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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5234040 No.5234040 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't /jp/ come together and create some original content or good quality doujin shit? 2ch does it ALL the time. The Chinese do it too. Plus they translate shit into chink fast and consistent. Why can't we do that?

>> No.5234072 [DELETED] 

Get out ksdevs

>> No.5234069

We do
We just don't share it

>> No.5234063

I was thinking about making some sort of Touhou SC2 maps, but I only made like 2 shitty SC maps in my life.

>> No.5234070
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/jp/ project arrangement album. ;_;

>> No.5234083

/jp/ likes to take it easy.

>> No.5234125

In my free time I like to take some my favorite untranslated doujins and translate them, but I don't know moonspeak at all, so I'm really just making up dialog.

It's still a nice way to pass the time, and it makes reading them kinda interesting.

I'd never share them with /jp/ though, they'd make fun of me.

>> No.5234152

Oh, we wouldn't do that.

>> No.5234171

Give me a writer to write me a scenario for something and I'll draw you something.

>> No.5234199

Still working on my entry for that Rosenkreuzstilette fan contest, though I don't think they should accept it.

>> No.5234245
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I love you for making something RKS-related.

>> No.5234268


I'll play guitar with you, Zunbar

>> No.5234285

What a coincidence! It's Freudia's theme.

>> No.5235867

what contest? /r/ link

>> No.5235899
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>> No.5235905
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Never forget, a /jp/ group actually managed to get in Comiket

>> No.5235908

We don't have enough people who care enough. We don't have enough people period.

>> No.5235910

4chan is incapable of making original content, all we can do is make shops and translate.

Jesus christ, if even ONE decent drawfag shows up in any board he's worshipped like a god.

>> No.5235914 [DELETED] 

Isnt My Sweet Hakutaku enough?

>> No.5235922

My Sweet Meido?

>> No.5235921 [DELETED] 

Like mugen?

>> No.5235978

The question is: Why would anyone be interested in making original content in collaboration with /jp/?

If anything were to be done, we would need a place to gather and distribute our stuff.
A thread on /jp/ would just not cut it.

>> No.5235983

Because I like only Gachimuchi and nothing else. The rest of the board likes everything except gachi

>> No.5235994

This. I hate 90% of the people here. Especially the people who post OC.

>> No.5235999

Well someone did all those Touhou smirks and occasional other interesting collabs happen. Meido originated here didn't she?

>> No.5236003
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>Jesus christ, if even ONE decent drawfag shows up in any board he's worshipped like a god.
No he'd called an attention whore.

>> No.5236005

I will help you if anyone is working on something, unless it's tedious.

>> No.5236030

Are you guys retarded or just brand new?

Every time /jp/ goes to create original content its get trolled to death until it disappears off the board.

Warehouse vn is a good example.

"Oh lets create a VN or something!"

About a week or so of threads, OC content and decent ideas (sort of)


If you want do stuff, just fucking do it and don't bother with it here.

>> No.5236059 [DELETED] 
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Mission successful.

>> No.5236084
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just as planned.

>> No.5236107

As far as my memories serve, I don't think people have ever said that. Didn't the project just die by itself because lack of interests from the team? Just like AoC's Nice Days project or whatever it's called.

>> No.5236129


Fairly positive it was said, I followed the threads religiously and did some writing for them before they went off side. I'm not sure where they went but I'm fairly positive that its still going. Have to ask messydrawfag in the OC threads

>> No.5236131


Partial truth. A lot of /jp/ members do collaborate on projects such as translating games, doujin, as well as supplying each other with new Comiket and similar stuff. However, most of this occurs well away from /jp/ itself on other boards or sites. I think one reason most don't know about them is that the NEETs don't want the rest of /jp/ to come fag up those boards as well.

The other end of the truth is that /jp/ are also lazy western weeaboos/otaku/NEETs/autistics who can barely have a single thread active without trolling and arguing with each other. This board has a lot of hatred for one another so that is also why we don't really work together on a lot of stuff.

>> No.5236125

That went into hibernation solely because I'm a bad writer.
I actually worked for it to be forgotten in the boards.

>> No.5236122

As far as my memories serve, people said that.

Doing any creative-related long-term work while still trying to relate to this board is a negative loop. Either the project trolled itself to death or everyone lose interest quickly because of short-attention span and negative/destructive feedback as constant result to keep things up.

>> No.5236149

Oh come on. Warehouse devs were just bunch of normalfags who just found an excuse to generate 10 trips and post daily threads.
There never was anything of substance of their vn and even the premise was fucking insulting "neets traps onaholes omg xD"

>> No.5236153

NEETs are the only ones with enough patience and time to dedicate themselves to a VN. Since nobody on /jp/ is truly a NEET nobody ever does anything.

>> No.5236169

Fuck, don't scare me. I plan on being a NEET after graduation.

>> No.5236170


Yeah, though only as long as they can use it to channel their visceral hatred for South Korea.

>> No.5236176 [DELETED] 
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Keep telling yourself that.

But you can't ever escape.

>> No.5236201

It's sad, because in /a/ you constantly hear, "Hurry up and make fanart of this scene, Japan!" That person is absolutely right, because you sure as hell won't get it from here!

>> No.5236295

Drop out now and become NEET today.

>> No.5237974

I actually make doujinshi when I'm bored.

I would never share it on /jp/ though.
