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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5176612 No.5176612[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ it's 70º here. Help me!

>> No.5176620

Where do you live?

>> No.5176631

Only if you kiss my womb with your penis.

>> No.5176636

So, you're gonna start making shitty blog threads now?

>> No.5176640

/jp/- Blog for 15 year olds

>> No.5176644

Drink ice cold water.

>> No.5176653

Why is deleted so shitty?

>> No.5176654

Northeastern US but it's hot here at night for some odd reason.

>> No.5176660

sage and reported for not being /jp/-related. deleted, I am disappoint.

>> No.5176663

I'm sorry for the imminent loss of your thread.

>> No.5176675

deleted, is this really your friend?

>> No.5176682

go into the cellar
don't come out

>> No.5176698

You must have been out of the loop for the past few weeks. Or just haven't cared enough to find out what happened.

>> No.5176729

Playing my other guitar while kissing your womb with my penis feels good man.

>> No.5176740

/jp/ it's 2º here, help me.

>> No.5176746
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I'm ending this now.
