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5233178 No.5233178 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, /jp/, I'm having issues.

I can do Extra in PCB. I can get to Ran, usually dying 0~1 time, and then I do well with Ran... until I hit Princess Tenko. This card RAPES me EVERY SINGLE TIME. I'll go about halfway to three quarters through the card and then have to bomb. After bombing, the card just goes to hell and I end up bombing almost constantly, and/or dying several times.

Can anyone recommend me a strategy or replay to watch to help me stop sucking at this?

>> No.5233187

No, Tenko is pretty much her hardest card and the way to capture it is readily obvious, just that it's dickishly hard to do. Grin and bear it.

>> No.5233203

Tenko is easy if you practice it, like most of Ran's cards. DDB and her last two cards are the real killers.

>> No.5233263

let the aiming shots fire diagonally and go through the openings that are more vertical

>> No.5233279
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Watch a replay. Try this, you might figure something out.

>> No.5233321

It's actually harder than Yukari's version. I almost never capture it, but it's easier than Kokkuri-San's Contract or whatever it's called. Try to get her to move a lot.

>> No.5233322

Which character do you use? I used to have the same problem with Sakuya (both A/B). And then I switched to Marisa (the one without MSpark).

>> No.5233353

Not OP, but Reimu B is best. More bombs than Marisa, excellent deathbomb time, over 1/3rd smaller hitbox, slow enough to get cherry by dodging unfocused, decent damage and range, lethal focused bomb when used at close range...

>> No.5233435

Which card is Princess Tenko again?

>> No.5233447

The one where she flies over to you over and over and explodes into evenly spaced butterflies and shoots a clump of stuff straight at you.

>> No.5233461
File: 53 KB, 450x636, tenko02.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This one

>> No.5233463
File: 40 KB, 450x636, tenko03.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5233464
File: 56 KB, 450x636, tenko04.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5233468
File: 45 KB, 450x636, tenko05.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5233481

if you can't seem to capture it then just time it out. as soon as she launches an attack run from it until the gap between the butterflies gets rather large, focus through that and haul some more ass to the other side. i captured it a few times but i'm a lazy fuck that does things the easy way so i time it out

>> No.5233494

... Princess Tenko? Really? What.

>> No.5233508

How can you complain about Princess Tenko and not bullshit like Charming Siege from All Sides.

>> No.5233525

That one's also harder than Yukari's version. And Ran's second is also harder than Yukari's second.

Yukari isn't really that tricky until calling Ran.

>> No.5233534

Is Princess Tenko the really easy one that all you have to do is fucking move to beat?

>> No.5233536

Because Charming Siege is decently simple for me. Oh noes. I'm trapped. Bomb. Now I can win. >_> The card doesn't completely blow to hell from one or two bombs, like with Tenko.

And I'm using Sakuya A, currently, but I'm planning to try and clear it once with each character (not necessarily type... I'm not sure how sadistic I'm feeling currently).

>> No.5233548



get out newfag

>> No.5233549

>Bomb. Now I can win. >_>
Oh, you bomb through shit, nevermind. Let me know when you're trying to capture spell cards and not just survive.

>> No.5233583

You just misdirect her shots and then move through the huge gaps in the butterfly bullets. If you don't focus so much on hitting her and just take your shots when you can it shouldn't be hard to avoid getting hit.

>> No.5233585

I've cleared it with every shot type but Sakuya B and one of the Marisa types, forget which. They're all fairly doable, and I'm sure I could do them all if I tried, so it's not too masochistic.

>> No.5233750

Agh, you never said you were using SakuyaA. Keep using her until you beat Extra, but I really don't like SakuyaA whatsoever. Terrible newbie-encouraging bomb-spamming focus-ramming shottype.

>> No.5233794


I don't know why anyone would use Sakuya A at all, homing shots are so boring.

>> No.5233850

I like my ReimuB. Nice damage, and dropping a focused bomb on Chen's face will pretty much clear a spell on its own.

I haven't really put much effort into Ran, but I also tend to get walled by Princess Tenko. It does get a lot easier once you learn the pattern, and bombing shouldn't mess you up too badly if you continue your movement pattern.

>> No.5233901

I find Charming Siege piss ass easy, although one careless mistake and the card turns into RAGE CITY

>> No.5233904


Oh my god why have I not tried this method before.

>> No.5233967


Charming Siege is too stressful for me to try to capture. I always end up using a bomb on it. I know there's always a path if you stay in the middle but the movements of the blue bullets are completely arbitrary and I can't read ahead at all to know where I should be positioning myself. I've captured Izuna Gongen more times than Charming Siege.


Why would you do that? Chen is incredibly easy.

>> No.5233998

a fellow jack of all trades user
