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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 165 KB, 768x576, finished_mokou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5201887 No.5201887 [Reply] [Original]

My Mokou is finished, and after mounting and a bit more polishing up, will have a nice permanent position on my desk.

Thanks to /jp/ for the lack of encouragement and /toy/ for all the help. If anyone's interested in what goes into making one of these and what you'd need to make your own, feel free to ask it.

And sure, it's not too perfect, but who is, besides my waifu?

>> No.5201896

That's great. Make sure to dust her off.

/jp/ - Your Blog

>> No.5201893
File: 184 KB, 600x800, mokoufig2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How it all began: with a bag of ugly white plastic.

>> No.5201902
File: 383 KB, 1024x768, mokou_step1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After clipping and sanding.

>> No.5201908
File: 147 KB, 565x698, mokou_taped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taped and pinned together.

>> No.5201912
File: 196 KB, 640x480, mokou paints.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The money hole.

>> No.5201918

huh so you actually have to paint it yourself?

>> No.5201919
File: 1.13 MB, 409x332, mokou_bow_2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wherein I learned to paint.

>> No.5201924

Too much work.

>> No.5201927

When will you finish her sweet hakutaku?

>> No.5201928
File: 118 KB, 640x480, mokou_current.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faceless immortal.

>> No.5201929

Now sew together your own plush with removable clothing and functional vagina

>> No.5201937
File: 135 KB, 640x480, less_derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly done.

>> No.5201936

face looks disgusting.

>> No.5201933

so a poorfag that can't afford a finished fig and you suck at painting too? get the fuck out

>> No.5201932

>If anyone's interested in what goes into making one of these and what you'd need to make your own, feel free to ask it.
Oh its a kit. I thought you actually sculpt it.

>> No.5201931
File: 83 KB, 353x476, mokou_face_finished0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First draft of the face.

>> No.5201944
File: 214 KB, 600x800, mokoufig1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And thus I try (and fail) to live up to the quality of the covert art.

>> No.5201952

Hey I remember your original thread

Damn I haven't finished a single kit since you started

>> No.5201955

well guy practice makes perfect
keep at it!

>> No.5201966

man that figure is hot!

hope you didn't burn through your savings anon

>> No.5201967


Yes. You assemble and paint it yourself.

You'll need about $100 worth of stuff (paint, tools, etc), plus the figure itself. It will probably take a couple weeks if it's your first time: it took me a few months, but only because I was working on it very rarely.

The main slowdown is that you will have to repeatedly paint over and over and over again on detail sections to make sure you get every little bit right -- and you have to wait for each coat to try before you switch colors to correct the previous coat's mistakes. So you basically paint for 3 minutes, wait 15 minutes, paint for 3 minutes, etc. In short, have a VN to play in the meantime.

>> No.5201970

Poor people piss me off.

>> No.5201973


It's not too bad. Total cost was about $100-$150 for equipment plus $150 for the figure itself. The latter was spent on a combination of the actual price ($100) plus shipping to my friend in Japan, plus shipping to me, plus a tip for said friend in Japan.

>> No.5201994

How is $300 "not too bad"?
Fig prices never cease to amaze me.

>> No.5201995

Wow, all that for some shitty figure. I bet you feel pretty stupid paying all that just for some half-assed project. Don't give me the typical "well it was fun to work on and she is my waifu so I feel it was worth it" bullshit. There's so many alternatives for shit like that that wouldn't cost over $300 just for some shitty thing to collect dust on your desk.

>> No.5202004


I did it because I thought it would be a fun project. If you're going to complain about waste, the investment of time is far more valuable than the investment in money: I could have easily earned far, far more than $300 in all the time I spent on this.

But it was an interesting challenge.

And, hey, I get a Mokou too.

>> No.5202010


Just drop by /toy/ and tell them that $300 is a lot of money. They'll start laughing at you.

>> No.5202014

Where's her fire?

>> No.5202017

And I'll start laughing at them.
Honestly, the raw materials can't cost more than $5 max.

>> No.5202021


Haven't done that part yet. It's not really mandatory I guess, but I'll probably do it eventually for completeness. And I bought clear paints to paint that part, so I might as well use them.

>> No.5202016

/toy/ is full of faggots that steal action figures from Walmart.

>> No.5202032
File: 105 KB, 502x679, 4283492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could eat dinner for a year with that much money!

>> No.5202033


Actually, resin sculptures are extremely expensive for a reason. They use high-grade plastic (it'll sink in water) which costs quite a bit more than your standard Legos.

But more importantly, the resin-casting process requires a great deal of manual labor and the mold wears out after only a few hundred runs. That's why resin kits are always so expensive.

One thing that may change this is 3D printers, which within the next few years may be able to generate high-quality figures, possibly pre-colored, for just a few dollars in raw materials. But they don't have high enough resolution yet and the good ones cost $100k or more.

>> No.5202035

ahahahhah you suck at making garage kits.

come back after your first ten. you will hate this one.

>> No.5202038


There's one thing I'll say about that: If I ever do one again, it'll be with an airbrush.

>> No.5202048

>f anyone's interested in what goes into making one of these and what you'd need to make your own, feel free to ask it.
You misled me into thinking you sculpted it yourself.

>> No.5202052

you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
> few hundred runs
> resin-casting process requires a great deal of manual labor
how about licensing you ignorant fuck? you think sculptors are able to sell intellectual property for free?! IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE MANUAL LABOR OF REPLICATION

>> No.5202056

you still have nine to go. shut up and zip up the "ask me because I'm now an expert" attitude.

>> No.5202057


It has to do with both. IP costs money, but why do you think sculptors release only a few hundred runs and then never release any more? It's not like they're earning any money on resales.

It's because it's a fuckton of work.

>> No.5202067


Obviously I'm nowhere close to expert, but almost all the "expert" guides are shit and don't cover the basics. They omit things like basic model-painting techniques that they forget newbies don't actually know.

>> No.5202071

Ignore the poorfags and trolls. It came out nice OP.

I hope you enjoy it. Mokou is definitely worth the time and effort.

>> No.5202075

>sell intellectual property for free
And this is why you pay hundreds of dollars for little molded bits of plastic and like it. w

>> No.5202087

It must suck being broke.

A few hundred dollars is chump change for most people.

>> No.5202096


Especially compared to the 20-100+ hours (depending on figure) you're going to spend making it.

>> No.5202105


It's the NEETs talking. For them, 100 hours is free, but $300 is big bucks.

>> No.5202116

No need to be insulting, asswipe. I go to university, which is more than you can say, mooching off daddy's money and clumsily painting little plastic figurines of fictional women who will never love you ^____^

>> No.5202133

>mooching off daddy's money

You were responding to the wrong person, but assuming you meant OP: I'm paying my way through school myself and buy everything with my own money. You have a problem with that?

Oh wait, you're Jones, you have a problem with everybody.

>> No.5202141

Not everyone in /jp/ is a kid like you.

>> No.5202158

I'm responding to the guy who leaves a space between the post link and the reply, who I thought was the OP.
If you buy with your own money, you'd think you'd realize that $300 is far too much to spend on shit like this.

>> No.5202179

>Oh wait, you're Jones, you have a problem with everybody.
No, but I do have a problem with the silver spoon mugenjohncel types who throw around money like it means nothing to them (he advertised Ren'py on a van in downtown Manila!) and I was getting that vibe from you -- plus you called me a NEET, which is rather offensive.

>> No.5202246

Not that bad for a first try.

If I were you, I would try doing the face all over again. Defining her mouth with black markers is a bad idea, her mouth is already defined in the sculpt, let the shadows do the work. If by any means you want to emphasize it:
a) do it with a subtle pink on her lips, but never define a whole line.
b) Define the crease of the mouth with VERY watered-down black ink and a fine brush (size 0 or 000). Apply it, and remove the excess inmmediately with a Q-tip, so that only the ink remains on the bottom. Repeat until happy, but don't overdo it so it ends up in a black line again (but a thinner line this time)

Her eyelashes would be much better if the black lines were less thick, and would benefit if the eyes were overall smaller (you can not this when comparing with the reference pic included on your kit).

>> No.5202254

>he advertised Ren'py on a van in downtown Manila!

Wow, in Manila?! Amazing!

I bet that cost almost 25 cents to hire the right number of child prostitutes to pull that together.

>> No.5202535

GK maker here. you're pursuing a dead hobby. WF, WHF, etc all pander to figma and PVC releases now. noone makes kits anymore. All the sculpting supermen have focused on mass produced kits.

and to those who think these are cast in the hundreds AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

to OP:
1.invest in an airbrush.
2. It's never easy.
3. the guides aren't shit, you are for thinking a guide will show you how to make you first one awesome.

I will repeat myself. come back after making ten and you will start throwing away your firsts.

>> No.5202554

>3. the guides aren't shit, you are for thinking a guide will show you how to make you first one awesome.

Actually, it's the opposite. The guides are shit because they were trying to show me how to make my first one awesome, and in the process they didn't show absolutely basic shit that you need to just make it at all.

I would much rather the guides NOT focus on making it awesome.
