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5215493 No.5215493 [Reply] [Original]

In this thread we discuss the philosophical aspect of the touhou games.

>> No.5215504

people die when they get hit by bullets

>> No.5215537

Hitbox = soul

>> No.5215549

The bullets actually represent the patterns of light in the Platonian cave. By "leaving the cave" you become aware of the true nature of the images - simple patterns, forming a complex "context" by their aggregation.

>> No.5215597
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The more bullets you dodge, the more you realize you dodge nothing.

>> No.5215660
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You can't actually defeat any Touhou boss. In order to take their spellcard health down to 0, you first must get it halfway there. But before you can get to the halfway mark, you must get halfway there. And half that; and half that; and half that; and so on until you realize you really aren't making any progress anymore. You are trapped in your own time and space paradox.

>> No.5215669


>> No.5215712


>> No.5215717

The fear arises at the moment when the player realises the inevitability of the character's death and the risc of unproper disposal of the remaining lives. Therefore, the fear itself is a situation in which the player's concern of the remaining lives comes into existance

>> No.5215731
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Reimu is by her nature anti-Kantian. For that matter, she doesn't seem to believe in universal moral absolutes, either. What stands out about her, however, is that she does not believe in a society that is hands-off to things that ultimately concern the individual. She sticks her nose into everything, and wrecks up someone's shit because she wants to. Furthermore, she doesn't seem to care of the consequences her actions cause to others (poor Alice! poor Remilia!).
While it may seem that Reimu embodies "ends justify the means," she does so in a way that denies the rights of the individual that Kant supports.

>> No.5215732

Touhou is actually a secret training program that trains people to play danmaku. In the year 9999, Cirno will invade out world. Every person who cleared every touhou game on lunatic will be resurrected to fight Cirno, break the border between Gensokyo and our world to kill every single Youkai so we can build amusement parks in Gensokyo.

ZUN knows

>> No.5215748
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I dodge danmaku; therefore, I am.

>> No.5215755
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Do I unleash my love to Master Spark, or do I Master Spark to unleash my love?

>> No.5215781

What's the sound of a danmaku bullet that has not been fired yet?

>> No.5215809
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That's a Zen koan; not philosophy desu.

>> No.5215814
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THAT....is the question.

>> No.5215828

Eh. Better get playing, I guess.

>> No.5215909

What are you still doing here? Do you want Cirno to take over the world? Stop slacking

>> No.5216030
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When you've been playing for a few hours you stop seeing the bullets and start seeing the absence of bullets.

It's probably the closest you will ever get to your very own gaphax.

>> No.5216108
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The bosses don't want to defeat you. They leave you a path of victory in the midst of their destructive bullets to show you that they care for you and want you to grow as a person to be able to deal with the obstacles in your life.

What they want is for you to prove to them how much you value them, in that you'll take the time to learn how they think so that you can become closer to them. They just want a friend who will stop at nothing to be with them.

>> No.5216121
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Danmaku duels are the closest you will ever get to dancing with your waifu.

>> No.5216127

After all, how can they be loved if the player can't even see the path they make among danmaku?

>> No.5218789

Kanako is dead.

>> No.5218828

That thing where your mind sort of goes blank and you dodge a shitstorm perfectly is great. Although I think the "I DON'T GIVE A SHIT IF I CAN'T DODGE THIS, I'LL DODGE IT ANYWAY" that I got with my first hard 1cc is even better.

>> No.5218847

I'd rather Cirno takes over, actually. If he defeat means the death of Gensokyo, it's not worth it.
I shall watch from on high, as the world freezes solid, content with my newfound knowledge that Gensokyo exsisted all along, that my life was worth living.

>> No.5218850

alot of things in life are like this, power of concentration.

Try meditating, its basically just a concentration exercise, got waaay better at the vidya after doing some for like 2 weeks

>> No.5218857
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in touhou 11, it's the evolution of a poster.
first you are a spider, lurking about, just standing at the corner and watching the buzz.

than you try to get in, as a troll, to protect yourself from harm done by people who disagree with you.

than you get confident and post as an oni, as if you have all the rights and know excactly what is going on.

than you become a satori. you DO know excactly what is going on. you can discern posters by their posts and you know what people really think by looking at what and how they wrote.

than you stop caring and just enjoy the homour, like a cat playing with threads.

than you become a bird-brain and starts to bomb threads.

>> No.5222202 [DELETED] 


>> No.5222205
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>> No.5222215
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>> No.5222223

Oh wow, that's... pretty true.

>> No.5222229

My review of Touhou:

Art: 3/10
Music: 8/10
Writing: 2/10
Ero: 0/10
Gameplay: 4/10

Overall: 17/50 or 34%

>> No.5222234

>art 3
>writing 2

>> No.5222264

Seems accurate to me.

>> No.5222269
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By performing the activity of passing near bullets, one develops the hexis of grazing. Grazing is a mean between the extremes of running away from bullets and actually colliding with them, thus making it an arete.

>> No.5222471

Touhou, like life, is completely pointless. You put all your time and effort into dodging danmaku, and after finally winning realize you obtained nothing from it and the only thing left to do is start over again.
