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File: 224 KB, 500x600, Banchou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5199344 No.5199344 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a Big Bang Age thread.

Translation Patch and status:

>> No.5199373

I suppose it is about time I give this game a download

>> No.5199485

My goodness, how come the best girl's route has yet to be translated?

>> No.5199498

It almost is. Plus, while Senna's awesome, her route sucks compared to Kunagi's.

>> No.5199501

Does this play out like Rance?

>> No.5199508

Care to tell? I'm about to jump on her route as a second playthrough.

>> No.5199532

Basic concept of conquering areas is the same only with more micromanagement.

>> No.5199541

Superior Senna is superior. Just give her the counter+ 99% item and she can beat long ranges too.

>> No.5199558

Senna's attack animation is also cooler than Kunagi's.

>> No.5199559

There needs to be a translation group dedicated to just Alice Soft VNs

>> No.5199589

Is this the correct download?


>> No.5199601

This should be quicker and you won't feel obligated to seed!

>> No.5199602

These are the only 3 I want translated left.

>> No.5199603
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ITT Senna fanwank

I'm ok with this.

>> No.5199646

Kunagi is fucking kick ass and all that but Senna just matches Rouga's fabulous belt and gloves a lot more! When you conquer Japan, you need to have good fashion sense after all

>> No.5199710

That's a waste. Her base counter is already 80. A few levels of training puts her at nearly max.

>> No.5199716

One of which isn't even out for another 6 months.

>> No.5199736

The translation is going that slowly?

>> No.5199749

.... I thought her counter was 0%.

>> No.5199768

There are no translations for any of those 3 games.

>> No.5199799

There's no hope for a Haruka or Escalayer translation though. The poor translators would get stuck in fap hell and will be fapping instead of translating ;_;

>> No.5199876
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Daibanchou: The anime

>> No.5199904

Not sure if want.... Doesn't look very Alicesoft-ish

>> No.5199931


>> No.5199937

The translation is so slow, even the Japanese can't play it.

>> No.5199946

When Oh Great can write a story that doesn't confuse the fuck out of everyone.

>> No.5200060
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Stupid Sexy Senna

>> No.5200076

I'd join right away if someone makes one.

>> No.5200184
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I'd be "best friends" with this kid.

>> No.5200279

It's a trap....

>> No.5200342

Thanks Captain Obvious.

>> No.5200428

Are there even any other Alicesoft works that have been translated other than Sengoku and BBA?

>> No.5200452
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>> No.5200460

Nope, only those two. Hopefully at least Daiteikoku will have translation too when it's released.

>> No.5200466

>Hopefully at least Daiteikoku will have translation too when it's released.

If there is any justice

>> No.5200479

Delicious them thighs.....

I don't know why I picked Burai instead of Kinako....And in Kunagi's route too no less, I'm a failure...

>> No.5200486


Her counter drops as she gets low on stamina. Also unlike kunagi she gets hit which cost you victory points.

>> No.5200505

Fuck that, Senna has a cooler attack animation. I usually just kill them all so I get double points anyway.

>> No.5200512


Kunagi will also kill them. Senna only earns a net 1 point if she gets hit.

>> No.5200514

A few people were working on the Rance 2 remake, but I think they quit. Which is really too bad because the 20 minutes I was hanging out in their IRC they sounded like they were actually like... working.

>> No.5200518


Galzoo is a really fun alicesoft game, but it isn't translated.

>> No.5200540
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Kinda wish BBA had some sort of FFA mode. I'd gladly play as Nightmare Eyes.

>> No.5200553

Isn't Kunagi pretty weak in stamina? I'm in turn 30 and she has about 5 stamina while Rouga, Kendo, Jinnai, and some of the others have +7...

>> No.5200574

I don't think anyone ever worked on the remake, it is not hacked yet. I was the one working on Rance 3 with two other guys and we had an IRC channel, but the others quit so the project died. If Rance 02 ever got hacked I'd do the translation by myself.

>> No.5200578

The NPI is a lot stronger though. Their territories have the best recourses, their generic students have the best stats too.
It's crazy the guys have 50/50 in law/income, the girls have 80 in come.

>> No.5200586

Fuck no, Galzoo has a devilish system designed to make you grind for H-scenes.

It's a game made by residents of Hell itself and will eat at your life just like Sengoku Rance does.

>> No.5200590

She makes up for it with Godly evade and above average attack. Most fights are quick enough that they don't even require +7 stamina anyways

>> No.5200611

Fuck the generics. Blind bitch is not nearly as sexy as Camilla.

>> No.5200626

Well, if you put it that way..... Ginjou is also pretty pretty hot.

>> No.5200647

That Kashin guy....He just keep go around NTR-ing all those poor Kansai guys. I'm just glad I managed to make him leave my area.

>> No.5200668
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Too bad she's a slut.

>> No.5200678

Senna with a dick.

>> No.5200687

That's not true! Tomoka is a good girl! If people just quit piling all the responsibility over her, she wouldn't be stressed and wouldn't give in to that evil guy ;_;

>> No.5200695

What!? She has nothing to do with that guy, Senna is a good girl!

>> No.5200707

He's another one of the mutated reject clones like Iori.

>> No.5200717

Senna is still a good girl, stop implying otherwise ;_;

>> No.5200783

Keep telling yourself that bud.

>> No.5200799
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>> No.5200828

Looking back, the school chapter seems so small and insignificant.

>> No.5200847

Delicious Shizuka Itou character.

>> No.5200882

I don't think anyone worked on the remake. We need to ask that Tatari tripfag if the guy who said he would ever started.

>> No.5200896

I want to use Kinako in my next playthrough, but I'm afraid she won't be so good for Senna's route.
Ideally you'd want Kinako/Kunagi and Burai/Senna, right?

Man I really messed up. Maybe I can compensate by having Daigo or something...

>> No.5200927
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Some more sweet, scrumptious Senna.

>> No.5200934

Senna is delicious waifu.

>> No.5200947

Fuck off, niggers. Senna is mine.

>> No.5200965

....Fine, as long as I get delicious class president.

She's a good waifu who believes in you and gives you desperately needed money in the beginning.

>> No.5200998
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>> No.5201033
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I got a little jealous when that school boss had his way with that orange haired waifu in the first ecchi scene...And he was treating her so bad and threw her away afterwards too....

She was delicious and I wanted to recruit her ;_;

>> No.5201048


Everyone regains stamina at the same rate so it isn't that important. Also kunagi can actually fight for the entire duration of her stamina while senna might not.

>> No.5201058


Kinako is better for all routes. She only needs the second button to be useful.


You needed to grind in galzoo? It's an easy game where you don't need to do that.

>> No.5201071

Hmph, at least Senna is Medium range. She'll kill short range types before they can counter her.

>> No.5201113

She would be at a disadvantage against long range then unless she is an exception...

>> No.5201189

Same, but that made kicking Yamizaki's ass much sweeter.

>> No.5201201

im too lazy to lurk for a dl so bitches give me a dl link nao

>> No.5201246

12th post in the thread....

>> No.5201619

Is it normal that none of the menus are translated?

>> No.5201645

Yeah, they aren't translated for now. But it's really easy once you've figured out what the signs and buttons does.

>> No.5201657

Is there a quick translation pic or something like that?

>> No.5201742
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Just ask if you're confused about something.

>> No.5201768
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>> No.5201782
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Super Heita better be fuck awesome.

>> No.5201796
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>> No.5201814
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>> No.5201815


thank you thank you thank you!

>> No.5201819

where do I save?

>> No.5201820
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Sanae >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Heita

>> No.5201822

Thanks, bro!

>> No.5201832
File: 250 KB, 640x480, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After you made your attack, and after the enemy has their turn, and after your characters level up, you can save in this screen.

>> No.5201841

Thanks got this now. One last question. Do I fight those random npcs or do I go after events? Also are there events which are plain useless like in rance?

>> No.5201860
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and that big button at the bottom is the continue button.

And then you get this screen, where you just click the button at the bottom again to continue.

>> No.5201890

Suppress the roof and there'll be an event to pick up an item that'll mark all the Important events. There are still certain non-vital and non-obvious things that it won't mark that you still want to do though, like the Curry stuff in National.

>> No.5201914
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Heita's gonna Heit.

>> No.5201923

>Do I fight those random npcs or do I go after events?
You can do all three. During 1 turn, you can have:
1 event >>5201742
+1 chit chat >>5201768
+ 1 fight >>5201796

And then the turn is over.
>Also are there events which are plain useless like in rance?
Yeah, there are.
It's recommended to get the Cube from the roof top of the school.
It'll mark stars at some important events.
It's also recommended to recruit as many generic girl npc as possible. Byt the time you reach Nationals, you should have at least 10~15

>> No.5201935

School is full of useless events. After that, not so much, although many things are almost worthless or you may not have the character that benefits from doing them or have already bought the item you'd get from it.

>> No.5201950

10-15's a bit much. I usually have about 6-7 (the 3 max loyalty ones from school and a handful more from District) and then just recruit more of the archer generics and manbos as I need them.

>> No.5201965
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>It's also recommended to recruit as many generic girl npc as possible
Faceless girls like these. They're fucking awesome for collecting money later, each girl collects 50 bp.

>> No.5201976

I got panicked when their loyalty drops and talk/bonused them instead of using my turns clearing VIP characters.

Any tips to prevent that?

>> No.5201982

How do you recruit that many? Capture them in battle?

>> No.5201983

>10-15's a bit much.
10 is the bare minimum to cover all your areas once you've conquered PGG and Nightmare eyes.

I prefer to get the generic girls while I'm still in School and District. Events in the National chapter is too precious to waste on recruiting.

>> No.5201984

There's always option to recruit them in Seijou/other schools at beginning of turn.

>> No.5201999

In the beginning School chapter, you can get 2.
In the Discrict chapter, you can use events>>5201742 to get as many as you want. 1 event to recruit one girl.

>> No.5202009
File: 18 KB, 183x300, AmonSaito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to d-d-d-d-d-d-duel!

>> No.5202015

Never had that problem since I conquered nightmare eyes pretty fast and got an item to restore loyalty and there also Sion, doing ecchi with her raises loyalty.

Otherwise I heard you can pay them some money to regain loyalty....or something like that, though I'm not entirely sure how.

>> No.5202022

Just capture the archers in battle. The NPI archers are technically slightly less cash efficient, but it's not like you need to max/min that much. I like beating District a lot quicker than the time it'd take to recruit 10 school girls, and you could spend those turns levelling up Aya/Daigo/Kyouko/Mario in the dungeon instead of grabbing schoolgirls that'll just sit on the bench for 15+ turns in National.

>> No.5202027

If you have enough BP (depends on the turn count, about 1000 +500/20 turns), as soon as any unit reaches red loyalty, an event opens in Hawaii to send everybody on vacation which'll restore all loyalty to full.

>> No.5202128
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This is what you can see in when you reach National chapter.

In the District, you can capture units and earn money fro territories.
In the Nationals, your can capture+earn even bigger money+ make buildings.

>> No.5202149
File: 7 KB, 200x25, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not all star evens are important though. Like this one, I find it completely useless.

>> No.5202154

That guy....Annoying brat is annoying, but damn he's useful.

>> No.5202174

If you don't do it, there's a random chance every turn (higher if order in that region is low) that the region will spawn a set of rebels. The units are always weak though and it gives you the chance to capture more schoolgirls, so it's generally better to just let it happen.

>> No.5202189

>The units are always weak though and it gives you the chance to capture more schoolgirls, so it's generally better to just let it happen.
Yep, and a few exp points too. That's why I always let them rebel.

>> No.5202213

Some important events aren't starred too. Suppressing the Curry Restaurant isn't starred, but it unlocks all the starred Curry events. Kibito's lab also isn't starred, but you need to do it for his clears. Dungeons aren't starred either and they all have items or other unlockable things in them. Similar events that directly give crap /are/ starred.

>> No.5202260
File: 7 KB, 202x31, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone figured out what this event does?

I know it leads to another event wich says something like this:
But I never figured out what they do.

>> No.5202264

It's the one in Yokohama by the way.

>> No.5202274

It spells out Secret Diary and gives you the Secret Diary item.

>> No.5202442

bump. Let's keep this thread rolling.

>> No.5202506

Woooow...It took like 40 turns before I gott the last event triggered. And now I don't even know what the diary does ;_;

>> No.5202537

It only appears on full moons. Or maybe new moons. One month is 8 turns, so yeah, about 40 is right.

Try doing public service after getting it.

>> No.5202687

whoa, I found "lots of money" and I suddenly had +6400 BP...
I'm not sure about the exact amount though since I forgot to notice how much money I had in the previous turn.

>> No.5202704 [DELETED] 



>> No.5202972

How do I regenerate Health? Do I need to keep people in areas I've freed from those delinquents?

>> No.5203010

>How do I regenerate Health?
In this>>5201796 screen, you drag your injured units back to the list on the right. After being un-deployed for a turn, the unit should be healed somewhat.

>> No.5203035

>Do I need to keep people in areas I've freed from those delinquents?
Only if there are enemy units remaining.

If there are units remaining even even you completely conquered an area, you should station enough units there to take care of them in case they attack you.

If they're all dead, then it' completely unnecssary.

>> No.5203043 [DELETED] 



>> No.5203044

Thank you. Just 3 Questions and I'm done.

1. Is there a time limit or turn limit or can I skip conquering school rooms and just lvl up relationships?
2. Should I Get everyone involved in combat(as in just having them there) so that htey gain stats?
3. >Do I need to keep people in areas I've freed from those delinquents?

>> No.5203060
File: 56 KB, 335x590, 1257399946159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Archive link containing tons of useful info for newbie players.

>> No.5203070

Thank you very much!

Q3 answered, thanks again.

>> No.5203099

School = 25 turns
District = 25 turns
National = 100 turns

If you want. Exp is split. Don't bother giving it to units that won't be directly used in combat, like the pedophile teacher/nurse.

Not in School. In District and National, yes.

>> No.5203111 [DELETED] 



>> No.5203106

1. Top left corner. When it runs out it's game over. National is 100 turns for example
2. For VIP combatants you enjoy using. It's a loss if faceless or anyone you don't like using soak up the EXP points
3. In District Chapter you will miss some income; in National Chapter it's that and place can rebel due to no one upholding order

>> No.5203187

Is it possible to get stuck on relationships like in rance? I mean where you can't advance one point until you progress in the story or something like that? Because I get the same event when I try to socialize with the girl from the rooftop.

>> No.5203244

Almost all special events in the conversation phase have very specific triggers. Raise their level to a certain amount or a certain number of turns since something else. Eri's the only exception. Getting her second character check and the item from her is a little random, but it doesn't matter much since you have far more turns than you need in School and no penalty for using all of them.

Any event that requires characters to be deployed together isn't available until National.

>> No.5206953


>> No.5207081

How do I gain my health back? By not letting them fight?

>> No.5207086

Remove them from deployment entirely.

>> No.5208603


>> No.5208922

Do you get points to spend on items/characters after your first play through?

>> No.5209150

Nope, but you can clear the characters so they get bonuses and unlocked for hard mode.

>> No.5209293

Anyone played the fighting game Big Bang Beat? Looks Pretty cool.


>> No.5209318

I have, it's actually a pretty fun and solid fighter, quite fast-paced. The .iso for it isn't really even that big.

Only one problem, there is no netplay whatsoever.

>> No.5209391

I heard the later patches made the game totally unbalanced though. Not sure how I feel. Ah well, Sexy Senna has sexy stance in this game anyways.

>> No.5209430

The main problem is that the enhance system and the massive damage from the supers means that the optimal strategy for many characters is to do combos that let you end with a taunt/enhance for the first round or two, then do a 90% damage combo and instantly win.

>> No.5209464

Eh? That just renders high level play unplayable. No wonder hardly anyone plays this.

>> No.5209477

I think I'll just stick to Big Bang Age, I was never very good at fighter games.

>> No.5209551

I don't get why people prefer Senna. Guess you simply have no taste, not that that's a surprise around here.

>> No.5209562

Can't you see that Senna is the superior waifu?

>> No.5209597

During a battle what does the red/pink option do? The thing that is under physical attack

>> No.5209601

It's the character's special attack. They do different things depending on who.

>> No.5209607
File: 202 KB, 1200x877, 5f90879ea15575a1042fda55f95f872c[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Senna will always be superior sword and cape waifu.
Claws just isn't as....fitting.

>> No.5209634

Sanae's does half damage but is useful for capturing enemy since she always leave 1 hp so they survive.
Yuuki's counts as a free hit, even though is doesn't damage anything, it's used for stalling since the opponent is stopped from doing anything.
Kendo's does +50% extra damage.

There's a wiki that lists all their special attacks.

>> No.5209653

>Kendo's does +50% extra damage.
And uses 2 stamina points...Sometimes it's worth it, sometimes it isn't.

Sannae and Yuuki only use 1 stamina point for their specials.

>> No.5209699

Sorry. I'm only capable of seeing the truth.

>> No.5209720
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The truth is that all waifus with swords and capes are awesome!

>> No.5209740


I'm a sucker for the katana school girl archetype and she matches so well with Rouga.

>> No.5209768
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>and she matches so well with Rouga
This man speaks the truth.

>> No.5209842
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>with swords and capes are awesome
Let this be a know fact.

>> No.5209865
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>waifus with swords and capes are awesome
It has always been this way since the beginning of time.

>> No.5209936
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Sekirei is full of sword&cape girls for some reason. I guess it's the way to go if you want kick ass appearance....

>> No.5212044

Rise from page 14 and gather more information.

>> No.5215317
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Which of these are worth using?
Also does having a lot of characters mean you get less BP to spend?

>> No.5215323

Over 70% translated and they don't have the buttons edited? Figured that would be among the first things to do

>> No.5215439

Can you capture people in this game? I continue to defeat characters with dialogue and no one joins

>> No.5215473

Not until District. And you don't want to defeat them to capture them.

Top four are physical and mental training (small boosts to various stats). You have to do an event in National to unlock the second set.

Next three are restore loyalty, restore HP, and restore stamina.

Bottom six give type advantages against each element.

>> No.5215521

They didn't have the tools to edit them correctly until a few weeks ago. They're being worked on now.

>> No.5215690

ehhh....You can't afford any of them right now. Wait until you have thousands of BP.

>does having a lot of characters mean you get less BP to spend?
In the National chapter you have to hire them for money, yeah.
The guy in your pic costs 8 BP per income phase.

>> No.5219014

Is most of /jp/ waiting for a full translation?

>> No.5219038

well I'm waiting

>> No.5219083

As am I.

>> No.5219533

Is there a reason to occupy Shin Juku? It keeps spawning zombies.

>> No.5219576

Farming exp.

>> No.5220780

How do you invade Sangoku? There's a great wall that won't let me proceed.

>> No.5221417

You need to try invading once, have Sae, and have taken the ninja region. Then there'll be a start of turn event telling you how to invade.

>> No.5222637

You can also get an awesome character there who boosts the experience points for up to 6x10exp in any fights he participates.
