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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5256465 No.5256465 [Reply] [Original]

sup /jp/

kinda wondering.. what's the difference of /a/otaku and /jp/ otaku...
Well they both love japan stuffs. But what's the real difference between them, that makes them unable to get along. pic unrelated

>> No.5256472

We hate japan and the people who like it.

>> No.5256473


>> No.5256474

One of them takes it easy. The other does not.

>> No.5256481

>Well they both love japan stuffs.

/jp/ likes corean stuffs

>> No.5256484

we hate japan's culture, and are less openly enthusiastic about our interests

>> No.5256485

haha! the very essence of being /jp/

>> No.5256488 [DELETED] 


>> No.5256489


/jp/ was created because of /a/'s bitching.

It has such become the most hateful and xenophobic board on 4chan. This is partly out of anger at being forced out of their old board, and partly due to the fact that now /a/ is full of shounen faggots who don't even get Naruto threads deleted.

>> No.5256490

go back to /a/

>> No.5256491 [SPOILER] 
File: 26 KB, 300x393, ccs-sakura-tomoyo-adult.1206977248625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is already a thread for this troll.


>> No.5256492

/jp/ is for jaded otakus
/a/ is for newfags and enthusiasts

>> No.5256495 [DELETED] 

multiple tabs bro

>> No.5256510

/a/ has a lot more kids. This is evident from the speed of the board and the low quality of posts.

>> No.5256529

/jp/edos have a higher power level. We've evolved beyond anime and manga and instead partake in more refined sources of little girls such as eroge and Touhou.

>> No.5256537

This is true. I rarely watch anime anymore.

And the only manga I read is porn.

>> No.5256549

i second the motion

>> No.5256562

/jp/ has more manchildren, so it balances out

>> No.5256574

/jp/ only focus' on self-loathing and snobbishness in being "Ultra Cool Otaku" how only like two things: Touhou (+ loli, by extension) and Visual Novels.

Also being the sage happy swine on this site.

>> No.5256607 [DELETED] 

I don't browse /a/, but I still read manga and watch some animes while playing eroge, vns, touhou, and reading porn.

>> No.5256695

We're more about the Japanese culture.

Trust me when I say there's actually a distinction.

>> No.5256717

/a/ are for narutards.. end of discussion

>> No.5256718

>does not understand the proper use of sage
Just....google it or something.

>> No.5256803

Sorry, swine.
Forgot to put the "most" in there.

>Also being the most sage happy swine on this site.

>> No.5256809

>the sage happy swine
It's a board, not a swine.

>> No.5256822

Referring to the users.

>> No.5256824

I like how I could easily ignore all of your shitposts simply by filtering the word "swine"

>> No.5256836


typical /a/ newfriend, notice the trip and the misunderstood usage of sage.

>> No.5256839

/a/ has unapologetic and unironic Naturo threads now.

>> No.5256899

Sorry that I calls em likes I sees em.
When 14 of the 28 replies of a thread have "sage", then I think that constitutes as a sage happy board.

It's hard to find a thread that DOESN'T have at least 1-2 people saging it.

>> No.5256907

Thank gaia, the same with those retarded Bleach and One Piece threads (this are the only ones funny to even bother to troll)

>> No.5256918


We use sage differently than other boards. Usually when we feel our comment is not worth bumping the thread.

>> No.5256921

>When 14 of the 28 replies of a thread have "sage", then I think that constitutes as a sage happy board.

You DO realise when people on /jp/ sage, it means they want to contribute to the thread but does not feel their reply worthy enough of a bump?

>> No.5256923

Most of /jp/ are essentially weeaboo hipsters.

"No, man, I liked Touhou before it was cool".
"Oh, it's this obscure VN, Flyable Heart, I don't think you've heard of it"

>> No.5256936

I still laugh at how 4chan doesn't understand what sage means.

If only I knew moon so I wouldn't have to spend time on a board that imports foreign concepts and then DOES IT WRONG all the time.

Using sage as a way to "insult" someone's post or thread is just completely wrong and a retarded misuse of a good feature that is so popular in sites like 2ch and Futaba. Fuck, iichan and 4-ch do it right. It's just 4chan and 4chan's lame knockoffs that fail at using sage.

The true meaning of sage means that YOUR POST isn't worthy enough to bump the thread. It's ironic, because you think that you're insulting others while you're just, in fact, insulting yourself. Yes, sage can be used when posting a derogatory comment in a thread that you don't want to bump, but posting with just the word "sage" accomplishes nothing but contribute to spamming the board. The trend of replying with the name of a tripfag and sage is even worse, as it accomplishes nothing and only serves to increase the e-penis of whoever you're "attacking".

The sage feature was never meant to serve as an implied insult or general disagreement! Why people started using it that way is beyond me. There are plenty of reasons why one would choose not to bump a thread with his reply. For example, bumping threads with stupid one liner replies should be discouraged and those people should be coerced into using sage instead.

I want to use sage, yet I almost never do it on 4chan because people will jump on me thinking I'm insulting their post or something.

>> No.5256949

From the way I see it, /jp/ is a weird combination of /a/, /v/, and... /cgl/.

Only people who have lurked here enough can see the connection about the latter.

>> No.5256955


Whether for better or worse, things change. Get over it

>> No.5256960


>Only people who have lurked here enough can see the connection about the latter.

Are you talking about /jp/ dressing up as little girls?

No, you don't get it, man, we have trannies on here, it's serious business, not cosplay

>> No.5256962



>> No.5256970

/jp/ is for virgin neckbeard manchildren
/a/ is casuals

true 80% of the time

>> No.5256977

Needs more Chisame.

>> No.5256980

/a/otaku = anime and manga and trolls

/jp/otaku = manga and VN and butthurt

>> No.5256984

/jp/ was created because of LOL TOUHOU HIJACK.

>> No.5256988

I make an effort to troll threads and spam page 0 least twice a day. Glad to know it affects you. Can't handle our PIXELS? rofl /jp/

>> No.5257035

We don't have daily Bleach threads.

>> No.5257067
File: 11 KB, 754x281, fail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5257197

These dudes know what's up.

>> No.5257223
File: 45 KB, 200x200, fascinating_juicebox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool story bro

>> No.5257225

Now I love you

>> No.5257232

>sage happy board.
Problem tripfag?
It isn't that hard to type 4letters into the email field. You can to if you want to.

>> No.5257247

I liked it better when /jp/ was overrun with HOW DOES I LERN MOON instead of these meta-threads.

>> No.5257254
File: 117 KB, 709x558, Cirno_fratboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No man you guys don't understand, sage in the email field means the person is mad. It's like a thread voting system guys, if you sage the thread it makes it go away faster! So I always take it as a personal insult when someone writes sage in the email field. What is it with you sagefags anyway? lol, like why are u so mad though?

>> No.5257267

This is the real meaning of sage, say "this thread sucks"

>> No.5257269

I dont get it.
It doesn't make the thread die faster.
Looks it is still at page 0.

>> No.5257286

Things I like about /jp/:
-People usually take it easy
-Very few underaged fags (or if there are underaged posters they are able hide it)
-/jp/ers dislike "normalfags", i.e. they don't measure themselves against normal peoples' values, there's no negativity attached to having strange fetishes, and no "moralfags"
-People usually have more knowledge about otaku subculture type stuff than other boards like /a/
-It's one of the few boards on 4chan where I feel like I can get along with the majority of posters

Things I don't like about /jp/:
-People will not talk about anime or manga/think that VNs/Touhou are somehow more elite or better than anime and manga
-"True NEETS" who rip on people who don't fit their image of a perfect otaku, i.e. people who are pretty much just acting like otaku to fit in with an edgy subculture and probably don't really care about the actual content.
-The "We hate Japan/Japanese people/Japanese culture" sentiment (The 2D stuff we all love is Japanese culture too, guys)

As for /a/, I try browsing there occasionally but these attempts invariably end in me seeing a series of retarded posts/opinions that make me want to rip my eyes out of their sockets. Before /jp/ was created I browsed primarily /b/. I can enjoy boards like /b/ and whatnot because I don't think I see myself as being part of the same group as all the other posters there, I feel like boards like /b/ transcend that. But with a board like /jp/ I want to feel like I agree with the values of most of the other people here, and for the most part, I think I do.

Thanks for giving us a place to call our own, moot.

>> No.5257294

I miss him. There was a death in the family, and I've been too depressed even for my Chisame.

>> No.5257297

so true... but I think we don't talk about anime and manga because the existence of /a/

>> No.5257307

/jp/ hates everything, even /jp/.

>> No.5257310

How can you not understand /a/ is the board for Anime. No discussing it here in /jp/. No anime spoilers here /jp/ ever. No gay anime fag bullshit here in /jp/.

/a/ = Anime. /jp/ no anime allowed. Drill this into your head.

>> No.5257312

>-The "We hate Japan/Japanese people/Japanese culture" sentiment (The 2D stuff we all love is Japanese culture too, guys)

This is mostly to drive away fanatical weeaboos.

>> No.5257314

>especially /jp/

>> No.5257316
File: 265 KB, 600x1066, 40c4f533474e5c36a10b09825e7f02f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I concur. But like >>5257297 said, anime and manga already have their own board. But sure, I don't mind an anime thread every once in a while. Hell, I liked these recent threads about the new Eva movies.

>> No.5257323

I can understand that allowing too many anime threads would bring in a bunch of retards from /a/. But sometimes I want to talk about anime, and I have absolutely zero interest in talking about anime with /a/. Maybe there's just no good solution...

>> No.5257324

I think the fanatical weeaboos are the basis of this board I bet the 60% non-japanese people in /jp/ hears japanese music and have some merchandising and have a waifu

>> No.5257330

The solution is not to talk about anime at all.

a = anime.

>> No.5257329 [DELETED] 

I still think that it's apart of the self loathing thing.

>> No.5257333

Learn English, bro.

>> No.5257334

4-ch anime board.

>> No.5257335

I agree with you, it feels like talking anime topics with /a/ will just give me headaches unlike the opinions /jp/ might give me. /a/ is full of kids and otaku wannabe who doesn't even kow what a Visual novel is

>> No.5257336

Just deal with it yourself.

Sometimes, I'd like to talk about some menial aspect of Touhou, like Komachi's ability. But since those topics rarely flourish or go the direction I want, I just don't bother posting about it, and just enjoy speculation and discussion by myself.

>> No.5257339

Fanatical weeaboo meaning "JAPAN IS AWESOME I WANT TO LIVE THERE OMG GIRLS THERE ARE SO KAWAII". Listening to some Japanese music and having a waifu doesn't make one as a fanatical weeaboo.

To say the regular posters here don't have a minor attachment to Japan through Japanese media would be an outright lie. But we don't need people like said example here either.

>60% non-japanese people in /jp/

Statistic out of your ass? Even if you say 60% non-asian that's still highly dubious.

>> No.5257345

I am black and I would like to live in major in Japanese and perhaps life in Japan for a while. I am going to start CC Japanese classes this year. I currently have no skills besides JLPT4 Japanese and no interests besides Japanese media.

What should I know?

>> No.5257348

Glorious Lies

>> No.5257358 [DELETED] 

Again go to >>>/a/ for anime.
This is a very simple logic, if they allowed anime/manga here, then what is the purpose for /a/?

You can blame moot for splitting the board into two but frankly speaking it was the correction decision to split it.
/a/ became too fast and the shounen underage fags and the current /jp/ userbase just couldnt see eye to eye.

>> No.5257363

Again go to >>>/a/ for anime.
This is a very simple logic, if they allowed anime/manga here, then what is the purpose for /a/?

You can blame moot for splitting the board into two but frankly speaking it was the correct decision to split it.
/a/ became too fast and the shounen underage fags and the current /jp/ userbase just couldn't see eye to eye.

>> No.5257377

>I hate Japan and its culture yet I consume its media and learn its language, am I cool yet guys?

Kinda fits some people on /jp/

>> No.5257378

People keep saying /jp/ takes it easy, but it's obvious to anyone reading the board that this hasn't been true for many, many months.

>> No.5257390

I hate that people

>> No.5257397


Well, my son, that's because all the good posters were either banned, left for greener pastures, or killed themselves.

Now we just have a group of ornery transsexuals.

>> No.5257399

And those people are the swine of this board.

>> No.5257402

Says a newfriend

>> No.5257403

I just come to /jp/ for the mahjong threads.

>> No.5257405

Why should we love Japan?
They clearly hate us gaijins and doesnt give a shit about us.
Just look at Eva, they changed Asuka name to Shikinami to make it more Japanese. Xenophobic Japan does not deserve our love.

>> No.5257409

No, it's because they see faggots like Suigin and think it's okay to imitiate.

>> No.5257412


Since when did Suigin start prancing around in women's clothing?

>> No.5257417

So Asuka is a occidental oriented name, good job

>> No.5257419


>> No.5257422

Who's to say that I haven't been lurking forever and just now besides to use my trip again?

Which is, honestly, what I've been doing

>> No.5257431

God forbid people from loving other people's nation and culture. There's always bound to be rednecks and hicks that hate foreigners in every nation, srsly. Your average Japanese wouldn't "hate" foreigners that much if they knew the language and wouldn't act disrespectfully in their land.

ex: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tggT0csfAvg

Now how would western countries and its people react if some muslims were to celebrate their holidays in a similar manner?

>> No.5257432

78 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

Ok, goodbye, /jp/.

>> No.5257438

Bullshit newfriend. Your attitude is shit and you are an outsider.

>> No.5257445

it's so amazing how can this topic
>what's the difference of /a/otaku and /jp/ otaku...
turn into a racial thread in less than 5 post..\\you made me proud /jp/

>> No.5257453

We're so better than /a/, we feed trolls and discuss horrible metathreads.

>> No.5257455

I don't hate Japan, it's just that I usually dislike retarded people obsessing over something, so all the wapanese fanboys get on my nerves. I have to do the devil's advocate.

>> No.5257465

In a previous post you said you were new to /jp/. Lie moar.

>> No.5257471

Mon Feb 25 15:13:10 2008

My first post on here.

>> No.5257481

Again not loving Japan doesnt mean you go all HATE and KILL ALL NIPS.

Just because it is made in Japan doesn't mean it is top quality. Judge the product by its merit not by glorious nippon so it must be good. Clearly the "GLORIOUS NIPPON ONLY" people need to get the fuck out when they can't take any Japan criticism.

>> No.5257484

but how do you noko, if you are saging? =0

>> No.5257486

>Amazo-tan !04wRLcX5eU Wed May 26 04:54:38 2010

Try harder.

>> No.5257490

all the standard x100 ocular microscopes in the labs at my uni are made in japan. just something interesting i noticed the other day

>> No.5257491

Wow dude you sure are a true oldfag!

>> No.5257493

>Clearly the "GLORIOUS NIPPON ONLY" people need to get the fuck out when they can't take any Japan criticism.

lol, what criticism? "japan is racist" japan does not love us" "jpaan did war atrocities" BAAAAAAWWW

something tells me that you spout these things just to ward off ultimate weeaboos instead of criticizing said country on a fair and legitimate basis

>> No.5257496

What? I hate Japan. The only things I care about is about their drawn little girls.

>> No.5257502

That shit is usually posted by outsiders.

>> No.5257505

[a/ is baka
/jp/ is cirno

>> No.5257507

Amazon-tan needs to develop his character more. The "stuck-up normalfriend" personality is so very basic when it comes to trolling.

Put some troll points into subtlety; you'll own people for life if you max that out.

>> No.5257509

>Japan is racist
How is this not true?

>No gaijins allowed sign shown openly in shops
>minori tell gaijins to fuck off
>Whaler tell gaijins to fuck off
Even their government are encouraging this behaviour.

>> No.5257514

We don't need more trolls and we need less newfriends not more.

>> No.5257517

in b4 amazo says she's a girl and whore all over the thread.

>> No.5257525

The misconception that Japanese people are "xenophobic" or "hate white people" is another unfortunate thing about /jp/.

I have lived in Japan for many years and speak Japanese, and I never get discriminated against. All my friends are Japanese otaku and 2channelers. People are surprised to meet a white guy at first, yes, but that's because there are so, so few white people who can speak intelligible Japanese. I was talking to an acquaintance who was visiting from the US the other day who's a cosplayer, and I asked her if she was interested in checking out any cosplay events while she was here, and she said something to the extent of "well I heard that the cosplay community over here is really boring and reserved, especially against white people, unlike in America where we're just one big happy family." But that's so untrue! There's just as much silliness and fun over here as there is in the West! But you can't expect people to suddenly warm up to some foreigner who doesn't even speak their language.

>>5257405 is obviously trolling, but a lot of people actually think this stuff and it makes me kind of sad. I wish there were a few more non-retarded white otaku over here. It seems like the only westerners who ever come to Japan are either:

a.) Stupid fags who like "international", "multicultural" "life experiences" and whatnot, and label Japan as xenophobic because someone doesn't sit next to them on the train or some bullshit like that without ever actually putting in any effort to adapt to the society.

b.) Drooling weeaboos who become disillusioned with Japan and label it as xenophobic when they try to "glomp" some Japanese person and the person reacts negatively.

c.) Dumb frat boys looking for slutty girls to fuck, and serving only to lower the overall image of westerners. (unfortunately this is the group that stands out the most)

Where are all the /jp/ers?

>> No.5257527

No we don't need him. I want my CurryButt back.

>> No.5257537

He was my CurryButt. ;_;

>> No.5257540

I use to be pretty tsuntsun, but I'm much more bitter now. If I come off as a stuck-up normal friend, it's because I've got IRL acquaintances that more more swinish than the swines on here.

Nah. Probably will bump some other threads and go beddy-bye.
I am, as are a few of the other Amazo's

>> No.5257543

He'll be back one day...

>> No.5257547

Fuck CurryButt he can rot in hell.

>> No.5257546 [DELETED] 

>Japan is racist
>How is this not true?

Which country isn't? Japan is just more open about it just because they CAN.

>No gaijins allowed sign shown openly in shops
They're really rare you know. And most of them says you have to bring a person who knows Japanese, you might guess why.

>minori tell gaijins to fuck off
I'm kinda on their side after the Rapelay issue.

>Whaler tell gaijins to fuck off
What? You're taking the sides of hippies now? It's kinda bullshit that Japan is telling the whole truth of selling the meat for profit, but the whales Japan is hunting ain't even endangered and they're allowed to hunt them to certain extent, no bullshit hippies should be allowed to interfere with what they do anyway. Anything else and you've been fed some liberal bullshit lie because even Norway and Iceland are hunting whales and sharks, I don't see Australia filing a lawsuit against them

>> No.5257549

>Japan is racist
>How is this not true?
Which country isn't? Japan is just more open about it just because they CAN.

>No gaijins allowed sign shown openly in shops
They're really rare you know. And most of them says you have to bring a person who knows Japanese, you might guess why.

>minori tell gaijins to fuck off
I'm kinda on their side after the Rapelay issue.

>Whaler tell gaijins to fuck off
What? You're taking the sides of hippies now? It's kinda bullshit that Japan is telling the whole truth of selling the meat for profit, but the whales Japan is hunting ain't even endangered and they're allowed to hunt them to certain extent, no bullshit hippies should be allowed to interfere with what they do anyway. Anything else and you've been fed some liberal bullshit lie because even Norway and Iceland are hunting whales and sharks, I don't see Australia filing a lawsuit against them

>> No.5257553

i concur.

>> No.5257574

I used to like CurryButt, but not knowing how to avoid ban is just stupid.

>> No.5257576

>>I've got IRL acquaintances that more more swinish than the swines on here.

How is that even possible? You're life must be a living hell.

>> No.5257589

>minori tell gaijins to fuck off
Foreign VN market is pretty much non-existent.
>No gaijins allowed sign shown openly in shops
Most of the time because the shopkeeper(s) don't know English.
>Whaler tell gaijins to fuck off
Blame SS and the Australian government.

>> No.5257590

>but not knowing how to avoid ban is just stupid.
It's not that he doesn't know how to, it's that he doesn't want to.

>> No.5257592

I tend to stay quiet and not bother with "our shit stinks less than theirs" flamewars unless I feel there's a real point in speaking up
I'm "487" on the minori thread on 2ch (BBSPINK)

>> No.5257599

>Most of the time because the shopkeeper(s) don't know English.
This isn't an excuse in ANY country.

>> No.5257602

Yes it is.
If you can't understand what the customer is saying and visa versa, shopping there would be a waste of time for both parts.

>> No.5257606

The only fuckers that care about Japanese whaling are /jp/ outsiders and Australiafags. No one here cares. I actually hope Australia gets owned in court. The Japanese are well outside of Australian waters while whaling. The faggot they have in jail in Japan will do 15 years I am hoping.

>> No.5257610

That's dumb. Even a shop keeper in Cambodia knows basic English.

>> No.5257612

oh, that was you? Nice posts. It was nice to see a sensible person for once

>> No.5257623

Well, Japan is not Cambodia.
Not trying to sound like an ass, but the Japanese are generally very shitty when it comes to speaking other languages.

>> No.5257627
File: 29 KB, 468x458, internet bro fist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read your posts.

Good shit bro, keep fighting the good fight.

>> No.5257634

>118 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

Godfuckingdamnit. Why have you gone so full retard recently, /jp/?

>> No.5257641


>> No.5257644
File: 219 KB, 600x375, miku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything wrong this video?
None right? It got flooded with insulting comments on niconico and got removed.
The reason? It is not Japanese.

>> No.5257646

Now you understand why I come on here to vent.

>> No.5257654

>replies with 'Summer'


>> No.5257655

Come back in 12 hours. You haven't seen anything yet.

Cool story: it's a holiday in America today. That's when the internet is at it's finest, if you know what I mean.

>> No.5257658

>Of course, many Japanese were disgusted by the antics of the hyper-xenophobic fringe which constitutes much of the userbase of 2ch and NicoNico Douga unfortunately their words of encouragement came too late.

>> No.5257670

protip newfag retarded threads like this always got crapload of replies

>> No.5257679

That video got deleted because of some retarded trolls, bro.
How do you explain guys like this who are successful doujin artists?

>> No.5257727

>I think Japan is racist because shitkaku complex said so.
Ok bro.

>> No.5257730
File: 87 KB, 469x428, Trollface_HD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

>> No.5257750


>> No.5257767

So I guess shitkaku is officially anti-Japanese propaganda now?

>> No.5257775

I discussed this with some guy once. He said that /a/ has the atmosphere of an airport, while /jp/ is more like a library. Made a lot of sense to me.

/a/ is pretty noisy and has people going through it all day, many annoying people who bump into you all the time, and just a few tolerable people. A vast place, but finding something to entertain yourself with is kinda hit and miss.

/jp/ is much more quiet and relaxing and has a higher percentage of tolerable people, but you don't really get to know them, because they're more focused on their own business. Oh, and as soon as you do anything to just slightly disturb the atmosphere, you'll get dozens of angry looks.

>> No.5257784

or just general shit-stirring for page hits
we're talking about a site that's stooped to posting random camwhore pics

>> No.5257790

At least the library has a librarian, /jp/ on the other hand...

>> No.5257802

Basically, what happens when you create a newsblog with minimal direction and quality control, and manage to get popular.

>> No.5257834
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