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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 33 KB, 540x303, MariaUshiromiya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5245818 No.5245818 [Reply] [Original]

What VN character you think that has Aspergers Syndrome? Pic related.

>> No.5245821

The faceless main character you're supposed to relate to in that one game.

>> No.5245830

Oh you.7zip

>> No.5245832

Marisa was tolerable until episode 4. Worst VN I have ever read

>> No.5245863

I hated Maria until Ep 4, go figure

>> No.5245879
File: 69 KB, 791x613, touhou_hijack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5245964

As a self-diagnosed asperger's owner, i am insulted.

>> No.5245978

What happened to Is My Waifu? not so good

>> No.5245987
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>> No.5246006


>> No.5246012

None. Assburger isn't a personality type, it's a make-believe disease that only highschoolers with inept parents seem to get.

>> No.5247477

(rolls eyes)

>> No.5247485
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>> No.5247486

People are misdiagnosed with cancer, so cancer can't be real.

>> No.5247487

Reported for anime in /jp/.

>> No.5247488

Aspergers is annoying moe. When she gets older, she won't shup up about whatever interest she olds at the time. Guarenteed.

>> No.5247490

Can somebody explain Asperger's syndrome in a dumbed down language for me?

>> No.5247493

Unable to pick up on natural social cues.

>> No.5247496

Mild autism. Difficulty understanding social situations, difficulty empathising with others, deep interest in certain areas.

>> No.5247497
File: 188 KB, 808x1500, WAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it isn't asperger's if your right.

>> No.5247501

It's freaking impossible, there are so many ways it can manifest.

A few examples include weird hand movements (teh aspie dance), narrow, repetetive, or obsessive interest patterns, hypersensitivity to certain things, lack of social skills, and sometimes slightly above average intelligence.

You can see why it's so easy to misdiagnose. On a side note, the people who actually have it think it's terrible. Trust me.

>> No.5247504
File: 149 KB, 500x740, 9669532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Someone made a waifu thread and he posted Samus. Things sorta went to shit after that.

Image semi-related to original topic.

>> No.5247507

Those things just hold people back, anyway. I think aspergers is the next evolutionary step in humans.

>> No.5247509


>> No.5247513

Someone here is disasterously wrong.

>> No.5247516


>> No.5247519
File: 53 KB, 600x450, Scarychris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because you're trying to make yourself feel better about your own assburgers.

>> No.5247523

Look at how a simple suggestion invokes rage from this neurotypical patron. Let's all laugh at how easily he's controlled by his emotions.

>> No.5247549

This guy is an aspie. A smug, egotistical one, but an aspie nontheless.

>> No.5247565

Neurotypical stating the obvious for no reason and bumping the thread. Perhaps he's hoping to rouse emotions from his fellow neurotypical companions. I really don't know, because I am an aspie.

>> No.5247573

I like this guy.

>> No.5247580

Being an aspie is never an excuse for shit-posting.

>> No.5247603

This thread was shit in the first place. I don't see how it could be brought down any further by a few saged posts.

>> No.5247652
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>> No.5247656

Just because the topic was shit in the first place that isn't an excuse for further shit-posting. Next step in evolution? More like evolutionary dead end.

>> No.5247663
File: 113 KB, 1000x563, 1275098202710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5247665

Wrong again.

>> No.5247702

This line of trolling is not cool, guys.

I was diagnosed with Asperger's as a child, and I have tried never to make a point of it in conversation. That didn't stop one teacher from accusing me of doing so though, just because I admitted that I had trouble concentrating when I was somewhat late to class. What a bastard.

I like to think I've mostly overcome the problems by now, but I still have trouble in social settings, mostly overcome by keeping to myself. I would maintain that most people probably aren't worth socialising with, but I feel I could probably forge more worthwhile relationships if I weren't like this. No, it's not cool at all. While I think all psychometrics are only mildly informative at best, I have little doubt that my mind has some disorder.

>> No.5247720

Prove it. All I ever see are communities of mostly self diagnosed aspies talking about the same old shit for the last ten years. Thoery of other mind, aspietopia, neurotypicals, and how some historical figure or fictional character is probably an aspie too.

>> No.5247756

I don't have to logically prove anything; my aspie brain tells me you're wrong.

>> No.5247783

Well that's nice because my brain diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome tells me that you are a fucking idiot in denial.

>> No.5247790

I reccomend htto://www.reddit.com/

It is full of aspies who want to help you out!

>> No.5247794

>I was diagnosed with Asperger's as a child, and I have tried never to make a point of it in conversation.
Like you're not doing right now right? wwwwwwww

>> No.5247809

People diagnosed with Asperger's are usually the ones most skeptical of its existence. Nobody likes to be told they have a "disorder" so many turn to denial.

>> No.5247852

As opposed to the ones who liberally pick a few items on a checklist and label themselves special? There are whole communities for that kind of faggotry, it should stay there and never come to /jp/.

>> No.5247876

go back to gaia faggots.

>> No.5247881
File: 329 KB, 509x433, 125780647483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

>> No.5247948
File: 175 KB, 772x1082, 1274810266643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to see how Maria will turn out as an adult. Probably batshit insane I guess.

>> No.5247952
File: 48 KB, 650x607, ass burgers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5247957

Maybe not...

>> No.5247971

Ahh, the cries of people who have their shell broken.

>> No.5248000

Stephen Hawking does nothing but sit in a chair all day sharing his ideas, and that's exactly what I do to.

>> No.5248009

The difference is that other people actually give a shit about his ideas.

>> No.5248011

ITT we know nothing about aspergers but pretend we're experts. You keep saying that everyone are (wrongly) selfdiagnosing, though you've probably never even seen anyone actually claiming it, and if you came across just ONE person, that would be enough to convince yourself that you were right. You're just a bunch of people repeating something and reinforcing each others opinion with no actual evidence. Fuck you guys should be ashamed of yourselves.

>> No.5248018

You just responded therefore contradicting yourself.

>> No.5248023



>> No.5248026

>I like to think I've mostly overcome the problems by now, but I still have trouble in social settings, mostly overcome by keeping to myself. I would maintain that most people probably aren't worth socialising with, but I feel I could probably forge more worthwhile relationships if I weren't like this.
Congratulations, you're just like every other person on the planet. Unfortunately for you super-duper special people who usually self-diagnose themselves to feel important or fish for sympathy, having doctors diagnose you with a disorder because of displaying an emotion (like being scared of people, or getting mad) doesn't make you the special snowflake that you think you are.

>> No.5248028

Maybe, maybe not. It's completely irrelevant though.

>> No.5248032


Whatever, Aspie.

Back of the bus for you.

>> No.5248038

No. You just place too much value on the effort to reply to an inane discussion.

>> No.5248040

/jp/'s cynicism with regards to real disorders, that have been proven to exist by experts beyond a shadow of a doubt countless of times, is getting somewhat annoying. If you don't know what you're talking about, just keep your mouth shut. None of you are psychologists, so your opinion is worth shit.

>> No.5248052

And here we have another pompous douche who thinks he knows better than any doctor and that the only crippling things in life are physical.

>> No.5248056

>been proven to exist by experts
>thinks psychologists or psychiatrists know what they're talking about
>thinks disorders don't get made up on the spot

>> No.5248065

Alright, now you've just completely discredited anything you've said or will say in the future.

>> No.5248072

Did I hit a nerve? Sorry, aspie. Faggots in white coats can't solve everything.

>> No.5248075

Yeah, and you can, right?

>> No.5248079

Apparently your opinion is also full of shit. Asperger's Disorder requires a psychiatric diagnosis where I'm from and for good reason.

>> No.5248081

It's not just /jp/. The problem is the imperfect human brain. People think they're smarter than they are, and that they know better than everyone else, even if they have never giving the subject in question any serious thought, much less researched it.

>> No.5248083

>thinks he knows more about neurochemistry than a certified doctor who went to med school for years

>> No.5248084

For emotional problems, yes. If I needed surgery or something I'd need a doctor.

>> No.5248085

Doctor diagnosed Aspie here. Stop grabbing for sympathy. It's pathetic. Every last fucking one of you can actually do something with your life, yet you don't, because you think that some petty little 'disorder' can physically hold you back. Saying you have Aspergers and using it as a justification for your laziness is just plain awful. Grow the fuck up. Also, before anyone picks up on it, I realize the irony of saying that aspies shouldn't grasp for sympathy, yet claim it myself. I had no intention of implying that.

>> No.5248087
File: 17 KB, 600x342, sea of lcl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

>> No.5248091

Please don't speak ill of my sweet Maria-chan.

>> No.5248092

Holy shit, you don't even know the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist! Okay, now it's absolutely obvious you're a complete retard or just trolling.

>> No.5248101

>troll troll troll your boat

>> No.5248109
File: 38 KB, 704x396, ninomiya-kun_07_mayu_nurse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks to me like you have an inferiority complex caused by low self esteem. You let your frustration out on message boards who's participants seem to have an even lower opinion of themselves than you yourself do.

>> No.5248112

So now simply mentioning that you have it when the whole topic is about it, is now "grabbing for symphany"?

>> No.5248110

I see you have a great retort.

>> No.5248116

Way to not read what I wrote. I said I was diagnosed "as a child", at 5 in fact. Also, I stressed that while such diagnoses are good indicators of disorder, they can't really classify people, and that I don't consider myself special, just less capable in these areas than a lot of people. This doesn't mean I don't try and get on in other areas of life, either.

>> No.5248121
File: 15 KB, 614x604, 1268788061240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a folder for your sweet Maria-chan.

>> No.5248124

Personally, I have not been diagnosed with either Asperger's or autism, but I still think people who claim these disorders don't exist or don't have a crippling effect on someone's ableness to participate in society, if untreated, really do not know what they are talking about.

>> No.5248128

I see you don't.

>> No.5248134

So are you saying they should take medication? You know it will only help temporarily, right? It's pretty bad for you too.

>> No.5248135

People running their mouth about shit they don't know on the Internet?

>> No.5248138

I see you don't either.

>> No.5248141


>> No.5248142

Reported again.

>> No.5248149

Treatment does not necessarily imply medication.

>> No.5248155

Medication actually doesn't help. Any medicine that fights it does so only as a side effect, and the effects are
more for others benefit than the victims; it just bottles up the crazy until they're full blown neets.

>> No.5248151

You're right. Maybe it's just pent up rage. I think >>5247952 set me off, because there are actually people who do such things in life. I apologize for that. Also in answer to the original question, I think Kenji from KS might have it, considering his crazy feminist conspiracy and the borderline hikikomori behavior. Then again, he might just be creating his own interesting world to compensate for the fact that he can't see the real one. But hey, what would I know.

>> No.5248147



>> No.5248156

Nice to see you always have something valuable to contribute to the discussion.

>> No.5248170




>> No.5248225

ITT people who don't know shit about shit talk shit about it.

>> No.5248241
File: 141 KB, 709x780, Aspie King Doraemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doraemon has Asperger's Syndrome, he has a magic pocket and a funny hat, and his voice is annoying as fuck and he just wont shut up. Also, he looks funny.

>> No.5248245


He has Aspergers!

>> No.5248653

Maria can understand the feelings of others, read the vn fucking carefully. She just doesn't care about them, because she believes that it's not a big deal and they all be ok in the end.

>> No.5248698

Wow, you guys are really into this whole propagandism, huh?

Just because your shitty selves aren't exactly the same as your shitty peers doesn't mean you've got a disease. Damn hypochondriacs.

>> No.5248732


But my psychologist said I did

>> No.5248737

>Just because your shitty selves aren't exactly the same as your shitty peers doesn't mean you've got a disease.
Well, society of normalfags makes anyone who is "not the same as peers" an outcast, so it must be a disease.
