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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5189304 No.5189304 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5189327

Oh >>>/a/ users why don't you go back to where you come from.

>> No.5189341

It's funny because /a/ are bros, so far this place seems pretty weird

>> No.5189350

Since you are retarded, you might as well go to /a/ and don't go back to /jp/ again.

>> No.5189348

>It's funny because /a/ are trolls.
fixed that for you.

>> No.5189353


Seriously, did something happen over at /v/ and/or /a/? You guys've been here a lot the past few weeks.

>> No.5189359

Also, it's not occasionally like before, but on a daily, no hourly basis.

>> No.5189373

Kooh isn't anime.

>> No.5189378

block ips that browse /a/ /r9k/ and /v/ from /jp/

>> No.5189379

No, there was a /jp/ hate thread and i thought i might drop in
/v/ is still shitting itself over B^U's plagiarism, so i'm going around different boards to.

>> No.5189383 [SPOILER] 
File: 53 KB, 423x297, umad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O wow, i didn't know you guys were this buthurt

>> No.5189388

wouldn't you get blocked has well?

>> No.5189397

At least this /v/tard isn't using greentext in every post.

>> No.5189409

YES PLEASE! And don't forget /b/ too

>> No.5189404

>yea, that shit usually only happens in /v/

>> No.5189407 [DELETED] 
File: 220 KB, 967x1280, 1274541374599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a daily dose on /v/ and /a/.


>> No.5189413
File: 186 KB, 640x477, youaremadnotbigsurprise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5189418

haha you're butthurt because we don't want you here

>> No.5189419

You come to our board, shit it up with hundreds of off-topic threads, and you expect us to be nice to you?

>> No.5189422

No, I am just want to block stupidity from this board.

>> No.5189426

No, but that hate thread was right, /jp/ is the easiest board to troll

>> No.5189428

That's not how /v/ uses greentext.

>> No.5189430

what's going on in here guys.

>hide thread
>not a single fuck was given

>> No.5189433


Hey, come on man, we don't need that here.

>> No.5189435

I asked moot to do this, but he just ignored me.

>> No.5189442

moot is a retard after all.

>> No.5189439

tea = /b/
piss = /v/

in short /v/ pisses on /b/

>> No.5189450
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Moot seems to love /v/

>> No.5189464

Oh look, another 12 year old who doesn't know the meaning of trolling.

>> No.5189467

Let me tell you something, /jp/ trolls you guy, pretending we give a fuck and angered about your stupid provocation. We just go along and play you guys, derailing the threads on the way. And in /jp/, every thread must be replied to, no exception, so you guys can get your attention you want. We are THAT kind. And if you see someone genuinely mad, well he is a newfag. If you really want to troll us, try something at NNL level.

>> No.5189476

If people here can't post in /a/, /v/ or /r9k/ then what makes you think they won't post /a/-, /v/- or /r9k/-related threads here instead?

>> No.5189479
File: 9 KB, 357x322, 1269667257141_368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And in /jp/, every thread must be replied to, no exception, so you guys can get your attention you want. We are THAT kind.
Well that's awesome

>> No.5189484

make me a mod too
i might be a terrible poster but at least I know i can keep a place clean

>> No.5189498

Shut the fuck up, Suigin.

>> No.5189507


>> No.5189509

Aeris Suzumiya for mod ~

>> No.5189522

Well shit, then make me a janitor. I could use all of my free time to keep this place clean 2/3 of the day at least

>> No.5189517

The first thing I'd do as a mod, is auto-ban:
"Go back to /*/"
"Get out KS devs"

And any other retarded crap like that.

>> No.5189528

If I was a mod, I'd bad KS threads.

>> No.5189534

virgin nerd, i am disappoint. are you saying there are things you can't do even as an aikido master?

>> No.5189539

>I'd bad ks threads
What's ks anyway?

>> No.5189542

Only if you could make the retards who post things that are not needed here get away from /jp/ first.

>> No.5189551

Shitty VN made by /a/tards.

>> No.5189555

or KS devs

>> No.5189559

If people want to discuss a topic, that isn't banned on this board, I won't be deleting it, just cause a few angsty NEETs don't want to see it.

>> No.5189605

As /a/ and /v/ approach /b/dom we're going to notice an increase in immigrants. As long as they don't try to change our culture I have no problem with them. Let me reiterate, when coming to /jp/ leave your /a/ and /v/ culture at the door. That includes (but is not limited to) greentext, /b/ macros, hyperactive behavior, and "Epic trolling."

They must not be that bad if they're finally starting to leave the bigger boards.

>> No.5189619
File: 356 KB, 818x1200, 1274009521989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /jp/ you should take it easy bros

socialize and shit


>> No.5189626

Why would anyone do that?
/v/ hates summer anyway

>> No.5189639


It's unfortunate that the more reasonable residents of /v/ and (presumably) /a/ are oft drowned out by such things.

>> No.5189643

You don't really understand /jp/, huh? If people are not extreme jerks who blatantly want to so-called "troll" us, we are fine with it. Otherwise, subjects like KS and saying /jp/ hates it because blah blah blah only invite endless bitching and whining.
And is it that hard to lurk /jp. to know what should and should not be discussed? Well, it is for retards.

>> No.5189645

>socialize and shit
Why bother? I can just take it easy here without anyone annoying me.

>> No.5189661

Does coffee really turn red if you pee in it?

>> No.5189665

This is just our way of telling someone, "your shitty thread has went too far and we would prefer it if you didn't do this again in the near future." Also, I once heard a moderator on #4chan (ALTERNATIVE) say he uses the 'find' search to look for "reported" in order to figure out why people reported any given thread.

>"Go back to /*/"
This is our way of saying "respect our sovereignty." Despite the fact that moot created /jp/ to be a trash bin for most of the offtopic threads of /a/, we do not want /jp/ to be /b/ lite. /b/ is bad because all topics are allowed to be discussed. The more topics, the more people it attracts. I'm not anti immigration but there's a limit to how much a community can withstand before its culture gets changed into that of of its immigrants.

>"Get out KS devs"
I agree with you on this one. I couldn't care less about KS, but those "get out KS dev" remarks are neither funny nor clever.

>> No.5189666

Looks like it's time for a experiment.

>> No.5189668

I'm not interested in catering to some NEET "majority". But look on the bright side. I'll never become a mod.

>> No.5189685


You are small time.

>> No.5189688

How to fix /jp/:
>my face
>my expression
>my facial expression


Autoban names:
Shifty Scandaroon
Thoughtless Celestial
Any of mine

Autoban tripcodes:
Any of mine

Make "sage" invisible
Add XXXs
Add board only mods/iks or something like that

Put a permasticky linking all the retards with translation requests to /lang/

>> No.5189690

How hard is it to use the actual "Report" button without vocalizing your thoughts? And, it's an overly abused word anyway.

Does not inspire respect at all. It's just used as a retarded insult.

>> No.5189692

>You have already reported this post, or someone with your IP has already reported it.
well dam, take your shit back to your boards.

>> No.5189697

add "what do" "wat do" and it's variations to the autoban too.

>> No.5189707

No, this is dumb.
>Add XXXs
No, this is dumb.
>do various things to make people less buttmad about sage
No, this is dumb.

Did you mean: how to fix /a/?

>> No.5189709

Add virgin nerds and Aikido to autoban list too
Also don't do XXXs, it's hard to make backlash in a long ass discussion thread.

>> No.5189706


How to fix /jp/:
Ban Suigin and CurryButt.

One down, one to go!

>> No.5189724

enjoy doubles gets and endless discussions about sage and your daily doses of retards asking for translation requests then

>> No.5189732

I'm sorry but I don't see people here bragging about doubles and such?

>> No.5189736

Active moderation, motherfucker, have you ever heard of it

>> No.5189741

just wait until summer starts

>> No.5189755

I am liking this new Suigin already.

>> No.5189756
File: 66 KB, 633x603, male suigintou fascinating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not normally do this but
>active moderation

>> No.5189757

Easy solution to our problems... Visiting /a/ or /v/ results in auto ban from /jp/.

>> No.5189766

>he doesn't like Suigin from the start.

>> No.5189767

Summer started in 2006 and it's never ended since then.

>> No.5189772

Fuck, I still browsed /a/ 3 years ago.

>> No.5189774

it does get gradually worse every year though

>> No.5189773

oh god, you could at least not include that image.

>> No.5189780
File: 166 KB, 455x438, Sion pretending her opinion matters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll counter:
>your dumb list

Admit it, the only thing needed to fix /jp/ is to keep the meido sober and alert 24/7.

>> No.5189785

My dumb list would make the meido necessary at least a 20% of the time instead of 100%.

>> No.5189786
File: 49 KB, 804x475, meido.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5189792

"the meido" is not a single person. So by being different people that would be something bad because their opinions about what should be accepted or not here vary.

>> No.5189793

No can do, she is a drug addict and a drunkard. And she has work her ass off to pay for those things. Time for moderation of /jp/ can only be limited to 3 hours.

>> No.5189804


I'd rather have a dedicated full time mod.

>> No.5189810

>How hard is it to use the actual "Report" button without vocalizing your thoughts? And, it's an overly abused word anyway.
Vocalizing our thoughts IS the point of saying reported. It's not an insult. It's just a roundabout way of saying "don't make threads like this here." And for the most part, when you see threads that contain such words they're usually meta threads (like this) that don't belong here. If people didn't shitpost or followed /jp/'s rules to the T, they wouldn't see such words in their threads. Personally, I've NEVER had someone say "reported" to one of my threads or posts.

>> No.5189813

stop bumping this, jesus fuck.

>> No.5189820
File: 84 KB, 625x625, Japanese Janitor overdosing on narcotics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your dumb list would punish the posters who don't shitpost as well as those who do, which is why it's dumb, Suigin.

>> No.5189826


When people see "reported for X" or something like that they might figure out that the thread actually really deserves to be deleted and will also report. Of course this may have a totally different result when someone say "reported" when the thread don't deserves to be reported, but I don't see a problem with that, also it's just a word you can add to your filter if it bothers you so much.

>> No.5189821

Meta threads have always been popular on /jp/, I don't see why some of you people keep insisting they're not supposed to be here. If anything, bitching about where you hang out and with who seems to be VERY much part of "otaku culture".

>> No.5189830

Meta is only allowed in /b/.

>> No.5189833

I see it used far too much to say "HEY YOU SUCK, FUCK YOU" as opposed to being used when a topic actually doesn't belong here. It's almost like a meme.

>> No.5189840

It's sort of an inevitable thing. Metathreads are a core feature of otaku culture, but so is bitching about everything, including metathreads.

>> No.5189851

The ghost board was created so that we wouldn't have to have meta discussions on /jp/.

>> No.5189858

That is a good point.

>> No.5189859
File: 52 KB, 637x425, horse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meta is part of otaku culture
>Bitching is part of otaku culture

oh wow, seriously guys.

>> No.5189865

But nobody ever says to take it there, and most people seem to take joy out of keeping it "hidden" from the newbies, which doesn't make much sense if it is THEM who you want to post there.

>> No.5189865,1 [INTERNAL] 

Are there people on /jp/ who still don't know about my ghost board?

>> No.5190053

One word: secondaries

>> No.5190070

Meh, tolerance on this board is lacking. And, seeing as "secondaries" produce lots of amusing works, I don't care.
