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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5174332 No.5174332 [Reply] [Original]

Why do so many on /jp/ hate Sakura?

I personally don't like her much, mostly cause I really don't feel the chemistry between her and Shirou.

But I don't hate her as much as anyone here does.

>> No.5174351

You do realize of course that there are some of us who love her more than any other girl in FSN right?

Your first statement is almost correct, there are many that hate her but your third statement makes no sense.

>> No.5174356

Why do you people insist on arguing so much about stuffs you've discussed countless times before,
This thread will turn into a SHE IS A SLUT, NO SHE ISN'T, then someone will mention some power or whatever and it will turn into a powerlevel thread.
Like every FSN threads ever.

>> No.5174368

For newfriends every thread is a new thread, right?

>> No.5174374

I don't hate her, but she was by far my least favorite of the FSN heroines. Rin and Saber are both major players in all three routes, but with Sakura it's like boring, boring, OKAY NOW SHE'S EVIL.

I just found it hard to get interested in her, especially with how the writing tries to force you to feel sorry for her.

>> No.5174376

I fucking love Sakura, problem /jp/?

>> No.5174378


>> No.5174383

IT'S A MEME YOU RETARD. Only the dumbest posters of /jp/ still use that shitty /a/ meme anyway.

>> No.5174388

Yes, yes, but the real question is, could Shirou beat Shiki in a fight?

>> No.5174394

Why aren't you using it then?

>> No.5174398

I like her a lot. Saber is still my favorite F/SN heroine but Sakura is a close second.

>> No.5174399

White Ren, proving once again that he is the most childish poster here.

>> No.5174404

Rin is some bad copy of Luvia, and Saber is Agrias without the charm. Sakura wins by default even though it doesn't really mean much compared to the rest of the Fate/stay night cast.

>> No.5174406

Fuck memes. She's a disgusting slut.

>> No.5174418

Because she stole Ilya's route.

>> No.5174428

You're ignorant for confusing an impostor-kun with the real deal.

>> No.5174430

All right, I love Sakura but damn, I must admit that's a valid reason.

>> No.5174431

>>You do realize of course that there are some of us who love her more than any other girl in FSN right

Of course.

>>your third statement makes no sense.

I was just saying that among people on /jp/ who dislike Sakura I do not put myself with them.

Well I am pretty air-headed. Not as much as Shirou....but pretty damn close.

Yes and no. IMHO
Shiki can beat Fate Shirou, since he has a powerlevel thats relatively low, but thats only if we consider that this Shiki has gone through Kohaku's route and his adrenaline levels are about 60% of his blood.

Beating UBW and HF Shirou would be more difficult. Because if we divide Shiki's magic resistance by his physical defense we get value "B". If "B" is larger than Shirou's combined magical effort divided by the number of circuits he has in relation to the "Od" then Shiki can win.

>> No.5174447

>Beating UBW and HF Shirou would be more difficult. Because if we divide Shiki's magic resistance by his physical defense we get value "B". If "B" is larger than Shirou's combined magical effort divided by the number of circuits he has in relation to the "Od" then Shiki can win.

Bullshit like this can never work.

>> No.5174449

Oh I guess so. I read it as, I don't hate her as much as anyone here does meaning anyone here hates her more than you do. I suppose you meant it as, I don't hate her as much as anyone here does meaning of those who hate her you don't hate her as much?


>> No.5174454

Powerlevel thread, here we come.

>> No.5174461

+she's boring shit even in crazy modo.
+She ruined Shirou character with her route.

Hell, I used to like her before HF.

>> No.5174462

People hate Sakura because she heal Shirou's mind turning him from awesome JUSTICE hero to a normal person.

>> No.5174478


Everyone knows the true ending is Mind of Steel.

>> No.5174489

One of the Tiger Dojos said that true ending of HF was the real ending.
Basically Shirou x Sakura is the only canon pairing.

>> No.5174503 [DELETED] 


>She ruined Shirou character with her route.
Could you elaborate more on this point?

>> No.5174498

I understand that she's been fucked up pretty badly, and I do feel bad for her(especially after reading Fate/zero), but I still don't like her, for mostly the same reasons as other people. Sage for the same thread as always.

>> No.5174511

He's a shit poster from /a/, stop asking him to post more shit.

>> No.5174523
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>She ruined Shirou character with her route.
Could you elaborate more on this point?

>> No.5174534

sparks liner high is the only legitimate end of f/sn. discuss.

>> No.5174539

>Could you elaborate more on this point?

Not the one you're quoting but Shirou dropped his ideal for her. Saving just one person instead of everyone.

>> No.5174553 [DELETED] 

pretty much this >>5174462
After playing Fate and UBW, I don't want normalfaggotry.
Also me not liking her doesn't help at all.

>> No.5174552

No Kotomine fight = not interested

>> No.5174555

Not even "saving one person," but being willing to sacrifice others for someone that he had no way of knowing if she was even redeemable.

She was being bad because she wanted to be bad, because it made her feel justified to harm others. She wasn't even like Kohaku, who was doing things just because she was so fucked up that she had no idea of what else to do.

>> No.5174557


pretty much this >>5174462
After playing Fate and UBW, I don't want normalfaggotry.
Also me not liking her doesn't help at all.

>> No.5174560


Are you forgetting he was about ready to wipe out his own mind to save the world, were you blind and deaf during that part?

>> No.5174572
File: 70 KB, 641x482, kohaku01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since this thread is going to be the same shit as usual, let's hijack it a little.
What about other "evil" heroines in VNs?
Or at least those who go to the bad side one way or another, even if it's not permanent.

First would be Kohaku.
Lots of the shit that happen during the game is her fault one way or the other.
Does she still appear likable after all of this?
I would say, yes she does.

>> No.5174583

He probably means the whole Shadow thing.

>> No.5174584

Saving the world was just a bonus.

And Shirou always risks his own life for everyone.

>> No.5174589
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Next would be Takano.
Her obsession resulted in the utter destruction of a village with hundreds inhabitants.
She even killed children by herself, while laughing.
I don't think what she did was "excusable" in any ways but she still appear as a character who did her job as an antagonist well

>> No.5174591
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But can sakura give birth to my child? i don't think saber can either(not sure how heroic spirits work with baby makin). Rin is the only proper waifu.

>> No.5174592
File: 112 KB, 800x640, 43942659f11a1a6041b618d72a79431e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kohaku is love.
Even though her story is kinda similar to Sakura, she's actually likeable as a character.

>> No.5174601

Yes, because the shadow turned out to be Sakura, and he didn't want to kill the one he loved.

Shirou was still Shirou, for better and for worse. He "dropped"{ his ideal, but that obviously didn't stop him from playing the hero.

He didn't change as much as he thought, or as much as the game let on, not that that's a bad thing of course.

>> No.5174607

Kohaku isn't "at fault" for anything. She's just a catalyst. The ones "at fault" for everything are Roa and Tohno Makihisa. Everybody else is just living out the misery that was left to them.

As Shiki says, it's not really anybody's fault: not SHIKI's, not Akiha's, not even Kohaku's. It was all just a tragedy that nobody could stop.

>> No.5174608

He just got a narrower focus.

>> No.5174610

Sakura can kill servants.

>> No.5174614
File: 109 KB, 680x476, artist-phantom-of-inferno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Cal from Phantom of Inferno?
Due to being misguided (same for the preceding characters) she goes on a crusade against the Reiji, beats and rape an innocent girl and basically destroy the peaceful life he finally managed to attain.

Do people hate her? No, she is probably the most liked character in Phantom.

>> No.5174615

What ? Not at all, Sakura was just the vessel, the Shadow was Avenger's will to be born, it went throught Sakura because she was linked to him/it via the command spell.

>> No.5174624

>Fate unlimited code psp
>Fucked with my char and nearly killed it, sheesh that was a close one.

>> No.5174630

Kohaku lost any plausible reason for what she was doing as soon as she involved Shiki, who not only wasn't fucking blood related to the family, but was a victim as well.

>> No.5174633

Well personally I hated Mio so that didn't bother me, and I felt bad enough for what Cal went through that I could forgive her.

>> No.5174635

Yes, but the immediate solution was still to kill Sakura. He would have saved a hundred people if he just offed her, but he couldn't bring himself to do it.

By saving Sakura, he still saved many people and prevented a disaster, but he didn't hold the ideal that Kiritsugu passed to him.

Again, that's not a bad thing, he still became a hero.

>> No.5174639

This proves one thing:

If you're badass and awesome enough, you can be forgiven for pretty much everything you do, even if you don't ever stop doing it.

>> No.5174648
File: 48 KB, 500x367, 7d2e07ceebab5a7a1b805e3e1b5c79d28d61e150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, and this is the main point of contention on Heroines like Sakura. Some people are unbelievable retards who don't understand the concepts of forgiveness or the difference between action and intention, but it's still not easy to make an "evil" heroine likable and redemptive. The author has to work really hard to succeed at this. I think Nasu did a better job with Kohaku than with Sakura.

When people overuse the word "forced" to describe their relationship, what they really mean is that their relationship doesn't have the sort of development and support necessary for the audiance to believe in their relationship, so it looks as if they were "forced" together rather than naturally coming together.
I personally liked Sakura a lot, but my problem is that evil Sakura comes off as a bit too whiny rather than badass, especially at crucial moments. Kohaku is an insane manipulator who is acting on total autopilot like a soulless doll. Her revenge is executed out of some sort of attempt to reclaim her humanity, which is why ultimately her attempt to destroy the family is so half-hearted. I would have liked a bit more of that with Sakura. I really love the bad end where she tortures Rin--I would like more of that seething jealousy to come to the surface, she'd seem more sincere rather than cowardly. Although that's evil, it's somehow more admirable.

>> No.5174652

That part was the whole point of HF, showing that Shirou was again able to give life an objective value beside simple math, to him Sakura was worth all those people deaths.

>> No.5174677

FSN really impressed me with what one can do with visual novels as a medium because of how Shirou confronts his ideal different in every scenario. I think that was one of the greatest strengths of the whole work.

>> No.5174684

OP here, I approve this hijack.


The problem is that to many of the anons here that makes him "just another VN protagonist."

Admittedly there's nothing wrong with that. Just some people don't prefer it.

>> No.5174701

I just realized that there isn't much good female antagonist in the translated VNs available.
I could post some more but it would be full of spoilers for VNs that aren't translated yet.

>> No.5174703


The anime didn't help, he seemed kind of flat from what I was watching. I enjoyed all three routes pretty much equally, but I didn't really like anime Shirou at all.

He has more depth than most VN protags I know.

>> No.5174704

>Sakura was worth all those people deaths

hes no hero then

>> No.5174715

Yep he's not, he's Shirou.

>> No.5174716

Shirou is probably FSN's greatest strength, in term of pure characterization everyone else in it pales compared to him.
Though it was far too heavy handed at times, see the countless you saw that fucking flashback.

>> No.5174717

Good sir you are mistaken. Shirou never once thought, "I don't care if a hundred people die."

He did care, and that's why he was so torn.

He ended up tipping towards the Sakura end, but that's what humans do.

>> No.5174726

I should play it again and count how many he has, just for shits and giggles.

>> No.5174732
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>> No.5174740

Sluts are the best, she is okay.

>> No.5174741


>> No.5174747

>I like being cuckolded

>> No.5174748

Fate itself didn't make me BAW.

The Realta Nua ending is what choked me up.

I don't care what people say about it being a "shitty fanfic ending"

It made me way too happy to care.

>> No.5174754

Probably why the girls seem so shallow. Every fucking one.

>> No.5174759

He's a hero to Sakura. Which was the choice he made.

>> No.5174766

nope just sakura

>> No.5174769

Shitty fanfic ending.

>> No.5174770

I didn't find them shallow, granted they weren't as OMGDEEP as Shirou, but that's expected, he is the main character after all, the story is about him.

>> No.5174774

Well yeah, Nasu basically spent most of his time on Shirou and failed to really build the other characters that well.

>> No.5174777

Stop fooling yourself.

>> No.5174784

hero=accessory to murder?

>> No.5174791

being cuckolded or not doesnt depend on slutiness of a girl
also men cheating on women is much more common, so it doesnt even matter

>> No.5174792

You mean Merlin doing hacks to the throne ?

>> No.5174794

Sometimes it does.

Morality can get pretty gray like that.

>> No.5174795

Not murdering the murderer makes you an accessory now?

>> No.5174800

not hard

>> No.5174803

You kidding? Merlin hacked her entire life, he knew she'd end up with Shirou.

That fucker knew.

I bet he was a good chess player.

>> No.5174809

letting her live in your house does

>> No.5174814
File: 37 KB, 400x443, 4f60c1eb8df2756161f59e9225df7e88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You REALLY don't like Sakura, do you?

>> No.5174823

If you know the criminal, you should stop him.

>> No.5174825

Realta Nua ain't the real ending, faggots. You got it in the original. Shirou never met Saber ever again. He became a Counter Guardian shunning all women ever again in search of the King.

>> No.5174826

Not turning the murderer into the authorities and harboring a murderer does make you an accessory. Also, your punishment could be the same as the punishment meted out to the murderer, as accessory to a criminal is implicit conspiracy to the crime.

Say, you provide the gun to a person, knowing they might use it. That's accessory to murder, which can carry the same sentence as murder.

>> No.5174835

Again, don't care.

>> No.5174839

Sakura had the same problem as Rin, but amplified manyfold: the writer just decided that the protagonist loves her unconditionally and irrationally without giving a good reason for it. With Rin, it was hard to understand why Shirou wouldn't insult her back. With Sakura, it was hard to understand why Shirou wouldn't murder her back.

Furthermore, Sakura's route replaced Shirou's one likable trait, his boy scout do-goodery, with juvenile nihilism that got old back when I was in grade school, and implies that is the most enlightened path available because apparently not being a selfish shitfuck is somehow weak.

>> No.5174848

It never implied that was the best path.

Just because it was the final path doesn't mean it was the best. None of them are the best.

It was simply what would happen to that particular Shirou going down that path.

All three are stories, none is better or worse than the other.

>> No.5174852

Rin wasn't that mean to Shirou at all. Why do people think this?

>> No.5174856
File: 21 KB, 250x250, Sex_Toys_PD335412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what I don't get about sakura is if the penisworms were making her horny why didn't she just get a vibrator? you would expect at least one masturbation scene right? but all we get is fucking mollusks and vomiting. fucking nasu.

>> No.5174861

>Furthermore, Sakura's route replaced Shirou's one likable trait, his boy scout do-goodery, with juvenile nihilism that got old back when I was in grade school, and implies that is the most enlightened path available because apparently not being a selfish shitfuck is somehow weak.

What the fuck am i reading. I think you installed the wrong VN.

>> No.5174862


>> No.5174865


Rin was never truly mean to Shirou, and he realized early on that's how she acted towards people she liked, he's not that dense with human emotion.

Even with Shinji, he knew Shinji was a monster, he just couldn't bring himself to fully believe it because they used to hang out.

>> No.5174871

>what I don't get about sakura is if the penisworms were making her horny why didn't she just get a vibrator?

does the word slut make any sense to to you

>> No.5174888

>you would expect at least one masturbation scene right?

Pretty sure there was one, but it was far from explicit.

>> No.5174891

Goddamnit are you stupid or what ?
Sakura IS NOT the Shadow, and when she snapped she killed only two people, Zouten and Shinji which deserved it.

>> No.5174903

Shinji is the victim here, the slut used her lewd charms on him. Fucking Sakurafags always barking at the wrong tree, poor Shinji.

>> No.5174912

sluts like masturbation too right? I don't understand why h games never have such a common slut behavior.

>> No.5174920

Hi there Mr. Catholic, how are you doing today?

>> No.5174931
File: 84 KB, 810x648, emo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, he's such a poor fellow. Nothing ever goes like he wants it to. And then Sakura goes and turns even his bro Shirou against him, that wicked wench! Truly the most tragic character.

>> No.5174948

This is such a coincidence. I was just going to make a thread stating that I couldn't give one shit about Sakura and her disgusting unclean worm infested body. Also she's a little bitch that should have just killed that perverted old guy the moment she had a chance.

>> No.5174956
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And so the thread degenerates, it lasted longer than I thought it would.

Thank you for the discussion, I'll be taking my leave now.

>> No.5175012

I wasn't even trolling. Seriously, I just didn't give a crap about her character. There was no emotional connection at all. Half the time I wish I could just strange the shit out of her. She's the most willing victim ever.

>> No.5175051

HF=future NTR

>> No.5175063


this is the face of autism

>> No.5175098

> Berserker
> pillowfight

>> No.5175360


Since when is Hollow Ataraxia translated?

>> No.5175366

QUALITY translation.

>> No.5175375

Hollow Ataraxia is 1/3rd translated and is pre-released.

>> No.5175383
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Sakura is my favorite, though it's practically a tie between her and Rin. I'm a sucker for broken goods.

>> No.5175408


Penis worms weren't just making her horny, they hungered for magic. Think of it like having an engine running inside of you twenty-four seven, and the only fuel is semen, and if you ever run out you face excruciating pain and nausea.

>> No.5175607

so how come shinji could satisfy the worms? I thought he didn't have a magic dick like shirou.

>> No.5176389


sounds like my step-sister

>> No.5176415

He couldn't, he was just using her for sex.

>> No.5178616

To be honest, she probably wanted it since she would be hurting so much from the lack of sex, right?

>> No.5178643

More evidence that Shinji is a caring brother.
