp/? But of course he can't contribute as much as Sion.

>> No.5267270

> think staying unmarried and fucking around in your 30s is healthy.

inb4 whatever your laughable definition of "healthy" is.

>> No.5267273

They both are the same thing.

>> No.5267275

>talking about marrying
Get out of /jp/, now.

>> No.5267276

This doesn't quite explain an increase in women wishing to be housewives. Why would it suddenly change direction again?

>> No.5267277

Someone sounds buttmad. Does that .jpg file bother you that much?

Since when? I'm getting a lot of baseless accusations lately.

>> No.5267279

Finding someone you like and sticking with them, making things work rather than being a slut and expecting some kind of Prince Charming/'Mr. Big' to sweep you off your feet. The latter is not healthy. I've never met a happy 30something professional woman of the kind papers always gush about.

>> No.5267286

Why you reported the thread?
What is the problem with Sankaku?

>> No.5267288

Aforementioned media depiction of sitting at home doing menial tasks as glamorous, plus a recession that makes it hard for anyone to find jobs, let alone young women in Japan without specialized degrees.

>> No.5267292

It apparently hasn't crossed your mind that the reason these women in their 30s are unmarried and fucking around could be because they're looking for a person they like and want to stick with, huh.

>> No.5267290

You're a white knight for pygmalion. It's actually embarassing to run a few searches for specific terms you use in the archive and seeing how much you've done it anonymously.

>> No.5267291
File: 11 KB, 131x225, reported.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why you reported the thread?
Not /jp/ related
>What is the problem with Sankaku?
Oh never mind I thought you were serious

>> No.5267292,1 [INTERNAL] 

This was like the only interesting thread tonight. Fucking bullshit mods.

>> No.5267292,2 [INTERNAL] 

You sure are retarded. Might as well go back to /a/ or sankakucomplex if you can't agree with us and the janitor.
