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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5266203 No.5266203 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5266208

Inb4 shitstorm

>> No.5266220

Delete this thread or I'll hunt you down and kill you.

>> No.5266208,1 [INTERNAL] 

OP has prostate cancer

>> No.5266235

too poor

>> No.5266288

If you tried, a lot of you could actually get a girlfriend. And while I agree that a vast majority of women in the world are worthless trash, it's only because majority of people in the world are worthless.

There are good girls out there, who you could fall in love with. Not many of them, but there are.
And some of them could like you back - people have the weirdest tastes, you are the ones who should know that the best.
And before you say "but I don't like 3D" - are you really that shallow? Some 2D heroines are robots. Some are goddamn lovecraftian horrors. Did you let it bother you?
You don't have to settle for trash. You don't have to get a girlfriend for the sake of social accpetance, or some kind of "succes" in life. Go out there, and if you won't find love, or get hurt in process, your waifus will still be here. You know, after all, that they won't betray you - because they can't.
It's not that bad to settle for 2D. It's not that bad to have fiction as an only source of emotional stimulation. It's certainly better then having no emotions at all, or be in a forced relationship that only brings negative feelings. Maybe some of you genuinely can't stand real people - but those are but a small margin, rest of you uses "3D pig disgusting" as a crutch to avoid even trying. Maybe some of you got tired of being rejected, betrayed, or hurt. It's okay to take it easy then - there are no rules about how to live your life after all.
But giving up without even trying is just too sad.

///I'm just going to keep copypasting this whenever appropriate.

>> No.5266302

I wish all of /jp/ to be little girls and live together, discussing VNs, competing in Melty Blood/Mahjong/EFZ/PoFV and wearing frilly dresses during the day and either getting filled with cocks until their wombs collect so much sperm that they turn into black holes (if I've calculated it right, being cummed inside by 10000 dicks every day for about 1340 million trillion years with no sperm leakage would do this) or having tender loving lesbian sex, depending on the Anonymous in question's tastes, during the night.
That's why I don't have a girlfriend.

>> No.5266304

I won't take good care of her, since I'm too busy doing things I want to do.

>> No.5266305

Ok just tell me where to find one

>> No.5266310

That's beautiful.

>> No.5266316
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>> No.5266317
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I can just pick one up off the street, right?

>> No.5266337
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>tender loving lesbian sex

>> No.5266339
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>> No.5266349

i wouldn't want to be the last person who gets sloppy

>> No.5266360

You're as awesome as your trip.
And that's awesome.

>> No.5266372

Because women perceive men as ATM machines with legs. And I'm one heck of an empty ATM machine.

>> No.5266391

>implying he wrote that pasta

>> No.5266400
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>> No.5266412

i can't find my perfect asian girlfriend where i live, because it's full of black and arabs and i don't want a girlfriend black or arabs ;_;

>> No.5266413

Because I have a boyfriend. Not going to get a girlfriend.

>> No.5266417

I grew up on TV and it taught me that all women are manipulative whores.

I really can't see any reason to have one.

>> No.5266418

But that pasta is my favorite.

>> No.5266430

>implying I was talking about Suigin

>> No.5266427

I'm gay.

>> No.5266426

Me too.

>> No.5266432

This is also true.
y'all so mad~

>> No.5266437
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Brofist for the purest form of love.

>> No.5266438

Because masturbation is cheaper.

>> No.5266440
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>> No.5266449

Real sex is better than your hand, virgin.

>> No.5266461

Yes, and if I had actual sex, masturbation would no longer satisfy me. However, given that I am sexually satisfied at this time, I have no reason to pursue it.

>> No.5266467

Price/quality relationship not so good.

>> No.5266499
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Homosexuality is a genetic/psychological disorder. You can look forward to seeing it in the DSM V.

>> No.5266540

Posting on 4chan is a genetic/psychological disorder too.

>> No.5266539


1) I'm a fatass
2) Girls are not attracted to me
3) I'm a social retard.

>> No.5266538

I'm too ugly to get one.

>> No.5266545

Is that so?

>> No.5266548
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>> No.5266551
File: 46 KB, 386x500, MV5BMjE5NTcxNjYwOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODgwNDU0MQ@@._V1._SX386_SY500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am a girl looking for a boyfriend

>> No.5266555

I don't see any contradictions. Your point?

>> No.5266558

Actual sex is not satisfying.

>> No.5266559

I Wanna Be Your Princess.
I Wanna Be Your Princess.
Tell Me My Prince, What Can I Do For You? (Can I do for you?)

hmm why does that cover look funny?

>> No.5266561


I reject the thought.

>> No.5266571

Women are high maintenance and it's hard to to find spare parts for worn-down ones, worse is you can't find any.

>> No.5266568

How could this happen to me
I've made my mistakes
Got nowhere to run
The night goes on as I'm fading away
I'm sick of this life
I just wanna scream
How could this happen to me

>> No.5266612


Nice fucking trips bro.

But anyways, what the fuck are you going on about? I never tried to contradict. My point was, it is a disorder, therefore homosexuality cannot be pure.

Eh, I know I'm fucked up. Frankly, I don't give a shit.
