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5258960 No.5258960 [Reply] [Original]

Live for 500 years with unbelievable amounts of money.


Live a normal life but with a perfect woman thats 100% dedicated to you. You of course would be 100% dedicated to her. You'd have the perfect family etc...


Live 20 Years in a 2D world like Gensokyo where you can do all kind of cool stuff like shoot danmaku and what not...

What would you pick /jp/?

Funny but I'd pick number 1.

>> No.5258977

Pick 1. Buy everything else.

>> No.5258970

Define: Unbelievable amounts of money.

>> No.5258982
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Live 20 years in Gensokyo because I'll never get another chance like that in my life time anyways.

>> No.5258983

[X] Live 20 years in a 2D World

>> No.5258990

Let's say if you wanted to build an elevator to the moon you could probably do it in your 500 year life span. That kind of money. Like 100 billion of the strongest currency. Or better something like 100 billion tons of some precious metal.

>> No.5258993

1, as it doesn't preclude that I could also live 500 years with a perfect woman still

>> No.5258995

Number 2 as long as she was a loli

>> No.5258997

20 fulfilling years is better than 500 of mediocrity.

>> No.5258998

[X] Live 20 years in a 2D World
[X] Eat NEET
[X] Kidnap Shou

Enjoy my new found immortality with infinite funds.

>> No.5259006

>shoot danmaku

Where does this shit come from? Go back to fucking /a/ or gaia or whatever.

>> No.5259009

1 would be my choice too.
2 is meh. I don't want a girl to love me because she doesn't have a choice.
3 is okay... But! If I can get my wish granted, it means magic exists anyway - so there's no reason to go to a magical world.

>> No.5259012


I would fucking build a closed off Gensokyo, kidnap little girls, and through brainwashing and gene therapy, make them into Touhous. Naturally, I would be Kourin.

>> No.5259022

Live 50 or so years in comlete denial of the superficial world we call society while leeching off the same institution since im too white and nerdy to sell drugs, suck dick or steal shit. Most likely my cause of death will be abuse of illegal drugs, alcohol and some form of cancer.

Am i the only one who ponders every night how a life of a shut in NEET wouldve been say 50, or 100 years ago? Did peole likeus even exist back then?

>> No.5259019

It comes from my laziness and from the fact that I want to describe superpowers. You could go and live in the Dragon Ball universe and destroy planets with Freeza or whatever. Just 20 years no additional time whatever you do.

>> No.5259018

So this is the typical "love or money" question, but with the third "fantasy dream that could never happen" third choice added.

I still say money.

>> No.5259032


I'd buy/build my own Utopia.

>> No.5259320

1. Technological Singularity here I come!. Then I'm making a perfect girl using my tech and forcing open that portal to Gensokyo also with my tech.

>> No.5259339

20 years in Gensokyo and somehow survive/revive due to willpower and the love of all the touhous. I'm sure I can do it.

>> No.5259377

20 years in 2D world


Eat liver



>> No.5259394

Number 1 nice but.... IT'S NOT GENSOKYO!! I'll pick number 3

>> No.5259403

2, I guess. Living for 500 years doesn't sound very appealing to me at all, even with hundreds of billions of dollars.

>> No.5259431

Depends. If I pick choice 1, will my body start to rot after ~100-200 years? Will it age at all, or just be locked at, what do I know.. 25?

>> No.5259509

1. I fund all the titles I want to see made. Buy a decent house and just take it easy for ever. Maybe invest into making a VR dating sim.

>> No.5259599

Number 1
Buy and/or build the technology to gap into Gensokyo
Enjoy #2 and #2 simultaneously

And if that fails, number 1 still. I'm happy with being rich.

>> No.5259910

I want to pick number 3, but since I love the cock, I'm kind of worried that Gensokyo wouldn't be too accommodating for my preferences.

>> No.5259945

>Live a normal life but with a perfect woman thats 100% dedicated to you. You of course would be 100% dedicated to her. You'd have the perfect family etc...

My problem was I was too picky about women. I was always trying to find my perfect woman and passed up many good women that were right in front of me. Naturally, since the perfect woman does not exist, I never found her but I had already rejected all the women I knew that would go out with me and ended up alone fapping to 2D.


>> No.5259947


I'd basically be the same except I would get to eat
something other then rice everyday all day.

>> No.5259988

1, definitely. Think about the technological progress from 1910 - 2010. That's only 100 years, and we've gone from the beginning of airplanes and cars to today. I have no doubt that by 200-300 years from now (guessing VERY conservatively) I'll be able to plug myself into a computer and live in Gensokyo with my perfect 2D waifu. I get the best of all three possibilities.
