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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 111 KB, 170x170, 1403550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5217301 No.5217301 [Reply] [Original]

ZUN!bar turns 27 tomorrow.


>> No.5217306


>> No.5217308

We should invite him for a surprise party.

>> No.5217313

1 year closer to your dirt nap eh?good for you.

>> No.5217311

He's turning 27; let's laugh at him for being so old.

>> No.5217320

>27 yearold virgin


>> No.5217322

One more year until he becomes a wizard. Good luck, ZUN!

>> No.5217323
File: 57 KB, 848x480, [Ryuumaru] Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou - 06 [B8615F32].mkv_snapshot_16.45_[2010.05.12_02.49.39].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5217330

Hey, faggot. /jp/ isn't Gaia. /jp/ isn't a forum.

Take your tripfag circlejerk somewhere else. I swear to god, moot, get a competent moderator/janitor to delete shit like this on sight.

>> No.5217331

Don't be so mean, /jp/!
Let's be nice to him, yes? :3

>> No.5217332
File: 576 KB, 1165x827, 5ecb1dfe483b011621b1d590bccec2a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In other news:Momiji is so cute in this picture

>> No.5217333

/jp/ - no janitors

>> No.5217342
File: 52 KB, 848x480, [Ryuumaru] Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou - 06 [B8615F32].mkv_snapshot_17.00_[2010.05.12_02.50.23].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shifty Scandaroon

>> No.5217338

He is? I didn't know his birthday was in May. <3

>> No.5217335

20 here. When ZUN!bar was 18 I was only 12 years old. Just the fact that he's hangout with us is proof that he's a paedofill.

>> No.5217347


>> No.5217348

man i remember when he was 25 like it was yesterday

>> No.5217354

A true bro you mean.

>> No.5217356

25 is still pretty old.

>> No.5217359


Eji left already.

>> No.5217362

Huh, I thought he was older. I'm turning 28 in a couple weeks.

>> No.5217375

why are you all so young and full of life /jp/?

>> No.5217383

How old are you?

>> No.5217377

He does? I'll be sure to wish him Happy Birthday.

>> No.5217379

People here are really in their late 20s? Pathetic. By the time I'm 28 I'll be a CEO of my own corporation. In 8 years a lot of things can happen.

>> No.5217384

I remember when I turned 27...9 years ago

>> No.5217386

>implying ZUN!bar is not still a virgin

>> No.5217387

I wish you a happy birthday ZUN.

>> No.5217394

/jp/ - Blog.

>> No.5217387,1 [INTERNAL] 

Is this true, ZUN!bar?

>> No.5217398

We have 36 year old virgins on /jp/?

>> No.5217402

Can you summon servants?

>> No.5217403


>> No.5217406

Hahaha 27!

Realized he himself is 26 this year. ;_;

>> No.5217413

BOOF, put your server up, I want to finish my 中出し

>> No.5217415

ooh, not so lucky a number

>> No.5217418


>> No.5217419

>full of life
Not sure about that part.

>> No.5217423

Isn't it impossible to get into a relationship after you graduate from college. You guys are truthfully perma-virgins.

>> No.5217427

Happy birthday Zun!bar :3

>> No.5217433


>> No.5217444
File: 205 KB, 361x361, zunbaraged.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zun!bar when he's 47

>> No.5217447
File: 567 KB, 1200x1600, 1266162479605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's never too late for a relationship!

>> No.5217452


I was 27 six years ago.

>> No.5217453


>he still thinks that's zunbar


>> No.5217465

Because a) you're no longer around girls your age, b) most long term relationships start in high school or undergrad, c) older girls are not as likely to start a new relationship because by that age they're already taken, d) younger girls will not be interested in you.

>> No.5217487

Good thing we don't like real girls then.

>> No.5217485

Number of years equals years without girlfriend?

>> No.5217499


Exactly. Fuck 3d split tails.

>> No.5217501

jesus fucking christ. RIP meido.

>> No.5217504

Enjoy lying to yourself.

>> No.5217508

I thought girls usually went for older guys?

>> No.5217515

Well, al least we are not discussing about that faggot.

>> No.5217519

Only preteens go for older guys.

>> No.5217522


I'm not lying to myself bro... I just don't give a flying fuck. There's a difference.

>> No.5217529


>> No.5217531



>> No.5217532

When you have money

>> No.5217538

Nobody wants to be alone, everyone wants love.

>> No.5217540


I make a shitload, but I never go anywhere besides work and home.

Feels good man.

>> No.5217545

>implying women care about looks or money

>> No.5217546

>Because a) you're no longer around girls your age,
What the fuck? You always have girls around your age, and age doesn't fucking matter (at all) once you're pretty much past the adult age.

>b) most long term relationships start in high school or undergrad,
No, most relationships that start in HS FAIL because we're all immature pieces of shit who shouldn't be in a relationship in the first place at that age.

c) older girls are not as likely to start a new relationship because by that age they're already taken,
Also retarded, see a). If anything, the GOOD ones are usually taken. It just takes some digging to find the right one. Doesn't matter how old you are as long as you're not in your late 30s or something.

>d) younger girls will not be interested in you.
This is just bullshit. Come on, a LOT of younger girls take interest in older guys. Teenage girls are just fucking dumb like that and it does happen more often than you think.

>> No.5217551


"I know nothing about life or psychology but I will continue to spout out bullshit like the stupid fuck I am"

Also another report on a proxy, faggots.

>> No.5217552


Yeah, but what if you think humanity is doomed and you detest everyone you meet and view them as intellectual black holes?

>> No.5217556
File: 209 KB, 1044x1244, The+Blues+Brothers+bluesbrothers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody ♪
♫ need somebody
You ♫

>> No.5217557

eventually some people will go to some shitty anime forum
find a dumb 15 year old girl living near them, educate her to become a not-so-annoying wapanese girl and then fuck her

>> No.5217563

Not true.

Sounds like a plan.

>> No.5217570

>"I know nothing about life or psychology but I will continue to spout out bullshit like the stupid fuck I am"
Hahahaha, you're so wrong.

>> No.5217592

You are making excuses for being alone guys, don't delude yourself, well, if that way is easier i don't think is wrong.

>> No.5217619


I've thought about doing that, but it's too much of a bother...If it requires effort, I'm not interested.
I've already had a number of opportunities, but they all involved work. One of them I was really torn about... She was really cute and highly flirtatious with me, but she was also HIGHLY religious which clashed quite spectacularly with my highly secular views, so I didn't bother.

>> No.5217626

Happy birthday, ZUN!bar! You're pretty okay.

>> No.5217633


There's no particular reason I'm alone, other than the aforementioned hating people and being really, really lazy. If I actually made a serious effort to find someone that shared my interests, I'm sure I could do it. The question is whether or not I'd want to share my time and money, and the answer is probably no.

>> No.5217651

Why would I need excuses for being alone?

>> No.5217809

Keep telling yourself that. Once you reach age 29 and up, you'll never get into a relationship. Can you imagine a beared 30 year old hitting on undergrads. That would just be sad. See this image for reference: >>5217444

The only girls you could find at that age are the less desirables; which includes (but is not limited to) single parent moms, gold diggers, and uglier than shit--con girls. The clock is ticking.

>> No.5217833


Sand's already run out bro.

>> No.5217833,1 [INTERNAL] 

Is what true? My age or my birthday?

>> No.5217833,2 [INTERNAL] 

I'm guessing he meant birthday since we all (should) know you're 26 already.

Well, if it's true I might try to draw something.

>> No.5217833,3 [INTERNAL] 

May 26?
What a lame date of birth, it doesn't have any special significance at all.

Well, I doubt it's true.

>> No.5217833,4 [INTERNAL] 

Happy birthday ZUN!bar

>> No.5217833,5 [INTERNAL] 

B-but my birthday is in January!

Thank you though, Anon. You're way too kind to me.

>> No.5217833,6 [INTERNAL] 

Happy birthday!

>> No.5217833,7 [INTERNAL] 


Happy Birthday, kisama

>> No.5217833,8 [INTERNAL] 

He's really 26 years old?

>> No.5217833,9 [INTERNAL] 

Well then!


>> No.5217833,10 [INTERNAL] 

I almost forgot what good animation looked like.

Also, Alice > ZUN's Alice.

>> No.5217833,11 [INTERNAL] 

Disney's>ZUN's>Original>>>>>>>Shit>>>>>>Tim Burton's

>> No.5217833,12 [INTERNAL] 

Says the middle aged male who still goes to see Tim Burton films that are marketed towards emo preteens.

>> No.5217833,13 [INTERNAL] 

>currently ranks as the sixth highest-grossing film of all time
How the hell did this film gross a billion dollars? 9 out of the 10 "highest grossing films of all time" have been created in the last 9 years. As the video game industry sinks into mediocrity, the movie industry is breaking records.

>> No.5217833,14 [INTERNAL] 

I only saw that one
