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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.47 MB, 2332x3212, 06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5190043 No.5190043 [Reply] [Original]

New Ar Tonelico thread, the previous thread (>>5029899) has hit the bump limit.

>> No.5190060
File: 1.11 MB, 2338x3319, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ar Tonelico For Lazy People Pack™:

Contains torrents for the games along with the emulator installer + plugins + bios. Thanks to Anonymous for this.

And before someone asks again for the lossless albums:

AT - All: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=116396&d=1240137696
AT2 - All: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=108204&d=1232984269
AT3 - OST: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=112183
AT3 - Hymmnos albums: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=111040

Thanks to Yuyucow and Anonymous in previous threads for digging up the links. Foobar can play the .tta files but if you feel like converting them to .FLAC or whatever for your MP3 player/Media player of choice then Foobar also provides an easy convert tool. Takes about a minute to convert the albums over to FLAC.

AT3 Artbook - http://www.mediafire.com/?jrm2mg22mkx

Filterguy's latest AnT spam filter - http://pastebin.com/NdR4qkSq

>> No.5190064 [DELETED] 

Xbox 360 post when?

>> No.5190068


Have we found out exactly when this press event is yet?

>> No.5190069

>Giant boobies
I don't care if this is weeaboo grindan. Post some more of that blonde boobies girl.

>> No.5190075

Whoops! The previous thread was actually
My bad.

In before: Luca's a bitch, Clouche vs. Luca, Sion spamming the thread with images, filterguy and his spam filters, that guy who always shouts Cocona's name, that other guy who can't resist saging AT threads, Ha-halloween.gif.exe, dat Tilia ass, Finnel's back, Mir's stripperifficness, and EXEC_EP=NOVA/. hate.

That should cover just about all of it.

>> No.5190079

Localisation, when?

>> No.5190086


Never because of feminists

>> No.5190099


Curse you, feminists!

>> No.5190129
File: 1.05 MB, 2344x3496, 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mean Saki? I'll admit that she looks good with boobs/tumors.

>> No.5190180

You forgot EXEC_CUTYPUMP/.

>> No.5190187

I'll include it next time, then.

I don't like that song, either.

>> No.5190197

I was talking the blond girl in the upper left of OP image.

>> No.5190202

That is Saki.

Is also Saki.

Multiple personalities in its most literal form.

>> No.5190216
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In any case, here's the purge design for her.

It's from the AT3 artbook and you can get it in the second post.

>> No.5190220

That's not exactly multiple personalities, more like multiple "souls".

>> No.5190240

Technically, they're all "guests" in Sakiya.

>> No.5190255
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Seeing this picture makes me want an Ar Tonelico FPS where you control reyvateils armed with assault weapons and using magic at the same time.

>> No.5190261
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>> No.5190263


It'd be great if I could figure out how to fix the slow down. Even the fucking music slows down.

>> No.5190264


also that idea would imply a lot of fanservice i hope

>> No.5190271

Why do you guys keep making threads? Do you actually have new discussion each time, or is it always the same things being posted all over again?

I honestly don't know, I haven't tried the games yet. But I'm curious about this never-ending chain of Ar Tonelico threads. The first two games weren't even that praised in the press, Famitsu (not that I give too much credit to Famitsu, but still) gave the first one 31/40 and 28/40 to the second one, it seems like all this hype is something exclusive to /jp/. What could possibly be interesting enough to keep you guys posting for so long? Or is everything in these threads just posted by a dozen of hardcore fans who are analyzing every aspect of the games? I don't know, enlighten me.

>> No.5190279


>Do you actually have new discussion each time, or is it always the same things being posted all over again?

How's this then:

I was told by an NIS employee that, "If Ar Tonelico 3 gets localized, don't worry about anything getting botched.
The coordinator/translator who worked on Ar Tonelico 2 took the backlash from that game very personally and now his heart is blazing with passion to make sure he does a perfect job on the next one."

>> No.5190288

We've had this discussion before countless times. Look around the archives; every topic made has the previous topic's post number in it.

Also, due to the amount of downloads one of the songs got from one thread, I've estimated there are at the very least least 25 people reading this thread, with numbers likely approaching 40 or even as many as 50.

>> No.5190324

In any case, it's kinda like a cult series in that not many people have seen it but the ones that have really like it. I personally like to see the discussions, though I don't often participate unless I have something to contribute; recently at least a third of my posts have consisted of either posting the new spam filter or uploading stuff for the guys in the thread.

>> No.5190353


>It's kinda like a cult series in that not many people have seen it but the ones that have really like it.

Well, sort of. I've found that it's easily spread via word of mouth. I found out about it before the first game came out from someone I work with, so I pre-ordered it. Then I got a copy for a friend of mine, and now he's into it.

>> No.5190354

Ha; there's nothing cult or obscure about this game.

This place is not /jp/; it's disgusting that you guys think AT can accurate represent part of this community.

>> No.5190361

Let's avoid starting this shit again ok ?

>> No.5190402

Slightly off topic but was Record of Agarest War worth getting?

>> No.5190411

No, unlike AT3 which has a reedeming factor in its story, Agarest is shit in every aspect.

>> No.5190453

I was thinking of getting AT3 but I didn't play the first two games. Is that a good idea ?

>> No.5190493


>Agarest is shit in every aspect.

You mean to tell me you don't like ridiculous situations, characters fighting over you, and great art work? What a shame.

>> No.5190504


I don't know...I suppose it would be a good idea to have some kind of idea what the previous games were about.

>> No.5190505
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>> No.5190537
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>reedeming factor in its story

Haha, good one...

>> No.5190545 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5190550 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5190609


Ugh... old hags. I puked up my breakfast cereal.

>> No.5190866

Thanks for making the thread again, OP. Been relatively busy today and didn't notice the thread was over the bump limit.


The discussion varies from how certain aspects of the game work to new content being released like that kind Anonymous who provided a new Toukousphere translation in the previous thread. Check the archive, we keep to a single thread and generally discuss various things. Unlike every other thread in /jp/ which is just generic Touhou imagedumps with Cirno or whatever we actually do discuss things here. Infact I was personally thinking of not making another thread but with recent news that AT3 will be localized it should draw some more people to these games. If a single thread is too much for you then just filter 'Ar Tonelico' or minimize the thread and be done with it.

And regarding the ratings Famitsu is shit for companies that don't stuff their pockets with money for high reviews. Ar Tonelico provides excellent music from some high profile singers while introducing some nice characters, interaction with said characters via their respective cosmosphere and relatively interesting universe mechanics. The actual gameplay aspect leaves a lot to be desired I'll admit but it's all about the character interaction, really. Give it a go and see for yourself.

>> No.5191000

We also have that discussion almost every thread. The shortest version of it is that this is the only board which is remotely applicable where AT can be discussed with any frequency. I respect the fact that it would be more correct to place the thread in /v/, but the AT threads do not have enough posters for a thread there to have any chance at ongoing discussion (that, and /v/ is a shithole). We keep it to one thread and the maid has been kind enough to make an exception for AT fans, so I think I can speak for most of us when I say that while this thread being here is technically a violation of the board divisions, it is better for the thread to be here and have some discussion than to fall off of /v/ every couple of hours with 3 interested posters and 4 shitposts.

It's one of those cases where blindly enforcing the rules for the sake of the rules causes more harm than making an exception, so while I can't ask you to like it, I would ask that you tolerate it.

So apparently Mute is cute before CUTYPUMP. Does she get much screen time before that happens?

>> No.5191005

They... level up and take off their clothes?

>> No.5191019

They strip during the battle.


>> No.5191046


Yes. I don't know the technical stuff about it since I don't know moon and haven't played AT3 but if I recall correctly clothes weaken their link to the tower server or something so they 'purge' in which case they strip down and their burst gauge fills up faster and eventually allows special attacks.

>> No.5191084

During battle, they 'purge' their clothes because the clothes suppress their power. You can do more powerful stuff the more they purge. Of course, that's extremely embarrassing to do so you have to have good relations. They go back to normal after the battle.


>> No.5191361


Agarest is..ok. RPGfan's review is pretty much on the money, the game would've been better if they cut down the fluff battles by like 85%. Taking an SRW style approach with varying mission objectives outside of 'annihilate the enemy and don't die' would've helped too. You can tell Aksys had fun with the localization, and pretty much every dialog Thoma has in generation 3 is hilarious. If you liked cross edge you'd have fun with it.

>> No.5191663

A friend of mine tried to emulate Final Fantasy 12 with PCSX2, on a relatively strong PC, and he was faced with extreme slowdown (a framerate of 10-15 fps). Would the same PC be more or less capable of playing the AT games fluidly?

>> No.5191770

Record of Agarest War seems interesting, but that $45+ price tag on PSN is a bit much. Also from what I learned, just like Cross-edge it has BS requirements to get the good ending. You can actually lock yourself out of true end from having too many battles ("turns")! What on earth?

>> No.5191771

Good to hear, I guess, though I'm not sure just 'blazing with passion' is adequate. The errors in AT2 suggested some very basic misunderstandings of either the Japanese or English language, though actually caring in the slightest about their work might prevent shit like え?だって、スープが言葉喋るようにしたんじゃないの?becoming "Huh? But you don't have long enough bangs to be emo..."

(Actually, some of the translation errors are plain bizarre considering both the translators had Japanese names.)

>> No.5191810

Pretty much any PC made in the past couple of years should be able to run AT at full speed, maybe with a little slowdown on the world map. Most of it is 2D, so it's not exactly intensive.

>> No.5191839

Chances are he ran an old version of Pcsx2, most people do that.

>> No.5191887


I'd say yes, Ar Tonelico is ridiculously easy to emulate. The only 'intensive' part of the game is the world map. I get constant 60 FPS with AT1/AT2 and only 15-20 FPS with Shadow of the Colossus and that's with my old 6 year old rig. Get the latest PCsx2 with the updated addons from like March or something and it should run fine.


Some of the translations were plain bad I'll admit but quite a lot of the errors could have simply been remedied if the game was actually QC'd. Hopefully they actually do a proper job of AT3..

>> No.5191900

"QQ I can't play game well"
Learn to play games nub. Stop being you're typical american and maybe you'll stop crying.

>> No.5191917

>typical american

Baby's first flame.

>> No.5191962

I see, thanks. I guess every new version makes a bigger difference from the previous one than I thought.

>> No.5192060
File: 70 KB, 213x333, raki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a robot chick in at3 like there were in 1 and 2?

>> No.5192069

There's an AI chick, if that counts.

>> No.5192089

Too bad she goes bsod on you.

>> No.5192094 [DELETED] 


xnfbvqhn sd qat aeAm dVEyRYa IqMPORTvANtTh MEvSgSAGEa aTO CHgRIShTpOPHEeR oPOfOLE r(sAKA MlOOTv, AKzAe sTuHEb pADMxIlN eOeF 4CrHANc): REMOVdEo qTsHEz IpLLgEgGmAeLr nCLONyE zOF oANONTAnLlK BbBhSf FnROM oYrOUR ScERVERjS xORk vYvOUj gWlIjLL hLOSE EmVEmRYTHING YOiUn OuWpNm aSrOqOsNr.m iYOeU bHqArVEg BtEtEN WnAeRNED MANYm yTIzMErS tBUT CHoOSfEdN TuO kCONTsINkUqE HOaStTING yTHEr lIxLuLfEGmALy CjLxOxNzEo OF SsYmSOhPa'Sm aWORtKj. lYOUd tARE A SpLEsAZYl,y DlIoRTY,g hLqYrING THvIEFx SiCbUzMBAG;o sA UeSELESS gHgUgMiAlN BxEINGx uWkHqO LAmChKvS cAx SsOUsLf.v f4CtHeApNb kHoAnS dRUIsNgEDu TrHEx oIrNTfERnNETg OuN gSO hMfANjY mLvEdVEcLiSy ArND nNEEDzS zTuOm sByE RrEsMaOVED COMgPaLEuTjELvYj, BqUT yTHvAT ISz AtNOTHER pMAiTTtEsR kEmNTIeRoEqLcY.b vFORi NOW, REdMgOVaEq zTHE CLOiNE ANDf bPAaYd SYSnOPj $m650b,o0f0t0m iUxSoDx TO aCOiVEgRx gATo LqEjAbSTy SlOiMEt OF HIS mMqANpYi kEXPzEjNSrES,x nCuAUSEuD kBrYr YaOURd bARMY OF TeROmLlLySx gOeVoEnRs THEy YaEAdRSf, dWbHIyCaH YcOUj uHyArVE ALsLOWkED TO oOvRGAvNlIZEq ILlLtEGqAaL cAtTTAgCeKmSj eON THiIhS VcEqRYq BOaARDz.c ScIjNCEi pYOUv HmAlVE SdTaOLfEfNz OUfR zORIvGIiNALp cDoOuMAIqNj,s SEE:q mHqTxTPz:k//88o.80a.a2b1.12q/ ORx vHtTpTdPn:/o/WmWW.jAnNrONTALKr.fSvEy/d eOR HTlTrP:z//ApTm.xKIcMMOdA.kSE/qra lu ihad gg nn cqoog ymd o hi o e xph vj kosiemvdv

>> No.5192180


Yeah, the newer client means you're getting the latest patches for various games that may have glitches for example it now comes with Gustfix which fixes certain bugs in AT1/AT2. The plugins generally improve your performance all around.

>> No.5192533

How hard is AT3 to read anyway? My Japanese isn't that strong but I've been dying to play it.

>> No.5192657

How voiced is AT3? I can't read shit for JP but I can fumble my way through menus and stuff so I figure I'd be okay. Assuming of course, its mostly voiced because I can understand half-ish of raw animes/VNs without reading.

>> No.5192670

It seems like it has a lot more voice acting than the previous games.

>> No.5192682

Hmm, I guess I'll just grab it to have it anyway even if it isnt FULLY voiced. Hopefully I understand enough of it, lol.

>> No.5192699

Pretty much all the important storyline scenes are voiced, with the exception of the Cosmospheres, which hardly have any voicing.

Tilia's Cosmosphere is absolute hell if you don't know written Japanese, it's pretty much impossible without a guide. There's one on Youtube somewhere.

>> No.5192814

Cosmospheres are half the fun :<

>> No.5192896

Not only that, You're required to do like 2/3 of Tilia's as part of the storyline.

There's around 12 choices per level, you get kicked out if you get one wrong, and unlike the other Cosmospheres, you have to start right from the beginning if you get kicked out. Almost impossible if you don't know Japanese.

>> No.5192921

Holy fuck. Does it take a while to get to the questions or something? Could always just write down an answer that worked and spend 5 hours in it haha

>> No.5192923

I hope this doesn't get an English dub when it's released stateside.

There's no way they can find an English VA who fits Mute.

>> No.5192934

There's a walkthrough on youtube, just use that.

>> No.5192998


NISA's event thing is in July. Long wait ;_;

>> No.5193011
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>> No.5193030 [DELETED] 


It should be dual audio, there's no excuse not to have it.. especially on a Blu-Ray disc.


Honestly I'd say wait for a bit until we know what NIS is planning to do. It's clear that they're going to release AT3 but it's all a matter of the release date. I recall the faggots on the NIS forum mentioning that they have no title coming out after Atelier Rorona which is out sometime in Autumn I think. They'll probably move straight onto AT3 after that is released so it's a matter of if you can wait half a year or pick it up now and struggle to go through the game and miss out on quite a bit of content.

>> No.5193024


There would be more than enough space for Eng and Jap tracks. Don't be a dick just because you want only one voice track.

>> No.5193087

I was wondering, is there a list somewhere of the locations of every reyvateil's installer port?

>> No.5193096

Why the hate for EXEC_EP=NOVA/.? It sounds like a bubbly silly song, which induces much :3.
Also it sounds like a Goldfish Poop Gang fight song as well. Silly but upbeat so you know you're fighting. I'm probably wrong though.

>> No.5193143

It's a wasted Akiko Shikata song. She usually does badass, "epic" songs, and EP=NOVA doesn't fit with that at all.

Although in context, it's probably one of the funniest parts of the game.

>> No.5193183


These are the ones off the top of my head, someone else can fill in the rest.

Misha: Middle of her chest above her breasts.
Aurica: Back of her neck.
Shurelia: On her back slightly above her bottom.

Cloche: Slightly under her left armpit.




Akiko Shikata generally provides some of the best songs in the album and when they're limited to 4 songs or so and one of them is wasted on garbage like EXEC_EP=NOVA/. it just seems like a complete waste. It also sounds horrible, at least to me. Thankfully stuff like Ec Tisia and EXEC_FLIP_ARPHAGE/. makes up for it.

>> No.5193188


It's sad that Japan will see Totori before we even see Rorona. NISA's translation team is pretty small, I guess.

>> No.5193193

Hate to tell you this, but EXEC_PURGER/.#Aurica_extracting was more epic than Misha's version

>> No.5193209

You'd be wrong there.

>> No.5193226
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Frelia's is here. HNNNNNGGG

>> No.5193236
File: 9 KB, 217x208, 1272133351299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pepen's Song. QED. EP=NOVA is a great song. GTFO and take this book of yours with you.

>> No.5193255


Not him but honestly the Misha version is superior. I love EXEC_LINCA/. though.

>> No.5193270
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Pepen's Song isn't a main part of the storyline, so it doesn't count.

>> No.5193297
File: 74 KB, 661x720, 1273109604525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pepen's Song is canonical. Don't like it? Tough.

>> No.5193306
File: 30 KB, 360x359, deal with it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it canon if it's not even part of the story?

It might as well be a filler.

>> No.5193316

It doesn't have a place in the storyline, and isn't a Hymmnos song, so it's a terrible comparison.

>> No.5193337
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Yes, because Cloche singing about her love for Pepens has nothing to do with At2.
Oh wait.

>> No.5193362
File: 6 KB, 368x264, trollface calm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I didn't know what you two were talking about and just wanted to post that particular image-marco as a response.

>> No.5193363

I like EP=NOVA, CUTYPUMP, Z, and PEPEN song

>> No.5193394

It's still not part of the storyline, and not on the Hymmnos CD, so it can't be compared to EP=NOVA

>> No.5193434

Misha: Middle of her chest above her breasts.
Aurica: Back of her neck.
Shurelia: On her back slightly above her bottom.

Cloche: On her left arm, inside her armpit.
Luca: Underside of her left armpit.
Jakuri: Below her navel
Frelia: On her back slightly above her bottom.

Finnel: Nape of her neck.
Saki: Near the base of her right thigh.
Tilia: On her back slightly above her bottom.


I'm with you.
Personally, maybe it's because I listened to RAKA and Harmonia over eight thousand times on repeat, but I find Shikata's 'epic' songs all sound too similar. I appeciate her trying to diversify a little.

>> No.5193530 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.5193563


>> No.5194022

Oh, god, generic, unrelated reaction images.

Please, please, please don't shit up the thread. At the very least use images from the AT series.

inb4 AT threads were already shitty

>> No.5194347
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>> No.5194411 [DELETED] 

Filterguy here again with the new filter. The last revision only filtered some of the spam, for some reason. I re-did it and even though it's pretty much the same, it works now. Sorry for that.


>> No.5194421


>> No.5194502

I don't get the hai in the mouth thing, it makes no sense.

>> No.5194510

It's sexy.

>> No.5194512

I presume it's a bad habit some people have. Maybe he finds it attractive.

As they say - if it exists, there's a fetish for it.

>> No.5194529

I can assure you that they were never good.

>> No.5194561
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It's considered a sexy pose. Also some people like to have a strand of hair in their mouth just like some people like twirling a strand of hair around their finger etc.


Then why have you not filtered the thread? Shouldn't you be making new /b/ related threads?


Thank you, good sir.


No need to thank me, just providing delicious Jakuri.

>> No.5194628
File: 101 KB, 650x1200, _misha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question about the first game. Are Aurica and Misha the only two girls you can dive into, or can you go in Shurelia's cosmosphere also? I completed the game once so far and "chose" Misha. If I take the Aurica route the second time, does that cover everything?

>> No.5194647

Shurelia's cosmosphere lets you play some sort of story game thing, not dissimilar from a vn.

>> No.5194652 [DELETED] 


>> No.5194674


You missed the second half of the game. You chose Misha but effectively stopped halfway through the game so you missed out on the story related events to that path but I think they're identical on either route apart from the final choice. As for your question, yes you can dive into Shurelia but because she's an origin she doesn't have a cosmosphere like normal reyvateils but instead she can 'install' different scenarios so you play through a story with her. It's pretty light hearted compared to the Misha/Aurica which was a nice change.

>> No.5194694

>to the Misha/Aurica

To the Misha/Aurica cosmospheres, deletion timer sucks. And to get into the second part of the game at the part where it gives the choice "Settle down with Misha / This doesn't seem right..." or something along those lines you need to pick the second option so that you wake up Shurelia.

>> No.5194697

>Luca: Underside of her left armpit.
or in croix's words
"her installer point is at her ribs right under her armpits."

>> No.5194907


Filterfag here. Disable the filter IMMEDIATELY. It's causing FF to crash for some reason. I'll try to fix it right now. Goddamn am I sorry. The damn thing is too complicated for the extension.

>> No.5194958

All right. I've fixed it. I'm so fucking sorry about that. To be safe, I used an expression that filtered a very, very broad amount of characters (pretty much everything in UTF-8) and it just couldn't handle the amount of information to be processed and gave up. I've optimized the filter now and it should be just as effective.

New filter is here:

>> No.5194979

Was the cause of the problem in the filter. I don't know why but it was making the filter assrape firefox.

>> No.5195459


Thanks once again.

>> No.5196591
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>> No.5196718
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>> No.5196742

Tilia is surprisingly amazing. Pretty much every little glimpse of her in that DVD was hilarious. I'd definitely make her agepan. (Speaking of which, she gets pissed at Kusof- er, Vista in the latest Toukousphere because the agepan is a lie and shuts her off out of hand. God, I love Tilia.)

>> No.5196806
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Poor Vista. ;_;

>> No.5196907 [DELETED] 

Does AT1 only have English dubs?

>> No.5196961

I'm wondering, if you (Lyner) choose the first option at the end of Phase 2, does it mean that Metafalss would fall down due the power shortage?

>> No.5197044


Sadly it's not considered canon but it's interesting to consider. In this case Jakuri wouldn't appear in AT2 anyway so they'd be pretty fucked regardless, this is of course assuming that Krusche still travels with Jack. This of course would also have a large impact on the events in AT3 and would probably mean they'd never get to see below the Sea of Death and would be stuck in their towers with only Harvestasya reyvateils able to still use their powers. I'd say they would be pretty fucked. It's actually quite sad knowing that characters that you know and love would be forced to suffer such a fate. Shurelia and Jakuri never waking up, Cocona would end up dying in Meta Falss etc. ;_;

>> No.5197926

I suppose the third tower would've sent someone just as they sent Loudness to the second tower, before the irreparable happens, chances are there are some countermeasures to wake up the tower again beside RE=NATION.
After that it's either Mule wrecking shit up in the first tower or something similiar to the original events, but with the interference of the third tower's agents.

>> No.5197946


Well here's hoping they do a good job, and then move on to translating Totori.

>> No.5198328


Sure they could wake up Shurelia and Mir but that wouldn't really change much unless the people in Sol Cluster can see into the future. Meta Falss would probably fall before someone could intervene, it was close enough as it was during AT2 without taking into consideration travelling all the way from Sol Cluster to Sol Ciel, obtaining, installing and performing EXEC_RE=NATION/. then cleaning up the following mess of Mir with no EXEC_HARMONIUS/. to help. And all this would have achieved would be that Ar Tonelico has a functioning administrator and everyone can use reyvateil powers again. Meta Falss is doomed to fail without events going just as they did from the first game.

>> No.5198456

In AT3 someone (I forget who) says that the planet only had about a year left before it fell apart anyway, so basically, if each of the games' canon endings don't happen, everyone is fucked. I'd think the BEST case at that point would be if Ar Ru still manages to manifest in Finnel, enabling the Antibodies to kill all living things on the planet, which might give it enough energy to somehow make do for a while, but I'm guessing won't have any real permanent effects. I'm already unclear enough that it would be worth replaying from phase 2 on ...

In any case, I think >>5198328 is right, no matter what happens, Meta Falss is pretty much screwed on ice if AT1 stops at the phase 2 endings. Again, probably the best case is a successful Hibernation, but I don't know if everything would have fallen in place quickly enough for that to happen.

>> No.5198550

Interesting news:
While AT2 was translated by 3 different people(who did not really check each other's work much), AT3 is pretty much done by a single guy, so it will be at least more consistent(according to a few 'behind the scene' NISA statements).
Don't expect a GREAT localization, but there is a bit more effort.

>> No.5199062


I hope the guy has improved from AT2 is all I can really say. And I hope they've employed a QCer or two this time around, it's not hard to scroll through a script and fix up some simple spelling mistakes..


Wait, how's that possible? I thought the epilogue of AT1 when you choose Misha/Aurica instead of waking up Shurelia it shows you a few years later or something? Or was it only a few months? Also Hibernation would have been guaranteed to happen without Mir present to share her knowledge of diving into your underage sister. So Meta Falss residents end up in a spiritual form inside Infel Pira whilst Sol Ciel and Sol Cluster residents up end getting killed off a year later from the death of the planet. Hibernation almost seems like a good idea when it's put that way..

>> No.5199156

Each of the AT games are two years apart (3771/3773/3775). So, if the world would have ended "in a year" in AT3, that would be some time in 3776 or 3777, five years after AT1.

Also. The AT2 retranslation people figured that the rollercoaster quality in the script meant they had a senior translator who did some of the more key scenes and junior translators who wreaked havoc on stuff. If that's the case, I'd guess "the guy" who will do the AT3 translation is the senior translator. I wanna be the guy ;_;

>> No.5199171

AT2 takes place two years after AT1, and AT3 takes place 2-4 years after that. There's time enough for AT1 to have an epilogue.

>> No.5199174


Ah yeah, I forgot about the time difference between games.

>> No.5200581
File: 252 KB, 600x581, 8798876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I wanna be the guy ;_;

Story of my life, image related.

>> No.5201703
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And again.

>> No.5201867

Wish this was translated. Seems funny.

>> No.5202437

YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND (though it seems like I've seen this on Danbooru somewhere where it's probably translated, but eh)

Cocona to Aotoeto. (Sorry, couldn't figure out immediately how to preserve the pun - I've got other work to do tonight ... )
C/ERO A (For A-cups and less)

Aoto: Sorry ... I made you cry again. Your wounds haven't even all healed yet.
Cocona: It's okay ...
Cocona: It didn't really hurt that much. Besides ... you know? I'm a lot happier than I used to be ...

Croix: Did you ... make Cocona cry? (first letter in red like in Higurashi)
Aoto: EEeeeeeee!!

>> No.5202476

I laughed. Much appreciated, bro.

>> No.5202573
File: 307 KB, 800x872, 9096510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And again. I'm sure you can see where this is going..


Thanks for the translation, especially since you're busy. I swore it was on a *booru too but iqdb says otherwise.

>> No.5203225

So, uh, Jakuri is Mir?

>> No.5203381


What gave you that impression? Yes, Jakuri is Mir.

>> No.5203424

Her conversation with spica when I went to enna

>> No.5203651


She makes quite a few references to Lyner, Funbuns etc. and EXEC_HARMONIUS_FYUSION/. is a pretty big give away, assuming you've heard it. Her mind guardian also makes it pretty clear.

>> No.5203676 [DELETED] 



>> No.5203877
File: 128 KB, 640x480, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found this picture and felt like posting it.

>> No.5203939

Is this from the AT series?

>> No.5203945

No, that's from Atelier Iris.

>> No.5203955



>> No.5203994

I wish she could join the party after you make the chronolex.

>> No.5204237


I realized recently that I stopped playing AI1 not long after you finish her side quest. Coincidence? I think not. I should go back and finish the game some time. Especially because of her.

Having AI-style shopkeepers made AT2 all the more delicious.

>> No.5204292

I finished the game without finishing her quest. Feels bad man.

>> No.5204530

So I herd that many people had problems with AI1 crashing after the closing credits, and not being able to do the post-game dungeon. I was one of them. Anyone else?

>> No.5205439


Is there not a patch available to fix it similar to the AT2 bugfix? I thought there was.

>> No.5205446 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5205445 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5205494

Also a pre-emptive thank you to the kind Anonymous powering his way through the next Toukousphere. I'll let him post it personally when he's satisfied with it but I noticed it earlier and thought I'd say thanks.

>> No.5206246
File: 578 KB, 1000x1414, 9029086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5207536
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16 year old moe.

>> No.5207699 [DELETED] 

Filterguy here yet again. Big update this time since I've been experimenting around with a regex tester. Did a load of optimizations so that what happened last time won't happen again and also reduced the overall length of the filter while at the same time making it stronger. Hope it helps.


>> No.5207790

Filterguy here. Disregard the last post. It had one error that I have now fixed. Still big decrease in size and increase in filtering capability.


>> No.5209681


Thanks as always.

>> No.5211139
File: 162 KB, 566x800, 10865176_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweaty waifu is best waifu.

>> No.5211296


Is that an oh-ho face or a troll face? Or both?

>> No.5211542


She knows you're fapping over her.

>> No.5212108

With the recent news of AT3's inevitable localization I couldn't help but think of how NIS can potentially fuck up again. Having a single guy working on AT3 can be good but that wont stop the inevitable fuck ups of stupid name changes, badly translated game terminology and hymmnos.. you get the idea. It'll also be dual audio so it wont effect me but after AT2's horrible excuse of a dub I'm not expecting great things here either. They can say they learnt their lesson from the last time and I'm eager to get my hands on AT3 but I can't help but dread the worst after AT2. Oh well, a shitty translation is better than no translation at all, I guess.

>> No.5212163

Kyuu! Kyuu!

>> No.5212213

Anyone know if there's a AT4 slated for development? I sorta got big blue musical balls on the last Hymmnos concert disks. Don't get me wrong there was nice stuff on it but not compared to AT2.

>> No.5212603

Anyone have a good pic of the 1st tower? preferably side view/cross section type image.

>> No.5212870
File: 438 KB, 1280x2992, 9f111e4f2fef694591240d2faa941f6b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5213173

The way it goes from countryside Sol Ciel to the silence of space never fails to amaze me. Did we ever get an official height for the tower(s)?

>> No.5213378

Thanks, the first tower is my favorite.

>> No.5213567

Makes me wonder if similar images exist for Metafalss and Sol Cluster.

>> No.5213621

By the way, is it just me or the 3D artist of the second game is definetely different from the 1 and 3 ones ?
The second tower looked MUCH better than the mess of polygons that were the first and second one.

>> No.5213624

as far as i know, at least not from the same artist

>> No.5213875


I can't help but think of Ar Tonelico whenever I play Resonance of Fate simply because of the stupidly huge tower it also uses. I want to dive into Reanbell.

>> No.5215165

I want to play this on PCSX2, is there any recommended config for the game? I have a Core2Quad Q9400 @2.66Ghz and a nVidia 9500GT, so how should I set the emulator to get good quality while not making my PC explode? I've noticed some random lines appear when playing this game in higher res than native, dunno if that could be fixed.

>> No.5215749
File: 11 KB, 800x600, TowerHeightShit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>official height for the tower(s)?
Nothing official, but I've made estimates based on a few guesses and math. Given our only point of reference for the height of the tower is a guess at the angle to the horizon line and the size of the planet we can get a rough estimate at the height of the tower as follows:

The horizon line from the top of the tower is tangent to the surface of Ar Ciel (small assumption that it is a perfect sphere).
The towers are effectively vertical and the distance from the top of the tower will be the radius of Ar Ciel plus the height of the tower.
From the top of the tower, the angle between the horizontal plane and the horizon line is the same as the angle between the tower and the the center of Ar Ciel and the horizon tangent point.

cos(Theta) = R/(R+H)
(R+H)*cos(Theta) = R
R+H = R*sec(Theta)
H = R*sec(Theta) - R
H = R*(sec(Theta) - 1)

Assuming Ar Ciel is roughly the size of Earth and the angle between the horizontal and the horizon from the Rinkernator is about 30 degrees, this gives a height for Sol Ciel of ~600miles or ~1000km.

//I may or may not have way too much time on my hands
///These numbers are entirely dependent on a number of baseless assumptions
////I offer no assurances to the correctness of this math nor do I believe the official numbers will be anything like this

>> No.5215760


Just buy AT 1 and 2 and play them on your ps2, if you don't have one buy one for under 100€, playing on console with correct controller feels just that much better than emulating

>> No.5215860

Well, you CAN hook a PS3 controller up to the computer with the power cord and the right drivers. That's how I play.

If you want to get extra creative, you can splice the PS2/1 controllers to a USB connector as well if you don't want to shell out for the PS3 controllers.

>> No.5215906

I'm already playing the game with a DualShock since I have a PS2->USB thingie.

>> No.5216104

>I've noticed some random lines appear when playing this game in higher res than native, dunno if that could be fixed.
the lines always appear on resolutions other than native. it has something to do with filtering or positioning or something like that.

the game doesn't expect its graphics to be displayed in other resolutions i think.

>> No.5216174


And I thought I was bored. Good job, sir.


I use the latest GSdx plugin with 1280x960 resolution (since x1024 just adds black borders to the screen) and I have the native box ticked so that there's no random texture problems. Everything seems to run smooth with the default plugins/settings it comes with. If you have trouble I'll download Pcsx2 and try and remember my settings since I don't have access to either of my computers right now. It should run flawlessly since AT1/AT2 don't require all that much to run.

>> No.5216276

That works well enough, I would've made an estimate of the diameter, then used that for the height rather than assuming angles like that. However, yours is probably accurate enough to show that it's a really huge tower.

>> No.5216281

Didn't they say the size of the Wing of Horus is about that (or half) of California? That's one clue to the size of the tower.

>> No.5216536

Technically I assumed no angles in deriving the formula, but I did make a rough guess at the angle visible from the top of the tower. I suppose I could make a "better" guess for the angle by building out from the isometric view from a screen shot, at the top of the tower showing the horizon, but I lack such a screen shot and it would be a stretch to assume it was modeled correctly in the first place.

>> No.5216545

It may have been mentioned somewhere, but that wouldn't give a very good hint for its height. It may however be useful for estimating its width at the level of the Wings of Horus (since it seems to get thinner as you go higher)

>> No.5216555

Are there any other games as lewd as this out in English?

>> No.5216565


Get your mind out of the gutter, the dialogue and content of these games are as pure as can be.

>> No.5216597

AS lewd as is a tall order for a subjective opinion. MORE or LESS lewd than, however, is a much easier comparison.

>> No.5216668

Well then, just lewd in general. With lots of happy blushie scenes and clothes randomly flying off.

>> No.5216839

Well, you could start with any number of translated eroges.

>> No.5217046

I mean, you know, JRPGs like this Ar Tonelico, that SRT Eternal Frontier game, and Riviera to some extent, but not something as blatant as Rance.

>> No.5217528

Unfortunately I'm not too familiar with the masses of JRPGs; I only get to see some of the ones that are translated. I'm sure there are more lewd ones out there, but I can't really recommend any.

>> No.5217847

Filterguy here. I just noticed but make sure you copy down the filter that's in the "submit a correction or amendment below" area where you can edit things. If you copy down the filter in the top area it will add spaces for some reason and not work.

Filter is here btw.

>> No.5218234


Honestly you're safer putting Ar Tonelico into 'VN with gameplay' rather than 'JRPG'. Most JRPG's contain little to no innuendo, sadly. And it's not like the combat in AT games is overly impressive anyway. You'd be best looking at games like Utawarerumono, Tears to Tiara etc. for a similar experience.


Thank you.

>> No.5218281

I've heard the .hack series has some innuendo in it. Been wanting to play it but got no time.

>> No.5218367

I've also noticed that the filter will slow down FF if exposed to multiple full URL's in a post. However due to the optimizations I put in it should not crash FF. The worst it will do is make it hang for a second or two and then make you stop the script. This rarely happens though, especially on /jp/.

Use it if you wish but there is no way getting around this-the 4chan filter isn't exactly the most efficient thing in the world so unless I make the filter dumb it'll always be like this.

I updated it a little to hopefully reduce potential hang time.

If I'm being too annoying, sorry. This is a bit of a learning experience for me but if someone really thinks this is a waste of posts I can stop too. I just want to do something for the AT community.

>> No.5218406


Well, the spam rarely shows up, at least for me. It's easily ignorable since it appears to only show up once every few days if not a week. I don't think you need to worry about filters too much.

>> No.5218409

I was planning on starting Ar Tonelico one of these days.
It's good right?
Are the characters likeable?

>> No.5218423

What the fuck

>> No.5218434


Awesome music, characters, character interaction etc. Just don't be expecting much in regards to actual gameplay, it's about as simple as it gets.

>> No.5218436


You said the magic words
>Character interaction
I love that. Thanks.

>> No.5218453

Expect a VN pretty much. Its good. I liked AT2. Even the mediocre English translation was good enough. The gameplay is pretty fun. They give you lots of stuff to do and manage, and nothing's that hard. This thread's second post has anything you could ever need.

>> No.5218460

I like it, it's one of my favorite games, i'd recommend it to anyone who likes jrpgs. But I think mana khemia 2 is better

>> No.5218486

Yea, pretty much if you're into JRPGs, it's one of those games you wont want to miss. Play it. Great fucking music.

>> No.5218585


Also there are multiple endings, usually involving the three main heroines. So there's some replay value in there, too.

>> No.5219161


I still remember getting Misha's ending then reloading to see Shurelia's only to be massively disappointed as I got about 3 lines of different text.

>> No.5219174

Yeah, basically the only differences between the endings are "You lived happily ever after with X while living in Y doing Z."

>> No.5219281

Jesus fuck that felt like it took forever. There's a couple gems in the art section, but it seems like it would be a pain to do (either upload all the thumbnails or be an ass and hotlink to Ar Portal), so I think I'll leave it at this ... for now.

* EP=NOVA =ita-uta
* Croix comes back (having stormed off in 89) after hearing about how Aoto pulled down Cocona's pants
* Love Doctor Jakuri and shocked tsundere Jakuri
* cooking advice from Aurica and Luka
* dakimakura buying advice from Soraneko
* behind the scenes on DLC ideas
* Tilia takes over the Technical Service Center: male Reyvateils, Raphael's gruesome death, half-Reyvateil humans, DRM on Hymmne Crystals, Triangular Nuclear Loops vs Hearts of Gaea, true names, Reyvateil reincarnation, Mystery Solved♪ Rhaplanko-chan, and Reyvateil safety devices

I still spend too much time fucking around with formatting, so I need to improve my conversion script ... I'll probably do something from AT1 or AT2 era next. Hope you enjoy.

>> No.5219311

>DRM on Hymmne Crystals
Ahahahaha for some reason I find this hilarious.

>> No.5220165
File: 147 KB, 600x837, 10886560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5220291
File: 111 KB, 500x800, 7f247b60251b2dedaed421eaf1f78cda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shurelia changed Lyner's diapers when he was a baby? Well, shit.

>> No.5221495


>One of the potentially interesting DLC candidates was a mode where you could change Harvestasya's personality to anything you want.

Oh my god, this would be fucking amazing. Thanks again for the work you've put in.

Also some corrections to be made since I don't want to make an account on the Wiki. (´∀`)

montsh → months
to far to → too far to
some of the some of the ladies → some of the ladies
Well, didn't fit in → Well, it didn't fit in

>> No.5221970

>I thought Cloche-sama was cute to begin with.
>But as I played 2, I realized that Jakuri-sama is also cute.
>And then I was captivated by the brave, good girl >Sasha and the cute younger sister Cocona.
>And now in 3, Finnel's M side and Tilia's spacy side, >oh, and Aruru's embarrassment have my heart all a-twitter.
>I want to make them all my brides, but unfortunately, >polygamy is illegal in Japan.
>Just what on earth should I do?

>Yes, be careful, everyone.
>Let's all think about how messed up this person has become by playing Ar Tonelico 2 and 3.

Ahahaha... hahaha... Oh god... ;_;

>> No.5222109


Oh man, Skycat is moving beyond innuendo and just flat-out proposing to Luca, now. I'm not a yuri fan, but why is that pairing so hot?

>> No.5223331


Probably because you know you can never have her. Isn't it sad, Anonymous? ;_;

>> No.5223375

All right. I'll just stick to uploading things to megaupload/mediafire. There's little I can do for the filter at this stage anyways.

>> No.5223467

>Mir suggesting her own dakimakura
>AT2 Mir on one side, AT1 Mir on the other side.

Oh god. I swore I'd never buy one, too.

>> No.5223535 [DELETED] 

Wait, what? It says in the toukousphere that reyvateils will turn to water if they leave their tower's range.

Does that mean that [/spoiler]all the reyvateils are dead by the end of AT3?[/spoiler]

>> No.5223564

Wait, what? It says in the toukousphere that reyvateils will turn to water if they leave their tower's range.

Does that mean that all the reyvateils are dead by the end of AT3?

>> No.5223926


I'm slightly confused regarding this subject too. I mean Jakuri should be out of range of Ar Tonelico but she can still use song magic but I guess not. Then you got Cocona going to Sol Cluster where she's out of range of Infel Pira (which is proven by her not needing the life extending reagent and such) and yet she's still fine.. although I'm confused whether she's truly out of range of Infel Pira or not since she sings METHOD_HYMELLI near the end of the game. Also if this were the case then everyone in AT1 would turn to water since the tower is completely put to sleep so they effectively lose their link to the tower. Whilst they aren't out of range they still lose their link to the tower and they're still fine.


It's fine for me, I appreciate what you're doing since the spam can get annoying at times, especially with no meido around for most of the day so it's nice to have an updated filter for it. Although perhaps you could branch off from AT and try to target the other spam we tend to get (webcam links etc.) and since you think the filter doesn't suit your purpose why not seek help or build your own addon?

>> No.5225065


Mir isn't out of Ar Tonelico's range in AT2. AT's range extends far enough (through the help of Sol Marta) in order to reach Metafalss.

As for Cocona in AT3, it appears that it was mostly retconned in and there are some discrepancies in the explanations given in the Tokosphere. The second tower has a longer range than the first tower (supposedly, covering the entire planet) because it runs at a much lower power/frequency and thus doesn't have to deal with attenuation. However, if this is the case, it doesn't explain why Cocona doesn't need the LEA. Mir only said that if a 3rd-gen were to leave the range of their tower, they wouldn't need the LEA. However, she doesn't say that Cocona actually does this in AT3. I haven't played it myself; does she not require the LEA in AT3?

Essentially everyone in AT1 except for Shurelia, Mir, and Misha were 3rd-gens. They would be fine without the tower and would simply become normal humans. However, it's my understanding that all the betas die at the end of AT3, though again I don't know from personal experience.

>> No.5225113

If that spoiler tag is correct, there will be rage. I doubt it, though, it goes against the "let's make sure everyone is happy" theme of AT1.

>> No.5225160

According to the Toukousphere, Infel Pira's range covers all of Ar Ciel.

The Reyvateil's in AT1 didn't die for the same reason the Wings of Horus didn't drop, the vital parts of the tower were still running.

And that spoiler tag is incorrect, all Reyvateils become slaves of Arkia, with the exception of the main heroine chosen, in Saki and Finnel's normal endings, but there isn't an ending where they all die. In the True endings the part of the tower required for the AHPP shuts down, but that only supports Sakia and Tilia, who somehow survive and live their lives as normal humans.

>> No.5225180 [SPOILER] 
File: 77 KB, 1032x795, damnitgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I dunno, it seems like the most likely outcome. They've talked quite a bit both in the games and the Tokosphere about what happens to betas when they no longer have a link to the tower. There's some foreshadowing going on in the previous games as well, such as this picture from Mir's Cosmosphere.

>> No.5225594

What's the AHPP?

>> No.5225607

I see a way out of this, however. They could say that instead of being supported by the towers, the reyvateils are now connected to and 'powered' by the planet.

>> No.5225926

About the True ends; Harvestasya XP is shot into the core of the planet with the XP Shell and fuses with Ciela and the Heart of the Continent to become the new planetary core. Harvestasya Vista remains behind to administer the rest of the tower. I keep hearing people say that the towers all shut down at the end of AT3, but I definitely didn't get that from the ending. The SH server that has Tilia and Saki in it is in the Tower of Origins, not the XP shell, so it makes sense that they'd be able to survive.

>What's the AHPP?
Ar Ciel Healing Planet Project. The 7 Bloodstains incident between Sol Cluster and El Elemia penetrated the planet's core, causing earthquakes, ozone depletion, and other natural disasters all over the world. The AHPP was started to try to fix things.

The third tower still has technology that can block the Reyvateil gene. It's referenced one or two places in backstory and in the in-game dictionary. Cocona, when she's still with you as Tatsumi, gives Finnel and Saki some Reyvasilencer patches when they have to get past a checkpoint that's looking for Reyvateils. In any case, if she's still in the range of AT/Sol Marta, she's hiding her power level, which is why she doesn't need LEM.

>since she sings METHOD_HYMMELI/.
Yeah, that confused me, too. I think it means either that 1) Harvestasya is within Ar Tonelico's range (except if that were the case, Mir could have just gone herself), or 2) Cocona is using signal relays to make her song reach Infel Phira (such relays are, I think, referenced in AT2 once or twice and also play a part in Tilia's normal end).

>> No.5225964


Ar Tonelico shouldn't matter for Cocona's song, since she's an IPD and not linked to Ar Tonelico at all. Infel Phira transmits at a lower frequency than AT due to lower bandwidth requirements, so it has a longer range.

Cocona's lack of a requirement for LEAs in AT3 is either due to: A. oversight, B. some kind of power level suppression, C. she's still underdeveloped as a reyvateil, or D. the events that happened to her cosmosphere in AT2 removed her requirements somehow.

>> No.5226123

Blargh. Thanks.

If you're saying that based on the translation of the Technical Service Center from TKS 70, with all due respect, I think that it could be phrased better. Here's how I read that:

> だから、ソル・マルタが必要だったのよ。第一塔ほど強大な力を持っている
> That's why Sol Marta was necessary. If an extremely powerful facility like the first Tower still needs a relay, a much smaller facility like Infel Phira would certainly need them, right?
> 結論として、第一塔にインフェル・ピラの影響力を発するためには、中継施
> In theory, in order to use power from Infel Phira at the first Tower, I think you'd probably need some sort of relay. I've never tested it, though, so I'm not really sure.

In other words, what Infel is saying is that because Infel Phira is so much less powerful than Ar Tonelico, if Ar Tonelico needs relays to reach a certain distance, Infel Phira surely would as well. Which, well, makes sense ... just like electromagnetic radiation loses power over distance.

Are you perhaps thinking of a different Technical Service Center, or something from the settei book?

>> No.5226196


That's why I said earlier that they're somewhat contradictory. There's a few other Tokospheres which discuss the issue, but I can't remember which ones off the top of my head. In another TSC, Mir said something about Ar Tonelico's transmissions being more complex than Infel Phira's, which makes sense. Since there's less data to be transmitted (or, probably, less Reyvateils to support), lower wavelengths can be used, which extends the range without requiring higher power usage. A real-world example would be radio signals (long range, low bandwidth) vs your home wi-fi signal (short range, high bandwidth). Sufficiently low-frequency signals can indeed pass straight through the entire Earth without interference, such as those used for submarine communications.

>> No.5226218


Fuck, I meant *lower frequencies can be used

>> No.5226323


Vista survives? It's nice to know my waifu lives at the end. It's a shame she's a horrible OS though, why couldn't XP be the blue one?


I think I recall seeing something like this. Ar Tonelico, Sol Marta and I assume Harvestasya have a range of roughly 1/3 of the world without the use of relays I think. I don't recall seeing anything about Infel Phira though. Actually I recall it being mentioned in AT2 that it has a considerably shorter range compared to a real tower which is why IPD's are limited to the second tower (But then again I can't speak moon and had to use the shitty NIS translation so I'm probably wrong). But at the same time Cocona manages to sing METHOD_HYMELLI/. towards the end of AT3 which raises many questions regarding her managing to craft such song magic at such a young age, especially considering her binary field getting broken through, how she manages to get in range of Infel Phira and how she can go without the LEA. She could be abusing these reyvasilencers but honestly why would she be doing this?

>> No.5226379
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Hm, I didn't find anything like that translated from, like, 40 on, so I guess I'm going to end up ... Since IIRC Infel Phira is supposed to have essentially a higher IPC (instructions per clock), I could buy the "you need to transmit less data, so you can get away with lower frequencies" theory. I'd still love to see that somewhere, though.

>Cocona manages to sing METHOD_HYMELLI/.
I think relays are the answer.

>managing to craft such song magic at such a young age
Sasha created METHOD_HYMMELI/. It's a Hymnos Extract, not a Hymnos Word - i.e., Cocona downloaded it from a crystal, she didn't create it herself. Third generations in Meta Falss pre-Diquility only had life expectancies of around 15 years; Cocona is 13.. The 12th Maiden of Homura is supposed to have been the Reyvateil whose nature manifested at the youngest age, and that happened at 1. Even in AT2, Cocona can use rudimentary song magic in battle, so I can accept, at least, that she'd be able to use downloads.

>She could be abusing these reyvasilencers but honestly why would she be doing this?
She doesn't want Clusternia to get on to her because they're really paranoid about Reyvateils from outside. Remember, they shot her down when she first came which is why, after being discovered and nursed back to health by Gengai, she used Reyvasilencers and hid out as Tatsumi.

>> No.5226391
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Oh yeah, I forgot about
> I think I recall seeing something like this. Ar Tonelico, Sol Marta and I assume Harvestasya have a range of roughly 1/3 of the world without the use of relays I think.

That's probably TKS 77, which is what I thought >>5226196 was talking about until he started talking about low-frequency broadcasts and submarine communications. Jakuri says that the first Tower had a range of about 1/2 the world, but with its power reduced now it's more like 1/3, and that since Infel Phira is a lot smaller she has no idea what sort of range it might have.

>> No.5226425


I thought reyvateil powers fully awakened around the age of 15 or so? Or was that regarding the age their cosmosphere is fully developed? I know Cocona can use extremely basic song magic with her fireballs in AT2 but having your binary field broken through then being flown off to a foreign land where she's forced to suppress her powers it's obvious she isn't training her powers either so going from simple fireballs into full blown (and awesome, I might add) song seems a bit odd.

>> No.5227960
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>> No.5228950


It's also possible that she has an unusually strong connection to Infel Phira due to having her binary field broken through. :iiam:

>> No.5229315


It's possible but I recall Jakuri mentioning that "She may lose all of her power if you go through with this". Perhaps she's just naturally gifted? She is a level 7 IPD at only age 11 after all.

>> No.5230833
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Y'know I just realized that Tilia's outfit is lacking something. Shurelia has her little things on her thighs and Frelia has her back wings but Tilia has nothing apart from an extremely revealing suit.. which is fine too, I guess.

>> No.5230926

Is tilia the third administrator?

>> No.5231089



>> No.5231951

Well, she does have the metal bits on her shoulders and hips, but lacking the 'wings' is a bit odd.

Where would you put them though?

>> No.5232068


I dunno. There's been wings in Shurelia's thighs and Frelia's back but then there's also Cloche's wings on her arms. That only really leaves the lower leg/feet area that hasn't gotten wing love. Also Shurelia has metal parts on her armour too so I don't really consider them special.

>> No.5232105

>has metal parts on her armour
well of course, what else would you make armour out of? food?

>> No.5232263


You know what I mean. And besides the majority of the time the reyvateils are either wearing extremely thin unprotective clothing like school uniforms in AT1/AT2 or they're stripping down in AT3.

>> No.5232294


Tilia has detachable breasts.

>> No.5232363


>> No.5232387


But so does Shurelia. I'm glad they're deliciously flat, damn you linkage armour for making me think otherwise.

>> No.5232456


It's an RPG. The less a female character wears, the greater their defense. What, you thought a fully-clothed female wizard and a half-naked warrior princess had less defense and more defense, respectively, just because of their class?

>> No.5232746

Shurelia is the best reyvateil.

>> No.5232756

shurelia is a whore and a slut

>> No.5232784
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One point for effort.

>> No.5232970


Hey, fuck you. Shurelia is the best waifu in AT1.

>> No.5232984

luca is a whore and a slut

>> No.5233043 [DELETED] 


Mir > shurelia

Obviously superior. Shurelia would have lost to Mir failed miserably if it hadn't been for lyner.

>> No.5233051


Mir > shurelia

Obviously superior. Shurelia would have lost to Mir if it hadn't been for lyner.

>> No.5233080

What does combat ability have to do with waifu power?

>> No.5233189


I said in AT1. Whilst Jakuri is the best in AT2 she is hardly an option in the first game where your only interaction with her is I HATE HUMANS I HATE HUMANS I HATE HUMANS. Instead having a delicious flat chested tsundere is definitely the way to go.

>> No.5233863

I suppose this thread is as good a place as any to ask, but is cross edge any good?

>> No.5233876
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Is she? Then I might have to start liking her.

>> No.5233956


I didn't know you went for the dorodere type, Zun.


It's... decent, I guess. Just don't expect anything amazing out of it.

>> No.5235083
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>> No.5235127

Unfortunately no good! I love Nippon Ichi, La Pucelle, Disgaea 1 and 2, (and 3) Soul Nomad, Makai etc but what is the in putting your copyright onto a game which doesn't have that fun feeling.

>> No.5235981


Indeed. Once the gimmick of being able to play with so many various characters wears off it's a pretty mediocre game at best.

>> No.5237256


Not to mention it's grindtastic and it's practically mandatory to use a guide just to NOT get the bad end. I don't know how the devs expect us to know the requirements without one.

>> No.5238536
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How about a loli Luca?

>> No.5238619
File: 184 KB, 479x480, notsogood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wwww, better response than anything I was expecting.

loli luca is a whore and a slut

>> No.5238718
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Is there a single character who isn't a whore and a slut?

>> No.5238745

please someone tell me you can dive into the green-eyed blonde with the giant rack

>> No.5238750

Mir, Cloche, Cocona, Shurelia, Frelia

>> No.5238761


She's one of Saki's personality changes, you can't dive into her.

>> No.5238769


But you stated that Shurelia was a slut previously.

>> No.5238777

Which one was Saki again?

never played AT3

>> No.5238789

EXEC_CHRONICLE_KEY is now playing in your head

>> No.5238826

No, I just amended "shurelia is a whore and a slut"-san's statement.
Incidentally, aurica is a whore and a slut.

>> No.5238997
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Now you're taking it too far.


No, this is:


>> No.5239402


Saki is the one in the pink dress, short light-brown hair.

>> No.5240416


This is Saki:


>> No.5241232
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Infel is love.

Nenesha was just another laser spamming bitch.

>> No.5242424


>Infel is love.

So you're fine with being killed off with the rest of the planet?

>> No.5242789
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>> No.5242815

nipples tshirt

>> No.5243463
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Even if what they did was not the best solution, but I really liked them for trying their best. Wish I could pat their heads and tell them "It's alright" instead of sending Croix's party to demolish them.

It can't be helped though, bitch Nenesha was probably egging Infel on, but I might be misinterpreting due to shitty translation.

>> No.5243489

>Infel is love.
This is correct.
愛 【インフェル】 Noun. Ancient Metafalss note.


>> No.5245320

So I just bought AT3 at a con and I was wondering if there was a good walkthrough for it, to avoid missing things... like with the wiki for AT2.

I realize the US release announce is incoming, but GOD, am I impatient. Plus I've never regretted the imported copy I got of AT2.

>> No.5245340


You need to face the facts, Anonymous. You don't obtain 'love and peace' of the entire planet by killing everyone off. Also I hate her glasses. At least the EXEC_over.METHOD_SUBLIMATION/. songs are awesome, especially the last one. It sounds so nice despite the purpose/meaning behind the lyrics.


>> No.5245349


I recall someone mentioning a walkthrough posted on YouTube but I'm not sure if that's just to get past key moments like in Tilia's cosmosphere, for example, or if it's for the entire game. I'd personally just wait until the game is translated since I wouldn't want to ruin the experience of my first playthrough missing out on things and not knowing what the fuck is going on.

>> No.5245370

Is this similar to Thousand Arms or something? It must be, right?

>> No.5245410
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Come on. Infel spent her entire life working with Nenesha to create Metafalica - yes, for her own reasons, but still, all of Meta Falss would benefit - and decides to sing it despite being terrified of what will happen when her heart is opened to all the other IPDs, and then in very short order they reject Metafalica because they think she's selfish for not wanting to do it to make THEM happy, and then Raki comes down, kills Nenesha and their friend the long-haired female Croix clone, the only people who ever really gave a damn about her, and takes the D-Cellophane, making it impossible to sing Metafalica again. I can see why she wanted to create a spiritual world where everyone basically becomes a single, unified entity that at least can't be a total asshole to itself. She came around when she saw that Cloche really could pull off her original dream, so I think she was sincere when she says she just wants a world where everyone can be happy - she just thought that the people of Meta Falss weren't up to making Metafalica actually work. Infel is pretty twisted thanks to what happened to her, but she's essentially just a good girl at heart. Besides, her tsundere, intellect, and horrible puns are awesome, so maybe you just suck for not liking her. ;___;

Tsuchiya just posted the first substantive issue of the Ar Ciel Technical Data Compilation Room, which I think I can get through by early Sunday morning 4chan time, even though I'm going to do a bunch of other stuff tonight. He's being all coy about details on the Teru, though - makes me kind of think Gust has something in store using the Teru. Maybe another game? That would be kind of cool.

>> No.5245467


There's at least 2 entire playthroughs on Youtube, and there's a not very detailed walk through on the ARM forums.

>> No.5245470


That's exactly what puts me off. Whilst her intentions may have been pure it still doesn't change the fact that she was going to wipe out the whole world to create this Metafalica and whilst I'm sure the residents of Meta Falss wouldn't mind, as seen in AT2, I'm pretty sure that Sol Ciel and Sol Cluster would be pretty pissed. This false sense of peace can hardly be justified. I told you, it's those damn glasses.. they just seem so unattractive.

And you, good sir, are awesome for translating.

>> No.5247585
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Would someone mind translating this?

>> No.5247725

What's a good strategy to get my burst level up faster in AT2? I've always got croix doing level 3 attacks before amarie even gets to 2.

>> No.5247800


I had fun with it once you figure out the ins and outs of the battle system. There's loads to do with all the various titles if your a completionist and tons of characters to choose from. The problem is that specific characters only work well with others and finding that right combo takes alot of research.

>> No.5248066


I'll assume you're holding the relevant direction for it but have you tried changing what costume the reyvateil who is linked to Amerie is wearing? I assume it's a costume with low sync.

>> No.5248197

Err, I'm not even sure how to tell which direction is the right one.

>> No.5248220

Did they ever explain why all the IPD reyvateils didn't die after metafalica was finished? Didn't it kill IP?

>> No.5248249

Hold left + attack: Burst
Up: Harmonics
Down: Psyche
Right: Care (regains MP, doesn't attack)

>> No.5248475


Pretty much this >>5248249.

Harmonics allows you to get higher level attacks however it's all based on what the reyvateil's harmonics rate is which is why one character is getting level 3 fast whilst the other is strugging to get higher. It can also be a level issue, Amerie might not have level 3 attacks yet so she's stuck using level 2. Regardless you should be starting off each round with filling up the harmonics rate until its full then just concentrate on burst. Psyche only reduces the amount of burst you lose when you're attacked so it's not important if you can defend.. which isn't hard.

>> No.5248659

Also, when you fill psyche a certain amount of times, you'll use the combo magic of that particular song chain (it's the magic with the golden circle at the end of the list of song evolutions)

>> No.5248667

Psyche get them singing in synch too though doesn't it?

>> No.5248723


43 questions and answers, so yeah, just have at it.

>> No.5248742

L: Manabe-san! I see you've shortened your skirt again!
R: Onee-sama!

L: Didn't you promise you wouldn't wear it any shorter? Why do you always have to do this?
R: I'm soooorryyyyy

L: But, onee-sama, why don't you try shortening your skirt, too? You've got such beautiful legs ...
L: It's surprising how good it feels to be seen by people, you know?
R: Wh- ... please, get serious!

J: She's right, you should liberate yourself once in a while.
Like me!
← towel
R: Why don't you at least put on some clothes!?

>> No.5248813


It does? I honesty never noticed, I tend to ignore downward attacks anyway unless I have Amarie in my team for the criticals.



>> No.5250566
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Have you fapped to Mute's delicious abs today, /jp/?

>> No.5250566,1 [INTERNAL] 

Someone else can make a new Ar Tonelico thread if they want, just make sure to link it here if you do. Unfortunately it's not been getting much attention as of late anyway and I can't stay awake all day to make sure it doesn't die, especially against the recent 5+ pages every few hours of troll posts.

>> No.5250566,2 [INTERNAL] 

Okay then. Made a new thread again.


>> No.5250566,3 [INTERNAL] 

Okay then. Made a new thread again.

