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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5183891 No.5183891 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm two seconds into Ever17 and it's already the stupidest shit of all time. Why did you tell me this was going to be good?

>> No.5183896

It's shit.

>> No.5183898


>> No.5183907

>two seconds into Ever17
Kids these days.....

>> No.5183900

I said mediocre.

Its only good if its like your first or second vn.

>> No.5183916
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>I base my opinion on a VN from the first scene

>> No.5183920

The main payoff in Ever17 is the end, if you don't have ADD and like things building up continue, if you want instant gratification and faggotry just go back to anime.

>> No.5183933

What do you like OP?

>> No.5183938
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>> No.5183975

Back to /a/ with you.

And they still wonder why they're not welcome here?

>> No.5184027

Just you wait until you know the hacker.

>> No.5184040

Ever17 is only good if you have 40 hours to waste to get to the chewy centre.

>> No.5184078

Seeing as we're all on /jp/, lack of time is not an issue.

>> No.5184079

This is how I felt when someone recommended ever17 to me as my first VN a while back. Turned me off VNs till I played Clannad.

Now that I know it takes a while to get good, I should go back and read it.

>> No.5184475
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>my waifu
>stupidest shit

I'd rage, but you're just retarded for posting.

>> No.5184483

Where did you find the English patch for that?

>> No.5184484
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They make the first few scenes shitty on purpose to weed out the normalfags.

You heard it here first.

>> No.5184487


>> No.5184510
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Im not trolling.

>> No.5184524 [DELETED] 

You are fucking reatrded.

Go read twilight or something.

>> No.5184519

There is no English patch. Who cares, though, the translation is fuckhorrible anyway.

>> No.5184522

you are fucking retarded then

>> No.5184526


Well fuck.

>> No.5184532

You are fucking retarded.

Go read twilight or something.

>> No.5184540


Yeah, but it's all voice-acted so you can pick up most of the things lost in translated with fairly simple Japanese knowledge.

>> No.5184551

It was released by Hirameki with a subpar/shitty translation.

There might be a revision translation sometime in the future...

>> No.5184566
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Wait for it...

>> No.5184568


Do you have any inside knowledge or are you just trying to get my hopes up before you squash them?

>> No.5184578

not happening, son.

Also, they would never replace such a awesome stuff as ' I knows the hacker'

>> No.5184591
File: 57 KB, 480x1070, 6b5ccebb3261ee6cc87359c9b1c41f4988359903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so natural.

>> No.5184593

Just simple talk about it.

Nothing actually taking place, AFAIK.

>> No.5184611

I'll never play it again, so I'll forever wonder if I quit because the game sucked or because the translation sucked...

>> No.5184615

Go take your ritalin you ADD patient.

>> No.5184736

You know what is funny.
Back then there isn't /jp/ yet and /a/ doesn't really talk about VN I played it after reading some internet review where majority said it is shit with no gameplay, ppt slides and etc.
I play it with such a low expectation that I got blowned away at the ending.

>> No.5184823

Statistic do not lie.
