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File: 49 KB, 750x468, key.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5233416 No.5233416 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5233430
File: 45 KB, 330x357, Feels okay, I suppose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never play a game by Key that has a touching story

>> No.5233429


>> No.5233438

Nothing to ;_; about. Retard moe is the best moe.

>> No.5233433

So who are the ones with mental illness again?

>> No.5233443

I'm OK with this.

>> No.5233452

misuzu, ayu, and tomoyo

>> No.5233459

what? Tomoyo is the most normal

>> No.5233496


Ayu doesn't have a mental illness. She's just developmentally retarded.

>> No.5233507

And that's a mental illness.

>> No.5233509


>> No.5233511

>no friends, big trauma, almost hikikomori
Sure looks like mental illness to me.

>> No.5233513

Looks like she browses /jp/.

>> No.5233514

Little Busters?

>> No.5233522

Normal emo teen

>> No.5233540
File: 146 KB, 1024x768, 1198931309122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's as almost you never watched Clannad. She wouldn't survive a second in the real world.

>> No.5233556


>> No.5233566

Yeah, but she was a genius. She can just coast through academia.

>> No.5233573

Or would she?

>> No.5233574
File: 212 KB, 850x637, sample-b68f7df8765ff5751763a7a764c6dcc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planetarian would be their only game I guess.

But Kotomi in clannad is in the air. I wouldn't say it was a mental illness, shes obviously a genius. A lot of intelligent people were detached from society. Sure it could still be considered an illness but it isn't nearly as bad as other key works.

>> No.5233581

You're saying that like it's difficult to survive in 'the real world'.

>> No.5233594

OP told.

>> No.5233598
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>> No.5233620

Yumemi is retarded and Kotomi has autism.

>> No.5233638

And we all know that's a serious mental illness. It's symptoms are:

A: Not talking to anyone and being a smartfag who goes nowhere in life or,
B: Being a retarded attention whore

>> No.5233641


>> No.5233652
File: 9 KB, 250x250, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering the college professor bit, i'd doubt that.


>> No.5233660

You will never make good threads.


>> No.5233665


>> No.5233668
File: 256 KB, 850x637, key.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Einstein had autism.

Autism can simply be diagnosed if you have trouble interacting with people and society. This was the only problem Kotomi really had.

But we know from afterstory that Kotomi is doing shit with her life so can we really call her retarded still?

And how dare you insult Yumemi.

>> No.5233670

self-diagnosed Asperger's != autism

>> No.5233686


I like how you don't know what autism is, you dumbfuck.

I know a kid with autism. She cannot talk, or even dress herself at 7. And that's fucking sad.

>> No.5233700

OP's image is black text on a white background. This is complete cancer. We're even doing this shit on /jp/ now?

>> No.5233706

I know a kid with autism. He's a straight A student and will not shut up about cepholopods.

>> No.5233709


>She cannot talk, or even dress herself at 7

And you (un)dress her?

>> No.5233713

Newsflash... People tend to get more autistic as they grow older.

>> No.5233714

I know a kid with autism.
He can't speak and bangs his head on walls while watching winnie the pooh.
He's 19.
He reminds me of myself.

>> No.5233717

You know retardation isn't the only mental illness, right? Also you're wrong about autism. Read the DSM some time.

>> No.5233724

>I know a kid with autism.
He can't speak and bangs his head on walls while watching winnie the pooh.
He's 19.


>He reminds me of myself.

wait what

>> No.5233738

When I think about it, to an external observer, there isn't much difference between him and I.
We both don't speak.
We watch "cartoons".
We have strange quirks.
He has a sister that cares for him, tho.
Lucky bastard.

>> No.5233742

Newsflash: Autism comes in various intensities.

The less intense version are passed off on 4chan as loser/fag disorder due to a bunch of attention whores claiming to have them.

>> No.5233751


I have some mighty strange quirks, such as habitually sniffing every new game I get as well as sniffing books and magazines as I read them. I'm just so addicted to that new smell.

>> No.5233754

That doesn't even pass as a quirk. Everyone has something like that.

>> No.5233755

I, for one, am addicted to the smell of old books.
I have a REALLY old attic and can't stop smelling anything that's been in it.

>> No.5233759
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>> No.5233765

Yes, Patch, I like the way you smell, too.

>> No.5234051
File: 61 KB, 180x300, char_hanako-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

80% of the hikkikomori are supposed to be mentally ill
its logically to assume some of them also like girls with mental illnesses
i also like them a lot and clearly prefer them to normal girls as long as they are still somewhat normal and intelligent

>> No.5234321
File: 677 KB, 2386x1200, moe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I don't like about KEY is not mental illnesses/magical incurable diseases, but boring mental illnesses/magical incurable diseases. Let's look at a few of the good real world defects, diseases and conditions.

Anencephaly: The condition wherein one is born without a brain. Normally people with this are stillborn, those unlucky enough to survive birth die soon after, but let's ignore this in favor of ultimate retard moe. Anencephalics have other defects in the skull that often gives them an exposed brain, so brainfucking a non-sentient girl is the main attraction here.

Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: The patient's body things bone is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Falling down? Well clearly skin is fragile, let's replace it with bone so it doesn't happen again. Muscle strain? Some bone there will reinforce it. Mosquito bite? Bone. Brain trauma? Bone. Every injury leads to the body replacing the damaged connective tissue with bone, and towards the end of their lives some patients are unable to move their entire bodies. A girl who cannot even move because half her joints can't be moved as they're encased in bone and needs your care is pretty cute, I'd say.

Maple Syrup Urine Disease: Take a guess on what it does! It also causes retardation if left untreated, so it's pretty much the perfect package - you both get a retarded girlfriend to care for and can drink her warm, sweet urine (actually, if I recall it should be a bit bitter. ) as an expression of your love for her.

There are also various hereditary neurodegenerative diseases like Batten disease or GSS syndrome (no, it does not involve Gore), pretty much all involve slowly going insane and dying horribly. No cures too.

>> No.5234334


Half-Italian twins with FFS!

>> No.5234337

I remember when we tried to make a VN out of it ;_;

>> No.5234343

Reverie Planetarian is mentally ill in my perception.

>> No.5234366


personally I don't like Key because it's the same shit rehashed in every fucking game to the slightest change. The tone is always the same, the protagonist is always the same, the girls are mostly the same, maybe you switch them around a bit but mostly it's the same types with the same sorts of issues.

I tried Clannad and seriously, it just reminded me of Kanon only with a bit more humour and a BRO character so you'd like it a bit more. I'd rather play Nitroplus and hate my protagonist for being a asshole or a pussy, but at least shit will be different.

>> No.5234381

Well now, isn't that's terrifying.

>> No.5234389

>hate my protagonist for being a asshole or a pussy
Try Akabeisoft2

>> No.5234423

Aren't their non-Looseboy protags just generic protags?

>> No.5234438


Thank you for these. I wanted to be paranoid forever.

Although fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva is kind of cool.

>> No.5236231
File: 244 KB, 768x1024, 1217631929366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How in God's name does Ayu have a mental illness? She's a 9 year old girl in a coma. Unless you think all 9 year old girls are mentally retarded.

>> No.5236235

My cousin does.

>> No.5236513

She's retarded even for a 9 year old.

>> No.5236542 [SPOILER] 
File: 51 KB, 640x480, 1269717318793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd prefer a VN with a protagonist that has Fibrodysplasia gladius progressiva... wait a second....

>> No.5236572

That'd be pretty awesome.

Day 1
Berserker fight

Day 2:
"Rin, I think there's something wrong with my stomach... "

Day 3:

Plus instead of Archer Rin gets some sort of Japanese magician Colossus as her Servant.

>> No.5236581

She is very stupid, you know. Very, very stupid.
