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522794 No.522794 [Reply] [Original]

Something just occurred to me. Marisa's either pretty unbalanced or pretty unique. I mean, how many games do you know have one of the fastest characters also be one of the strongest as far a power goes. Usually, the fastest would have weak attacks/shots and piss poor defense, and the strongest would be shitslow!

Just some random thoughts.

>> No.522808

Captain Falcon in the Smash series.

>> No.522809
File: 49 KB, 700x700, 1206157191448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something just occurred to me. Cirno's either pretty unbalanced or pretty unique. I mean, how many games do you know have one of the fastest characters also be one of the strongest as far a power goes. Usually, the fastest would have weak attacks/shots and piss poor defense, and the strongest would be shitslow!

Just some random thoughts.

>> No.522818

High speed is less of an asset in a game where the screen is absolutely filled with projectiles. The border team's homing shots and small hit box are far more of an advantage. Also, Marisa's handicapped by Alice, who's possibly the worst character in IN.

>> No.522824

Nerfed in Brawl

>> No.522826

I must dissent. Sakuya is the worst charater, her attack is weak and her bombs are completely useless since they aim for familiars and don't even destroy them completely.

>> No.522828

She haxxed her broom.

>> No.522829

Do Keine's last word as Solo Marisa (or the magic team unfocussed, but good luck).

So damn easy.

>> No.522832

Fast doesn't mean good.
Her team is actually the worst one, since it lacks homing or spread shots as well.

>> No.522841

marisa has a significantly larger hitbox when compared to reimu in pretty much every game as well

>> No.522844

Except being fast sucks in touhou.

Enjoy running into bullets.

>> No.522848

I agree and disagree. Alice is by far the worst character, but her speed isn't so much Marisa's handicap as is her streamlined attack that allows a bunch of enemies onscreen as opposed to homing, spreads, and turrets.

>> No.522852


the malice cannon exploit is pretty ridiculous. theyre definitely gimp if you dont use it, though.

>> No.522876

And piss poor/useless Alice without the Malice Cannon

>> No.522878
File: 349 KB, 1001x517, 1207550177192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a troll? If so, well done.

It's pretty standard for the most damaging ship to also be the fastest. You've not taken into account Marisa only fires forwards, and if she does have any other firing methods (flame throwers, options) they take additional effort to place.

Her speed and damage are counter-balanced by a need for increased knowledge of the stages and setup. Reimu on the other hand, can still kill a boss hiding in the bottom right corner of the screen.

Same goes for the red ship in DoDonPachi, Bolt in Progear, et cetera.

>> No.522900

Wasn't a troll, just a random thought. You do make a good point though.

>> No.522909

started IN today, what malice cannon?

>> No.522925

Every second, switch between Marisa and Alice, then watch the boss's HP slide away.

Malice Cannon

>> No.522929

Have fun trying to dodge.

>> No.522940

It only looks like Reimu has a smaller hitbox because she has a bigger sprite.

>> No.522945

If you're moving all the time, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.522949

Reimu has a bigger sprite because she is getting fat from being lazy, da ze

>> No.522952

1) Shoot Bullets
2) Focus and un-focus twice a second
3) ?????
4) PROFIT!!!

>> No.522955

oooo most fascinating

>> No.522963

In effect, even the lasers are shooting bullets

>> No.522974
File: 3 KB, 125x125, fuckyeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.524492
File: 315 KB, 498x932, MARIZA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice how ZUN draws Marisa in IN: the broom she's sitting on is always bent. Either Marisa is indeed a musclehead or a fatass.

>> No.524507

Or Zun can't draw a straight line.

>> No.524512

Or the broom is made of rubber.

>> No.524521

itt people who aren't shmup players

>> No.524520


How do you arrange your fingers on the keyboard to do the malice cannon properly? If I keep my index finger on X, middle finger on Z and ring finger on shift, then I can bomb quickly when necessary but I have a hard time mashing the shift key. If I keep my index finger on Z and my middle finger on shift, then I can shift quickly but I can't move my finger in time to bomb when I need to.

>> No.524529

Floppy rubber dildo broom.

>> No.524535

Wasn't it agreed ZUN is a drunkard (more so now) because of the artwork explosion of non-QUALITY Touhous. Hence the only way he can draw the characters is to be piss drunk?

>> No.524544


uh what?

He likes to drink that is a fact. Also I hate every poster who uses the word "touhous".

>> No.524556

I play lots of Touhous, Touhous are so KAWAIIIIII!!!!111!!1 i wish every day was full of Touhous.

>> No.524561
File: 160 KB, 765x356, 1209176168657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have a winner

>> No.524847

so, you want it to be called "toehoes" instead?

>> No.524860

I haven't played IN yet, but in PCB I like Sakuya the best for the mix between Marisa's damage output and Reimu's homing attacks.

But she has the hardest primisver I reckon.

>> No.524864

Of course. You obviously are new to the toehoes.
