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5266224 No.5266224 [Reply] [Original]

Do the Three Laws apply to sexbots as well?

Assuming you had a choice, would you rather have an android girlfriend or an onahole?

>> No.5266240

If I had a lolibot I would go outside literally never instead of practically never.

>> No.5266245

inb4 donotfistandroidgirl.jpg

>> No.5266246

The Three Laws are a plot-device.
It is unlikely that we'll ever program safety measures into robots that can be summed up with just three statements in English.

And I'd love to have an android friend, even if it were just an asexual caricature of a human. Far more useful than any old onahole.

>> No.5266271

Onahole. Android girlfriend is 3DPD well she'd probably be less annoying and bitchy, but it'd be eerie whether it was an emotionless bot or one that was programmed with emotions. I wouldn't be able to shake off my uneasiness that the thing talking to me isn't alive

>> No.5266283

I await the day when this reality has come to fruition.

>> No.5266291

And you aren't creeped out by girls in VNs that talk to you, yet aren't "alive". It's the same thing, just with an added dimension.

>> No.5266293
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Android girlfriend, as long as she retains all of her original functions as well.

>> No.5266328

First Law :
A robot may not have sexual intercourse with a human being without his agreement, or through inaction, allow this human being to indulge in solitary pleasure.

Second Law :
A robot may obey all the perverse desires of human beings, except where such behavior would conflict with the First Law.

Third Law :
A robot must protect its virginity as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

>> No.5266330

android girlfriend
but never have sex with her
find true love

>> No.5266338

Does that mean I can't make my android rape me? Laws confirmed for shit.

Also no mechanical parts in regions used for sex, please.

>> No.5266353

living things are just one long chain of chemical reaction, the atomic particles which construct flesh is not living by any definition

a machine could very well be alive

>> No.5266354

In the future, everyone will have an android/gynoid pal. It'll be like a car, just something most people have one of. Maybe as a friend, helper, or surrogate child. Fucking your robot will something only losers and eccentrics do. Lolibots with functional sex parts will be illegal in most western nations.

>> No.5266356


Can't rape the willing.

>> No.5266361

I want mine to look like a 17 year old japanese girl in a maids outfit with white hair.

>> No.5266371

Eve no Jikan is an amazingly good anime.

>> No.5266374

I'd say that would get you weird looks, but after Japan elected the world's first 2D president a lot of strange things became mainstream.

>> No.5266376

I loved it.

>> No.5266377
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Can't I split the difference and get one that's half girl, half robot?

>> No.5266385

I'm pretty sure the half human part would laugh at your penis and walk away.

>> No.5266388

>Lolibots with functional sex parts will be illegal in most western nations.
But moralfags no longer have the excuse that children are harmed in the production of those lolibots!

>> No.5266389

Can I get a talking onahole with legs instead?

>> No.5266390

Hatsune Miiiiiku!

>> No.5266397

Sounds like Eve no Jikan.
But it's greatly underestimating human nature not to think people won't be fucking their androids like crazy.

>> No.5266398

Tell that to the people who ban 2D loli.

>> No.5266401

She's only female so she can have amplified lesbian sex with other female cyborgs. You can't have her.

>> No.5266404


>> No.5266443

Society will restrain human nature like it always has.

>> No.5266476

>android girlfriend

I'm not sure I'd be okay with a sentient partner that didn't have a choice.

>> No.5266482

If they had a choice, they wouldn't be your partner, so...

>> No.5266486
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Can I at least walk in on her having lesbian sex and get a migraine because I don't have the proper nerve endings?

>> No.5266496

Only if you're willing to have your brain burnt-out immediately afterwards. I wouldn't try it.

>> No.5266497

Hence the problem. It'd be slavery.

I'd prefer it just being a really advanced masturbation device. Even if it mimicked human emotion, it'd be like a playactor.

>> No.5266500

But in VNs you take on the role of a different person. The characters are responding to that character, and not addressing you by your real name

>> No.5266508

Why have it call you your real name? Just be another actor in yet another play. That's all you ever do, any way.

>> No.5266516
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Please take good care of me :3

>> No.5266521

It should be able to have downloadable "personalities" (i.e. moe archetypes) that you can change at your whim. This is starting to sound like the robot from Megatokyo, but please ignore that fact.

>> No.5266524

Because uncanny valley.

>> No.5266529

I'm sure we'll fix that someday. The easiest way would be to make them intentionally alien, yet still somehow human.

>> No.5266533

Just like it keeps people from masturbating to porn on the internet.

>> No.5266536

I love Eve no Jikan, even though it's got so few episodes. I loved the episode with the old robot model.

>> No.5266544

If the personalities and the android were advanced enough, it could be seen as unethical to change them at will.

>> No.5266546

That's different. Porn is normal now, and masturbation is acceptable in all social circles.

>> No.5266567

Sex with androids is technicaly masturbation.

>> No.5266575 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.5266579


>> No.5266580
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You wouldn't fuck a lolibot.

>> No.5266587
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>> No.5266590
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Programmable ahegao would be nice.

>> No.5266597

I want to hug her, but am not sure as to how I might accomplish such a feat without dying.

>> No.5266601

From behind and very, very carefully?

>> No.5266610

I want to be the android. ;_;

>> No.5266624

Forget that, she's got a bug on her head.

>> No.5266637

>but am not sure as to how I might accomplish such a feat without dying

You transfer your consciousness from fragile flesh to durable machine with the patterning process.

>> No.5266643

Bah, does that mean she has been infected, or is she some sort of Roboloid, meaning that I should just give the bug some love also.

>> No.5266647


>> No.5266651

Warning: Dreadnought hugs can be damaging to the receptor.

>> No.5266653



>> No.5266657
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Mai Waifu

>> No.5266663
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>> No.5266665

She's dead, Jim.

>> No.5266682

I will never understand why people like ahegao.

>> No.5266683

But she'll take away all of your porn and burn it.

>> No.5266684
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>> No.5266688

>>5266637 You transfer your consciousness from fragile flesh to durable machine
Yeah, about that, I'm pretty sure this is something that will never be possible.
It MAY be possible to copy your consciousness, but that won't really do much good for you, because it won't be YOU in the machine.

>> No.5266697

"It's not meant to be Davian" Quivered sister Claire on the end of the vespa crusade.

"I've been elevated to cannoness... and for the comming trails I'll... I'll have to renounce more and more of myself."

Davian Thule looked at his beloved, a grim visage overtook his features, as he remembered the days when he was elated from initiate to brother.

"We all must sacrefice, something dear to us when the Emperor beckons"

A tear ran down the sisters tender yet weathered face.
"let us wait here... just for a moment."

Davian embraced the cannoness to be as thier forms met, as the sunrise met hill 325:03.

"One moment of laxity" Said Thule

As the sister looked up at the 7 foot tall warrior; "I will always remember thee, Thule..."

The visions and senses became dust blown away by a wind that felt eary and cold as metal meeting flesh.
The mighty dreadnought awoke from his induced slumber and a slight whisper escaped his sarcophegus.

"I too once loved."

>> No.5266699

Well, you make it pretty obvious that you've never been the little girl that had all her orifices stuffed by dicks.

>> No.5266711

>it won't be YOU in the machine
Don't start this argument, please. The concept of separation of self and body is too complex to be worth discussing in a thread on sexbots.

>> No.5266718

Eyes rolled and cheeks flushed makes sense, but the tongue sticking out doesn't. It physically hurts my tongue to attempt to ahegao.

>> No.5266720

Thats why we do it dreadnought style.

>> No.5266725

It doesn't need to be out like crazy.

The important thing is maintaining the spirit of ahegao.

Even if you tongue is barely out, if drool is going all over the place, you are channeling ahegao.

>> No.5266744

Also it looks ugly.

>> No.5266753

>Also it looks HOT

there i fixed it for you

>> No.5266754
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Nuh uh.


>> No.5266759

That's only 3D though. For us poor fool bound by this extra dimension, it's understandable. But if you are 2D, there's no reason you shouldn't be getting it right.

I believe the perfect ahegao is as such:

-Pupils/Iris drastically smaller in size
-Eyes rolled up, slightly unfocused, 25-50% of iris should be hidden by upper eyelid, no more, no less.
-Mouth open, it shouldn't matter how much it's open, but you get a large bonus if it's open in an ecstatic manner.
-Tongue out by a good deal, should be long enough to touch their nose, tip of tongue is pointed, drool coming off tip

>> No.5266764

See now that's not attractive at all. It looks more they are in surprised pain at having a steel pipe forcefully and unexpected inserted into their anus than any kind of sexual act. (In before "that is a sexual act").

>> No.5266766
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The Three Laws are not laws, they're just guidelines.

>> No.5266774
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You don't understand.

>> No.5266782

That's entirely my point.

>> No.5266787

why is he holding a bucket of cocks?

>> No.5266790
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>> No.5266792

>>well she'd probably be less annoying and bitchy, but it'd be eerie whether it was an emotionless bot or one that was programmed with emotions. I wouldn't be able to shake off my uneasiness that the thing talking to me isn't alive
iddly enough i feel the same about 3d women

>> No.5266796

Oh~ Sammy is so cute. I want to hug her, sniff her fake hair and stick peripherals in her ports.

>> No.5266799
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>> No.5266800

At least that's the motto of the underground hacker groups you can take your sexbot to so they can install the yandere rapist personality on her.

>> No.5266804

No anon think about the question from another direction.

Even if you have a real person waifu who loves you, can you guarantee the two of you will not have a change of heart in the future? Humans are fickle by nature and we get bored of everything given enough time. It doesn't matter if your waifu is human or robot, given enough time you will grow tired of her and stop loving her.

Your robot waifu on the other hand will always love you, for as long as she remains operational. It doesn't matter if you change heart towards her, doesn't matter if you die, it doesn't even matter if everyone who knows you have died and your name can no longer be read from your tombstone, her heart always remain true to you. She have to endure the pain of seeing infront of her her one love pass away, with no chance of ever getting over the grief and moving on with someone else.

And you have the nerve to think her love is somehow less worthy compaired to yours

>> No.5266807
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>And you have the nerve to think her love is somehow less worthy compaired to yours

It is. Because she's just a robot.

>> No.5266808

So basically,
First law: No reverse rape
Second law: No pleasure denial
Third law: No NTR

The future doesn't look bright for the masochists.

>> No.5266815

Just agree upon a safe word with her, and tell her to fuck you with all her might and don't stop for any reason unelss you say the safe word

>> No.5266841

well if it's something like a candy doll

>> No.5266844

But I ask you anon, how am I supposed to talk with her worn panties in my mouth?

>> No.5266847

>But I ask you anon, how am I supposed to talk with her worn panties in my mouth?
That's the point! You don't

>> No.5266855

It's just not the same if there's a way out of it.

Oh wait, maybe if you pick something you wouldn't be able to say. Like.. The 10 first pages of a book. In Chinese. Pronounced perfectly.

>> No.5266864

In soviet /jp/ you are the sexbot.

>> No.5266878
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You fools - letting the enemy into your home?

They're going to destroy us, man. Didn't you see those movies?

Pic related. Japanese man standing with human.

>> No.5266888

Which ones the human? I only see a couple of FREAKS.

I mean honestly, a bowtie?

>> No.5266894

you're looking at the first japanese robot-man

>> No.5266914

again...which one is the robot?

>> No.5266922

The one with the stupid face.

>> No.5266927

If I had a lolibot, I would take care of her and hold her in my arms everynight. Sex is for pigs and apes.

>> No.5266942

Agreed. The only sexual thing I'd do is feed her my semen endlessly.

>> No.5266961


>> No.5266972

Kowarekake no Orgol, some OVA with character design by POP.

>> No.5267000

Fuck you. Just... fuck you. Go fuck yourself... you monster.

>> No.5267009

Toaru Majutsu no Index

>> No.5267017

If I had a daughter I would name her Flower.

>> No.5267029

Poor kid.

>> No.5267044

I would name her little brother Monster.
So that she feels better.

>> No.5267051

Hurry the fuck up with robotics Japan.

>> No.5267098

>Assuming you had a choice, would you rather have an android girlfriend or an onahole?

Android of course. I'd sell it to government for a fuckton of moneys for them to create Terminators and rule the world finally.

>> No.5267139 [DELETED] 

What's an onahole?

>> No.5267142 [DELETED] 


>> No.5267212

Android girlfriend. I'd get a back massage everyday before sex.

>> No.5267337

Thanks for the recommendation. I'm enjoying it.

>> No.5267419
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In the manga Miss Hibiya tells Hideki that they're called Persocoms because her husband didn't want them subject to the 3 laws of robotics so they could be free to act on their own desires.

>> No.5267510

I heard they were making a sequel, but I can't confirm

>> No.5268046

>If I had a lolibot I would go outside literally never instead of practically never.
The implications of those words are quite scary.

>> No.5268060

android girlfriend of course. Preferably a loli.

>> No.5268094


Well, shit. No Bernrape for me.

>> No.5268108



Well based on the fact that we're already this far... I'd say it's only a matter of time.

Personally I would love to have an automaton girlfriend. If they get to the point of achieving total autonomy and self awareness, it'll be pretty neat, but the questions as to whether we can actually share our space with them and how they should be treated become important.

>> No.5268113

Is that a Furby?
I wouldn't have sex with that.

>> No.5268124

She would have to be programmed to be my slave, that's the only way to surely prevent the robot uprising.

>> No.5268132


Well of course you wouldn't... Neither would I. It is a neat demo though, and shows that in less than 50 years we should have VERY good robots and AI, that is if moore's law keeps up.

>> No.5268136


We still don't know how to replicate the human brain in terms of circuitry. Once we figure that out, we can probably do anything with both ourselves an autonomous humanoids, like use our own minds for computer data storage.

Also, self-aware robots isn't always a good thing, at least in fiction. Most times they become self-aware and realize they don't need us/are better and will end up killing us.

Not sure if Chobits was already brought up, but it touched on a lot of the shit that could happen if we got android/robot partners.

>> No.5268147

>self awareness
I think the singularity would be more of a concern at this point.

>> No.5268165
File: 350 KB, 1000x1250, oniku 820dc9a389681c6dda0c1d9e1d74f8c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care if the robot has feelings, I just want a realistic, sukumizu-clad girl to hug and rub her stomach.

>> No.5268174


Replicating, or rather translating neurochemistry into traditional base 2 computing or quantum computing where you have more than just a simple "on" or "off" is practically impossible. You don't have to replicate exactly how the brain works in order to have a system that works just as well.
Also, you make good points about the dangers of self-aware machines, but ask any expert in the field and they'll tell you that it's an inevitable outcome based on how fast technology is advancing. It's highly likely that we'll have to share the solar system with self-aware machines and we'll probably become machines ourselves to a certain extent....Good example of human enhancements that already exist are the Cochlear "bionic ear" implant and a few of the retinal implant projects around the world that stimulate the optical nerve directly from an array of sensors implanted into the retina.

>> No.5268175

That's really just because humans have evolved with the desire to dominate all others through violence or otherwise due to survival of the fittest.

Robots won't necessarily want to kill us just because they don't need us to live.

>> No.5268183

Are are all disgusting pig and ape, you smell of shit and crap. Do have masturbate, do you sex loli robots? You are pig and ape.

>> No.5268204

Are you Korean?

>> No.5268208

If you make a self-aware loli sex robot to sex, is it still a crime? Hmmm.....

>> No.5268220


Most of the world functions like that. Not to go into /lit/ territory, but a lot of Hyperion's story revolves around this, at least later. Two factions of AI, one which sees us as a hindrance to their Ultimate Intelligence project and wants to wipe us out, and another that sees us as a necessary component of it and works with us. That also goes into the territory of humans as data storage; in there using the warp travel system, the data on the plane is very little, while the capacity of a human mind is immense. We're basically giant flash drives in that context.

>> No.5268238

In Britain.

>> No.5268264


The only conflict that I can see as believable is one over resources. In order for them to survive, they would certainly need a portion of the energy budget of Earth and the solar system. I think it won't be much of an issue because we're literally brimming with energy sources. Human conflicts over energy only occur out of greed and stupidity.

>> No.5268265


Technically, ALL robots would be lolis unless you kept them around for many years...which goes into vague stuff about mental/programmed age.

Also, I noticed nobody wants an onee-sama android. Nobody likes older sisters?

>> No.5268279
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>> No.5268280

>onee-sama android.
Me. Of course.

>> No.5268284


Speculative fiction is a weird thing, and the AI in Hyperion were designed mainly to learn in the first place. If you designed something with its primary goal being "assimilate into human society" or "serve," then those kinds of problems wouldn't be encountered. Self-awareness would most likely lead to an identity crisis and force a lot of people to stop treating them as objects and more as people.

I don't think anon would have a problem with that unless they're entirely focused on just sex and not wanting an actual relationship with the android waifu.

>> No.5268293


I'd be the most loving and caring anon in the whole fucking world.

>> No.5268295
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This is my girlfriend. There are many like her but this one is mine.

>> No.5268314


I would hope so. Gaining self-awareness for them would either mean that they're ashamed of their own actions before, depressed because they feel you don't really love them, or angry because you've been objectifying them. At any rate, I would think Anon would feel a certain degree of self-loathing if they weren't caring in the first place and (hopefully) apologize profusely and make a confession of love in the only way that they would know how.

>> No.5268334
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build your own soxlobot

>> No.5268338

I don't think my love will reach her if I lock myself in my room for a week.

>> No.5268342


Why would you do that?

And...god damnit, I feel like writing a choose your path scenario type thing involving android waifus.

>> No.5268343


Ok, that's fucking hilarious.

>> No.5268350

You said making a confession of love in the only way I know how.

>> No.5268354

Hilarious until you have your dick in it. Then you're CUMMING EVERYWHERE OMG THIS IS THE BEST

>> No.5268359


...what. I would think most of anon would just end up tripping over their words and leaving for a few hours...and then just ignore her for a couple days.

>> No.5268387

Chii turns on, Chii turns off, Chii turns on, Chii turns off, Chii turns on, Chii turns off, Chii turns on, Chii turns off.

>> No.5268399
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>> No.5268403
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>> No.5268407

>I don't care if the robot has feelings, I just want a realistic, sukumizu-clad girl to hug and rub her stomach.
>and rub her stomach.

>> No.5268417

Yeah, because if she had human emotions, she would just be annoyed by my weird ways of getting hard ;_;

>> No.5268419


>rub her Central Processing Unit


>> No.5268426

I got hard.
What have I become...

>> No.5268461

The moment that AI reaches human intelligence, they will cease being robots and start being shiny humans. If they ever advance past it, it will merely be the next step of human evolution.

The hope is that the poorer humans (unmodded fleshlings living in the third world) will still be taken care of.

Of course, the singularity is a lie.

>> No.5268469
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Technically what you want are gynoids, not androids.

>> No.5268485


Thank you.

>> No.5268493

>Of course, the singularity is a lie.
You can't really call it evolution then, can you?

>> No.5268559

I'm speaking theoretically. Ignoring that fact that replicating one of the universe's coolest toys will require a much more impressive grasp of quantum mechanics than we might achieve in the near future, actually making a brain better than the one we have now is all sorts of impossible.

What that means is that 'if we ever do reach it', things like genetic modification will be normal, thus removing the issue.

>> No.5268664
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I can't believe this picture hasn't been posted yet...

>> No.5268673

There's no need for the original flesh and blood non-AI humans to continue to be babied and continue to exist once we have AI. They're the next generation, that's it. "We" can die out and have them all replace us.

>> No.5268720

You don't really understand the implications of reverse engineering the human brain, do you? Once that happens, no one will need to be 'mere flesh and blood'. AI will have no advantages over any other form of intelligent life.

>> No.5268751

That said, there will likely remain a social separatism between 'manufactured' and 'born' humans. We're more looking at Ghost in the Shell as a future, except with 'AI' that isn't any more keen on rebellion than black people in America are today.

>> No.5268756

>direct hardware access

>> No.5268770
File: 104 KB, 491x800, 60% human.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's that furry chart with stuff like 30% furry and 100% furry, right?

Is there one for robots and how humanoid they look?

>> No.5268783

So, let's take this a step further.

Who here would like to be a slave? Assuming you had a nice master that loved you, and might even die for you, even if society sees you as an expensive toy. You'd have limited cognitive freedom, but the government would do what they could to 'minimize' AI abuse, and groups like PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Automatons/Artificials) would champion your cause if things went horribly.

>> No.5268794

The furry chart only exists because we hate furries, but love catgirls, and want people to stop claiming they are the same thing. That issue is not present with mechanical humans.

>> No.5268800

I want to get into robotics to make a waifu for myself.

>> No.5268813
File: 156 KB, 347x367, Otacon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have found you a heterosexual life partner with similar, if not precisely identical goals.

>> No.5268833

Could I be programmed to find my master's physical traits attractive? Beauty being in the eye of the Beholder, even a fat sweaty nerd would seem like a sex symbol with the right settings.

... pre programmed robot fetishes.

>> No.5268911

The three laws, and any attempt at programming safe AI, will fail miserably unless the people programming and watching them are very intelligent and mentally stable. I Robot is an example of good directives leading to an undesired result, and it would be even worse if it was given a more heuristic approach to its goals, as is the case with people. Most goals involving the safety or rights of society are inconsistent and contradict themselves, and unlike people AI's will not just ignore that. When an AI invalidates its own purpose for existence, the results will be unpredictable unless it is very well programmed. I don't really care, though, I want my robot waifu.

>> No.5268921


>I Robot

Fucking awful movie. If you're going to use a movie, at least use something good like Blade Runner.

>> No.5268931


(not 5268911 here)

I, Robot was also a book if I recall correctly.

>> No.5268937


>When an AI invalidates its own purpose for existence, the results will be unpredictable unless it is very well programmed

I hope I live to see the first AI suicide.

>> No.5268944


It has practically nothing to do with Asimov's story by the same name.

>> No.5268952

>I Robot was a movie


>> No.5268968


See above post retard. The movie has nothing to do with the short story.

>> No.5269074

It depends on what kind of (strong) AI will we create, if ever.

If we end up creating a human-like AI, for example by basing it losely on the model of the human mind, such AIs would likely be imperfect, and limited like humans are, as well as error-prone, but adaptible. Programming unchangeable, set-in-stone goals would likely be tricky, and would likely end up in a servely dysfunctional AI if attempted. However, there would be some resource limits that could be bypassed by such AIs, eventually making them superior to humans(as well as gaining practical immortality, by being able to back up one's self), I'd also imagine that they'd be given direct control over their peripherals, again making them superior to humans to a certain extent. There are certain technological breakthroughs needed for this to happen, but we're on our way towards this. This won't be a perfect kind of AI, it will have many flaws, just like humans.

Then there's the possibility that humans would not only make a new model for a strong AI and feed it enough information to be intelligent, and non error-prone. Such AI could end up being subjected to rules, and would not be anything like humans. So far, this hasn't yielded a strong AI, because of the lack of proper training data and lack of computational resources that it would require (many of the tasks being NP-hard/complete, and even if some of them might be easier if quantum computing becomes practical, it's still a long way to go).

Wether either type would attain consciousness is unknown, the first type would most likely reach that step, but we as humans don't understand what consiousness is anyway.

I believe humanity will end up reaching the first type of AI in the next 20-50years. There are certain new promising technologies which could make it possible, but currently it's too early to tell. The second type may also be possible, but we don't have good enough models, hardware and training data.

>> No.5269083

It's a robot, you can swap it's parts. It won't be illegal to own parts.

>> No.5269199

>I believe humanity will end up reaching the first type of AI in the next 20-50years.

Give it 300 years, or possibly a millennium, depending on how things go. You vastly underestimate the human mind's capabilities.

>> No.5269229

You mean overestimate?

>> No.5269276


Said user mentioned the "first type" -- it doesn't have to be on par with the human brain to be intelligent. It just won't be as intelligent as the human brain.

>> No.5269341

>You mean overestimate?

No... we're running into the wall of quantum mechanics, which means that we're trying to reverse engineer something that works on principles which are very difficult to observe. As a result, it's more a game of trial and error, slowing our progress down significantly in comparison to our previous success with computers working on a more conventional understanding of the universe.

I think I am indeed exaggerating the timeline, but creating something even resembling a human mind would be a breakthrough of incredible importance.

>> No.5269367

Adult toys

>> No.5269371

But if he said 20-50 years and you said 300-1000 years, then...
Ah, right. I get it.

>> No.5269412


Damn it, I was expecting guys fucking loli robots, or at least dolls.

>> No.5269422

Did you join the botnet?

>> No.5269431

Right now the problem is that we have to idea how to create a more successful AI. Most robots nowadays have very limited ability to learn and we still focus on the basics. Some robots are good at this other at this etc. The ability to be able to learn like a human does is still far in the future.

Also, afaik it is theoretically possible to emulate a brain with our current technological standard. I read a paper sometime ago about this. I wonder what would come out of this.

>> No.5269515

While we have hit some walls when it comes to quantum mechanics, what we need for human-like intelligence is nothing more than highly parallel programmable storage which can perform logic, just like our 3DPD brain, and we need this in very high amounts, with reasonably low processing latencies to make it usable. Some technologies which fit the bill are currently being developed: http://highscalability.com/blog/2010/5/5/how-will-memristors-change-everything.html and not only that, currently people are even looking into using it for AI http://www.memristor.org/news/320/cat-brain-memristor-blue-gene-synaptronic-ai-chip . The platform has a long way until it's usable, but if it will succeed, it would be something similar to how our brain works (on a digital level, but even if one can't simulate the actual neurons, one can simulate a simplified model, and we only need a rough model to get things working). When I'm talking about a hardware platform, I merely mean a platform which would be able to simulate something of reasonable intelligence in realtime. While something of reasonable intelligence could be simulated on classic turing machines, the amount of time needed to simulate it would likely be too long, so drawing any conclusions about the proper workings of the AI for a human, as well as tweaking it, would be too damn slow and take too many years/lifetimes.

Simulating a human brain would probably require quite a bit of genetic research as well, but I do think it may be reachable within my lifetime.

>> No.5269542

>what we need for human-like intelligence is nothing more than highly parallel programmable storage which can perform logic

what about the software?

>> No.5269553

Surely I plan to download this!

>> No.5269577

I'd be more worried about what data is needed, than the actual 'software'. For example, one could model the neurons in hardware (or something similar), and all you'd need is a good initial data set and a way for it to get it's input and send output (in the case of a robot, that would be various sensors and motor/aux control).

If your question is: can this be simulated using conventional turing machines (like your computer), the answer is yes, but for anything practical, it would be too slow.

>> No.5269589

ah, so you'd take the brain emulation route. OK.

>> No.5269604

While I'd like to see more simplified models, I don't expect them to come that soon. Brain emulation would likely be easier, but brain reverse engineering would probably be a tough one, if possible at all (we can barely model very simple networks, and we wouldn't be able to understand one we randomly came across easily).

>> No.5269636

well for me
>For example, one could model the neurons in hardware
sounds like emulation. It's not that you just create some neural network put some data in it and be done with it. There has to be some basic software.

>> No.5269661

It's not emulation in the traditional sense (linear single-threaded interpretation). It's more like compilation ( creating hardware structures which behave like a device (in this case the neuron), and interact with each other ). People have done this with FPGAs (look up how they work, if you're not familiar. Some familiarity with hardware design would be preferable ), but FPGAs do have their size limits, and reprogramming them is slower, as well as a lot of the hardware is spent on reprogramming logic. In the case of memristors, all think bulk reprogramming logic isn't needed, and they can be stacked. This means you could compile down neural networks to hardware, and those neural networks would adjust their weights in real time. So, it is emulation in one sense, but it's more similar to creating a low-latency high-efficiency dense neuron network-like hardware system.

>> No.5269672

*all the bulk reprogramming logic isn't needed

>> No.5273130
File: 401 KB, 765x981, 4c772e17d9f7a8f786d2234ba353217d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5273585
File: 119 KB, 756x954, hisuis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A robot meido is fine, too.

>> No.5274529


so advanced

>> No.5274548

You know kos-mos? yeah she weighs a few hundred kg I'm pretty sure that she'll break me if she tries to ride me.

>> No.5274550


Where you found this?

>> No.5274556

I wish I was born in the next century.
