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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 21 KB, 200x200, 1275044969761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5234964 No.5234964 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5234974

What that picture depicts is exactly why I'm never visiting Japan again.

>> No.5234991

those centipedes are 1000x better looking than american ones. They don't have those gross, spindly legs, not that I'd want either on me.

>> No.5235004

They're still fucking horrifying though.

>> No.5235030

You hate Japan because an American centipede? Might be wrong, but those look like red-headed desert centipedes.

>> No.5235034

/r/ all the images of NEET cat

>> No.5235035

A warm cuddly hug from the arthropoda phylum.

>> No.5235040

Just imagine it.
You jack off and then fall asleep; cum glazed dick in hand.

That's when the centipede comes in. It's hungry, and your dick is a tasty thick meal. It crawls up the back of your chair and finds it's way to your dick hole. Using feelers and pincers, it starts to find it's protein filled meal. But once it eats up wants on your hand and cock head, it decides to see if it can't find some more in the hole that it came from...

>> No.5235044

The millipedes/centipedes in general. Fortunately I never came into contact with the legendary monster hornets whose species escapes me.

>> No.5235073

I've seen a medical case of a cyanide-spraying millipede somehow horribly burning some kid's genital area. What the fuck it was doing there is beyond me, but it was rather traumatizing.

Title's "Millipede Burn at an Unusual Site Mimicking Child Abuse in an 8-Year-Old Girl", I think. Don't look for it unless you can stomach it, it's pretty horrific.

And I thought it couldn't get worse after that case of a squid spermatophore getting lodged in some unlucky sod's throat and trying to dig into it in an attempt to fertilize him.

Asian giant hornet. Vespa mandarinia.

>> No.5235104

Isn't the animal kingdom great?

>> No.5235106
File: 57 KB, 640x480, woollybear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't more insects be this fucking cute?

>> No.5235114

That thing's probably all kinds of ultra poisoning.

>> No.5235115
File: 116 KB, 950x713, pillbug_08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like pillbugs the most.

>> No.5235120

FYI those things are NOT cute IRL.

>> No.5235123


it has humans in it so no

shit tier

>> No.5235124
File: 45 KB, 500x438, velvet-ant060516-8391facez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a very cute ant. You should go pick one up. :3

>> No.5235125

called 'em rolly-poley's as a kid

>> No.5235130

daww i want to pet it, even though it's most likely poisonous

>> No.5235136

oh god what

>> No.5235141



>> No.5235146

it isn't, or at least that's not what it's known for.
Very disgusting pest to behold firsthand, google "wolly bear" and its relatives

>> No.5235147

where are the inchworms

>> No.5235155

The hell they aren't. But I'm still not sure how dangerous they are so I don't touch them. I think the hairs can poke through your skin and that's never good when you're touching unclean critters.

>> No.5235159

Why is this one of the image results when I google wooly bear?

>> No.5235162
File: 172 KB, 740x555, ground-alapaca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% more image this time

>> No.5235164

imagine you wake up to the feeling of a centipede trying to force it's way into your dick.
at first it's kinda tickeling, they suddenly a sharp pain rushes through your body as he tried to make the opening wider with his mandibles so he can crawl in further.
even worse would be if it was a small one and he would actually manage to crawl in and as you wake up you just see it's end slipping in.

this is gonna give me nightmares...

>> No.5235166

No shit, I actually had a centipede CRAWL ON ME when I was in bed once.

This was back when I was living in an apartment in Philadelphia- I was sitting there, minding my own business, reading a nice book. I feel a tickling sensation just below my shoulder blade on the left side, where the arm hole of my sleeveless undershirt was. For a second I was like "whatever" but then it moved erratically and I flipped shit because my brain made the connection "living thing, in your arm-hole!"

I jump out of bed, and what lands on the bed but a fucking GIANT CENTIPEDE (in retrospect it was only a few inches, but in the dark, half groggy, it seemed like it.)

I made some sort of retarded sounding "aaauggghhhh!" shriek and grabbed a shoe of mine and beat it to a pulp. Scared the fucking shit out of me.

>> No.5235170
File: 29 KB, 400x400, Lobster moth caterpillar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one's apparently harmless, but usually hairy caterpillars like those of puss moths or saddlebacks are bad news, the spines contain venom. The adults of puss moths look incredibly cute, though.

But I still like lobster moth caterpillars more.

>> No.5235188
File: 754 KB, 1792x1674, Megalopyge_opercularisMPCCP20040714-5799A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:3 I want one!

>> No.5235189
File: 162 KB, 1352x1835, TOMATO HORNWORM 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hornworms are really pretty, I wish they weren't garden death machines that have to be killed at all costs.

>> No.5235193

how can someone find those horrifying monsters cute?

>> No.5235194


Why is that so adorable?

>> No.5235195

I grew up with giant hunstmen spiders in my house. It wasn't uncommon for them to crawl on me in my sleep.

You stop getting freaked out after a couple years.

>> No.5235197

But it's so fuzzy.

>> No.5235204

lol australia

>> No.5235206
File: 794 KB, 2048x1536, cecropia moth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one's one of the most impressive moths too, both as larva and imago. Here's a week-by-week rearing linked before.


>> No.5235207

/jp/ - Insects

I'm okay with this.

>> No.5235210

Florida actually.

Thats right, those things are in america too.

>> No.5235217


Follow the journey of blue crayfish-san, as he fights against the odds for a better world for his children, Will he succeed? Will he die? Will he need an eye patch? Watch and find out.

>> No.5235218
File: 117 KB, 718x600, 718px-Vespa_mandarinia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking lightweights. I eat you guys for breakfast.

>> No.5235220

My world has darkened.

>> No.5235224
File: 30 KB, 498x449, giant hornet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hornet-chan is my favourite.

>> No.5235227


These sicken me.

>> No.5235230

S-so cute ;_;

>> No.5235233

Look on the bright side, huntsmen spiders really are more scared of you than you are of them. Unlike banana spiders for instance, which would chase you down trying to kill you if disturbed.

>> No.5235235
File: 141 KB, 1600x1200, Blackkate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck that thing is going to rape me.

>> No.5235237

How do you feel when you see your Hornet-chan massacre an entire hive of bees?

>> No.5235239

I grew up with banana spiders, and I can say this is complete horseshit. I tore down every web I saw, and all they did was run up the tree.

>> No.5235246

I'm amazed no one ever made a "japan is hardcore because they had to deal with these fucking monstrosities" copypasta.

Seriously, they can even tell when you've killed one of their own.

And they seek revenge.

>> No.5235249


>> No.5235250
File: 676 KB, 1360x1020, Batocera rubus2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a side note, I like how Masamune is obviously a longhorn beetle despite supposedly being a cockroach. I tagged this one as Batocera rubus, but I guess it could be another Batocera.

>> No.5235254

Every species of hornet can do this. I've personally been chased into a car by a swarm after killing one as a child.

>> No.5235255

Well that dampens my whole banana spiders are creepy as fuck theory.

Now i'm going to need to go look up which ones will go after people.

>> No.5235258
File: 53 KB, 500x391, 351760824_vWMgz-500x392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So cute.

>> No.5235259


There are two different kinds. The ones that make webs aren't the ones you need to worry about. The others will FUCKING KILL YOU.

>> No.5235262

Only really got brown recluse to worry about in my neck of the woods. They don't bother you to much but if you have a shed in your backyard The Gods couldn't help you getting rid of them.

>> No.5235263


>> No.5235268

Australia tops pretty much all the others countries in terms of "nightmarish monsters who will slaughter you and your family".

>> No.5235270
File: 556 KB, 742x959, 1255615321469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hornet is a slut.

>> No.5235271

The heck is that

I'm not so sure I like it.

>> No.5235273

And the web-spinning sort's web is used to make socks.

>Researchers, lead by Masao Nakagaki, at Shinshu University, Japan have succeeded in creating a silk thread that is stronger, softer and more durable than conventional silk by injecting silkworm eggs with genes of the spider. The silkworms that hatch weave cocoons containing 10% spider protein. The dragline silk is said to have many uses, such as: bulletproof vests, sutures after an operation, tennis rackets, fishing line, and nets. A Japanese manufacturer named Okamoto has begun developing commercial applications for the spider silk, and plans to release extra-thin, durable spider socks by year 2010.

You'll be able to feel like Hatsune all the time! I think her design is based on that particular orbweaver (Nephila clavata), even.

>> No.5235278

what.....what is it doing?...is it trying to chew through that metal rod?

>> No.5235280

I told you I was hardcore...

>> No.5235282

So glad I live in England where the worst thing I've seen is a daddy longlegs.

>> No.5235283

Probably needs some iron in its diet.

>> No.5235288

A ball of fur?

>> No.5235290

I played with daddy longlegs a lot as a child. I would make an endless bridge with my hands and just watch them walk. It was a nice break from the other insects and arachnids we also have that wouldn't hesitate to murder your dog.

>> No.5235292

If I kill a little hornet, they all come after me? You guys are bullshitting, right?

Has there ever been a case where a group of hornets kill off a larger bird or a dog or something?

>> No.5235297

Not joking in the slightest. If you don't want to believe me, go find a hornet nest and kill one within 100 feet of the nest. Have your escape route planned, because you'll need it.

>> No.5235299

How the hell would the other know? is it the smell of the blood or?

>> No.5235300
File: 48 KB, 305x392, scarface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Say hello to my little friend

>> No.5235301


>> No.5235306

From wikipedia:
Hornets, like many social wasps, can mobilize the entire nest to sting in defense, which is highly dangerous to humans. The hornet alarm pheromone is used to raise alarm of nest attack and to identify prey, such as bees.[5] It is not advisable to kill a hornet anywhere near a nest, as the distress signal can trigger the entire nest to attack. Materials that come in contact with pheromone, such as clothes, skin, dead prey, or hornets, must be removed from the vicinity of the hornets nest. Perfumes and other volatile chemicals can be falsely identified as pheromone by the hornets and trigger an attack.

>> No.5235308 [DELETED] 

Yes. I've heard the japanese ones can kill a person but have no reports of it on hand.

Their insides release a scent that alerts the rest when one has died, they all go to check, and kill pretty much anything in their way.

>> No.5235310

>Perfumes and other volatile chemicals can be falsely identified as pheromone by the hornets and trigger an attack.

Holy. I'm glad we don't have Hornets where I live.

>> No.5235312

>Perfumes and other volatile chemicals can be falsely identified as pheromone by the hornets and trigger an attack.

Hm, just picked up a new way to secretly murder someone, cool.

>> No.5235314

Well, shit.

I wonder why nobody has ever used them in warfare before. It sounds like it would be easy as hell to manipulate them into attacking someone.

>> No.5235315


Fuck, I hate them. Bunch of assholes.

I'm perfectly happy to leave them alone, but nooooooo, they have to activate bloodlust if you come anywhere near the nest.

One stung me right in the middle of the forehead once, he got himself killed and his whole nest doused with Raid. Way to secure the proliferation of your species, dick.

>> No.5235317

A while ago there was a case of a hornet nest near a village in China. The bugs had killed two of the people that lived there and the residents had no way of dealing with them (It was like 10 metres up a tree or something). So they called in the army and the army brought a flamethrower.

Two quick bursts annihilated the hive.

>> No.5235318

Someone is probably working on it as we speak.

Of course it will end with zombies everywhere.

>> No.5235320

T-They are only in the countryside though right?

>> No.5235322

Bee flew up my nose when I was running as a kid and stung me, hurt more than a kick to the balls.

>> No.5235326

Bees are cute, I wish they go after those disgusting flies only ;_;

>> No.5235328

Not many poisonous insects make it into cities outside glass cases, but hornets can live in suburban areas.

>> No.5235331

Bee-chan was just as surprised as you were. I hope that didn't give you too much of a negative opinion of them.

>> No.5235335


A bee flew (well, actually crawled) down the barrel of one of my rifles once, while I was on a hot range, locked and loaded.

It was unwise for him. Bad End.

>> No.5235337

Can I call that revenge then?

>> No.5235341
File: 292 KB, 1600x1067, flower wasps mating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my dream to collect a jar full of asian giant hornets and release them in a train in Japan.

It'll be one of those train rape scenes, only with giant wasps.

"W-who's groping me?! Aah, I'm getting aroused... If this continues, I'll... "

At any rate, speaking of mating, here's some information about it.

>They (velvet ants) exhibit extreme sexual dimorphism; the males and females are so different that it is almost impossible to associate the two sexes of a species unless they are captured while mating. In a few species the male is so much larger than the female that he carries her aloft while mating

Picture related, though it's another sort of wasp.

>> No.5235342 [DELETED] 
File: 191 KB, 1000x2015, jp-anon-centipede-epic-battle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anon's battle with the centipede, illustrated!

>> No.5235345

Overall, no, I don't mind bees but I think they hate me I've been stung so many damn times that I lost count and it doesn't really even hurt anymore. Is that bad?

>> No.5235351

You've built up an immunity to their poison. Become a beekeeper.

>> No.5235353
File: 36 KB, 230x175, 1274071202297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should bee more careful

>> No.5235354

No, just don't get cocky and try to wear a suit made of live bees or anything.

>> No.5235355



>> No.5235357


vz xan pdhytuk udxCHRISTsOePHER POOLE (rAKA MOyOaT, AfKcA THE ADMqIN OF 4CHAN) IS A DANmGERtOUS, MENTALLtY IbLL THIEiF. READ AkLLe ABOUT IT HEcRE: HzTTxPy://p8r8.80.21.12/ OR HmTcTaP://WWW.ANONTALK.SE/d OR HTxTP:/v/AT.KIhMMOA.dSE/fkz s shka dmgll vz rf ic vyn vn t g

>> No.5235360

I don't think I have the balls to try something that crazy.

>> No.5235367

I wish humans were (more) sexually dimorphic. Imagine being a 7 foot tall meat miracle in a world of slender 4 foot tall neotenous womenfolk.

Or hell, a normal size guy in a world of snoo-snoo amazons if you're into that kinda thing.

As it is, you can't even tell some women and men apart.

>> No.5235368
File: 42 KB, 875x880, Sadawesome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> This thread

Not what I needed to see in the morning. Thank god I live in the Northeast US

>> No.5235370


vgp ob gi xo m h yq o m tpr hij huCHRISkTOxPHER POOLE (mAKA MOnOT,c AKA THE AkDtMIN OF 4lCHAN) ISy An DANzGEcROfUS, MENTALhLY ILL THIEF. REpAD ALL ABOUT IT HnERE:n HTTeP://88.g80.21q.1x2/ OR HTTP:/a/WWW.ANyONTAlLK.rSeE/ ORu HnTTP://uAbT.KIMMOiA.SqEq/jqt c gq t a dq wky

>> No.5235372 [DELETED] 
File: 194 KB, 1000x2015, jp-anon-centipede-epic-battle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anon's battle with the centipede, illustrated!

>> No.5235374

why did I lol

>> No.5235376

Yeah, or if humans had a queen, like just a giant house sized blob that men all lined up to gangbang as slimy babies erupted from her sacs.

>> No.5235379

I feel bad for the centipede.

Millipedes, despite not being carnivorous, are a bit worse since the poisonous bite is replaced by ability to spray cyanide at offenders.

>> No.5235381

Japanese bees vs hornets, very interesting tactics...


>> No.5235385

Automatically tried to read R->L, became confused.

>> No.5235388
File: 194 KB, 1000x2015, jp-anon-centipede-epic-battle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anon's battle with the centipede, illustrated!

Sorry, I keep fixing small errors. Should be fine this time.

>> No.5235403

Why is the god-empress of mankind such a slut?

Also why do people think all insect queens look like termite queens?

>> No.5235410


Me too bro but that's now what the feminists and liberals want. They want women to be more like men and men to be more like women. Wherever you look it's the same thing.

>> No.5235416

It stands out, you have to admit.

I guess most of them are just end boss versions of regular insects.

>> No.5235420
File: 296 KB, 600x450, hulk rape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How do I hide an image with spoilers?

>> No.5235431

No, feminist swine want the 'amazons' version of the world so men can be cured of their evil, hateful, and abusive ways.

Feminists view men as inferior beings that are less intelligent and capable of thinking, and feel they should be relegated to no more than pets.

>> No.5235441


oh god I fucking lol'ed

>> No.5235442

They don't look that dagerous.
See, he's even holding one of them...

>> No.5235446

Feminists don't know what they want. Some want to be able to have sex and wear lewd clothes freely without being called sluts, some want to rule over men, others want forced sameness.(and special treatment)

They're sluts, dykes, and bitches respectively.

>> No.5235448

>men all lined up to gangbang
That sounds inefficient, I'm sure we could device some mechanism that should inject tons of sperm into her whenever she needs it.

>> No.5235455


>> No.5235457

Feminists = Communist

Want all the power and rights but no responsability

>> No.5235458

Start your own thread.

>> No.5235463

Men are now bedbugs. Each man in line penetrates the one in front, sending the sperm through the body and out the penis to the next one in line. Whoever's sperm makes it to the end of the line and impregnates the queen is made king. Assuming they didn't bleed to death.

>> No.5235467

I think I saw some futa manga like this once

>> No.5235468

ITT people who think they actually know what feminism is.

And insects.

>> No.5235476
File: 61 KB, 548x549, strepsiptera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to Strepsipterans, gall midges, Micromalthus debilis and cycliophorans, I'm glad humanity reproduces exactly the way it does.

For starters, Strepsipterans' brood canal is around the neck area. Being parasites buried deep within their hosts save the head, the females get fucked from their necks while the males hump their heads, and the larvae (which, it must be noted, live in their mother's blood and swim freely. ) exit from there. (A now-rare parasite, the guinea worm, also has a comparably pleasant method of delivery where it vomits its own uterus. ) Certain species of gall midges are similar, except the female doesn't even mate; she reproduces parthenogenetically. The female is also neotenic, and having no convenient brood canal to exit from, the larvae eat their mother to get out, xenomorph style.

Micromalthus debilis is similar, but it lays eggs. Those eggs usually develop into similar neotenic females, or winged females (probably to disperse the beetle. ) Once in a while, a male egg is laid, which remains attached to the mother. When the male hatches, the first thing he does is turning around and eating his mother. Alive.

Cycliophorans (not insects, they have their own phylum) are a mixture of all of those with their own peculiarities thrown in. They have about half a dozen "genders", including one designed entirely to have another symbion rip itself out from within and one that targets "pregnant" females to copulate with their newly released daughters. The main "sex" also has no excretory system, those simply vomit out all their organs and grow new ones instead.

If you'd like to read more:

>> No.5235480

something less morbid please. A giant cannula to inject a lifetime worth of jizz should do.

>> No.5235485

Goddamn feminism, ruining a decent thread

>> No.5235491

ITT insect otaku

>> No.5235496


That's goddamn incredible, and they exist only on the mouthparts of one specific type of lobster somewhere. Life is the best.

>> No.5235499
File: 25 KB, 500x375, grissom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say that to me irl not online and see what happens

>> No.5235501

best thread on /jp/

>> No.5235508

We all know you're a serial killer, so no.

Like hell, swine.

>> No.5235522
File: 498 KB, 480x270, 1218088572848.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5235524


Mmm, what a cute boy! Interested in my body, aren't you?

>> No.5235553

oh shit. Hornet larvae are gross as sin.

>> No.5235593
File: 15 KB, 195x280, Nigronia fasciatus..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I can top them.

I had difficulty believing that was not a sparrow hatchling's head photoshopped onto a pupa, but well, look at the antennae. It's just the angle that makes this look like a bird, I guess.

>> No.5235624

Looks like they can't even chew through a trash bag though....

>> No.5235661
File: 28 KB, 491x502, 1270676039454.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



What hath evolution wrought?

>> No.5235750
File: 87 KB, 500x700, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5235786

I suppose I should have some sort of reaction aside from this reply, but I don't.

This is bad.
