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5177923 No.5177923 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you here wants to become teachers? Or simply marry a teacher?

>> No.5177940

Teachers are either sluts or boring. 2D teachers are delicious though.

>> No.5177942

hmm why not?

>> No.5177938

No woman can be smarter than me.

>> No.5177943
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I do not.

>> No.5177944

I want to extract milk from Keine's udders with my bare hands.

>> No.5177946

If there were more teachers like Kamishirasawa-sensei, I'd consider the latter.

>> No.5177947


Keine is not a cow, you fucking moron.

>> No.5177956

I fucking hate kids.

>> No.5177985

I would like to teach people...but I'm not very good at it, and I'm not that great with kids. I'm better at explaining things then...teaching them?

>> No.5177996

She has udders nonetheless.

>> No.5178006

I taught for a while in Spain. It was okay. Probably the best part was the young girls. I just liked looking at them.

>> No.5178031
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Women do not like their breasts being called udders, anonymous. Please refrain from doing so.

>> No.5178053


>> No.5178062

To be a teacher you need education that requires you to be older than 22, that's granny territory.

>> No.5178208

I'll have sex with a teacher if they're hot, but I don't want to be one.

>> No.5178576

I'll be teaching English in Grorious Nippon this September. Not exactly a career aspiration, but some good experience.

>> No.5178583

My apiration in life is to own a small tea farm with an attached shop in Japan.

>> No.5178594


Is this before or after you purchase an authentic kimono, Ken-sama?

>> No.5178613

Haha neither. I look horrible in a kimono. Looking forward to dango, though. Will be my 3rd visit to Japan.

>> No.5178627

I want to become a teacher.
Maybe it works out, maybe it wont.
I just like the thought of beeing a decisive part of young peoples life.

>> No.5178690

I was a teacher, it was the best job I've ever had. I will miss seeing a room of children's faces beaming up at me at the start of the day.

Now that I have a child, I have to stay home and take care of her.

>> No.5178722

I had a student teaching job that JUST ended. I've taught every Saturday since October.

It was very very stressful, and i got no sleep the night before it, which is why I quit..it's HARD for me to focus continuously for 4 hours! I dreaded that part.

The kids, however, were always fun and enthusiastic, and I don't regret it. I grew up a lot doing it.

>> No.5178749

It gets easier as time goes on, and you get situated in what you need to do. But I remember it being extremely stressful when I started. Remember, everyone goes through it, and can likely help you with it if you need help. Though, don't try it on the supervised lessons, and those are stressful as hell (It honestly doesn't matter how long you've been teaching, when they come in to to supervise you to see how you teach it just sucks. I've seen people who've been at it 20 some years get massively stressed over it).

>> No.5178760

There was an art teacher here that drew on the whiteboard for his kids to see his masterpiece.

>> No.5178766
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Just got accepted back to Uni, going back to school for real, for a teaching career. Its not for everyone, to be sure.

I'm aiming to teach middle-high school science/physics/math, and I remember vividly the suck of being a middle-high school student. I don't know whether its masochism or a strange sense of justice, but I'm going back to do what my teachers failed at, or at least to make others experiences suck less.

I never want to have a student like me.

>> No.5178774

any JET programme applicants here?

>> No.5178778

I am a teacher. I teach 6th grade history. I've been a teacher for two years.

>> No.5178780

What's it like? Not in the paedo incest /jp/ way. Are you happy? How difficult is it?

>> No.5178858
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I'm not >>5178690, but I'll answer for myself (>>5178778).
It's tough being a teacher. I was something of an idealist when I decided I wanted to be a teacher. Before I was a teacher I was a network admin. I didn't feel fulfilled with my career and I wanted to do something greater than myself, so I went back to school and became a teacher.

The problem is that reality is still a brick to the face. There is still the interoffice politics and watercooler drama, there's still the bullshit power structure built off standards established sixty or more years ago, and you have to join a union. You're given an agreement a bit smaller than a phone book that you're supposed to read through and agree to, and they just passed a law here that basically says that if your students get poor grades you agree to a pay cut.

Then you have to deal with the parents, and all of them (to borrow a phrase) happen to think their johnny or jenny is the brightest and sharpest crayon in the box.

The kids aren't bad.

>> No.5178927

It's like a lot of jobs, sometime you go in and it's complete bullshit, and other days you don't want to go home. I love the kids, they are what kept me going in the job. I was very happy teaching, and wish I could have stayed doing so, but raising my child comes first.

Teaching can be a very difficult job, it really depends on the students. Some really should have been held back, some need some extra help, and some are rather disruptive. There are also some wonderfully bright students, as well, I don't mean to say that all students are problem cases, and it isn't always the types that I listed that cause the problems. It is, however, your job to take what you are give, and use what tools you have available to you, even if those tools are other people, to make these children ready for the next grade. This can be very stressful, very difficult, and very rewarding.
