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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5201193 No.5201193 [Reply] [Original]

Would Nier be considered /jp/ material?

One point in the game has text adventures for you to go through, and most of kaine's backstory in path B is told in novel format

Game itself has some stories that could rival most visual novels.

>> No.5201197

/jp/ won't like it because there's only one little girl instead of an army of them.

>> No.5201196

There's also a dickgirl in it, I think, which makes it more /jp/ related than ever.

>> No.5201198

Never heard of it before I saw Yahtzee's review on it.
Looked pretty "meh".

>> No.5201205

/jp/ doesn't like otaku culture the same way /v/ doesn't like games

>> No.5201224

It's not a dickgirl. Retard reviewers are retarded.

>> No.5201226

holy shit dogi you still post?

>> No.5201229

I don't even know what hell Nier might be.

>> No.5201230

Is it Japanese?

If yes, then it's /jp/ material.

>> No.5201233
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Iji is /jp/ even though it's not Japanese ok

>> No.5201234


So what is it?

>> No.5201237

Iji is doujin so she is fine.

Plus she is 2D; we love 2D girls.

>> No.5201248

It's a futa.

>> No.5201250

ZUN!bar having mighty fine taste in games.jpg

>> No.5201255


>> No.5201256


Yeah, I just said that.

>> No.5201259

>Yahtzee's review

The man didn't even touch the side stories or so much as beat the game once. This is like Drakengard where you beat it multiple times for the complete story.

Hell didn't he say the music was bad?

She's a hermaphrodite, its just downplayed in the English version
Yeah, just not as much

>> No.5201260

they called her futanari because she was possessed by a male Shade. Does not change anything on her body other than him residing in her heart talking to her. Nothing more, nothing less. She's a woman.

>> No.5201281

She is shunned in her village as a child long before she was ever possessed by a shade as being a "freak". The boys would gang up and beat on her for claiming to be a girl

>> No.5201285


Ha ha!


>> No.5201291


There there, just move your hands a little higher girl and you'll touch Daddy's sweet spot.

>> No.5201306
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>Nigga didn't mention story at all

Anyone but me on B ending? Fucking goddamn

>> No.5201318



They bullshitted up the main character and plot for the Western audience, btw. Link above for more info.

>> No.5201323

Wow, that's a pretty nice song. What language is it?

>> No.5201328


"The worst part is it's the same game except the dialogue was changed so you are a teenage boy trying to save his sister, rather than an older man saving his daughter. So yes, an hilariously cliche, more horrible version of this game exists."

Oh god.

>> No.5201330

Yeah, but her character sprite was modeled in 3D like in 90s games.

>> No.5201332

I don't get that article. What does he want to convey anyway?

>> No.5201337
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Hint: I am implying that he was trolling.

>> No.5201340

No, the "Brother" design was only the "original" in the sense that it was the look the character designer had in mind originally. Everyone else on the team wanted a Father design. Baby whined enough to get his original on the PS3 version of the game.

It's like if Nomura submits a new character and they send the design back saying "less zippers please"
Made up for the game. Each song draws from a different existing language though

>> No.5201344


There's two pages, the link takes you straight to page 2.

>> No.5201342 [DELETED] 



Many RPGs these days put you in a straightforward role withacharacters, etc, etc. It's really more like a VN than an RPG. This is all, as it stands, just fine.

The stupid thing is when they let you customize the name of your character in such a game, because it makes no sense. You're not inserting yourself into the game: you're playing an existing character. And it just forces every single NPC to avoid saying your name in conversation.

Imagine Fate/Stay Night where you didn't play as Shirou, instead, you played as Twattycakes. This wouldn't work.

>> No.5201352



Many RPGs these days put you in a straightforward role with no real decisions to make: you're playing an existing character, with existing relationships with other characters, etc. Something basically linear, i.e. more like Final Fantasy than, say, Mass Effect 2. It's really more like a VN than an RPG. This is all, as it stands, just fine.

The stupid thing is when they let you customize the name of your character in such a game, because it makes no sense. You're not inserting yourself into the game: you're playing an existing character. And it just forces every single NPC to avoid saying your name in conversation.

Imagine Fate/Stay Night where you didn't play as Shirou, instead, you played as Twattycakes. This wouldn't work.

>> No.5201356


>Imagine Fate/Stay Night where you didn't play as Shirou, instead, you played as Twattycakes.

Don't mind me, man. You just totally blew my mind, is all.

>> No.5201354

Wait, I don't get it. What's the shittier version, the Japanese or Western one?

>> No.5201369

>Imagine Fate/Stay Night where you didn't play as Shirou, instead, you played as Twattycakes. This wouldn't work.

What? No that would've made it so much better, and it wasn't like fsn had any voice acting.

>> No.5201372


That's basically "game journalism" these days. The harder you troll, the more hits your article gets.

>> No.5201391
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>What? No that would've made it so much better, and it wasn't like fsn had any voice acting.

>> No.5201393


I'm really bothered by that.
I remember when I could read a gaming magazine without the Reviewer trolling me so hard that I could see his coolface through the pages.

>> No.5201400
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Brother Nier is only on the japanese PS3. Every other release has Father Nier

Which is shittier depends on which design you like more and which approach appeals to you more. A Father trying to save his Daughter from a deadly disease or a brother trying to save his sister?

He was married in the canon too. Both versions

>> No.5201416

>The harder you troll, the more hits your article gets.
That's like that with everything. The more cynical and negative something is the more attention it gets. People like cynicism instead of praise. Like how a troll thread will hit 100+ posts in no time compared to someone starting a thread saying how much they enjoyed X which will die with 2 replies. Everyone wants to join in on the shitstorm and prove someone wrong.

>> No.5201446

It annoyed me as I was walking into the final encounter with the Shadowlord for ending D that he remains topless for the entire fucking game. You get some pretty sweet looking weapons and yet you still remain topless throughout. I think the designer of the western Nier is a fag rather than trying to make him 'macho'. The Japanese design looked so much better, in my opinion.

>> No.5201448

Oh shit I love Nier. I managed to enjoy the text adventures more than most people would have.

I vastly prefer adult father Nier to teen Nier. I hardly see enough "Protect the Daughter" and too much "Protect the sister who may or may not be blood related."

Also boar drifting.

>> No.5201462


>Boar drifting

It made me laugh when I seen an achievement popup when all I did was drift around on the Boar for like 10 minutes.

>> No.5201463
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>boar drifting

>> No.5201477

Man, when I found out I could DRIFT ON A BOAR, it was the best fucking thing ever. DRIFTING INTO SHADES, MULTI BOAR DRIFTING.

>> No.5201488

I'm surprised people still watch his bullshit.

>> No.5201506

If anything, it's a a bit of comedy now.

But anyone who takes his reviews seriously is an idiot. He'll sometimes bring up legitimate points, only to admit he didn't play the entire game.

>> No.5201525

You mean it wasn't always comedy?

>> No.5201522

His laugh at the end made me crack up so bad.

>> No.5201524


It's comedy, if you can't laugh at his comment in the latest video with the whole weight lifting until his chest was the size of blahblah then you have joy in your life.

>> No.5201547

protip, the father/daughter was what the creators originally created, the bishi/sister was created for eleven audiences

>> No.5201565
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Is the game any good? I wish I could play as the penis girl.

>> No.5201575

Father Nier would be a good idea if he wasn't so generic looking.
He looks like he escaped from a bad western RPG.

>> No.5201579

I enjoy it greatly. It has pseudo 3D danmaku. My only real qualm is FISHING QUESTS. Especially since I'm a completionist. Also shooting shadow lances at wolves is really satisfying.

>> No.5201608

He doesn't look as bad as some scenes make it seem. also I have the samurai outfit on him and it's pretty badass. Kaine's samurai outfit gives her underboob
I decided not to bother with the quests until C playthrough. Although I did a large number of them on A, ive skipped almost all of them on B so far. then again i completed all but two excluding fishing in the first part of the game.

Fishing wasn't bad once i learned where each fish i wanted shows up. The only point to it is the make catching larger fish easier though. and the fish monger selling them once you complete the quests

>> No.5201626

also On B path you see cutscenes about each boss before fighting them, and can understand what they say during the battles. Feels bad man.

>> No.5201646 [DELETED] 


>> No.5201654


The fishing was stupidly easy. The plant stuff can easily be abused by changing your system clock. Grinding components to upgrade your weapons though.. jesus christ, never again. Have fun getting shit like Eagle Eggs is all I can say..


Don't leave me... Beepy...


>> No.5201673

It always was. Though people do take them seriously.

>> No.5201689

>I was going to buy this but I decided not to after you openly focused on the bad part of the game, blew it out of proportion, and stretched it out for 5 minutes while making obvious mistakes.

>> No.5201806
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total bro

>> No.5201847


I laughed when Fyra died. I mean she was married for about 30 seconds before getting killed.

>> No.5201863
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I was expecting something bad to happen, but not that. B path shows the wolves were after revenge themselves.

and I'm just watching popola dance while Kaine and Emil beat on devola. her dancing is as beautiful as their song

>> No.5201954
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>> No.5202095


She dances? I honestly never noticed.

>> No.5202107

Yeah, it's pretty well done too. Go redo that part if you feel like getting through the boar again and watch her instead of fighting.
