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5204339 No.5204339 [Reply] [Original]

more of this tarot cards?

>> No.5204354

How can Ryukishi07 be so good with something like the Ars Goetia but so bad with something as simple as the Tarot?

>> No.5204359
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What is so good in knowing some demons name?

>> No.5204362
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The only card you need.

>> No.5204369


Not only knowing the name, but showing their seal, and knowing their aligned powers, as shown by his description of Gaap in EP1.

>> No.5204371
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>> No.5204380


But this tarot are made by Ryukishi07 as well?

>> No.5204381


>> No.5204383

I havent read the new version of witch hunts translation, but where does it explain stuff about Gaap? where does it reference Gaap?

>> No.5204388
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I can deliver 20 fate/stay night (hollow ataraxia) tarot cards, if you want. Or you can go to danbooru and find them.

>> No.5204392

Ep1, the second twilight.
The tarot cards fit well.

>> No.5204393

you gotta admit. it was funny. I laughed

>> No.5204403

Wasn't Gaap already mentioned in the original EP1? What did they add in the new patch?

>> No.5204410


Nothing. >>5204383 is simply confused.

>> No.5204413
File: 147 KB, 593x1021, themoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here beatoric... ehm.. jessica...

>> No.5204422

Post them.

>> No.5204424



>> No.5204431
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I'm confused.

>> No.5204432
File: 144 KB, 804x1416, theworldw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here some jessicatrice

>> No.5204433


OP here. Don't post them. Thanks anyway... This is a umineko thread

>> No.5204439
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>> No.5204446

What's the meaning of 'World'?

>> No.5204447
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>> No.5204452


The World is something complete and absolute. All other things combined are equivalent to The World, it is the culmination of all things.

The only card that may trump The World is The Fool.

>> No.5204454

The World represents an ending to a cycle of life, a pause in life before the next big cycle beginning with the fool. The figure is at once male and female, above and below, suspended between the heavens and the earth. It is completeness.

According to Robert M. Place in his book The Tarot, the symbolic fourfold structure of the physical world is used to define the sacred center of the world. The World card is thus a symbol of this sacred center, the goal of mystical seekers. The lady in the center is its symbol. In some older decks, this central figure is Christ, in others it is Hermes.

The four figures in the corners of the card are also referenced in the Book of Revelation, 4:7, "And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle." Together with the central figure enclosed by a wreath, they make up the five elements.

According to astrological tradition (for example, see Nicholas DeVore, Encyclopedia of Astrology, p. 355), the Lion is Leo, a fire sign; the Bull or calf is Taurus, an earth sign; the Man is Aquarius, an air sign; and the Eagle is Scorpio, a water sign. According to Place, Sophia, meaning Prudence or Wisdom (the dancing woman in the center), is spirit or the sacred center, the 5th element. It is the fourth of the Cardinal virtues in the Tarot.

>> No.5204459

symbolizes the great Mother, the cervix through which everything is born, and also the doorway to the next life after death. It is indicative of a complete circle.
Thus, the World card, very aptly, represents a successful conclusion, all aspects accounted for and taken in.

>> No.5204461
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>> No.5204468


>The World represents an ending to a cycle of life

Iffy wording. The END of the cycle is Death. The World is the entire cycle, but you can call it the fulfillment of the cycle if you want.

>> No.5204469
File: 604 KB, 456x812, thestar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the star for gaap?

>> No.5204474

The Star is a card that looks to the future. It does not predict any immediate or powerful change, but it does predict hope and healing. This card suggests clarity of vision, spiritual insight. And, most importantly, that unexpected help will be coming, with water to quench the Querent's thirst, with a guiding light to the future.

ep5 Gaap.

>> No.5204473
File: 542 KB, 559x979, thesun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why maria have 2 cards?

>> No.5204476

Maria and MARIA.

>> No.5204477


Because, quite simply, there are two Marias.

Maria (真里亞) Ushiromiya, and MARIA (マリア), Witch of Origins.

>> No.5204479

oh yeah.. I almost forgot this maria/MARIA thing

>> No.5204496

Jessica is beatrice, but beatrice is not the culprit.

I have no evidence but this is my opinion.

>> No.5204504


"Beatrice is not the culprit" is a null statement. The culprit is Beatrice. Beatrice cannot exist apart from the culprit.

Unless you're saying Beatrice killed Battler in EP4 for the fun of it.

>> No.5204508 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 498x1004, tarot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has The Fool card been released yet?

>> No.5204513

The whole game has explained how Beatrice is the scapegoat.

>> No.5204515

It should have, no one scans it anymore.
Ronove looks great though.

>> No.5204522

There are two: one is evil, representing the culprit and the whole world with its rules and one is Battler's Beatrice.

>> No.5204526


No, "the witch" is the scapegoat. SOMEONE (most likely the living "Beatrice", or in this context, an alternate personality of Jessica), not necessarily the MURDERER, wants everyone to believe in the witch. Thereby, they're the one running around staking all the bodies. That's a culprit.

Not necessarily the one who instigates the murders (which might change each episode), but who nonetheless takes advantage of it and at the very least killed Battler in EP4.

>> No.5204527

Oh man. ITT: tarot cards made by people who don't understand the tarot.

That is Shinji, right? Sheesh. Shirou should by all rights be on the Fool card.

Not that I'm complaining; at least they have great art.

>> No.5204538
File: 198 KB, 800x600, Fate Stay Night 029a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Specifically, Shirou before the 3-route split is a perfect representation.

>> No.5204552

>"Beatrice is not the culprit" is a null statement. The culprit is Beatrice. Beatrice cannot exist apart from the culprit.

She may have killed everyone but she is not mastermind

>> No.5204556


Mastermind and culprit are not synonymous.

>> No.5204561

I'm getting more and more convinced that Jessica is the other Battler, myself. Ange's red text that "Battler is not Asumu's son" bothers me.

>> No.5204569


>is the other Battler

There is no other Battler than meta-battler and piece-battler

>> No.5204575

You can say that all you want, it doesn't make your statement true. There is a Battler that came from Asumu, and our Battler isn't that Battler.

>> No.5204587

Not necessarily. Kyrie was supposed to have a miscarriage while Asumu's son survived. Isn't the simplest explanation that Asumu had a miscarriage and the babies were switched? There isn't necessarily another Battler. He could be long dead.

>> No.5204591

Personally, I find the idea of such name for a girl to be ridiculous, even for Ushiromiya family.

>> No.5204593


No. The statement "Battler is not Asumu's son" can be true if Battler was adopted.

>> No.5204605

Red text shuts you down on that.
>It was from Ushiromiya Asumu that Ushiromiya Battler was born
No adoption, and I heavily doubt a miscarriage as well due to this text.
As if Battler isn't already a ridiculous name! This is a series where the murderer is a witch, servant, and meido all at once, and you REALLY think that Ryukushi would draw the line at a name?

>> No.5204687
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>> No.5204699

Does a stillbirth count as being "born"? It's a "birth" after all.

>> No.5204702

>As if Battler isn't already a ridiculous name! This is a series where the murderer is a witch, servant, and meido all at once, and you REALLY think that Ryukushi would draw the line at a name?
But the reason this whole Battler = Jessica theory exists in the first place is to find loopholes in the episode 6 closed room in order to deny DID meido.

>> No.5204721

If that's why you guys are arguing over it, you are wrong from the beginning.
The person who was in the room was the Battler we know without a doubt, Erika made it very clear.

>> No.5204728

Oh, ok.

I'm happy you acknowledge that, really.

>> No.5204732

Not in the slightest! I don't believe in that, and it doesn't make much sense.
It(The logic error) would still have Shannon entering and Kanon coming out, so regardless if it were Jessica trapped there or Battler, Shkanon would be upheld.

(That and all the other stuff)
I said "severely doubt" for precisely that reason, but to be honest, I doubt the baby, even if it were male and I'm totally incorrect, was miscarried. Not anything to clue us into the fact that a baby was miscarried either, and born does mean to come to life, not to merely pass through a vagina.

Really, I'm thinking Jessica is the other Battler. She's always been "off" in a way, but never "evil".

>> No.5204750

You're assuming R07 would reason the same way you do though. He can be pretty tricky. And you don't know if Japanese has the same meaning. The key fact is that they fell pregnant at the same time and one baby is supposed to have died, Kyrie's, but Asumu's survived. Here we have a living Battler who isn't Asumu's, it just makes sense if the roles are reversed.

>> No.5204767

Let's not appeal to ignorance, shall we? I'm pretty sure the translations are reliable, at least when it comes to words like born and the like.
The baby that is alleged to have died was the one adopted by Natsuhi(at least episode 5 and episode 6 present us with this scenario), so I very much doubt a miscarriage.

Really, I'm thinking along the lines of this scenario. Krauss and Natsuhi are infertile because there actually is a loving god out there, two babies are produced due to Rudolf's shenanigans, they need a baby, so they take the female one.

I have red text to support the baby being female as well. It is a theory, and for all we know this could be a waste of our time, but with Shkanontrice revealed last episode, this is one of the few mysteries left.

>> No.5204781
File: 275 KB, 640x481, 19 years.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Episode 5 presents us with Battler's theory, and Beato in episode 6 based her killing of Natsuhi off this theory. The child that was supposed to be adopted by Natsuhi was probably not yet born. Natsuhi was probably told that a girl had fallen pregnant and the child would be given to her.

This is because obviously, the incident involving the man from 19 years ago happened 19 years ago, but Rosa's Beatrice falling off the cliff also happened 19 years ago. I think it's very unlikely they are two unique happenings. Rosa didn't see any baby with Beatrice, and between Rosa and Natsuhi's memories, Rosa's are probably more reliable.

>> No.5204802

Indeed. So, that's why I think Jessica is our baby. Both you and I are at a loss if Battler was the one adopted by Natsuhi and simply died. I mean, I'd be supporting a zombie! In my opinion, and this is going to sound really fucking cheesy, Natsuhi "killed" the other Battler by turning her into Jessica. Yes, that sounds silly at first, but Natsuhi seems guilty of something, and this is Umineko, where the concept of murder does not mean what it should mean.

>> No.5204814

In the end, where is the significance of Jessica having Battler's name, though?

>> No.5204820

Because she's such reliable! Right?
>where the concept of murder does not mean what it should mean.
It's just your retarded assumptions.

>> No.5204832

Keep saying Shkanontrice is a retarded assumption, maybe if you say it enough it'll make it true.
Well, first off, it solves the mystery of the Second Battler neatly, also explaining how Meta-Beatrice knows of a second Battler. Sheds more light on the Ushiromiya family in general. I suppose you could also use it to paint her as a culprit as well, but I don't particularly care about that too much.

>> No.5204833

>This is a series where the murderer is a witch, servant, and meido all at once, and you REALLY think that Ryukushi would draw the line at a name?
>Assume one stupid thing
>therefore author should make more and more stupid things
Cool logic, bro.
>As if Battler isn't already a ridiculous name!
It is. But GIRL Battler is too much. Other names may be strange for Japanese too, but at least they match with the genders of their owners.

>> No.5204843

You call me out on a logic failure, and yet you assume you can arbitarily draw the line at where things are too ridiculous? On what authority? And it's not like Jessica's functional name would be Battler under this theory, her functional name is quite obviously Jessica.

>> No.5204848

If she is honestly recalling something, then her recollection is most trustworthy than Natsuhi's. Rosa's memory is also backed up with some red.

>> No.5204856

What is that 'functional name' again? When and by whom she was given the name Battler? With your logic they can name her Jack, but it's okay, because her "functional" name will be Jessica! How nice.

>> No.5204865
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>> No.5204870

It makes sense. She was born with the name Battler, but Natsuhi called her Jessica. Kinda like a two month old puppy one purchases that already has another name.

>> No.5204871
File: 96 KB, 1024x768, 6ta5bmc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, that's her procedural name.

>> No.5204879

People don't born with predefined names. Someone called her Battler and that person was an idiot.

>> No.5204887

Says who? I know plenty of adopted kids whose original name was different than their current one.

>> No.5204892

>People don't born with predefined names

>> No.5205036

No full set anywhere?
